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Date:14/06/2023 Subject: Biology Maximum Marks: 25

Class: 10 Unit Test - 1 Time: 45 mins

Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately.
You will not be allowed to write during the first 10 minutes.
This time is to be spent in reading the question paper.
The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers.

Section A
( All questions are compulsory )

Question 1
A) Choose the most appropriate answer

i ……….. cell organelle in animals initiates and regulates cell division.

a) Nucleolus
b) Centrosome [1]
c) Ribosome
d) Nucleoplasm

ii The chromatin material is formed of

a) DNA only
b) DNA and histone proteins [1]
c) Histone proteins only
d) Nucleotides

iii Who first discovered DNA?

a) Watson and Crick
b) Lamarck [1]
c) Alexander Fleming
d) Walther Fleming

iv Which one of the following is the phenotypic monohybrid ratio in F2 generation?

a) 3:1
b) 1:2:1 [1]
c) 2:2
d) 1:3

v Choose a recessive trait for the given characters.

a) Tongue - non rolling
b) Rh blood group - positive [1]
c) Hand - right handedness
d) Eye colour - brown

Pg 1
Question 2
A) Answer the following questions-

i Think of a possibility of a marriage between a carrier woman (for colour blindness) and [4]
a normal man. Is there a possibility of the birth of a colour blind daughter? Work out the
progeny in a Punnett square.

X X0


Here, when a carrier woman (XX0) mates with a normal man (XY), it is found that there
is no probability of birthing a colour blind daughter. The progeny probability is as
follows - normal daughter (25%), carrier daughter (25%), normal son (25%), colour
blind son (25%)

ii State and explain the three laws of inheritance as given by Mendel. [6]
Law of dominance - This law states that in a heterozygous condition, the allele whose
characters are expressed over the other allele is called the dominant allele and the
characters of this dominant allele are called dominant characters. The characters that
appear in the F1 generation are called dominant characters. The recessive characters
appear in the F2 generation.
Law of Segregation - This law states that when two traits come together in one hybrid
pair, the two characters do not mix with each other and are independent of each other.
Each gamete receives one of the two alleles during meiosis of the
chromosome.Mendel’s law of segregations supports the phenotypic ratio of 3:1 i.e. the
homozygous dominant and heterozygous offsprings show dominant traits while the
homozygous recessive shows the recessive trait.
Law of independent assortment - This means that at the time of gamete formation,
the two genes segregate independently of each other as well as of other traits. Law of
independent assortment emphasises that there are separate genes for separate traits
and characters and they influence and sort themselves independently of the other
genes. This law also says that at the time of gamete and zygote formation, the genes
are independently passed on from the parents to the offspring.

Section B
(Attempt any 2 questions)

Question 3

i Differentiate between mitosis and meiosis. [3]

Mitosis Meiosis

It occurs in somatic cells It occurs in reproductive cells

Pg 2
Two daughter cells Four daughter cells

Full set of chromosomes is passed onto Half set of chromosomes is passed onto
each daughter cell each daughter cell

ii Why did Mendel select pea plant for his experiments? [2]
● The pea plants were easy to grow and maintain
● It has many clearly distinct and contrasting characters.
● The pea plant is an annual plant and so many generations of the plant can be
studied in a short period of time.
● Peas are naturally self-pollinating but can also be cross-pollinated.

Question 4

i Explain Interphase. [3]

The interphase is the preparatory phase of the cell cycle. It consists of the G1 phase, S
phase and the G2 phase. G1 phase marks the growth of cytoplasm, S phase marks the
duplication of cell organelles and G2 phase marks the duplication of DNA

ii Define Mutation. [1]

Mutation is a sudden change in one or more genes, or in the number or in the structure
of chromosomes.

iii Name a X-linked recessive disease. [1]

Colour blindness, Hemophilia

Question 5

i Observe the diagram and answer the questions that follow. [5]

Pg 3
a) Identify the mitotic phase in the above cell.
b) Which phase precedes the above phase?
c) Label part 1,2 and 3.
1- Aster/Centriole, 2 - Spindle fibre, 3 - Chromosome/Chromatid


Pg 4

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