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Faculty of Education

Mathematics, Science and Technology Education


MARKS : 100 %
DUE DATE : 30 APRIL 2024

ASSIGNMENT: Occupational Health and Safety

Title: Risk Assessment and Mitigation Plan

Objective: The objective of this assignment is for students to demonstrate their

understanding of occupational health and safety principles by conducting a risk
assessment in a workplace setting and developing a comprehensive mitigation plan.

This assignment encourages students to apply theoretical knowledge of occupational

health and safety principles to real-world scenarios, fostering critical thinking,
problem-solving, and communication skills.


• In a group of five, choose a workplace environment (e.g., office, manufacturing

facility, construction site, healthcare facility, or any kind of environment) to
focus on for the assignment. The workplace can be a real or hypothetical
• Pictures of the workplace must be attached to the assignment and you may
attach pictures to explain their evaluations and explanations
• You need to conduct a thorough assessment to identify potential hazards
present in the chosen workplace environment. Hazards may include physical,
chemical, biological, ergonomic, and psychosocial factors.
• For each identified hazard, you must assess the level of risk based on likelihood
and severity, using a risk assessment or similar tool.
• You must document the findings in a clear and organized manner, including
descriptions of each hazard and its associated risks.
• Based on the identified hazards and associated risks, you must propose
appropriate control measures to mitigate or eliminate the risks. Control
measures may include engineering controls, administrative controls, and
personal protective equipment (PPE).
• Outline a plan for implementing the proposed control measures, considering
factors such as feasibility, cost-effectiveness, and regulatory compliance.
• You will also need to include provisions for emergency preparedness and
response, such as evacuation procedures, first aid protocols, and
communication strategies in case of emergencies related to the identified

Instruction for Submission:

The assignment should be submitted as a written report. The report should include an
introduction, methodology (including workplace selection and assessment methods),
results of the risk assessment, detailed mitigation plan, and conclusion. Students
should provide references to support analysis and recommendations, citing relevant
occupational health and safety literature, regulations, and guidelines.
Assessment Criteria:

Criterion 1 2 3 4
Identification of Ability to identify a wide range of potential
Hazards hazards present in the chosen workplace
Evaluation of the comprehensiveness and
depth of hazard identification.
Risk Analysis Student's ability to assess the level of risk
associated with each identified hazard
Evaluation of the accuracy and
appropriateness of risk assessment
Use of Utilization of appropriate tools and methods
Assessment for conducting the risk assessment
Evaluation of the student's understanding and
application of risk assessment technique
Relevance to Extent to which the proposed control
Hazards measures directly address the identified
hazards in the workplace environment
Alignment between each control measure and
the specific hazards it aims to mitigate or
Effectiveness in Effectiveness of the proposed control
Risk Reduction measures in reducing or eliminating the
identified risks to an acceptable level
Potential impact of each control measure on
reducing the likelihood and severity of
workplace incidents or injuries
Structure and Assessment of the logical flow and coherence
Organization of the written report, including clear and
appropriate headings, subheadings, and
Evaluation of the organization of content,
ensuring that information is presented in a
sequential and easy-to-follow manner
Novelty of Originality and uniqueness of the proposed
Solutions solutions to address occupational health and
safety challenges
Integration of Ability to integrate knowledge from multiple
Multidisciplinary disciplines or areas of study to address
Approaches occupational health and safety challenges
Anticipation of Student's foresight and ability to anticipate
Future Trends emerging occupational health and safety
trends or challenges
Evaluation of the creativity in developing
proactive measures or strategies to address
potential future risks or advancements in the

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