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Non-Material Things that Bring Happiness

Happiness is often associated with material possessions and wealth, but true joy
and contentment come from non-material things that bring a sense of fulfillment
and purpose to our lives. These intangible treasures are the foundation of a happy
and meaningful life.
First and foremost, relationships with loved ones are a significant source of
happiness. Spending quality time with family and friends, sharing laughter and
memories, and feeling supported and loved are essential to our well-being. The
bond we share with others is a powerful catalyst for happiness.
Secondly, personal growth and self-improvement are vital non-material aspects of
happiness. Learning new skills, pursuing passions, and overcoming challenges give
us a sense of accomplishment and confidence, leading to increased happiness.
Thirdly, experiences and memories are far more valuable than material
possessions. Traveling, exploring new cultures, and creating lasting memories with
others bring joy and enrichment to our lives.
Furthermore, a sense of purpose and meaning is crucial to happiness. Engaging in
activities that align with our values and beliefs, and making a positive impact on
the world, give us direction and fulfillment.
Lastly, mindfulness, gratitude, and positivity are essential non-material elements of
happiness. Practicing mindfulness, appreciating the small things in life, and
maintaining a positive outlook can significantly enhance our happiness.
One non-material thing that makes me truly happy is spending time with my family
and friends. The moments I share with them bring joy and comfort to my heart.
Whether we are having a casual chat, sharing a meal, or celebrating a special
occasion, these times are priceless. We laugh together, share stories, and support
each other in every situation. These moments of connection and love are what
make life meaningful. They provide me with a sense of belonging and security that
material things can never replace.
Helping others also brings me immense happiness. There is something incredibly
fulfilling about knowing that you have made a positive difference in someone
else’s life. It could be as simple as helping a friend with their homework,
volunteering at a local charity, or even just offering a listening ear to someone who
needs it. When I see someone smile because of something I did for them, it fills my
heart with warmth and satisfaction. This kind of happiness is deep and enduring.
Additionally, achieving my personal goals makes me proud and happy. Setting
goals and working hard to achieve them gives me a sense of purpose and direction.
Whether it’s doing well in school, improving my cricket skills, or learning a new
hobby, reaching my goals brings a tremendous sense of accomplishment. This kind
of happiness is self-generated and self-sustaining. It teaches me the value of
perseverance and hard work.

In essence, the non-material things that make me happy are those that enrich my
relationships, contribute to the well-being of others, and help me grow as a person.
These are the moments and experiences that truly matter in life. They cannot be
bought or measured, but their value is immeasurable. They make life worth living
and give me a sense of fulfillment and joy that material possessions could never
**2. Three things you would change about the world**
If I had the power to change three things about the world, I would start by ending
poverty. Poverty is a harsh reality for millions of people around the globe, and it’s
heartbreaking to see individuals and families struggling to meet their basic needs.
Ending poverty would ensure that everyone has enough food to eat, a safe place to
live, and access to healthcare and education. This change would create a fairer and
more just world where everyone has the opportunity to thrive. By addressing
poverty, we can help eliminate hunger, reduce disease, and improve overall well-
Secondly, I would promote peace and end wars and conflicts. Imagine a world
where everyone lives in harmony, free from the fear of violence and war. Wars and
conflicts cause immense suffering, loss of life, and displacement of people. They
disrupt communities and hinder development. Promoting peace would involve
resolving conflicts through dialogue and negotiation, fostering mutual
understanding and respect, and addressing the root causes of violence. By creating
a peaceful world, we can focus on building better lives for all, investing in
education, healthcare, and economic development.
Lastly, I would improve education for everyone. Education is the key to a better
future, and it should be accessible to all, regardless of their background or
circumstances. Improving education means providing quality schools, trained
teachers, and adequate learning materials. It also involves promoting critical
thinking, creativity, and practical skills that prepare students for the challenges of
the modern world. By improving education, we empower individuals to reach their
full potential, contribute to society, and make informed decisions. A well-educated
population is essential for innovation, economic growth, and social progress.
