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“ Yatrik

Travel Guide


I hereby declare that the project report entitled “ Yatrik ”

submitted by me to Indira Gandhi National Open University,
Dehradun in partial fulfillment of requirement for the award of the
degree MCA, is a record of bonafide project work carried out by me,
under the guidance of Mr Rohit Bhatt. I further declare that the
work report in this project has not been submitted, either in part or
full for the award of any other degree or diploma in this institute or
any other institute or university.

( Akash Rawat )

I have taken efforts in this project. However, it would

not have been possible without the kind support and help of many
individuals and organizations. I would like to extent my sincere
thanks to all of them. I am highly indebted to Mr. Rohit Bhatt for
his guidance and constant supervision as well as for providing
necessary information regarding the project and also for their
support in completing the project. I would like to express my grace
towards my parents for promoting me which help me in completion
of this project. My thanks and appreciations also go to my colleague
in developing the project and people who have willingly helped me
out with their abilities.

( Akash Rawat )

“ Yatrik ” is a groundbreaking hybrid travel guide application

designed to showcase the beauty of local destinations and
businesses. Unlike traditional travel apps, “ Yatrik ” shifts the
spotlight to the heart of communities, encouraging users to explore
the richness of their surroundings, by seamlessly blending native
and web technologies, “ Yatrik ” provides an immersive and
dynamic experience that fosters a deep connection between
travelers and the places they visit. Not only thought for the
traveller, “ Yatrik ” also helps localite in promoting their local
beauties, cultural beauties, hospitality, etc , Basically anything them
have to Offer.
“ Yatrik ” also make sure that the spark in the traveller never go
weary & constantly updates with hidden gems of our India.
Android phones we are using daily due to its features like GPS,
GSM, GCS,Computing ability and internet connection. Now-a-days
there are many app which helps user to provide solutions to many
problems a traveller
conveniently. It can realize to query information for traveller , place
s, hotel,restaurant, and museums, so on and gives multi output and
hence it has more practical significance.
“ Yatrik ” is easy , efficient,quicker and flexible for all the needs of
the traveller & merchant.

Multi–search, recommendation, map- notification, inventories

The main idea behind the project is to develop an android

application which will help traveller to find the better place at one
instant, & personalized their journey ahead with ease, Also it
provides exposure to nearby locals so they can run their business
online, one they already running & one they can offer .
The long time which travelers waste on searching for the
better places like Hotels, museums, parks, Restaurants, Home
Stays, etc for their travel in the new place & also the hidden sight
seeing places or famous joints and points, which is totally unknown
to them will get reduced, if they use this application. Hence this
idea was very new and useful for all those who love to travel in new
places on a regular basis. The project is about traveller guide system
how the traveller will get best use of the application according
to their point of interest & a business reach and opportunity to the
merchant. Developing a Location Based traveller Guide
Application is basically a GPS enhanced travel expo application,
which allows the users to participate in a self guided tour of
a specific area. It will also display detailed information about
specific features linked to their current position . Next Generation L
ocation based services for mobile devices is a mobile computing
application that provides information functionality to users
based on their geographical location. In addition to showing the
nearby restaurants type of application, it contains some extra
features such as pro actively push only relevant information to
users to help speed up decisions and activities, encourage sharing of
location-based information such as photos and Reviews
generated by other service
providers and users . There are also augmented reality
based applications developed for searching restaurants,hotels
etc. BOTTARI is an augmented reality application for personalized
and localized restaurant recommendations,
experimentally deployed in the Adoring district of Seoul. It
uses inductive and deductive stream reasoning to continuously anal
yze social media streams to understand how the social media users
collectively perceive the points of interest in a given area .Our
mobile application provides a guided tour utilizing location
aware Augmented Reality technology. Augmented Reality (AR)
is a technique for visualizing virtual information
where the physical reality is part of the scene. Main advantage of
using AR technology is that real world reference points
can aid the navigation of virtual content. This also eliminates the
context switching between the real and virtual domains .

Technologies Used

- GPS means A space-based satellite navigation system provides
location and time information in all weather. The Global
Positioning System (GPS) is a satellite-based Navigation system

- Global system for mobile communication, a mobile phone based
system on multiple radio cells. GSM modem is used to send
information collected from GPS module along with other details to
a specific mobile number.

