Ch -17 Geographical Indication

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fopgstaphical indications of goods Hepes toc V ° 1 to A_place situated a. the Catgio of | that _padel uct | 3 To exclude Unauthasiiz~@d pousons fepn Mists ing— Promote Consumers from dec "To t ib + alteartty feet eptlon _paomote Indian goods ip _export maskef el fell Ay ye feal _Indicatinn-= Ap indication a Te ofginates #som_a_clefinite 9 eographical texriory to identity age tural, natusal cind iP _ pont ed OF prend ilk Kullu_shawl Madbubani fainting. ct Ww fo. nam ae . > : The ndme af _geeds which altherigh Stelates to the place. fe ae Produced on manigcictusied hes lost HR origipo| meaning and has hecame the Campos Namie of Such pods), Betabi bition an. fegittaatian, oe ea Seca The se. of Which uduld he Likely to clecefve pr | Cause confusion llould be contyany to any law , fs (against the lu), Contains scanclalous asi obscene matte Contains apy cmnatter; Likely to hut the reli aye a a a Dicentitleal too pamtectian in a omuvrh etes1n ined tp be—genessia names aan et seco tat actos 8S Be cal fucsocaice “isin Gas Seen of goods. én an aes Hina Go.clphabeticats index of Classi - 2. Application for Regisbiation Csection- 41) Sati 0" 3S ton of person eee Who cn ale (21 of 21 gistextng a (1 T the mannes, specifier. A Single application may be a staternent ac how SNOB Gt! S 8 _|4he Concevned> tesuctiony Aogistuvatinn (Sectfon -16) wine On stegfss A is fssue a cows'pica te so h eer ee af the dea n the applicant gna aiitha+cfsect crest Te svegis tiation fs not months giie to the default of applicant res Fi A ; -Cant and teat the applicatron as wn pint eile anlar abandoned. | Briocess of Sop isisdiomeaiswanée Sal |g Filing OF applicattan = 1 | Application oust be fp iphicate 3 cap/es) 2 || sfane lt ere Aetatls of special ieonaateed tex 4 b ow those sttindavols ate maintained 413 copies a the map. ay ins x - | un ’Sheal. | show cause notice & feate. such _obyection Applicant must srespond within 2 manths ox apply 40H a heaxing. beciston will be ality communicated, if applica ypet he teary within 4 month Reoistcay is clin empamwered to withdias ap pplication. —Cécepted tn_enstan—apter OOBH 4 Ve ye LA \ I 2, °. i. ¥* m2 ¥ | Oppasition to hegistuatfone | a alin ata at] Lstovrele egal protectio ter economia paosperety AA pos Seotien = 20 Nid pexson an institus any proceeding to prevent ou serave damages fox the ingrihgement of unregistexea : (Sec: 22 N Reafstexed 4 ¥ classmate. Date Page. WE: leaols publ fc 16g osiding origin of 9000 AM compen ton- O ( pele a Anything “thet cr0eokes canfusio} tors esfablis hment goods gst (nai pak or commericlat activities E ing teadest alswsedlit competitors qdads Or (hdustial or _ COMMON Atthvities. bLA\ \\\ ee) a = Section - 24 prohibits as if BLCLOAMUSSI ON) — Obbences Penalties, & PRs0c0odune “ Section 13% M Por3on Sheil Meng ab ore ora A Joods (oho= — 4 | Apply GT + goods themsetues -¥ 2 | Appi’ ait te Cony pacerkge OF goods 3 | Placing , enclosing annexing GIT to ans 7 goods 4 lus es GT whith u Sek to believe +h acd, ane in Conpe Hon coith Anat OL Uses eau Gt in any dduentisement NVO ice C loewsin i pat 6 AOCm ine maGoMnmMectomudacimenG ns Ahasea 5 = Ealsely Applying Gt A. pestson shdl_be deemed to falseley apply | GT mh without the assent OF Guihoricel tex of Tt. peu CM Eszesvente nalttdeiaed se op a Beglscned a Ecoutdes Legat eee to el oll ot Ok a

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