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SBA F SAR HAL SUBS, MW! MOARSVABRISEH! 2000, INSMSSHALMASS RACH (PE) ARATE BR (NSRA WR (KOH) ) HAANAARTABRWM: (EN ROS-EP |S “—RL" RSW, AEBMCHMEB+ RE. 2011 , SFMMAPNGR (LAWS MSR ME (20118) ) . HATH HI TUABT. ABIEONSRND, RNABHIRE TARASHEZOOM KE PB MEARNES, ROXESamAMAmy, Wen TAe-wKAD FUNDY, MNSBRARE-AVSBBGNMAB, Wis, Hw. Sawa SIRE. iT SORTS MH BS 10TFDMBR (Module) | —TH BRR (Review Module) , GOS&#i5%, —7T+#h¥8bdi& (Reading for Pleasure) MRUBR-MRSBBLRAB (Project). STHVRRAATST (Unit) , HERE, S-KTLMARRTESIVSSAS, Bo WHEFEAD (Task-based) Sm, BS-SRH. MENT. FIR RORKLPLNT-MBKAS, QREREMMLICGA, BRBRAR ) FLY, PRISE, REBVARMS SSAC SNSAPERBSAe BRHF, L-RMUHASEMERSVLPURRKEBSAT FIN HER, LUPARVAS0OPRRATSHASHTRSNMSHERS, & ARHSSNARVGMHNSSRESHU-TONG SiS. RMADTS KR, QE: MARALUMMAFCRASY, RFHSMFCRHSHS, R Hh, MERVIPUMOBIURAR, WS. FM REMH IPE $713, RERBR, PORES. MR NARANT mI. AS #8. VASROMA. RHRGGHI-MSEARLRME, KOSHI BRAS BAFER. ASPCHANURENMAMSEY, TRAHNERSIER. BH), ABARRRAM, AWLK, EH AMWAPHRIS DM, SOPSRERH, REND. SSMISESS SH, eMEAHLED KEUPIRENKA, SMASARSZBASHLM. Module 1 Unit 1 She’s very nice. Unit 2 I’m going to help her. 5 Module 2 Unit | It’s very long. 8 Unit 2 You'll see Tower Bridge. 1 Module 3 Unit 1 We’ll go to the zoo. 14 Unit 2 Will we have breakfast at 7? 17 Module 4 Unit 1 We'll pick fruit. 20 Unit 2 Thirteen, fourteen, fifteen... 23 Module 5 Unit 1 Will you take your ball tomorrow? 26 Unit 2 On Monday, I’ll go swimming. 29 Module 6 Unit 1 Here are his hands. 32 Unit 2 There is a small monster. 35 Module 7 Unit | Are there many children in your class? 38 Unit 2 How many apples are there in the box? 41 aa Sl oe Module 8 Unit 1 He works hard. Unit 2 She’s quite good at English. Module 9 Unit 1 They were very young. Unit 2 He was in Hong Kong. Module 10 Unit 1 Were you on the second floor? Unit 2 It was there. Review Module Unit 1 Unit 2 Words and Expressions in Each Module Word List Words and Expressions in Songs and Chants Proper Nouns Reading for Pleasure Jack and the Beanstalk Project 47 53 56 59 62 66 69 72 73 74 She's very nice. (4) Listen, point and say. & 3% yea —~ Look! The elephant Oh! And very is clever. naughty, too. @) Listen, point and find "nice, shy, clever, quiet". #2Q © GD eecccceccccttetttecccccceet eet t tees, This is Maomao. She's very nice. She always helps people. e's very clever. He can make e-cards. But he's , a bit quiet. I've got another friend. He's very, very naughty. But we all like him. Your friend Parrot. woe eee Petens a gegceeee®*e® @) Listen and say. 3% He's very clever. But he's a bit quiet. @ Practise. 2 fee | ER clever | This is Maomao. She's very nice. © Derecccccccceteettecccccccettteteens ine I'm going to help her. @ Listen, point and say. # 3% oe ae (2) Listen and say. 3% ©) Parrot: My name is Parrot. I'm helpful. This little girl can't do her Maths. I'm going to help her. Girl: It's twenty-one. Thank _you, Parrot. o PPTL TPeeeer ns i @ Act and say. & & A: This little boy can't do his Science. I'm going to help him. It's a parrot. B: Oh! Thank you, Parrot. ) w This little boy is naughty. And this little boy is shy. This little boy is nice. And this little boy will cry. (5) Write and look. Then remember and say. 25°F Jiajia is shy. / Xiaogiang is clever and Huahua is naughty. I'm going to help you. It's very long. @ Listen and chant. So This house is big, This tree is big, but that one is small. but that one is small. @ Listen, point and find "wide, long, tall, old". FEAR Look at this book. It's about London. I'm from London. This river is very wide. And it's very long. It's the River Thames. © OHrvccccecccet???