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Basics of Operating System

(1). What is Operating System and its importance?

Ans: Operating System:-
Operating System is a System
Software means it is a Software which is in your system.

❖ OS works as an interface between user and hardware.

❖ OS providing interaction between user and hardware.

➢ There are a many Operating system:

▪ Windows
▪ Linux
▪ Android
▪ Ubuntu…. Etc.

If we will take Example of our Laptop. What
hardware basically is CPU. Which we call brain of the System.
Then input, output devices which includes: keyboard, mouse,
printer, scanner and then RAM that we call the Main memory
and Secondary memory that is Hard disk.
So, when we access a lot of these hardware. When I am
accessing my system, then I am just accessing these devices.
But am I directly accessing these devices?
No, I am accessing through Operating System. OS is working
as an interface here.

➢ Need Of Operating System:

If there will be no Operating System then what will be

the Scenario.
So, the scenario will be that if user wants to access a
particular hardware, he must write a program for it. And
through that program he will always access that device.
Means he always must write a program to access those
He must write different programs for different devices
again and again.

I Have to give a print command simply I
have a word file. That needs to be printed then I cannot
print it directly.
First, I must write a program for it. So that printer will
know it that it has to print.
• Advantage of Operating System :-

• Operating System provides a GUI (graphical user

interface) for the users in the form of menu,
icons, and buttons.
• Operating System also allow us to sharing the
resources with other users.
• It helps user to understand the functions of a
• It is very easy to use and it can be easily updated.
• Various OS are accessible in open source.
For Example: Linux/Unix. Working System can be
run efficiently on pc framework with no
• OS can be refreshed time by time with no
• OS also provides data protections: on the
computer, there is a lot of user’s data that can
only be accessed with the help of an OS.
• Apart from Storing and accessing the data, an OS
other important role is to handle data Safely and
• There are various applications and Software are
present, they require regular update to fix bugs
and launching new features. In the Same way OS,
issues updates at regular to fix bugs and
introduce new features.
Disadvantage of Operating System:

• If the OS is Corrupted than it will affect entire

System and the Computer System will not work.
• With the crash OS, no functions, task, and
commands will be executed, and there is a high
chance of your data being completely lost.
• Failure in the OS makes it incapable of
performing any task, bringing the computer
System to a rest position.

Computer System Component:

There are some component of computer Systems

1. Input Devices:
Input devices help user to enter the
commands and data. That are attached to the computer,
these devices take input and convert it into binary
language that the computer understands.

Some of the common input devices are:

Keyboard, mouse, Scanner etc.
2. Output Devices:
Output devices are hardware
components of a Computer System that are used to
show or send data from the pc to the user or any
other devices.

Some of the output devices are: Speakers,

Projectors, printers, and monitors.
3. CPU:
Central processing unit is the main unit of a
computer and it is called the microprocessor of the
system. It controls all the internal and external devices
of a computer and perform Arithmetic and logical

4. Hardware:
Provides basic computing resources like CPU,
memory, I/O devices.

5. Operating System:
Controls and coordinates the use of
hardware among the various application programs for
the various users.

6. Application Program:
Define the ways in which the
system resources are used to solve the computing
problems of the users.

7. Users: (people, machine, other computers).

Goals of Operating System:
• To make the Computer System convenient to use.
• To make the use of Computer hardware in efficient
• OS hides the complexity of Software.
• OS Supports multiple execution modes.
• OS monitors the executions of user programs to
prevent errors.
• OS Provides valuable services to user programs.
• OS Provides resources for user’s programs.
• Maximum CPU Utilization:
Operating System want to
make sure that the CPU is always busy doing
something. The CPU is the main resource in a
computer, and if it is not being used to its full
potential, the computer will be slow and inefficient.
So, OS use scheduling algorithms to ensure that the
CPU is always busy executing tasks and is never left
• Higher Priority Job Execution:
Some tasks are more
important than others, and these tasks must get
completed quickly. OS use Scheduling algorithms to
prioritize critical tasks over non-critical tasks get
executed first and that the system operates reliably.
Types Of Operating System

1. Batch Operating System:

This type of Operating System
does not interact with the computer directly.
There is an operator which takes similar jobs having
same requirement and group in to the batches.
Example: Payroll System, Bank Statements etc.