In conclusion, ending poverty, promoting peace, and improving education are three
changes that would have a profound and positive impact on the world. These
changes would create a more equitable, peaceful, and prosperous society where
everyone has the opportunity to lead a fulfilling and meaningful life. While these
*3. Three objects that symbolize your culture**
Three objects that symbolize my culture are traditional clothes, cultural foods, and
national monuments. Each of these objects carries deep cultural significance and
represents the rich heritage and identity of my people.
Traditional clothes like shalwar kameez are an integral part of our cultural identity.
These garments are worn on special occasions and everyday life, showcasing our
unique style and traditions. The shalwar kameez is not just clothing; it represents
our history, customs, and values. The intricate designs, vibrant colors, and patterns
reflect the artistry and craftsmanship passed down through generations. Wearing
traditional clothes gives us a sense of pride and belonging, connecting us to our
roots and ancestors.
Cultural foods, such as biryani and nihari, are another important symbol of our
culture. These dishes are not only delicious but also a big part of our celebrations
and gatherings. Food brings families and communities together, creating a sense of
unity and shared identity. The recipes and cooking methods have been preserved
and perfected over time, representing our culinary heritage. Each dish tells a story
and carries the flavors of our land and history. Sharing a meal with loved ones is a
way of expressing love and hospitality, making cultural foods an essential aspect of
our cultural expression.
National monuments like the Minar-e-Pakistan hold great historical and national
significance. These landmarks represent our struggles, achievements, and
aspirations as a nation. They are symbols of our identity and pride, reminding us of
our journey and the values we hold dear. Visiting these monuments fosters a sense
of patriotism and connection to our country’s history. They serve as a testament to
our resilience and determination to build a better future. National monuments are a
source of inspiration and a reminder of our collective heritage.
In conclusion, traditional clothes, cultural foods, and national monuments are
powerful symbols of my culture. They represent our history, values, and identity,
connecting us to our past and guiding us into the future. These objects help us
celebrate and preserve our cultural heritage, ensuring that it continues to thrive and
enrich our lives. They remind us of who we are and where we come from, fostering
a sense of pride and belonging that transcends generations.
**4. Uniform at University**
Wearing a uniform at university has its advantages and disadvantages. On the
positive side, uniforms promote equality among students. When everyone wears
the same clothes, it reduces feelings of inequality based on clothing and prevents
students from feeling less than or better than others because of what they wear.
Uniforms can also foster a sense of unity and belonging among students, as they
visually represent being part of the same community.
Moreover, uniforms can help enhance security on campus. When everyone is
dressed similarly, it becomes easier to identify outsiders, thus helping to maintain a
safe environment. Additionally, uniforms can save students time and money. They
don’t have to worry about what to wear every day or spend extra money on
different outfits for university.
However, there are also some disadvantages to wearing uniforms. Some students
may find uniforms uncomfortable or feel that they restrict personal expression.
Clothing is often a way for individuals to express their personality and style, and
uniforms can limit this form of self-expression. Furthermore, not all students may
feel comfortable in the standard design of the uniform, which can affect their
confidence and comfort.
Despite these concerns, uniforms can foster a disciplined and focused learning
environment. When students wear uniforms, they may be more likely to take their
studies seriously and behave more responsibly. Uniforms can also reduce
distractions related to fashion and peer pressure, allowing students to concentrate
better on their academic work.
In conclusion, while uniforms have their drawbacks, they offer several benefits,
including promoting equality, enhancing security, and fostering a sense of unity. By
creating a more focused and disciplined environment, uniforms can help students
succeed academically. The decision to implement uniforms should consider the
perspectives of students, ensuring that the benefits outweigh the drawbacks.
Balancing uniform policies with opportunities for personal expression can create a
positive and inclusive university experience for all students.
**5. How Your Parents Raised You**
My parents raised me with a lot of love, care, and strong values, which have
shaped me into the person I am today. From a young age, they taught me the
importance of good manners and respecting others. Whether it was greeting elders
politely or showing kindness to friends, they always emphasized the need to be
courteous and respectful in all my interactions.
Education has always been a priority in our household. My parents encouraged me
to study hard and strive for success in everything I do. They believed that a good
education is the foundation for a successful future. Whenever I faced challenges in
my studies, they were always there to support me, providing guidance and
encouragement. Their belief in my abilities motivated me to push myself and
achieve my goals.