*Peccececcte®® ae pases This is Big Ben. Its a It's very tall. very old clock. What is it? And look at this big wheel. It's very high. It's like a big, round eye! Aah! peeeeehOee @ Practise. & long | [_old big | | tall | [wide] [ high This house is it's very tall. You'll see Tower Bridge. DD Listen, point and say. #2 Hello, Kitty. Come to my house. You'll see my new friend Little Six. @ Listen and say. 3% Lingling: | want to visit London. Amy: You'll see Tower Bridge. It can open. Lingling: And we'll go on the London Eye. Amy: Of course we will. You'll love London. eee OOeeg., gece ee*eteceg eget? Le. & Point and say. = & In London, you'll see... 4 Listen and say. Then sing. 5 & & THE LONDON EYE The London Eye goes round and round, round and round, round and round. The SS = London Eye goes round and round, high up in the sky. The people on the Eye say, “Look at that! Look at that! Look at that!” The people on the Eye say, = “Look at that!" high up in the sky. ®) Look and say. &% A: In this park, you'll see a wide river. egy B: It's Green Park. This is my favourite park. In this park, you'll 7 see... We'll go to the zoo. A) Listen and chant. 39 What will you do? What will you do? I'll go to the zoo. I'll go to school. @ Listen, point and find "will, won't". 3 3Q What will you do this weekend, Amy? © De ecvccegrcet?®**Peege cnet ®*Peee, Amy: We'll see lions, tigers pandas. Amy: Will you go, too, Daming? Daming: Will Sam go, too? Daming: No, | won't. school Will you go to... this weekend? Yes, | will. / No, | won't. © DD rrcccccccceee ee teeccccce OOOO Ceee, Oh no! It's my breakfast. No, we'll have breakfast at 8. Will we Yes, we'll have dinner at 6. 7, ave lunch have dinner) and well have atea party at 4 al f at 12? poor PPPOOe ggg gece **teaegecet®® De CREE 3 un) | 3) Look, ask and answer. 3% 3 Will you visit your grandpa this weekend? What will you see? | I'llsee some boys playing with toys. That's what I'll see. © TD eeccccccece tt tt ccc gc cet ete tttees ‘5B Mime and guess. % ¢ a) fo eer Will we see the tiger? No, we won't. Be Will we see 2 the lion? 6 Do and say. && Do a survey about this weekend and report back to your classmates. oa you read books this weekend? Yes, | will. Will you fly your kite this weekend? Xe Xiaotao will read books this weekend. He won't fly his kite. He won't. We'll pick fruit. We're fourteen. You're four. I We're big. You're small. @ Listen, point and find "will". & 2Q Kr ie | [[ Frias | This weekend, we're going to a fruit farm. We'll pick fruit. But | don't q like apples. What other fruit will we pick? Will we pick pears? es} 4 "ll pick ten C Nl pick \\ @g fourteen. ) @& >) Il pick twelve pears. <— = I'll pick sixteen. Let's go now, Amy and Sam. Sam: Will we pick pears? Ms Smart: Yes, we will. Amy: |'ll pick ten apples. Sam: |'l pick twelve pears. Yes, I'll pick eighteen peaches. 