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Becoming a Leader in a Sustainable Diverse community

Paving the Way to Sustainable Diverse Community

In today’s interconnected world, increasingly diverse communities are inevitable, and to

some extent, if not effectively in charge of, insurmountable! In a diverse community, with people
from different social backgrounds coming together and bringing with them their own unique
culture, practices and different perspectives enriches, not only the community’s identity, but also
enhances the cultural landscape of a community. As these communities evolve, the need for
effective leadership that embraces and empowers diversity becomes a paramount. With all these
being said, let me ask you, what does it take to become a leader in a sustainable diverse

We all know that becoming a leader in any organization or community is a no joke, it comes
with great responsibility because you are entitled with a great power to navigate and pave the
way to your community. But leading a diverse community setting in a sustainable way is even
much harder than you think.

Today Ladies and Gentlemen, let me share to you my sentiments on how to become an effective
leader in sustainable diverse community. First of all, becoming a leader in a sustainable diverse
community requires a unique set of skills, attitudes and actions to foster inclusivity,
understanding and collaboration..

The presence of diversity in our community has greatly impact the growth of not just
The community but the entire world, growth causing changes that can be good yet so bad.This
leads us to the second trait be able to sustain growth has not been new to us since then. As we all
know, sustaining growth aims to develop the youth to become responsible citizens and even
leaders in the community who are capable of bringing the community to success.

One must be aware of it’s surroundings.Aside from sustaining growth in communities of diverse
backgrounds must also be ready to confront challenges. Which is the third trait such as religious
differences and language barriers as well as social stigmas that can cause tension among the
members of our community. Addressing these issues requires patience, empathy, and willingness
to listen and learn from others which are traits of a good leader. By developing responsible
leaders, these leaders are capable in contributing help by acknowledging these challenges and
working together to find solutions, a community can build stronger relationships and increase in
capacity for collaboration and innovation.
To sum up all that has been said. A leader is a must in a society full of diversity. By sustaining
the growth of our community, we not only build strong relationships but also strong leaders that
are capable of leading the future to the success we are all waiting for. A future where good is
sitting on throne together with the community and its leader. The community consists of
members; The leader and its followers. With all the knowledge applied, well yes indeed we’re
capable of sustaining the growth of our diverse community. If the leader is not strong then we
can call its followers weaklings but if the leader excels among the rest, then we call its followers
succeeders. As it is famous from the saying “A good leader is also a good follower”. But can a
good leader face the inevitable diverse challenges in the community?

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