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With the advancement of technology, smart phones have become increasingly

prevalent among children because of its user-friendly features;however, the overuse of

these devices can have detrimental effects on teenagers’development.There are two
reasons why children spend hours on their phones.One of them is the addictive
content.To be more precise, almost every phones nowadays have lots of mobile games
which are designed with intriguing plots and character.This will have youngsters
engrossed in these games and became more and more addicted to it.Another cause is
that children have easier access to these kinds of devices.It is common to see
teenagers in the street scrolling their screens. Hours of phone time everyday can harm
children both physical and mental health. Firstly, gluing their eyes to phones all day
can lead to eyestrain and maybe pain in the neck or back.Furthermore, teenagers lack
the ability to think independently and by consuming too much pessimistic videos can
result in depression among them.Secondly, overusing smartphone can be put down to
the decrease in face-to-face communication.Such children are isolated from the
outside world so they might suffer from relationship problems.In summary, the
captivating digital apps combining with the easier access to smartphone is the main
reason of this trend and to alleviate this issue, both parents and schools should look
after teenagers.
Revised version
With the increasing advancements in technology, smartphones have become
ubiquitous among children due to their user-friendly features. However, the overuse
of these devices can have detrimental effects on teenagers' development. There are
two main reasons why children spend hours on their phones. Firstly, addictive content
is a major factor. Most smartphones nowadays are filled with numerous mobile games
with intriguing plots and characters, which can engross youngsters and make them
addicted to them. Secondly, children have easier access to these devices. It is common
to see teenagers scrolling through their screens while walking on the street.
Spending hours on smartphones every day can harm children's physical and mental
health. Firstly, constantly staring at their phones can lead to eye strain, neck and back
pain. Furthermore, teenagers who consume too much pessimistic content may lack the
ability to think independently, leading to depression. Secondly, overusing
smartphones can contribute to a decrease in face-to-face communication, making it
challenging for children to develop and maintain relationships. In summary, the
captivating digital apps, combined with the easy access to smartphones, is the main
reason for this trend. To alleviate this issue, both parents and schools should take
responsibility for monitoring teenagers' phone usage. Parents should set
appropriate limits on phone usage, provide alternative activities for their children, and
encourage face-to-face communication. Schools should also educate students about
the negative effects of excessive phone usage and offer various activities to engage
students in social interaction.

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