4 Thirteen, fourteen, fifteen... @ Listen, point and say. & & Hello, Kitty! I've got Ha ha, now, you've twelve apples. got thirteen apples. @ Listen and say. && Sam: Look at the peaches on these trees! Let's count them! Amy: OK! Sam and Amy: One... thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two. Sam: |'m afraid we can't see all the peaches. Amy: No, we can't. | feel tired now. Let's go home! m: All right. Let's go! wP WR wR 13 thirteen | | 14 fourteen 15 fifteen 16 sixteen BE wap wy 17seventeen| |78 eighteen} | 79 nineteen 20 twenty eo0e"" MORNE @ Count, ask and answer. 2% A: How many pens? B: Fourteen pens. 41. Eleven, twelve and thirteen. 12 Pick the fruit 13 and wash it clean. 14 Fourteen, fifteen 45 and sixteen. Here's my favourite 16 tangerine. 17 Seventeen, eighteen 18 and nineteen. Apples are red, es 19 yellow and green. Are you going to Hong Kong this ee z Saturday? No, I'm not. I'm going to Hong Kong this Sunday. On Saturday, we're going to have , Da eee a will you Oh. Will take your kite to the you take your ball picnic tomorrow? tomorrow? Tomorrow is ca Friday. We're going on Saturday! ) welt POG a gn, cet lh heen. gcc e ee 3) Listen and say. S¢* ©) ae | <= SO pe Sam: Will you take your kite to Sam: Will you take your ball the picnic tomorrow? tomorrow? Amy: No, | won't. Amy: No, | won't. Will you fly your kite tomorrow? De cncccccett*Peecnccett®* tees wie On Monday, I'll go swimming. 4 Listen and chant. 30 Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. And we will have Saturday. @ Listen and say. 2% We are on holiday next week. What will you do, Shanshan? On Monday, On Tuesday, On Wednesday, I'll go swimming. "'ll play with my friends. I'll go to the park. On Thursday, On Friday, On Saturday, On Sunday, "ll do my I'll visit my I'll help my I'll read my homework. grandma. mother. books. weet Oleg, cect theese gett Pe @ Ask and answer. © A: Will you play football on Sunday? B: Yes, | will. / No, | won't. P Wednesday Thursday @) Listen and say. Then chant. #&° a Solomon Grundy will eat fruit on Monday, e will play ball on Tuesday, q will sing on Wednesday, a will dance on Thursday, WCE wil play the drums on Friday, will paint on Saturday, will sleep on Sunday. That will be the week Wednesday Thursday CDeeccrccccet*Pccccsecce® PPeee 5) Do, ask and answer. % @ 3 af , A: Will he watch TV on Monday? B: No, he won't. & Ne) <«_—?e Wednesday 6) Do, ask and answer. 2 ee What will you do on What will Xiaoyong do on Monday? we P POO S0 G6, oo oPPPPOegg gg eco Me One hand, two hands, clap, clap, clap. One foot, two feet, stamp, stamp, stamp. SS ildren. Today we are going to draw a picture on the aN monster on the computer. Now wate! > DD ecccccgecct®o?tcece cc cet hh Pteee, oe lere is his head. And C teste nis bay. Here are his leg and his foot. One leg! \ One foot! All right. Let's have a look. The monster has got one head, ten hands, six arms, one leg, one foot and one body. @ Listen and say. &¢ Here are his arms. Here is his leg. Here is his foot. 4) Practise. & Here are his heads. Derecccccacceeeetteecsgccctt tee t tees There is a small monster. @) Listen and chant. #3. There is a nose on your face. o There are two eyes on your face. There is a mouth on your face. : They are all on your face. ° ° 0 Lat a ES —— se This is our poster. There is a small monster. And there are two big