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Machine Learning Algorithm-Based Tool and Digital

Framework for Substituting Daylight Simulations in Early-

Stage Architectural Design Evaluation
Kacper Radziszewski, Marta Waczyńska
Gdańsk University of Technology
Gdańsk, Poland,

volume metrics, the orientation to cardinal directions and

the function distribution in the building. From the early
The aim of this paper is to examine the new method of beginning of forming a place for living, the history of
obtaining the simulation-based results using architecture has been strictly connected with the
backpropagation of errors artificial neural networks. The development of daylighting. The daylight defines a spatial
primary motivation to conduct the research was to form which controls (the air flow, heating, humidity,
determine an alternative, more efficient and less time- temperature), strongly visible particularly in the
consuming method which would serve to achieve the results architecture of ancient, gothic and baroque buildings [1].
of daylight simulations. Three daylight metrics: Daylight
Factor, Daylight Autonomy and Daylight Glare Probability The sufficient daylight strategies were essential before the
have been used to verify the reliability of applying the latter daylight was supplemented by artificial light in 19th century
into an early stage architectural design process. [2]. Moreover, the daylighting was also a thesis for
theoretical investigation as Le Corbusier underlay the
The framework was based on the computationally significance of the topic as one of three key regulations
generated data sets build on various office models variants during projects development. Nowadays, apart from basic,
followed by daylight simulations. In order to predict the visual and aesthetic factors, daylight plays an important role
simulations values based on the given office parameters in minimizing building energy consumption. The most
with artificial neural networks algorithm, a specific tool advanced research regarding thermal comfort and
was designed as an alternative to computer simulations. The microclimate shows its impact on working conditions in
designed tool and simulations results were compared buildings, in compliance to sustainable architecture design
against computing time and values differences. The above principles. The latest findings in physiology field also
findings of the research proof the reliability of the new investigate a positive long-term effect of the daylight on
methods as a tool during an early-stage architectural design individual well-being due to the fact that they prevent
process likewise conventional daylight simulations. acquired human health disorders like myopia or controlling
the circadian rhythm by daylight-based molecular
Author Keywords
mechanism [3].

Daylight simulation; machine learning; artificial neural The importance of applying efficient daylighting practice in
network buildings, signify a growing interest in using computational
daylight simulations which become the most accessible way
ACM Classification Keywords to evaluate lighting conditions in the interior. Nevertheless,
1.6.1 SIMULATION AND MODELING; 1.2.6 the authors consider this method as time-consuming and
APPLICATIONS The primary motivation to conduct the research was to
1 INTRODUCTION reduce the time of computing calculation processes and
Lightning conditions are one the most important factors in proper 3D model preparation by applying more time-
the process of utilizing office spaces. The primary daylight efficient algorithms. The following research investigates the
measurements and strategies play a fundamental role in the idea of replacing the simulation engine with machine
early decision-making stage of design process, e.g. the learning algorithm.