• Multiple users can share the batch systems.
• The idle time for the batch system is very less.
• It is easy to manage large work repeatedly in batch

• Once the job is submitted, the user did not have
any interaction with it.
• It proves to be costly sometimes.
• If any job fails, then it is difficult to predict the
2. Time Sharing Operating System:
The time-sharing
Operating System works with time sharing concept.
Here, the CPU will provide a same time to each process
to complete its task as soon as possible weather it is a
long process or short process.

• If the process of a task is completed
then the time between the other tasks
• Each task is given equal importance.
• The CPU idle time can be decreased.
• Sometimes in this Operating
System there may be a problem
of data communication.
• Problem of reliability.
Example: Multics, Unix etc.

3. Distributed Operating System:

When many computers
are interconnected to each other through a network for
the purpose of sharing their task then it is called
distributed operating System.

Example: Solaris, Locus Operating System.

• If a node is overused, the distributed
operating system shares that load to another
node of the network.
• All systems are entirely independent of each
• The resources are shared and hence the
computation is very fast and speedy.
• If the main network is failed, this will stop
the complete communication.
• They are very expensive.

4. Network Operating System:

Network Operating System
have a server that connects many other client
So, we can easily share our files, resources, and many
more from the server machine to all the machine which
are connected through a server.

Example: MS Window Server 2003, Netware etc.

• Network Operating System
provides a security and we
need to upgrade only server
• Server access is possible
remotely from various locations
and different types of System.
• New technologies and
hardware up-gradation can be
easily integrated.
• The Servers are highly stable
and centralized.
• If the Server machine is
Crashed then automatically
the entire network will be
• Regular Maintenance and
updates required.
• Costly Server.

5. Real Time Operating System:

Real Time Operating
System is Very Useful where we required a quick
It is use when there are very Strict time needs like
Missile System, robots etc.
Example: Medical Imaging System, industrial control etc.

Types OF Real Time Operating System

1. Hard Real Time:

In Hard RTOS (Real Time Operating
System) all critical tasks must be completed within the
specified time duration.
Hard RTOS is a system whose operations is incorrect if
result is not produced according to the timing

2. Firm Real Time:

These systems have deadlines that must
be met most of the time, but occasional missed
deadlines may be tolerated.

3. Soft Real Time:

A Soft Real Time Operating System is
used where few delay in time duration are acceptable.
If the given task is taking a few seconds more than the
specified time then also no critical damage takes places.

• Maximum Utilization of devices and
• Less time required in task shifting
• More Focus on Running Applications.
• Can also be used in embedded Systems
like in Transport and others.
• Few Tasks runs at same time.
• Heavy Systems Resources Usage.
• Algorithms used are complex.
• Specific device drivers and
interrupts signals are needed.
6. Multiprogramming Operating System:
In a
multiprogramming System there are one or more
programs loaded in main memory which are ready to
Only one program at a time is to get the CPU for
executing the instructions, while all the others are
waiting for their turn.

• Multiprogramming Increase is the
throughout of the System.
• It helps in reducing the response time.
• The most efficient memory
management is required.
• It is quite complex.
7. Multiprocessing Operating System:
In Operating System
to improve the performance of more than one CPU can
be used within one computer System called
multiprocessor operating System.
Multiple CPU are interconnected so that a job can be
divided among them for faster execution. When a job
finishes, results from all CPU are collected and compiled
to give the final output.

Example: Unix Operating System

Types of Multiprocessing Operating System

1. Symmetrical Multiprocessing OS:
In these types of
System, each processor contains a similar copy of the
Operating System. And they all communicate with each

2. Asymmetric Multiprocessing OS:

In this system one
processor acts as a master whereas remaining all
processor act as a slave. Slave processor is assigned
with ready to execute processor by the master

• Due to the multiprocessing system,
processing task can be distributed
among several processors.
• As Several processor increases, more
work can be done in less time.
• It is more complex.

