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Teacher: Huỳnh Ái

Class: SPA A K11

Group: 4

Lesson 3: Reading-Artificial Intelligence (Page: 55)

- By the end of this lesson, students must be able to:
1. Knowledge:
- Develop reading skills for main ideas and specific information about artificial
2. Competence:
- Develop communication skills and creativity.
- Be collaborative and supportive in pair work and team work.
- Develop presentation skills.
- Actively join in class activities.
3. Personal qualities:
- Develop flexibility and creativity in learning.
- Be responsible for studying and using educational apps.
 Vocabulary: intelligence (AI) (n), measure (v), software (n),…
 Grammar and Structure/Sentence pattern: scanning and skimming skill.
 Teaching methodology: direct method.
1. Teacher
 Global Success - Textbook Grade 10 - Unit 5: Reading.
 Reference teaching materials: Textbooks, teacher’s book, activity book,...
 Teaching aids: board, TV, projector, computer (connected to the
Internet), pictures, flashcards, audio files,...
 Assessment tools: Observation sheets, rubrics.
2. Students
 Textbooks, pencils, hand-out.
Language analysis
Form Pronunciation Meaning Vietnamese
artificial /ˌɑːtɪfɪʃl ɪn the study and trí tuệ nhân tạo
intelligence (AI) ˈtelɪdʒəns/ development of computer
(n) systems that can copy
intelligent human
Teacher: Huỳnh Ái
Class: SPA A K11
Group: 4

measure (v) /ˈmeʒə(r)/ to find the size, quantity, đo lường
etc. of something in
standard units
software (n) /ˈsɒft.weər/ the programs that you put phần mềm
into a computer to make it
do particular jobs

Anticipated difficulties Solutions
- Students may lack knowledge about - Provide students with the meaning and
some lexical items. pronunciation of words.
- Students may have underdeveloped - Let students read the text again (if
reading, necessary).
speaking and co-operating skills. - Create a comfortable and encouraging
environment for students to speak.
- Encourage students to work in pairs, in
groups so that they can help each other.
- Provide feedback and help if


Warm-up: Watch a video and answer some questions.
Task 1: Look at the pictures of Asimo and Sophia and discuss the question below
in Paris.
- artificial intelligence (AI) (n) /ˌɑːtɪfɪʃl ɪnˈtelɪdʒəns/: the study and
development of computer systems that can copy intelligent human
behaviour/ trí tuệ nhân tạo.
- measure (v) /ˈmeʒə(r)/: to find the size, quantity, etc. of something in
standard units/ đo lường.
- software (n) /ˈsɒft.weər/: the programs that you put into a computer to
make it do particular jobs/ phần mềm.
Task 2: Read the text below and choose the best title for it.
A. AI development over time
B. Robots: The best AI inventions
C. AI in use today
D. AI in education
Task 3: Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F)
Teacher: Huỳnh Ái
Class: SPA A K11
Group: 4

Task 4: Work in groups and discuss how AI can be used in schools. Then share
your ideas with the class.


Notes: In each activity, each step will be represented as following:

* Deliver the task.
** Implement the task.
****Give comments or feedback.

Time Activities
Teacher’s Students’
5 A. WARM – UP: WATCH A * Ss greeting teacher
mins VIDEO AND ANSWER SOME ** Ss watch the video and take
QUESTIONS notes individually.
Aims: *** Ss working in groups of 4
- To introduce the topic of reading. (table), answer some questions
- To enhance students’ skills of related to the content of the video,
cooperating with teammates. using their notes.

** T lets Ss some questions, watch
a video and asks them to take notes.
*** T checks the answers with the
whole class.
Suggested question: Suggested answer:
1. What is artificial intelligence? 1. - AI is the development of
2. What are some real-life cases computer systems that
in which we have probably dealt performs tasks requiring
with AI? human intelligence such as
3. What benefits do robots/ AI recognizing images, making
bring to us? decisions, or engaging in
4. Can AI replace human? dialogues.
**** T leads in the lesson: 2. - When we watch films, listen
Artificial intelligence (AI) is truly a to music, shop online, AI
revolutionary achievement of gives us recommendations
Teacher: Huỳnh Ái
Class: SPA A K11
Group: 4

computer science, set to become a about what we might like.

core component of almost all 3. - AI is capable of converting
modern software pieces over the spoken language into text
coming years and decades. It is and translating it into other
going to change the world more languages.
than anything else in the history of - Robots make our everyday
mankind. In today's lesson, we will lives easier or take on
find out more about AI. strenuous activities.
- T says: - Self-driving vehicles
+ I give you 4 questions, who can recognize their environment
read them for me? through AI and can react to
+ I show you a video, you have to it.
watch the video carefully and take - In medicine, AI supports
notes information to answer these doctors when diagnosing
questions. diseases.
+ After watching the video, I give 4. In education, AI helps to
you 1 minute to work in group of 4 individualize learning
(table) and answer the questions. activities.
ICQ: - No, when we would rather
1. You will work in pairs or in make our own decisions, AI
groups. will not replace humans. It is
2. How long do you have to just getting better and better
discuss and answer these at supporting us.