SimAUD 2018 June 05-07 Delft, the Netherlands

© 2018 Society for Modeling & Simulation International (SCS)
2 LITERATURE REVIEW second type of machine learning approach is unsupervised
2.1 Simulations learning, in which the data set is composed solely of a given
Several methods of evaluation daylight in buildings have inputs, and the goal of the algorithm is to find patterns in
been established, i.e. physical models, photography, on site the data set [13].
measurements, rules of thumb, regulations, guidelines or
computational simulations. In the recent years there has The most commonly used type of machine learning
been a considerably, growing interest in computational algorithm is artificial neural network. It is a biologically
daylight simulations as the most accessible way to obtain inspired computational model which consists of processing
comprehensive and valid information about buildings elements and connections between them with weights
daylight conditions. The direct motive for using daylight bound to the connections, which form the “memory” of the
simulation methods is to simplify the design process and system by a process of learning [14]. Neural networks
validate it during its early stage. Not only to the mimic the human brain architecture of neurons and
computational tools accelerate the daylight calculations, but connections between them in a form of synapses.
also they appear to be the only reliable simulation method. The first neuron mathematical model was proposed in 1943
Furthermore, complexity of the geometry of the space by McCulloch and Pitts as a binary device with binary
makes them difficult to calculate illuminance manually [4]. inputs and outputs [15]. The first developed version of
After having considerate the daylight requirements and the Artificial Neural Network was proposed by the
building specifications, from the very first phase we are psychologist Frank Rosenblatt in 1958 called perceptron
able to ensure orientation, massing, space planning, sizing [16]. Later in 1975 Werbos introduced back propagation of
and shaping of apertures in the building to provide error artificial neural networks algorithm, accelerating the
acceptable luminous environment in interiors, attaching training of multi-layer networks [17]. Since this day,
weight to sunlight (illuminance from the direct sun) and backpropagation of error artificial neural networks has
daylight (illuminance from the dome) factors [5]. The found an application in various disciplines: Pattern
acknowledge and implementation of simulation-based recognition, Handwriting recognition, Speech recognition,
daylighting tools might become a powerful tool in Artificial Creativity, Computer vision, Virtual reality and
developing a comprehensive strategy for the building. Image processing, Automated Car Steering etc. [18].
One of the major drawbacks to exploiting this method is the 2 METHODOLOGY
fact that the process is complex and time-consuming. DIVA The method was fully based on the computationally
performs simulations on 3D models, by operating on the generated data sets, which consist of various office models
physically-based simulation system DAYSIM using variants followed by daylight simulations. The generated
Radiance [6]. This system uses light-backwards ray-tracing data set composed of office spaces geometrical parameters
method, to obtain simulation results [7], which commonly and corresponding simulations results were utilized as
requires long computation times [8]. supervised learning algorithm training data. Based on
trained artificial neural network, as an alternative to
The purpose of the article is to examine the methods to
simulations, tool was designed. The goal was to collate
expedite simulation calculation time by replacing
result obtained with simulations and machine learning
simulations systems implemented in DIVA with machine
algorithm in order to juxtapose differences in computing
learning algorithms. The recent review in literature on this
time and results values (figure 1.).
topic examines predicting illuminance in office buildings
[9], solar radiation [10] and energy management [11] using
artificial neural network.
2.2 Machine Learning Algorithms
The research investigates the concept of replacing the
simulations with machine learning supervised algorithm-
error backpropagation multilayer artificial neural network
Machine learning algorithm is a set of methods to
automatically detect data patterns in order to predict future
data or to perform decision making under uncertainty.
There are two main machine learning algorithms types:
supervised learning and unsupervised learning. In the
supervised learning approach, the goal is to learn a mapping
from inputs data to the corresponding output data. Based on
the input data, trained system predicts the new values. The