To develop an android based application which includes :

1. To provide best travelling service to customers and exposure to


2. To provide a search platform where any traveller can find

their tour places according to their choices & sometimes plan, the
whole, for big errand delighted by the merchant’s service/product.

3. To promote responsible and interesting tourism so that people

can enjoy their holiday sat their comfortable

4.To develop tourism with different cultures so that they enrich the
tourism experience and build pride.

5.To create and promote forms of tourism that provide healthy

interaction opportunities for tourists and locals and increase better
understanding of different cultures, customs,lifestyles, traditional
knowledge and believes.

6. To provide a better way to connect with various events.


This Project is coupled with material on how to use the various tool,
sub sets available in JSP, SERVLETS AND MY SQL. The need of
today’s software development is competence in a GUI based front-
end tool, which can connect to Relational Database engines. This
gives the programmer the opportunity to develop client server
based commercial applications.
These applications give users the power and ease of a GUI with
the multi user
capabilities of Novell, UNIX or WinNT based RDBMS engines such
as MY SQL . All the important coding techniques used by
programmers, in OOPS based coding is
brought out in full and in great detail.

The Idea of “ Yatrik ” came when the ONDC platform was highly
trending , depicting it’s potential to maximize the open network
usage to micro,mini,etc merchants , self instead of relying on other
governed platforms .
Similarly “ Yatrik ” is expected to make E-Commerce more
inclusive and accessible to the consumers i.e those are the travellers
, & the merchants as well .

While interacting with the app the entity gets TWO options :-

1. Traveller, the option takes you the page that projects the
available route to different places, results shown by considering the
radius, on a map . Along with the path , what the Offerer had
offered on their timeline, will also be tagged in small node on the
map as well . Irrespective to the number of types of offers given by
an entity, respective can make countless offers & select the main
out of them , premium customer are eligible for multiple offering
option on single node .

2. Offerer, the option for the business exposure finding entity .

Anything that the offerer provides in the app is termed as ‘OFFER’
That will be visible on he map as a ‘Tag’ . Offers are seen
irrespective of any category , it could be a restaurant , cafe , home
stay , self-manufacturing products (edible & not edible) , etc .
The process will also require to add additional data so as to why
the entities would prefer taking their service and pay their habitat a

I have designed the given proposed system in the JSP to automate

the process of “ Yatrik ” . The authority can add items, stay
packages, room details, availability of rooms, selling inventory, etc.
The following steps that give the detailed information of the need of
proposed system are:

Performance: During past several decades, the records are

supposed to be manually handled for all activities, i.e inventory
actions. The manual handling of the record is time consuming and
highly prone to error. To improve the performance of “ Yatrik ”, the
computerized system is to be undertaken. This project is fully
computerized and user
friendly even that any of the members can see the report and status
of the company.

Efficiency: The basic need of this website is efficiency. The

website should be efficient so that whenever a new user submits
his/her details the website is updated automatically.
This record will be useful for other users instantly.

Control: The complete control of the project is under the hands of

authorized person who has the password to access this project and
illegal access is not supposed to deal with. All the control is under
the administrator and the other members have the rights to just see
the records not to change any transaction or entry.

Security: Security is the main criteria for the proposed system.

Since illegal access may
corrupt the database. So security has to be given in this project.

Data modeling defines primary data objects, composition of each

data object, and attributes of the object, relationships between each
object and other objects and between objects and the processes.

Password Table
Fields Type
Password CHAR
Username Number

Login Status Table

Fields Type
Password CHAR
Username Number
Login_time CHAR
Login_date CHAR
Logout_time CHAR
Page_access CHAR

Customer Details Table

Fields Type
customerid Autonumber
Location CHAR
Email CHAR
DOJ Date
Status CHAR
Telephone Number

PrimeCustomerDetails Table
Fields Type
Memberid Autonumber
Location CHAR
Email CHAR
DOJ Date
Status CHAR
Telephone Number
Membership CHAR (BOOLEAN)
Details CHAR
MerchantDetails Table
Fields Type
Business_category CHAR
Business_type CHAR
Address CHAR
First_person CHAR
Phone Number
Email CHAR
Website CHAR
Details CHAR
No_of_employees Number