PAIRS. (p.55)
- To lead in the reading exercises.
- To provide students with some
lexical items before reading the text.

* T draws Ss’ attention to the * Ss listen to the instructions and

pictures of two robots (p.55) do the task in pairs.
Teacher: Huỳnh Ái
Class: SPA A K11
Group: 4

** T asks Ss to work in pairs and ** Some pairs share the answers

discuss the questions: with the whole class.
1. What are they? Suggested answers:
2. What do you think they can 1. They are robots.
do? 2. They can walk, talk, show
***T gives feedback. emotions, and do household
- T says: chores.
+ I give you 1 minute to work in
pair and answer 2 questions.

* T provides Ss with the meaning * Ss listen and repeat the words.
and pronunciation of some new ** Ss practice the words in pairs
words by showing some pictures and two students read the words out
and asking some questions. loud in front of the class.
** T corrects if necessary.
1. artificial intelligence
(AI) (n) /ˌɑːtɪfɪʃl ɪn
ˈtelɪdʒəns/: trí tuệ nhân

- T says: Suggestion answer:

+ Look at the picture and tell me, - It is a robot.
what is it? - Yes.
+ It can walk, talk, express the
emotions… right?
+ That's thanks to artificial
2. measure (v) /ˈmeʒə(r)/:
đo lường

- T asks 1 student: Suggestion answer:

+ How tall are you? - I am ... cm
+ How do you know your height? - I use the height ruler.
Teacher: Huỳnh Ái
Class: SPA A K11
Group: 4

You use ....?

+ The act of using the height ruler
to know how tall are you, you can
say you measure your height.
3. software (n) /ˈsɒftweər/:
phần mềm

- T says:
+ Who can tell me what is it? - They are word, excel, ppt…
+ They are word, excel, ppt…
+ All of them is belong to
Microsoft office.
+ It’s called: software.
VOCABULARY EXERCISE *Ss listen to teacher’s instruction.
*T asks Ss to fill in the blanks with **Ss do the exercise individually.
new words they have learnt.
1, Thousands of users are able to
dowload _______ provided by the Key:
company 1. Software
2. _______ is the simulation of 2. Artificial intelligence
human intelligence processes by 3. Measure
machines, especially computer
3. "Will the table fit in here?" "I
don’t know – I’ll _______ it."

***T calls some Ss to say the

****T gives answers.
Teacher: Huỳnh Ái
Class: SPA A K11
Group: 4


FOR IT (p.55).
- To help Ss practise reading for
main ideas.
** T elicits from Ss strategies they * Ss have to read the text and
can use to read texts for main ideas. underline the topic sentence or key
*** In this task, T ask Ss uses skimming words of each paragraph.
skill to get the answer. ** Ss work in pairs to compare their
SKIMMING (general) answers.
Read the requirement and
Read the opening and closing
sentence of each paragraph
Read the headings and
E.g. paying attention to the topic
sentence in each paragraph,
highlighting key information, or
searching for conclusions.
**** T asks Ss to read the whole text
once to get an overall idea.
***** T checks answers as a class.
In stronger classes, ask Ss to explain
why the other options can not be
used as titles for the text.
A: The text doesn’t focus on the
development of AI.
B: The text doesn’t only mention
robots, but other types of AI.
- T ask Ss: What are other types of
AI in the text?
-> Other types of AI in the text are -> Other types of AI in the text are
vacuum cleaner, smartphone, AI vacuum cleaner, smartphone, AI
software, chatbot. software, chatbot. (paragraphs:
D: The text doesn’t mention how AI 3,4,5).
is used in education.
- T ask Ss: How many areas of life
Teacher: Huỳnh Ái
Class: SPA A K11
Group: 4

that AI is used in? What are they

-> 3 areas of life: at home, in -> 3 areas of life: at home, in
transport and at work. transport and at work. (paragraphs:
Key: C 3,4,5).
- T says:
+ I give you 2 minutes to work in
pair and read the text.
+ You have to read the requirement
and 4 answer first.
+ You have to focus on the opening
and closing sentence of each
paragraph or key words that can
help you get the answer.
+ After 2 minutes, I will call
randomly a student give me the
answer and explain why do you
choose this answer (give evidence).
1. How long do you have to do
this task?
2. You will work in pairs or in
OR FALSE (F) (p.55).
- To help Ss practise reading for
specific information.
** T asks Ss to read the questions and*** Ss read through the text,
underline the key words in each of them.
looking for the key words they
T F underlined in the statements or
1. Sophia can show words with the same or similar
emotions when talking to meaning.
humans. **** Ss work in pairs to compare
2. AI helps to make answers.
machines that think and
act like humans.
3. AI is one of the most
Teacher: Huỳnh Ái
Class: SPA A K11
Group: 4