monsters. There are twenty-four hands., wo oee ee *eteny gaceee® Poccccccccee® @ & Look and say. && oe There is one boy. There are two dogs. & Listen and say. Then sing. 3% & Three Green Parrots There are three green parrots two green parrots one green parrot standing in the tree. There are three green parrots ‘standing in the tree. There are two green parrots standing in thetree. There is one green parrot standing in the tree. Nowone green parrot standing in the tree. Nowone green parrot standing in the tree. Now the green parrot accidentally falls. There are ecentaly, fal There 5 Find and say. \& font In Picture 1, there is a boy. He's flying a kite. gy Bring a photo of your room to class and introduce it. 6 Do and say. & = oe) This is my room. 5 | There is a pen on the desk... 4 awe there many children in your class? a) Listen, point and say. # 3% Are there any monkeys here? i) Listen, point and find "Are there...?" coe Amy, can | ask you a question? How many (sor merion? Are there many children in your class? There are twenty boys. So there are twenty-one girls. Are there many oe oM ae. children in a class } No, there aren't. ont in the UK? There are about twenty. So we've got more friends in China! weet eO PP Oeegg.. cecet ttt fteeegeect®® B- A: Are there many children in your class? B: Yes, there are forty-one. B: Are there many children in a class in the UK? A: No, there aren't. There are about twenty. (4) Practise. & @ = Are there many apples at School A? ©Deeccccee OOOO FPO CO agg ggeeeee®*Pteng How many apples are there in the box? and say. #3 4) Listen, point EN ee. How many monkeys are e there? = twenty-four, twenty-five, és” twenty-six. There are twenty-si How many apples are there in the box? | How many e pears are there in the box? No, there are thirty. onder, @ Look, ask and answer. &% & eg A: How many children are there in Class 1? B: There are... Class 1 Class 2 42 children 48 children 27 boys 31 boys 15 girls 17 girls 25 computers 30 computers @ Listen and say. Then chant. 3% a Ten big lions at the zoo. Twenty bears and a kangaroo. Thirty elephants in a row. Forty monkeys go high and low. Fifty tigers | can see. Sixty parrots in a tree. , Seventy cats and eighty dogs. Ninety birds and one hundred frogs. Cs Be ei - ws e 4a °@O Peeccecced®®** eeegeee® S&S Look and remember. Then ask and answer. &€ & @ any fie (ow many monkeys: are there in the picture? 6 Act and say. 2 Do an interview about your school. ~~ How many ee teachers are there ote s in your school? 2) There are... How many classrooms are there in your school? How many children’ are there in your school? oe S OOOUe8. He works hard. @ Listen, point and say. 2 3% Kitty is lazy. ) — No, you're not lazy. You're very lazy. @ Listen, point and find "am, is, are". & 3 «| | r to your teacher. AIIM A Pez ie © De occceg cette th tac eg ece tenet tees It's Parents' Day today. We're going to speak Is Daming naughty in class? I'm happy with that. Thank you, Ms Smart. He works hard. And he's a clever He isn't lazy. boy, too. His work Daming, Ms Smart is very happy with your work. pect OP POeagnes cecee ee Ptececgcce®® Be. 1 3) Listen and say. in class? Ms Smart: No, he isn't. Ms Smart: His work is good. Daming's mum: I'm happy with that. Thank you. @ Practise. & naughty