2.3 Daylight Glare Probability
Daylight Glare Probability (DGP) is occurring when
observer is faced with a very high luminance in the visual
field. The parameter is investigating the probability of
appearing visual discomfort working conditions,
simultaneously supporting designing comfort offices [22].
The analysis has been performed under climate-based
various sky conditions for over a year time during
scheduled occupancy time between 8 p.m. and 6 a.m. Due
to the diversity of the workplace distribution in the office
spaces, the location of the measurement point has been set
in the center of each generated office room.
The research objective was to predict the mean DF, mean
DA and DGP values with a data set consisting of
geometrical dimensions of the given office space without a
need of simulation. In order to develop a fast computing
tool, the time-consuming simulations have been replaced by
machine learning algorithm. The backpropagation of errors
artificial neural networks was selected as an algorithm to
conduct the research on. This process requires both input
and output training set data in order new values based on
the given examples.
3.1 Data Collection
The research explores the idea of training the machine
learning algorithm with simulations results, without a need
of collecting a large set of on-site daylight measurements.
Figure 1. Diagram of a main process The simulations have been conducted in DIVA.
To validate the method, three primary daylight parameters Input data
dealing with daylight availability and visual comfort (Mean A set of 2763 random office spaces has been generated, as
Daylight Factor, Daylight Autonomy and Daylight Glare an algorithm input data. Each of the evaluated offices has
Probability) have been taken into consideration. This been modelled based on the seven normal distributed
metrics were established by authors as the most compelling random parameters (figure 2.) used as an artificial neural
in order to predict a primary overlook of conditions in the network input vectors divided into the 4 basic groups. Due
office buildings. to the parameters required for specific simulations types,
DF and DA does not count the simulation time, presented in
2.1 Mean Daylight Factor the 4th group :
Daylight Factor (DF) is strictly the ratio of internal to
external illuminance determined under a sky luminance 1. Office space dimensions (simulation types: DA,
distribution. That conforms to the CIE Standard overcast DF, DGP):
sky pattern [19]. Accordingly to the definition DF  Length [range of: 3.0 to 10.0m]
calculations were conducted under CIE overcast sky
 Width [range of: 3.0 to 10.0m]
condition. The selected sky pattern is not analyzing direct
sunlight entering the office space [20].  Height [range of: 3.0 to 4.0m]
2. Window parameters (simulation types: DA, DF,
2.2 Daylight Autonomy
Daylight Autonomy (DA) is a daylight availability metric
which uses work plane illuminance as an indicator of  ratio of window and the corresponding wall areas
whether there is sufficient daylight in a space so that an [0.0 to 1.0]
occupant can work by daylight alone [21]. The study has  Window horizontal location [0 to 1(as a ratio of
been conducted under climate-based various sky conditions wall length)]
that occurs in the selected location. The calculations have
 Window vertical location [0 to 1(as a ratio of wall
been collected over a year period for hourly values of the
solar radiation and the meteorological elements. height)]
3. Orientation (simulation types: DA, DF, DGP):

 Cardinal direction [0 to 2pi] represented as percentage. DA is represented as a
4. Time and Date (simulation types: DGP): percentage of annual daytime hours that a given point in a
 Occupancy time: [8am to 18pm] space is above a specified illumination level set for 300 lux,
recommended by the European Daylight Standard (prEN
 Date: [1 to 365] 17037) and represented as the area percentage. DGP shows
Apart from the provided nine input parameters, which took the probability of people being affected by discomfort
part both in training the artificial neural network and glare, represented as the percentage value [23]. The
simulations, four fixed parameters, which are required by a possible range for each of the simulated daylight metrics
simulation engine have been selected: was set from 0 to 100.
 Localization: Denver, U.S.A., 39°45′43″N The Data Set resulted in the following values:
 DA [range of 0 to 100%, average of 15.83%]
 Office furniture layout, evenly distributed over the
 DF [range of 0.001 to 17.51%, average of 0.73%]
area, with a density of one workstation per 5m2
 DGP [range of 0 to 41.1%, average of 16.17%]
 Optical material properties: selected and set as
typical values for office building available by
default in daylighting and energy modeling plug-
in DIVA 4: (GenericInteriorWall_50,
GenericCeiling_70, GenericFloor_20,
OutsideGround_20, OutsideFacade_35,
250cdm2_screen, GenericFurniture_50)
The foregoing fixed parameters of location, office furniture
materials and layout have been selected by the authors. That
makes the tool less universal, but on the other hand easier to
evaluate its accuracy. Due to the simplification of the
discussed problem simplification, provided samples have
only window opening possible on a single wall.
Additionally, physical dimensions for a random office Figure 3. Comparision of simulation results domains and average
space are set within the provided range, which enables a vaules.
prediction of rooms outside the range.
3.2 Machine Learning Algorithm Selection and
Model Training
During the research a supervised learning method was
applied according to the problem structure. In the respond
to the collected data structure and problem type, the
following research is based on the back propagation of error
artificial neural networks algorithm.
Selected artificial neural network algorithm requires setting
its parameter in order to minimize the predictions error.
Several network parameters were set by the trial and error
method: number of hidden layers and corresponding
neurons count per layer, neurons activation function,
Figure 2. Averaged random input data set normal distribution. learning rate and number of learning cycles. Input and
output data were beforehand remapped into the number
Output data
range from 0 to 1.0 and divided into the two parts: 2963
In order to train the artificial neural networks a data set of training sets and 200 testing sets. For each of the simulation
simulations’ results (daylight metrics) have been collected types (DA, DF, DGP) separate artificial neural network has
(Figure 3.), creating the output data set. The paper examines been trained, minimizing calculated Mean Square Error
a possibility of predicting the simulations results for three [24] to 0.004 (DA), 0.002 (DF), 0.008 (DPG). Each of the
daylight metrics: DF, DA, DGP. Each of the simulated trained artificial neural networks separate architecture has
daylight parameters values have been collected for all been set. DA network consisted of 7 input parameters,
generated office spaces, creating a data for supervised previously shown in point 3.1, 2 hidden layers with sigmoid
artificial neural network training. DF simulation calculates activation functions of 5 and 6 neurons per hidden layer.
the ratio between internal and external illuminance DF artificial neural network architecture has been