important inventions of
the 20th century.
4. Asimo was created by
Honda after Sophia.
***T reminds Ss that the
statements may include
paraphrased or opposite
information so they should look for
synonyms or antonyms in the text.
Ss have to use scanning skill to do
this task.
SCANNING (detail)
Look for the key words related
to the topic
Look for bold print and italics
Look for words in larger font
**** T checks answers by playing
a game: BUTTEFLY
CATCHING. In stronger classes,
ask them to give reasons for their - There are 3 statements.
answers. - Key words:
- T says: + Statement 1: Sophia can show
+ How many statements are there? emotions when talking to humans.
+ Who can give me the key word of + Statement 2: AI helps to make
each sentence? machines that think and act like
+ Work in pair, I give you 2 humans.
minutes to read the text again and + Statement 3: AI is one of the
do this task. most important inventions of the
+ After 2 minutes, I will check the 20th century.
answer by playing a game: + Statement 4: Asimo was created
BUTTERFLY CATCHING. by Honda after Sophia.
+ I will divide you into 2 groups (A
and B).
+ Of each number is random
+There is a lucky number. (if you
choose it, you don’t have to answer
Teacher: Huỳnh Ái
Class: SPA A K11
Group: 4

and you will get 1 point)

+ A student of each group will
choose the butterfly he/she wants
and give me the answer. If it’s true
(T), you have to give me the
evidence. If it’s false (F), you have
to give me the correct answer (fix
the mistake) and the evidence.
+ After that you will get 1 point.
1. How long do you have to do
this task?
2. You will work in pairs or in
3. How many students go to the
board and write the answer?
Key: Key:
1. T (Sophia can even communicate 1. T
with people by using human 2. T
language and expressing emotions. 3. F
Paragraph 1-line 3). 4. F
2. T (AI – the study and
development of machines that can
copy human intelligence.
Paragraph 2-line 2 and 3).
3. F -> 21st century (AI is one of the
most important inventions of the
21st century. The last paragraph-
line 1).
4. F -> before (Asimo in 2000;
Sophia in 2020 look at 2 pictures
and the first paragraph).
mins TASK 4: Find some ideas about
how AI can be used in schools
- To help students use the ideas and
language from the reading to talk
Teacher: Huỳnh Ái
Class: SPA A K11
Group: 4

about possible uses of AI in schools.

- To help some students enhance
speaking skills.

Part 1: Find some ideas. Part 1:

*T asks Ss to work in groups and *Ss listen to teacher’s instruction.
find some ideas about how to use ** Ss work in groups and
AI in schools brainstorm possible ideas about the
T walks round the class and uses of AI in schools.
monitors, offers help with new Some representatives of groups
vocabulary and makes sure come to the board and write down
everyone in the groups takes part in the answers.
the group discussion.
***T calls some groups to write
down ideas on the board. Suggested answer:
- For student: AI can provide
ICQ: many interesting materials,
1. How much time do you have offer many useful tool and
for this task? give some study schedule.
2. You will work in pairs or in - For teacher: AI can help
groups? assess student’s homework
3. What do you have to find or create many interesting
ideas about? games.

Part 2: Dicuss these questions. Part 2:

*T asks Ss to work in pairs and make *Ss listen to teacher’s instruction.

a conversation based on 3 questions: **Ss work in groups and use the
1. Do you and your teacher ideas above to make a conversation.
usually use AI in class?
2.What do you and your teacher
use it for?
3. Do you think using AI is
effective in learning as well as
teaching? Why?
**T walks round the class and
monitors, offers help if necessary.
Teacher: Huỳnh Ái
Class: SPA A K11
Group: 4

ICQ: Suggested answer:

1. How much time do you have 1. Yes, both my teacher and I
for this task? use AI in class.
2. You will work in pairs or in 2. I often use it to find some
groups? important information.
3. How many questions you 3. I do think that AI is very
have to discuss? effective in studying because
it provides me with many
useful information and it also
give me some good english
tools to improve my english
mins Aim:
- To help Ss memorise the target
Wrap-up (extra task)
*T asks Ss to close book and *Ss listen to teacher’s insgtruction
complete the summary: **Ss complete the summary
T asks them to work individually individually.

Suggested answer:

1. Life
2. Furniture
3. House
4. Traffic
5. Route
6. Holidays
7. Questions
8. Work and life
Teacher: Huỳnh Ái
Class: SPA A K11
Group: 4

***T calls some students to read

the answers.

- Prepare for the next lesson:
Unit 5 – Speaking.
- Do exercises in the workbook.

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