x nice v Is Fangfang naughty? lazy x clever v shy x quiet x snes Cee ame) at En @ Listen and chant. =o | like English. | like Maths. | like PE and Chinese. | like Science. | like Art. | will work really hard. Report: Lingling Maths very good English quite good Science tries hard PE runs fast doesn't work hard Chinese very good Mum: We've got Lingling's report. Dad: What does it say? Mum: She's very good at Maths. She's quite good at English. She tries hard at Science. She runs fast in PE. She's very good at Chinese. But she doesn't work hard at Art. @ Look and say. 4% Sam is quite good at Maths. He's... Report: Sam quite good Maths English very good Science doesn't work hard PE good at football works hard Art Chinese not very good This is a naughty monkey. And this is a lazy cat. This is a clever dog. And this is a fast rat. This is a good panda. This is a funny giraffe. eeeece® Tingting is very good at Maths. She tries hard at Science... pecetPPPOceg es. eect tO Oteceggeete® Do. Oh look! It's beautiful. And it was also beautiful then. @) Listen, point and find "was, were". SEQ Who are they, Lingling? Yes. But they are very old now. } de) o oo9So9 9soo09 »~o Y °9e00900%? 29e999900° 9909 = ae Is that you, Lingli a? ) Your hair was very short then. were very cute! af _ And | was a too. Amy: mee WETS NEI YOUNO: Amy: Your hair was very short 5 q then. Lingling: Yes. But they are very Lingling: Yes, now it's long. old now. : (4) Practise. % & A: It was fat then. A: They were... then. y B: Now it's thin. B: Now they're... f short long | fat thin tall ] old [ young Then ws « Now Yo g 888000, S He was in Hong Kong. ®@ Listen, point and say. 3 3% Hello, Dad. I'm in London now. And | was in Beijing yesterday. @ Listen and say. 2% Dear Lucy, In the holidays, Mum and Amy weren't in Beijing. They were in London with my grandparents. Dad wasn't in London. He was in Hong Kong. And me? I was in Beijing. T was with Daming at his home yesterday. Tt was fun! Love, Sam @ Find and say. & Ms Smart and Amy were in... 4 Listen and say. Then sing. #4 & ‘ UWAS FAT q ® | was fat, but | was slow. Now Im fast | can — win! =, 1 was a baby, but now Im big. ‘was cute. Now I'm not [man old pig! 2 OY» ceed ‘B Find and say. \& Duoduo was short then. Now he's tall. Banban Duoduo © Do and say. && Bring some photos to class and talk about them. ees Look! This is my father. He was thin then. But now he is not. Look at this little boy. It's me. | was short and thin then. | am tall and strong now. Were you on the second floor? @ Listen, point and say. #39 Hello. Were you in Beijing yesterday? No, | wasn't. | was in London yesterday. Hil I'm worried. \ “~ | can't find C@Decccccccde loc gecct?®**Feng Were you on the second And Daming was there! | remember! Thank you. I'll go to the second floor now. we were. Daming, come here! | was very worried. Sorry, Mum. This CD is for you! Happy Mother's Day! LV’ H\ by OY ‘ vi aN ! Na & @ A: Was the toy panda on A: Is the toy panda on the first floor? the first floor now? B: No, it wasn't. 5 B: Yes, itis. 4, a = ae: (6) Make a survey and write. aS ose How many children were there in your class last year? (Fe es ( How many children are there in your class this year? There were... a There are... | f How many te Name eer Last year This year _ t f | Xiaowen woe P PSO e ag geet POPS ang geet De @) Look and say. @%& ee It's very tall. Ss er ee re Se el IN RQOULs. i Oe @) Look and say. & & ain This weekend, Fangfang will... She won't... 7 willl you go swimming this weekend? Point, ask and answer. 