In addition to academics, my parents also taught me the value of kindness and
helping others. They often involved me in community service activities, such as
volunteering at local charities or helping neighbors in need. Through these
experiences, I learned the importance of compassion and the joy of giving back to
the community. My parents showed me that even small acts of kindness can make
a big difference in someone’s life.
My parents were also my role models in demonstrating how to lead a life of
integrity and honesty. They always encouraged me to be truthful, even when it was
difficult. They believed that honesty is the foundation of trust and strong
relationships. By following their example, I learned to value integrity and strive to
be a person of strong moral character.
Furthermore, my parents always supported me in all situations, whether I was
pursuing a new hobby, playing cricket, or dealing with personal challenges. Their
unwavering support gave me the confidence to explore my interests and face life’s
challenges with resilience. They taught me the importance of perseverance and
never giving up, no matter how tough the situation.
In conclusion, my parents raised me with love, care, and strong values that have
guided me throughout my life. They instilled in me the importance of education,
kindness, integrity, and perseverance. Their constant support and belief in me have
helped me become a better person. I am grateful for their guidance and the life
lessons they have imparted, which continue to shape my character and outlook on
**6. Things That Bring Great Joy**
Several things bring great joy to my life, enriching my experiences and making
each day special. Playing my favorite sport, cricket, is one of the activities that fills
me with immense happiness. The excitement of the game, the camaraderie with
teammates, and the thrill of playing well are unmatched. Cricket not only keeps me
physically active but also teaches me the value of teamwork and discipline. Every
match and practice session is an opportunity to learn and grow, both as a player
and as a person. Watching movies or reading books is another source of joy for me.
It’s fun to explore new stories, ideas, and perspectives through these mediums.
Movies and books allow me to escape into different worlds, experiencing the
adventures and emotions of the characters. They provide relaxation and
entertainment, offering a break from the routine of daily life. Whether it’s a
thrilling mystery, a heartwarming drama, or an inspiring biography, each story
leaves a lasting impact and broadens my horizons.
Spending quality time with my loved ones, like going on trips or having family
dinners, brings immense happiness. These moments create wonderful memories
and strengthen our bonds. Traveling with family or friends allows us to explore
new places, try new activities, and share unforgettable experiences. Family dinners,
on the other hand, are a time to connect, share our day’s experiences, and enjoy
delicious meals together. These times of togetherness and connection are priceless,
providing a sense of belonging and love.
Additionally, achieving personal goals brings me great joy. Setting goals and
working hard to achieve them gives me a sense of purpose and direction. Whether
it’s excelling in academics, improving my cricket skills, or learning a new hobby,
reaching my goals brings a tremendous sense of accomplishment. This kind of
happiness is self-generated and self-sustaining. It teaches me the value of
perseverance and hard work, motivating me to keep striving for success.
In essence, the things that bring great joy to my life are those that enrich my
relationships, stimulate my mind, and help me grow as a person. These activities
and moments make life enjoyable and fulfilling, adding meaning and purpose to
each day. They remind me to appreciate the simple pleasures and cherish the
experiences that make life truly special.
**7. A Person I Admire and Why**
I admire my uncle, Shaheed Khalid Khan Kakar, who was martyred by someone.
He was an incredibly brave and friendly person, and his memory continues to
inspire me every day. Throughout my life, he was always there for me, supporting
and guiding me through every situation. His bravery and dedication to his beliefs
were truly remarkable.
My uncle was not only courageous but also deeply compassionate. He had a
genuine concern for the well-being of others and was always ready to help those in
need. His kindness and willingness to assist others made a deep impact on me. He
often went out of his way to ensure that people around him were happy and taken
care of. This selflessness and generosity are qualities I strive to emulate in my own
One of the most significant lessons I learned from my uncle was the importance of
standing up for what is right. He was a person of strong principles and never
hesitated to speak out against injustice. His courage to stand up for his beliefs,
even in the face of danger, taught me the value of integrity and moral courage. He
showed me that it is important to be true to oneself and to fight for what is just and
My uncle’s bravery in the face of adversity was truly inspiring. Despite the dangers
and challenges he faced, he remained steadfast and resolute. His resilience and
determination to protect and serve others left a lasting impression on me. I learned
from him the importance of perseverance and never giving up, no matter how
tough the situation.
