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In the interests of brevity, we talk only about folds and postfactors.

There’s a dual
story about prefactors, but the most useful connection with unfolds isn’t quite
one of duality (because dualising ‘partial function’ isn’t very helpful). We leave the
details for the curious reader to explore for themselves (Gibbons, 2016).

Pertanian adalah ujung tombak peradaban (Dwi, 2017)

Dwi, E. (2017). Analisis Nilai Tukar Petani Padi Sawah Pasca Perubahan Upah
Minimum Regional ( Kasus : NagoriBah Jambi III , Kecamatan Tanah Jawa ,
KabupatenSimalungun ).
Gibbons, J. (2016). Kernels, in a nutshell. Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods
in Programming, 85(5), 921–930.

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