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Pre-Junior Cycle Final Examination, 2024

(Option A)
For examiner
Question Mark
Higher Level 1
2 hours 4

270 marks 6
Running total

School use only:
Spelling Waiver Granted


There are 13 ques ons on this examina on paper. Answer all ques ons.

Ques ons do not necessarily carry equal marks. To help you manage your me during this
examina on, a maximum me for each ques on is suggested. If you remain within these mes you
should have about 10 minutes le to review your work.

Write your answers in the spaces provided in this booklet. You may lose marks if you do not do
so. There is space for extra work at the back of the booklet. Label any extra work clearly with the
ques on number and part.

The superintendent will give you a copy of the Formulae and Tables booklet. You must return it at
the end of the examina on. You are not allowed to bring your own copy into the examina on.

You may lose marks if your solu ons do not include suppor ng work.

You may lose marks if you do not include the appropriate units of measurement, where relevant.

You may lose marks if you do not give your answers in simplest form, where relevant.

Write the make and model of your calculator(s) here:

QuesƟon 1 (Suggested maximum Ɵme: 10 minutes)

Ryan has a gross annual income of €72 000. He pays income tax on his gross income at a rate of
20% on the first €42 600, and 40% on the balance.

(a) Work out Ryan’s annual income tax at each of these two rates (20% and 40%).

Amount at 20% = Amount at 40% =

(b) He must also pay Universal Social Charge (USC) on all of his gross income. The income band
rates for USC are as follows:

Income band Rate

Up to €12 012 1.5%

Next €5 564 3.5%

Above €17 576 7%

Calculate his total USC bill.

(c) Ryan must also pay Pay Related Social Insurance (PRSI) at 4% of the gross income.
Calculate the amount of PRSI that he must pay.

(d) Given that Ryan has tax credits of €3 800, calculate his net income (take-home pay) for
the year, taking into account income tax, USC and PRSI.

(e) Ryan does an extra job for €2 500. Income tax at the higher rate, USC at the highest rate
and PRSI must be applied to this addi onal gross income. How much does Ryan receive
from this addi onal income a er deduc ons are made?

QuesƟon 2 (Suggested maximum Ɵme: 15 minutes)

A forester is examining a circular patch of ground for plan ng trees. He starts at the origin O and all
distances measured are in kilometres.

B (6, 12)

O (0, 0) A (6, 0)

(a) Calculate C, the midpoint of O and B.

(b) Find the area of the circle, in terms of π.

(c) Inves gate if |OA|2 + |AB|2 = |OB|2

(d) Calculate the measure of the angle OBA, to 1 decimal place.

(e) Find the slope of AC and the slope of OB. Inves gate if AC and OB are perpendicular.

(f) Find the area of the triangle OAB.

(g) The forester is considering building a road passing through the points A and C.
Find the equa on of this line, expressing it in the form ax + by + c = 0 .

(h) The forester uses a quad bike to travel around the triangle OAB. He travels from O to B
at a speed of 30 5 km/hr, then from B to A at a speed of 48 km/hr. If the total journey took
37 minutes, at what speed did he travel from A to O?

QuesƟon 3 (Suggested maximum Ɵme: 5 minutes)

(a) Marian has a budget of €60 to spend on clothing. She wants to buy a dress for €36 and
to spend the rest on t-shirts cos ng €5 each. Let the number of t-shirts be represented
by x, where x ∈ ℝ, and express this as an inequality in its simplest form.

(b) Plot your inequality on the given number line below.

–6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

QuesƟon 4 (Suggested maximum Ɵme: 15 minutes)

(a) A spinner is numbered from 1 to 3, as shown.

When spun, it stops at one of the numbers 1, 2 or 3.
The spinner is spun twice and the combined total of 3
these two results is recorded.
Complete the following two-way table based on
the above experiment.

+ 1 2 3

(b) What are the maximum and minimum possible totals when two numbers from the spinner
are added?

Maximum Minimum

(c) Each me the spinner is spun, each number (1 to 3) is equally likely. What is the probability
of ge ng a total of either 2 or 3, when the two numbers are added?

(d) Séan decides to make a game, involving the same spinner. He creates the following rules:


Pay €2 to play the game

Spin the spinner twice, the result is the product of the two numbers.

Get a result which is a prime number, get €2 back.

Get a result which is 9, get €5 back.

(i) Using the following two-way table, show the product of the numbers from the two spins.

× 1 2 3

(ii) Find the probability that you get €2 back if you play the game once.

(iii) A total of 135 people play the game. Find the number of people that you would expect
to get exactly €2 back.

