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Vacation batch Test-I (JUNE 2023)

Revolt of 1857, Growth of Nationalism, Early Nationalist & Union

legislature.]Total 65M]
Q1. MCQ[10 Marks]
1.(i). Relationship between British and Princely States changed after the Revolt.
(ii). British abolished Doctrine of Lapse.
(a).ii is cause of i. (b). i is the result for ii
(c).Both are independent of each other.
(d).None of the statements are correct.
2. Tick the wrong one- Queen Victoria’s declaration after Revolt.
(a).Jobs & promotions will be granted on the basis of the merit.
(b). Interference in religious matter will continue to better lives of natives.
(c).More industries will be put up.
(d).The British will look after the moral & social progress of the people.
3. Choose the correct answer.
(i). The raw materials were taken from India to England.
(ii).The cottage industry in India declined.
(a).i led to ii. (b). ii led to i. (c).None of the two statements are related.
(d).Both the statements are The Religious and Social causes that led to the Revolt.
4.British banned Sati and Child marriage.
(a). This caused the Orthodox Indians to join the Revolt.
(b). This caused the Orthodox Indians to adopt the Christianity.
(c). This caused the Orthodox Indians to become progressive immediately.
(d).This caused the Rise of Social Religious Reform Movements.
5. Lord Dalhousie announced Doctrine of Lapse to target.
(a).The rulers who refused to sign the Subsidiary Alliance.
(b).The ruler of Awadh.
(c). The rulers who didn’t have natural heir.
(d).The rulers who were not willing to make the British the future rulers.
6. Ilbert bill controversy (Put it in order)
(a).The Indians were disappointed with the lack of justice & fair play of the British.
(b).The aim of the Ilbert bill was to bring Indian & European judges at par.
(c).The British wouldn’t allow the 2 to be at par.
(d).The resentment against the action of the British made the Indians believe
that a political party was needed to demand for equality.
7. Indians lacked unity because
(a).We were not proud of our culture.
(b). We had evil custom like Sati & Polygamy.
(c).We would believed in Caste System.
(d).We believed in idol worship & rituals.
8.With reference to newspaper
(i).The newspaper of regional language were critical of British policies & were
responsible for inciting the Indians against British.
(ii).Lord Lytton passed the Vernacular Press Act.
(a) i was the cause of ii. (b).ii was the cause of i.
(c). Both the actions are not connected (d). Both did not lead to nationalism.
9. Early nationalist used the constitutional methods because
(a).They saw that Assertive Nationalist used aggressive methods.
(b).They believed that the British were a curse.
(c) The British were to be demanded Self Government .
(d).The believed that the British were a blessing and were fair.
10. Early Nationalist started the Indian National Congress.
(a). To attain self government.
(b).To make British of their policies.
(c). To merge all the small parties into one.
(d). All of the above.

Q2.Short questions. [Total 17Marks]

1. Why is Revolt called India’s First War of Independence? (1)
2. Why did Doctrine of lapse hurt Rani Laxmibai? (1)
3.On what excuse did the British annex Awadh and why did it create suspicion
among the other rulers? (1)
4. Why were the Indian soldiers unhappy with the British.(Write four points) (2)
5.What were the changes that came into administration after the Revolt. (Write
four points) (2)
6.When and where was the First Session of the Indian National Congress held? (1)
7.Who was the founder of Congress and Who was the viceroy who allowed the
congress to be formed?(1)
8. Who was the 1st and 2nd President of the Indian National Congress?(1)
9.Mention any four objectives for the formation of the Indian National Congress in
1885. (2)
10.Name any two social religious reformers and their societies that prepared people
for National movement. (2)
11. Why was the Early period called the period of the Early Nationalists? (1)
12.Who founded the Servants of India Society? Give the aim of this society?(2)

MCQ for Union Legislature. [ Total 20 marks]

