Analytical Paragraph x25(03)

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(21) Gurmeet Kaur is an aspiring candidate for a public-funded engineering college in the
suburbe. She belongs to a nearby village, has minimal technological skills and exposure, has
the required cut-off percentage and is looking for a complete or partial scholarship.

Write a paragraph in about 100-120 words, analysing her SWOT notes to support your stand
on whether she should join/not join the college.

(22) The chart below displays data about the number of digital devices purchased in
Rishunagar across the years 2015-2019. Write a paragraph analyzing the given data.

(23) The following pie-chart shows the expenditure distribution of Mohit's family. Analyse it in
a paragraph of 100-120 words.
(24) Here is an extract of a report from 'The Tribune'. Analyse the report in a paragraph of 100-
120 words.

In repeat of global Covid-19 mortality trends, India is witnessing disproportionate disease

related deaths in the elderly population warranting extra caution in dealing with the older

Health Ministry data analysis of mortality numbers further cements another global trend: a
phenomenal death rate among people with preexisting diseases such as cardiac and renal
conditions, diabetes and hypertension.

"Almost 83 per cent of all deaths have occurred in persons with co-morbid conditions,"
government data suggests.

(25) The following data were released on the eve of Van Mahotsav Day. Interpret the data for
the guidance of policy makers as well as for the awareness of common people in a paragraph
of about 100-120 words.

(26) The following pie-chart shows the results of the health check-up conducted in a school.
Interpret it for the school authorities in a paragraph of about 100-120 words.

(27) The following table shows population characteristics of four states A, B, C and D. Analyse
the data in a paragraph of about 100-120 words.
(28) Read the following excerpt from an online post of a website on educatinal practices.

Kids who appreciate how much effort, time and care goes into growing food will understand
how important farmers are, and why it's important to take care of our Earth. In the world of
today, gardening needs to be given more importance than sports, music and dance in all
schools because it creates environmental stewards and outdoor learning laboratories that
help the child and community for years to come.

Write a paragraph in 100-120 words to analyse the given argument.

You could think about what alternative explanations might weaken the given conclusion and
include rationale /evidence that would strengthen/counter the given argument.

(29) Here is a brief report. Analyse it in a paragraph of 100-120 words.

In an unprecedented preventative measure, nearly half the world's population has been
confined to their homes. Even as governmental and non-governmental agencies battle to save
countless lives across the world, a different battle for survival is raging inside locked down
homes. A week after the announcement of total lockdown, the National Commission for
Women (NCW) announced that complaints of domestic violence received by it had more than
doubled in that period. The complaints were received by the NCW through its online platform,
and can be considered to be a tip of the iceberg....

(30) The bar chart below shows the birth rates of different countries-Sweden, Germany,
England, New Zealand, India and China. Write a brief note explaining the information contained
in this graph.
(31) Given below is a table showing the spread of Covid-19 in countries with highest number
of cases. Analyse the data in a paragraph of about 100-120 words.

(32) The following pie-chart shows different attitude of people towards animals. Write an
analytical paragraph in about 100-120 words on the topics.

(33) The following bar-chart shows vehicles booked for violating traffic rules. Analyse the data
and draw appropriate inferences in a paragraph of about 100-120 words.

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