(iv) A er 225 people have played the game, 93 of them have got exactly €2 back and
Séan has made a profit of €179 from the game. Find the number of people who got
exactly €5 back.

QuesƟon 5 (Suggested maximum Ɵme: 5 minutes)

In a survey, a random sample of 60 students were asked

the following ques on:

How did you spend your me during mid-term?

Some of the students studied (S), some went on holidays (H),

some did both, and some did neither.

of the students in the group did neither.

50% of the students studied.

Of those students who studied, one-fi h also went on holidays.

Work out the total number of students in the group who went
on holidays only.

Use the Venn Diagram below to assist you with your solu on.

QuesƟon 6 (Suggested maximum Ɵme: 10 minutes)

(a) A closed rectangular box has a square base, with side x cm. The height of the box is 4.5 cm.
The total surface area of the box is 140 cm2.

4.5 cm

x cm
x cm

Express the total surface area of the box as a quadra c equa on in the form

ax2 + bx + c = 0, where a, b, c ∈ ℤ

(b) Hence, solve the quadra c to find possible values for x.

(c) Of your two answers to part (b), which is correct? Explain your choice.

QuesƟon 7 (Suggested maximum Ɵme: 5 minutes)

A mast ST is erected to support a broadcas ng aerial. The mast is supported by two cables,
AS and BS.

17 m

35° 50°

The angle of eleva on of cable AS to the top of the mast is 35°, while the angle of eleva on for
BS is 50°.

Find the length of the side |AB|, to the nearest metre.

QuesƟon 8 (Suggested maximum Ɵme: 10 minutes)

(a) Factorise 8x2 – 50.

(b) Factorise 6ax – 3by + 2ay – 9bx.

(c) Mul ply out and simplify 3x(4x + 2) – 5(x – 3).

(d) Write the following as a single frac on in its simplest form:

3 2

x + 1 2x + 4

QuesƟon 9 (Suggested maximum Ɵme: 5 minutes)

A group of students are making model dragons out of clay. The weight of each dragon is given below.

2.4 kg 1.6 kg 2.3 kg 4.9 kg 3.6 kg 2.8 kg 2.1 kg

1.4 kg 1.7 kg 2.4 kg 2.6 kg 3.1 kg 2.4 kg 3.1 kg

(a) Work out the range of the data, in kilogrammes.

(b) Write down which of these weights is an outlier. Give a reason for your answer.

(c) Work out the mean of the data, giving your answer in grammes.

(d) Gavin makes the following statement:

Gavin's statement: "The median is a be er average to calculate here than the mean."
Do you agree? Give a reason for your answer.

QuesƟon 10 (Suggested maximum Ɵme: 10 minutes)

In the following diagram, the angles ∠DCE and ∠EGF are equal. |CD| and |FG| are parallel.

C 10 D


F 4 G

(a) Prove that the triangles DCE and FEG are similar.

Fact Reason

∠DCE = ∠EGF Given



(b) Find |DE|.

QuesƟon 11 (Suggested maximum Ɵme: 5 minutes)

An isosceles triangle is drawn so that each vertex touches the circumference of a circle.

The diameter of the circle 8 cm forms the base of the triangle. It is also the triangle’s longest side.

8 cm

(a) Find the area of the circle, in terms of π.

(b) Find the area of the triangle.

(c) Find the area of the shaded region, giving your answer to 2 decimal places.

QuesƟon 12 (Suggested maximum Ɵme: 10 minutes)

(a) A marble has a diameter of 14 mm. Calculate its volume to the nearest whole number.

(b) A marble rolls along the top of a table. It starts to move at t = 0 seconds. The distance it
travels from its star ng point is measured in cm and can be calculated using the following
func on:
d = 14t – t2

Complete the following table using this func on.

Time (s) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Distance (cm)

(c) "This is a quadra c pa ern". Inves gate if this statement is true using second differences.

(d) Give a possible reason as to why the distance decreased in the 8th second.

(e) Draw a graph of the marble’s journey using your table. Place the me on the horizontal axis
and the distance on the ver cal axis, label both clearly.

QuesƟon 13 (Suggested maximum Ɵme: 5 minutes)

(a) The perimeter of a square wall is 72 m. Find its area in cm2.

(b) A paint roller, in the shape of a cylinder, has diameter 6 cm and it is 18 cm in length.
Find its surface area, to 2 decimal places.

(c) What percentage of the wall will be painted a er 400 full rota ons of the roller? Give your
answer to 2 significant figures.

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Label any extra work clearly with the ques on number and part.

Page for extra work.
Label any extra work clearly with the ques on number and part.

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