1.The houses of the Parliament are prorogued by the President.
(a). After the day’s meeting is over. (b). After only Budget session is over
(c). After every session of the year.
(d). When the President give’s his President Address
2.The 3 lists on which the Parliament make laws are ___________ _____, _________.
3.Ordinance becomes null & void if the Parliament doesn’t approve of it with in
(a). 6 months of it’s reassembly (b). 6 weeks of it’s reassembly
(c). 8 months of it’s reassembly (d). 14 days of it’s reassembly
4.A money bill at the Union level can only be introduced
(a). In Lok Sabha (b). In Rajya Sabha (c). In Vidhan Sabha (d). a & b
5.The State legislative assembly can make law on Union list.
(a). If the Rajya Sabha tells it do so. (b). If the President issues an ordinance.
(c). If there is a Proclamation of Emergency. (d).The Statement is wrong.
6.An Ordinance is a ___________
(a). Temporary law. (b). A motion of no confidence (c). President’s Address
(d). A part of Budget.
7. In Amendment of constitution
(a). Lok Sabha & Rajya Sabha have equal power.
(b).Lok Sabha has exclusive power
(c). Rajya Sabha has exclusive power. (d). None of the Above
8.During a total breakdown of state machinery the _______
(a). Parliament makes a laws on state list
(b). The Security Council takes over the state.
(c). The Presidential rule is declared in the state . (d). a & c
9.The Lok Sabha does not share equal responsibility with Rajya Sabha on following
(a). Introduction ordinary bill (b).Passing of the Money bill (c). Interpollation
(d). Amendment of Constitution.
10.During which of the periods the members are permitted to ask Question.
(a). Question Hour (b). Zero Hour (c). Presidential address.
11.Rajya Sabha can be dissolved after every 6 years.
(a). True (b). False
12. Rajya Sabha cannot do one of the following
(a). Ask question in question hour & zero hour. (b). Reject an ordinary bill.
(c). Amend the Constitution (d). Pass a motion of no Confidence.
13.In Rajya Sabha 1/3 rd members retires every _____________
(a). 3years (b). 6months (c). 1year (d). 2years.
14.The Speaker’s seat falls vacant when he submits a resignation letter to
(a). Members of Parliament (b). Committee (c). Speaker (d). Deputy speaker.
15. _______ states that all, citizens of India, 18 years and above have the rights to vote
Irrespective of caste, creed, colour, gender etc.
(a).Constituency (b). Universal Adult Franchise (c). Monsoon Session
(d). Anti –Defection law.
16. A ________ is a formal proposal made by a member stating that the house should
take up some matter which is of Public importance.
(a). Ordinance (b). Motion of Adjournment (c). Motion of Thanks
(d). No-Confidence motion.
17.Rajya Sabha Exclusive power is _______________
(a). Introduce a money bill (b). To setup all India service.
(c). Elect the president of India. (d). To dismiss the Vice President.
18.The Lok Sabha has exclusive power in ______
(a). Introduction of a money bill
(b). Passing a motion of adjournment to dismiss the executive.
(c).Impeachment of President. (d). a & b
19.Which body elects the Rajya Sabha
(a). The Lok Sabha (b). The State legislative Assemblies
(c). Finance commission (d). Elected members of Rajya Sabha
20.There are 2 kinds of bills
(a). Money bill (b). Ordinary bill (c). Supplementary Grant (d). Vote on account.

Q2.Short questions. [18 Marks]

1. Name the motion by which the agenda of the house is kept aside to discuss a
matter of public importance. Who will move this motion? (2)
2. How many sessions are mandatory for the Parliament to have? What is the
maximum number of sessions held in the parliament? (2)
3. In which house a money bill cannot be introduced? What happens if the Rajya
Sabha delays the money bill for more than 14 days. . (2)
4. Who presides over the joint session of both the houses of the Parliament?
Who calls for the Joint session for the Presidents address? (2)
5. Give two financial functions of the Union Parliament. (2)
6. When do Lok Sabha & the Rajya Sabha enjoy equal power.(2)
7. What is the electoral college that elects the Rajya Sabha members? (2)
8. How does the Parliament control the executive.(2) (any two )
9. Mention the body or bodies that have been granted exclusive powers to make
laws on Subject in the concurrent list. (2)

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