Figure 4. Plot chart comparison of simulation and tool results (DF, DA, DGP).

composed of 7 input parameters, 2 hidden layers of 3 and 5 4 RESULTS

neurons per layer with tanH activation function. Due to the Five diverse office layouts with different orientations have
number of input parameters required by DGP calculation been generated for the final detailed comparison of results
being extended to 9 parameters by time and date factors, and computing time differences between simulations and
artificial neural network has been set with 2 hidden layers, machine learning aided predictions, in order to evaluate
of 10 and 8 neurons with tanH activation function. research approach. Predicted by the designed tool values
and simulations results differences for five selected
Successfully trained networks allowed to make calculation examples have been minor (2.82 for DA, 0.15 for DF, 1 for
based on the new input values set and to receive predicted DGP). The authors of the research claim that ehe
simulations results. Previously separated 200 test data sets differences in values are insignificant and admissible to
have been compared with the results predicted by the discount. The obtained comparisons results lead to the
trained network. From three simulation types the conclusion that values predicted by the tool are reliable to
considerable difference occurs while comparing the DGP. utilize and apply into early-stage design processes, likewise
That resulted in the maximum difference of 17% in one of conventional daylight simulation.
the layouts, where the average difference has been found
several times lesser of 2.477 %. DA maximum values During the research both the computing time and
difference of 13.1% should be as well considered as corresponding predictions were compared. Daylight
significant, while its average value equals 1.825 %. The simulations time is based on its calculation quality,
best results have been found in comparison of simulation geometrical complexity, selected algorithm and processing
results and predicted values for DF simulation, where unit capability, whereas artificial neural network prediction
maximum difference was approximate to 0.5% and its is always processed with the same number of inputs and
average value below 0.1%. Even DA and DGP predictions network architecture, resulting in unnoticeable computing
maximum differences were significant, their median time differences while predicting the results. The advantage
differences were smaller than 1.5% being reliable results. of the utilizing machine learning approach is its computing
time difference, which for the given five examples on

Figure 5. Comparison of simulated and predicted values of test data.

Figure 6. Detailed set of chosen office models, comparison of simulation and Artificial Neural Networks results and computation time.
average resulted in simulation/prediction computing time results in a cloud data base, enhancing networks prediction
ratio of 32.16 (DA), 2.88 (DF) and 16.72 (DGP). The accuracy and variants range. Computing time reduction
presented approach results in significant computation time allows the efficient application of evolutionary algorithms
boost and minor predicted values differences. to optimize offices layouts based on the DF. Five diverse
office layouts with different orientations have been
generated. That requires generating a large set of variants
Average during each of the optimizing algorithms iterations and
Average creating a considerably less time- consuming design tool.
Simulation time ratio It is recommended that further research should be expanded
value dif. [%]
[sim./ann] by additional conditions: shading systems, external
geometries, different values of optical materials properties
Daylight etc. In terms of proposal for European Daylight Standard
2.8194 31.16
Autonomy (prEN 17037), further research should also regard the urban
context. This approach has the potential to be applied into
Mean Daylight existing as well as rooms being designed.
0.1514 2.88 The rooms parameters have been all generated and
presented in numbers for using machine learning
Daylight Glare
algorithms, not regarding 3D modelling in any steps. It
1.06 16.72 expands the tool’s usage accessibility for broader audience,
Probability without the necessity of preparing the 3d model.

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