2% ¢ A: How many... are there? B: There are... EE EP, em =. q 19 15 > & G 13 40 Look and say. & & ALAA The children were in Classroom A. Now they're in Classroom B. te Then Classroom A Classroom B Classroom C Now Classroom A Classroom B Classroom C @ Ask and answer. % 2 A: Were you at the farm yesterday? B: Yes, | was. @ Look and say. I'll wash my trousers on Monday. Weekly Plan Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sunday CINEMA Module 1 nice ZeFh), A; HARRAH always 2, —B abit Hi, AAUL shy @tki, ABGRAY, BAARAD ‘ecard ETRE quiet sc#EAY A ee him (4) fh *parrot 2535 twenty =+ helpful Hit; BAAD maths S34; MER ‘plus dm, dt more BSN; ASH; ptanAg another Module 2 about *F river J wide 3A), sia; Ss ay old FRA, HEA clock #H, BY Sh wheel #F achiMo round BIAS; ERAGE will He, AS you'll = you will 44 tower i bridge HF Module 3 won't = will not 478 countryside RAH, SF farmer RR; RHE there ZARB lotsof HA, ARH breakfast #4 have breakfast ME S4# tea #; Mt tea party (PAH) #2, RES Module 4 pick RR, #8 ( 4€, AR) fourteen +9 sixteen +70 eighteen +/\ thirteen += fifteen +H seventeen ++ nineteen +L afraid #38) feel Mit; Rife allright 4, 47 Module 5 tomorrow WAX » Monday Sii— why Ait& Why not? 4ttAanwe? Tuesday BiA— Wednesday #3)= Thursday #390 next F—i; Hey week fi], #34 Module 6 stamp BRM, FRAZIER computer #+3#1, fa shall %, Z arm RRR Module 7 class ¥ER any —#, #F; f—-4 ask (A); il; +10F question [agi forty M+ so Flt about x thirty =+ Module 8 hard 87th lazy th, fied parent 3%; 30% Parents'Day KA speak #18; Bi with 3F quite i, 4Ex goodat ak English iB; Ris PE = physical education A; KAR Chinese MiB, PR; BRR art BA; ZK; BAR report Ae sete 2 try Sit, ce Module 9 were (aretiitixt) & young 464284 beautiful ian), SemaAY was (istiitest) Z also th, & then BRT who iff grandparent (Sh) #132; ( $b ) 48 old 2, 2H yesterday BER weren't = were not RAE wasn't=wasnot #az fun ARBh st Module 10 second $= floor & worried #80tH; #iABAY find RR, RB first — remember ig; [lAB# Mother's Day #3e 75, vegetable ##3% laste ebeads (=: BKDALSHARAR BRAIRWIL, RA* Hid” BRMTRIVAIL ) —_ Word) list Aa class HER abit Wik, AmJIL clock #}, BY#h about ¥¥; AH computer #41, HLBa afraid #06 countryside RH, SF allright $F, 47 also th, & Ee always Af, —B ‘e-card BFRE another 3—*, B—* eighteen +/\ any —#, SF; EfI—+ English 381%; 3isiR arm aig art EA; SAR; BAR re ask fl; 4; HF farmer RE; RAE feel Bit; Bb fifteen +H beautiful wh, Zeman find #R, #2 breakfast 34% first 8— have breakfast RZ 523% floor & bridge #F forty + fourteen + os fun ABE Chinese MiB, PR; BRR good at #1 grandparent (Sh) #822; ( 9p ) 408 Hh hard 87s helpful BCA; AFAR him (eH) ft ul last. b—*+ lazy ‘fated, fee lotsof HSM, ABH |. Mm maths %; SiR Monday #F§— more BM; Add; piney Mother's Day S547 Nn next B—*H); Hey nice ABM, FWA; HARRAH nineteen +H Oo old RAR, He; 2H, Fen Pp parent #3; 23% Parents'Day KA *parrot S9i3 PE = physical education KA; KAR pick 5%, 4% (4. *kR) *plus jm, mt ay question (a) quiet sc##Ay quite 4, 4Ex Rr remember id#; BlARe report ASRS river iW