Fields Type
Package CHAR
Tag_Date Date
Tag_Category CHAR
Requirement_details CHAR
State CHAR
Name_of_customer CHAR
Email CHAR
Phone Number

Tag Details Table

Fields Type
Tag_Category CHAR
Tag_date Date
Requirement_details CHAR
State CHAR
Name_of_customer CHAR
Email CHAR
Phone Number

Fields Type
Tag_date Date

Package Details Table

Fields Type
Package_name CHAR
Price Number
From Date
To Date
For_Member_price Number
Details CHAR
DELHI – 110 068


(Note: All entries of the proforma of approval should be filled up with appropriate and complete information.
Incomplete proforma of approval in any respect will be summarily rejected.)

Enrolment No.: ………………………

Project Proposal No :………………….. Study Centre: ……………….……….
Regional Centre:…… RC Code:……
(for office use only) E-mail: ………….………..…………...
Mobile/Tel No.: …..………………….

1. Name and Address of the Student: ………………………..

2. Title of the Project***: ………..
3. Name and Address of the Guide: …..

Ph.D* M.Tech.* B.E*/B.Tech.* MCA M.Sc.*
4. Educational Qualification of the Guide:
(Attach bio-data also)
(*in Computer Science / IT only)
5. Working / Teaching experience of the Guide**:……………………………………………………………
Note: At any given point of time, a guide should not provide guidance for more than 5 MCA students of IGNOU)

6. Software used in the Project***:…………………………………………………………..

(*** Please refer to section VIII of these guidelines)

7. Is this your first submission? Yes No

Signature of the Student Signature of the Guide

Date: ………………… Date: …………………….

For Office Use Only Name:……………………………..............

……………………………………………. Signature,
Designation, Stamp of the
Project Proposal
Approved Not Approved Date: …………………….
Suggestions for reformulating the Project:

 Cardinality: The data model must be capable of representing

the number of occurrences of objects in a given relationship.
The cardinality of an object relationship pair is

1. One-T0-One : An occurrence of object ‘A’ can relate to one

and only one occurrence of object ‘B’ and vice versa.

2. One-To-Many : One occurrence of object ‘A’ can relate to one

or may occurrences of object ‘B’ but an occurrence of object
‘B’ can relate to only one occurrence of object ‘A’.

3. Many-To-Many : An occurrences of ‘B’ and an occurrence of

‘B’ can relate to one or many occurrence of ‘A’.

 Modality : The modality of a relationship is zero if there is no

explicit need for the relationship to occur or the relationship
is optional. The Modality is one if the occurrence of the
relationship is mandatory.

The object relationship pair can be represented graphically using

the Entity Relationship Diagrams. A set of primary components
are identified for the Entity Relationship Diagram,

1. Attributes,

2. Relationships and

3. Various Type Indicators.

The primary purpose of the Entity Relationship Diagram is to

represent data objects and their relationship.





DFD for Generating ‘Offer’

Offerer Generating


Display Form



Open Setup
DFD for Generating Route


Read All

Check for in

Processing / Selection
of tags by traveller

Traveller Close Database

Future Scope

This project can be used as a guide system, and after adding

some more useful modules in the project for which entity is being
charged by many travel planners . Also providing easy access for
planning the route

Utmost care and back-up procedures must be established to ensure 100%

successful implementation of the computerized guide system. In case of
system failure, the organization should be in a position to process the
transaction with another organization or if the worst comes to the worst,
it should be in a position to complete it manually.

Scope of Improvement

Now a days , everyone has become a traveller , a fire burns of exploring

the real cultural heritage of India. And the localite in these area suffer
customer deficiency just due to the lack of marketing of their surrounding
beauty. ‘Surrounding Beauty’ the main reason of tourists visiting
Mussoorie (Uttarakhand), etc places that provides business to the locals .

Utmost care and back-up procedures must be established to ensure 100%

successful implementation of the computerized system. In case of system
failure, the organization should be in a position to process the transaction
with another organization or if the worst comes to the worst, it should be
in a position to complete it manually.

I have used various websites for references .





ER Diagram

Offerer Traveller

Offering Select
info Stop


Offerer Traveller

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