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To know about the collection of blood samples.


1. Protective gloves.
2. Gauze pad or cotton
3. Adhesive bandage
4. Antiseptic solution such as Hibiscrub or Pevidine.
5. Industrial methylated spirit.
6. Blood collection tubes (EDTA coated)
7. Blood tuber holder
8. Syringe and needle
9. Tourniquet


1. Collect together the equipment as specified in Step 1.

2. Don protective clothing.-wear the glove after handwashing
3. Select a suitable vein: Cephalic
4. Position the patients.
5. Clip the site for venipuncture with Tourniquet
6. Clean the site for venipuncture with an antiseptic scrub solution such asHibiscrub or Pevidine,.
Note: Apply spirit to ensure that no water remains on the site; water may causeosmotic changes leading
to haemolysis of the sample.
7. A suitable Syringe with needle (usually 23-21g x 5/8) is attached to a 2ml, 5mlor 10ml syringe
depending on the quantity of blood required.
8. The needle is carefully introduced into the vein, and the plunger slowly andsteadily pulled back in order
to draw blood into the syringe

9. Once the desired amount of blood is collected, remove the needle from the vein,cease Tourniquet and
apply a swab to the venipuncture site to stem further bleeding.
10.Remove the needle from the syringe and gently expel the blood into thecollection tubes filling
to the level marked upon the side.
11.Replace the lids and roll or invert to mix the anticoagulant with the blood(never shake as this
may cause haemolysis).
12.Stick the Adhesive bandage in the venipuncture site to arrest the bleeding13.Label the sample
with the date
14. Ensure that the sample is correctly stored in the refrigerator or freezer ifnecessary.
15. Wash the hands with hand washing solution and proper steps.


Thus the blood collection methods are learnt and analysed.

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