round BLAH); BRIBE) second #— seventeen ++ shall &, # shy 2th, ABTEAY, AGAREY sixteen +7 so Alt speak iti; i stamp ERR, FARR Tt tea 3; 30 tea party (FMW) #2, RES then ABBY there ZEAbB thirteen += thirty =+ Thursday #8409 tomorrow FAK tower i try Seist, it Tuesday B= twenty + Vv vegetable Hi3% Ww was (istiitest) 2 wasn't =was not Az Wednesday #3§= week fi], 294 were (arefyitixt ) & weren't= were not A wheel #0 who i why Atte Why not? AttAAwE? wide 358, Seren; 3-H) will 4, 12 you'll = you will #4 with 3+ won't = will not 47% worried #8tti; AA xy yesterday BEX young 45#Ai Wordsand Expressions in) Songs;and) Chants) accidentally {B98ib; SMib laugh 5; WAS clean aH, FHA low # (fl) (Ric eighty /\+ ninety A+ fall SER; Bee paint #218) fast TRIN, ‘PRAY rat ER fifty H+ round AYE) Ras funny Awe; FARA seventy ++ high rest sixty 7\+ hundred “& tangerine #6, #48 inarow R—-RBR; —7 when Ze-++-- YAY 5 its EH En PRE kangaroo 48h Names Kitty 83 Solomon Grundy FRET: Hiei Places BigBen *ASP London {@3k London Eye {€3UER River Thames 3808biq] Tower Bridge #4 Reading for Pleasure Jack and the Beanstalk Mum, I'm hungry, too. I'll sell the cow. Then we'll have Beading fore leasurer E Look! Now the bean is a beanstalk. It's tee tall. I'll go up. ==Reading for, Pleasure © De cece cect h ®t Pegg acct t?? Cen, i ’ Give me ows Good. Now I've got Y > ten gold eggs. Take the chicken! Run! OU rr ek == Reading for, Pleasure== / Ohno! 4 The giant! by LE G Y9 _-~om Mum, the big man is coming. Let's cut the beanstalk. Give us eggs, a chicken! Pie re, we are rich! c F ==Reading forPleasuro— bean EF beanstalk BS cut Wir giant BA gold Sie husband X#% magic @BAR rich Ah sell & neon @ Cut out pictures of people from magazines and newspapers. + = This is Ms Smith. She's (from the UK. This is Xiaozhuge. He's S_ very clever. This is Wang Peng. He can sing songs well. This is Jingjing. \\ She's three. woe PPPOCeg seg e ett PPeeeg ee ect Me @ Stick the pictures on a big piece of paper. @ i = @ Write captions. Stick on a caption for each picture. <@ - : || | This is Ms Smith, e This is Jingjing. | | Ky She's from the UK. TA. | She's three. | | : = | This is Wang Peng. | | This is Xiaozhuge. He can sing | | He's very clever. songs well. | | UJ = = © De cengcocdh eo Penge cedh®OPteg, S) Display and talk about your project. && oe VT This is Ms Smith. This is Jingjing. She's from the UK. She's three. Look! ; ‘ This is Wang Peng. Xiaozhuge is This is Xiaozhuge. He can sing very clever. He's very clever. songs well weet t tlle cet t tht l ee eect te Pel Bal x He Be icniaiatieanasetanatel eceeancinnecmnsll act/display/do/make/ | mime/practise | ee a ee ee : telnet ricer ja ict einentane shee RSA “ic”, —RMKRARHE ACE BBA. BBA, FAM, ABR RBA? AMA, HHL ALATAD IM PHIAAILMIBE ETS, HAMM TERME FME? MRA, ARAB! AMER S YE AA ORRIE—RLK. RP; MAAS SS UAS aa. AS, HMNERBEMEARBKAAREM MB, HAAR WBS. FREE, RAINE H A, WR MIADRRARR SAHMSAMALNAR. EETABAHNTEP, RNAS ET RGREMEUR-BRASHRR. ET aNRH EMR TRE RELAUMA HMA, THT SHMAMRUMARRH, WE RFK MAM, HEEMAB. ATERABRE LEA SREMENLRA, CF—-RAHAEA, MAS SKESM MSNA RH TRENBA. RAIS GY RMBSAM, LARMNBASHH, BAS TAH AMAMWESRS ARM (PAS ARE SHEF) : Naomi Simmons (3%) Carlos Barcenas (3%) Fue EB Bh ih ak BT SR RATA (RRR =O0-=#8A

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