8. Multitasking OS:
Multitasking OS is a logical extension of
Multi programming OS that enables multiple programs
It allows a user to perform more than one computer task
at a same time.

Types Of Multitasking OS

1. Pre-emptive Multitasking OS:

The Operating System
allow stopping the execution of the currently running
process and allocating the CPU to some other process.
2. Non-Pre-emptive Multitasking OS:
This system is also
known as cooperative multitasking. The main purpose
of this system is to run the present task while
releasing the CPU to allow another process to run.

• This system is capable for executing
multiple application simultaneously.
• Each process is assigning specific
length of time.
• The multiple processors are busier at the
same time to complete any task in a
multitasking environment, so the CPU
generates more heat.

9. Time Sharing OS:

In the time-sharing OS, computer
resources are allocated in a time dependent fashion to
several programs simultaneously. It helps to provide
many users’ direct access to the main computer.
• It provides effective utilization and sharing
of resources.
• This system reduces CPU Response time.
• Problem of data communication.

10. Embedded OS:

All embedded systems are task
specific. They mostly do a particular task on
loop/repeatedly for their entire lifetime. These systems
are designed to execute their task within a particular
time interval.
• Portable
• Much faster than other operating
• Less hardware requirement
• Highly predictable

• Less optimization
• High modification is required
• Customization is time taking process.

Characteristics Of Operating System

• Back up and Recovery:

Operating systems provides
backup and recovery mechanisms to protect data in the
event of system failure or data loss.
• Networking:
Operating System provide networking
capabilities, allowing the computer system to connect to
other systems and devices over a network.
• Debugging:
Operating System provide debugging tools
that allow developers to identify and fix software bugs
and other issues in the system.
• Concurrency:
An OS should be able to handle multiple
tasks or processes at the same time. Allowing users to
multitask and improve system efficiency.
• Security:
An operating system provides security features
like protection against unauthorized access, file
encryption of sensitive data, and antivirus Software.
It also provides features like backup and recovery to
ensure data availability in case of data loss or system

Services Of Operating System

1. Program Execution:
It is the OS that manages how a
program is going to be executed. It loads the program
into the memory after which it is executed. The OS is
responsible for the smooth execution of both user
and system programs. the OS utilizes various
resources available for the efficient running of all
types of functionalities.

2. Input output Operations:

Programs need I/O (files or
I/O devices) for their execution, so it is the job of the
OS to provide I/O facilities to the running programs.

3. User Interface:
OS provides a user interface. The user
interface may be command line user interface or
graphical user interface.

4. Communication between processes:

The OS manages
the communication between processes.
Communication between processes includes data
transfer among them. If the processes are not on the
same computer but connected through a computer
network, then also their communication is managed
by the OS itself.

5. File Management:
The Operating System helps in
managing files also. If a program needs access to a
file, it is the OS that give access. These permissions
include read-only, read-write, etc. it also provides a
platform for the user to create, and delete files.

6. Memory Management:
Operating System first check
whether the upcoming program fulfil all requirement
to get memory space or not, if all things good, it
checks how much memory space will be sufficient for
program and then load the program into memory at
certain location.

7. Process Management:
An important function of an
Operating System, ensuring that multiple programs
can run smoothly and efficiently.
Managing resources and handling communication
between processes.

8. Security:
OS keep our computer safe from an
unauthorized user by adding security layer to it.
Basically, Security is nothing but just a layer of
protection which protect computer from bad guys like
OS provides firewall and antivirus software and ensure
good safety of computer and personal information.
9. Privacy:
OS give us facility to keep our essential
information hidden like having a lock on our door,
where only you can enter and other are not allowed.
Basically, it respects our secrets and provide us facility
to keep it safe.

10. Resource Management:

System resources are
shared between various processes. It is the OS that
manages resource sharing. It also manages the CPU
time among processes using CPU Scheduling
Algorithms. The OS also ensures the proper use of all
the resources available by deciding which resource to
be used by whom.

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