In addition to his bravery and kindness, my uncle was also a great mentor. He
shared his life experiences and wisdom with me, teaching me valuable lessons
about life. He encouraged me to pursue my passions and to work hard to achieve
my goals. His guidance and support helped me navigate through many difficult
situations and made me a stronger person.
In conclusion, my uncle, Shaheed Khalid Khan Kakar, is a person I greatly admire.
His bravery, kindness, and dedication to his beliefs continue to inspire me every
day. He was always there for me, providing support and guidance, and teaching me
important life lessons. I will always remember him and strive to follow his
example in my life. His memory serves as a beacon of courage and compassion,
motivating me to be a better person and to make a positive difference in the lives of
**8. Benefits of Exercising**
Exercising regularly has numerous benefits for both the body and mind, making it
an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. Firstly, it keeps you fit and healthy. Regular
exercise strengthens your muscles, improves your cardiovascular health, and
boosts your immune system. It helps you maintain a healthy weight and reduces
the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and high blood
pressure. By keeping your body in good shape, you can enjoy a longer, healthier
Secondly, exercising makes you feel happier and less stressed. Physical activity
releases endorphins, which are natural mood lifters. These chemicals in the brain
help reduce feelings of stress, anxiety, and depression, making you feel more
positive and relaxed. Exercising also provides a sense of accomplishment and
boosts self-confidence. When you set and achieve fitness goals, it gives you a
sense of pride and satisfaction, enhancing your overall well-being.
Regular exercise can also improve your sleep patterns. Many people find that they
sleep better and feel more rested when they engage in regular physical activity.
Good quality sleep is essential for overall health and can improve your
concentration, memory, and mood. By incorporating exercise into your daily
routine, you can enjoy better sleep and wake up feeling more energized.
Moreover, exercising enhances your brain function and mental sharpness. Physical
activity increases blood flow to the brain, which can improve cognitive function
and reduce the risk of cognitive decline as you age. Exercise has been shown to
enhance memory, attention, and learning abilities. Engaging in regular physical
activity can help you stay mentally sharp and maintain a high level of cognitive
function throughout your life.
Another significant benefit of exercising is the improvement in social interactions
and relationships. Participating in group sports or exercise classes provides
opportunities to meet new people, make friends, and build a support network.
These social connections can contribute to a sense of community and belonging,
reducing feelings of loneliness and isolation. Exercising with friends or family can
also strengthen bonds and create shared experiences that enhance your
Additionally, regular exercise can increase your energy levels. While it might seem
counterintuitive, physical activity boosts your overall energy and reduces feelings
of fatigue. As your fitness improves, your body becomes more efficient at
delivering oxygen and nutrients to your tissues, which helps you feel more
energetic and capable of tackling daily tasks.
Lastly, exercising can improve your self-discipline and time management skills.
Making time for regular physical activity requires planning and commitment. By
prioritizing exercise, you learn to manage your time effectively and develop a
routine that balances various aspects of your life. This discipline can translate to
other areas, such as work, school, and personal projects, helping you become more
organized and productive.
In conclusion, the benefits of exercising are vast and multifaceted, positively
impacting your physical health, mental well-being, social life, and overall quality
of life. Regular physical activity keeps you fit, enhances your mood, improves
sleep, boosts cognitive function, fosters social connections, increases energy levels,
and cultivates self-discipline. Incorporating exercise into your daily routine is a
powerful way to achieve a healthier, happier, and more fulfilling life. By making
physical activity a priority, you invest in your long-term health and well-being,
reaping rewards that extend far beyond the physical benefits.
**9. Why Teens Do Drugs**
There are several reasons why teens might do drugs, and understanding these
reasons is crucial for addressing the issue and providing the necessary support. One
major reason is peer pressure. Adolescence is a time when individuals are highly
influenced by their peers, and the desire to fit in or seem cool can lead teens to try
drugs. They may feel that using drugs will help them gain acceptance or avoid
being ridiculed by their friends.
Another reason is to escape from problems or stress. Teens face various pressures,
including academic stress, family issues, and social challenges. Some may turn to
drugs as a way to cope with these pressures and temporarily escape their problems.
The use of drugs can provide a short-term sense of relief or euphoria, making it an
appealing option for those struggling with stress or emotional pain.
Curiosity and the desire for experimentation also play a role. Adolescence is a
period of exploration and trying new things. Teens may be curious about the effects
of drugs and want to experience them firsthand. This experimentation can
sometimes lead to regular use and dependency, especially if they do not fully
understand the risks involved.
Lack of awareness about the dangers of drugs is another factor. Many teens do not
fully understand how harmful drugs can be to their health and future. They may
underestimate the risks of addiction, legal consequences, and long-term health
effects. Without proper education and awareness, they are more likely to
experiment with drugs without considering the potential consequences.
Additionally, some teens might use drugs to rebel against authority or societal
norms. Adolescence is a time of developing independence and identity, and some
teens may use drugs as a way to assert their independence or challenge the rules set
by parents, teachers, or society. This rebellious behavior can be a form of self-
expression or a way to seek attention.
Mental health issues can also contribute to drug use among teens. Conditions such
as depression, anxiety, and trauma can increase the likelihood of substance abuse
as teens may use drugs to self-medicate or alleviate their symptoms. The lack of
access to mental health resources and support can exacerbate this problem, making
it more difficult for teens to find healthy coping mechanisms.
In conclusion, teens may turn to drugs for various reasons, including peer pressure,
the desire to escape problems, curiosity, lack of awareness, rebellion, and mental
health issues. Addressing teen drug use requires a comprehensive approach that
includes education, support, and access to mental health resources. By
understanding the underlying causes and providing the necessary guidance, we can
help teens make informed choices and lead healthier, drug-free lives.
**10. Education System in Pakistan**
The education system in Pakistan faces several challenges, but it also holds
significant potential for growth and improvement. One of the primary issues is the
lack of access to quality education for many students. In rural areas and
underprivileged communities, schools often lack sufficient resources, qualified
teachers, and proper facilities. This disparity in educational opportunities leads to a
significant gap between students from different socio-economic backgrounds.
Another major challenge is the outdated curriculum and teaching methods. The
focus in many schools is still on rote learning, where students memorize
information without understanding the underlying concepts. This approach does
not encourage critical thinking, creativity, or problem-solving skills, which are
essential for success in the modern world. Updating the curriculum to include more
interactive and practical learning experiences can help address this issue.
Teacher training is another crucial area that needs attention. Many teachers in
Pakistan lack proper training and professional development opportunities. Ensuring
that teachers are well-equipped with modern teaching techniques and subject
knowledge is essential for improving the quality of education. Investing in teacher
training programs can enhance their ability to engage students effectively and
foster a more dynamic learning environment.
Moreover, the education system in Pakistan needs to address the high dropout
rates, especially at the secondary and higher education levels. Economic factors,
early marriages, and societal norms often force students, particularly girls, to leave
school prematurely. Providing financial incentives, scholarships, and creating
awareness about the importance of education can help reduce dropout rates and
encourage more students to complete their education.
Another critical issue is the lack of emphasis on vocational and technical
education. While academic education is important, not all students excel in
traditional academic settings. Introducing and promoting vocational and technical
training programs can provide students with practical skills and job opportunities,
aligning education with the demands of the job market. This approach can also
help address unemployment and underemployment issues in the country.
The medium of instruction is another topic of debate in Pakistan’s education
system. There is a divide between English-medium and Urdu-medium schools,
which creates inequality in educational outcomes. Ensuring that all students
receive a high-quality education, regardless of the medium of instruction, is
essential for creating a more equitable system. Implementing bilingual education
models can help bridge this gap and provide students with the advantages of being
proficient in both languages.
In conclusion, while the education system in Pakistan faces several challenges,
there are also numerous opportunities for improvement. Addressing issues related
to access, curriculum, teacher training, dropout rates, vocational education, and the
medium of instruction can significantly enhance the quality of education. By
investing in these areas and adopting a more inclusive and modern approach,
Pakistan can create a more equitable and effective education system that prepares
students for the challenges of the future.

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