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We know that computer consists of various physical components known as hardware

devices. Let us now see about some of the basic parts of a computer system.

CPU(Central Processing Unit)

The central processing unit or the microprocessor is the core of the

computer. It has the electronic circuitry to process the input data to
get the required information. It is the processor which executes the
Another component known as 'Random Access
Memory'(RAM) resides inside this unit and it stores the data that the CPU uses for
processing. But this memory is volatile which means that the data will be erased once
the computer is switched off.


A mouse is a small device used to point to and select items on your

computer screen.
A mouse usually has two buttons: a primary button (usually the left
button) and a secondary button. Many mice also have a wheel
between the two buttons which enables smooth scrolling.
When you move the mouse with your hand, a pointer on your screen moves in the
same direction. When you want to select an item, you point to the item and then click
(press and release) the primary button. Pointing and clicking with your mouse is the
main way to interact with your computer. We'll see more about using the mouse in a
later chapter.

A keyboard is used for typing the text. Apart from letters and
numbers, it has some special keys too. The top row contains
the 'function keys' for different functions. On the right side of the keyboard, we see
the 'Numeric Keypad' which is used to enter numbers quickly. Arrow keys known as
the 'Navigation Keys' allows easy navigation through the page.


A monitor displays the information for the user to view them. The
information could be in text or graphical form. The area in which
the information is displayed is called the screen.
There are basically two types of monitors viz., CRT Monitors and
LCD Monitors. The LCD monitors are being widely used these


Disk Drives are storage devices that store information and preserves it even when the
computer is switched off.

Hard Disk

Hard Disk Drive stores information on a hard disk with a magnetic

surface. It is normally inside the system unit. In most of the systems,
the hard disk acts as the primary storage, storing almost all the
program files and other data. Hard disks can store massive amount of
information depending upon their configuration.

CD/DVD Drive
Most of the computers today come with a CD/DVD Drive which is
located on the front side of the CPU Box. CD drives use lasers to
read data from a CD, and if it is a writable CD drive, you can also
write data onto CDs.
DVD Drives are similar to CD Drive, except that the amount of data that a DVD can
hold is much much more than a CD.

Floppy Disk Drives

Floppy disk drives store information on floppy disks. floppy disks

can store only a small amount of data. Moreover, they retrieve
information very slowly and are more prone to damage. For these
reasons, floppy disk drives are less popular than they used to be


Prepare the Mainboard (motherboard) which is the NVIDA model. If you want to
assemble the well-liked device, you should use Intel G31, GMA3100, or AMD 780

Mount the CPU in the socket of the Mainboard. You must choose the correct CPU for
your motherboard, and install it according to it's instructions. Be careful not to install
the CPU in wrong. Not only would your computer not work, it could short-circuit and
damage your motherboard.

Connect the CPU cooler to the Mainboard.


Attach the RAM(memory) modules in the corresponding slots. the motherboard

should have rows of slots that have 2 or 3 sections that are different lengths. Make
sure the pins on the RAM cards line up with the pins on the motherboard
connector. Don't get the RAM slots mixed up with PCI slots. The PCI slots are
usually wider.

Open the case and mount the power supply which is M-ATX type. Make sure to
connect all the connections to the drives and the motherboard.

Attach the Mainboard back plate to the case and check the Mainboard mounting
positions. The motherboard's instructions should tell the position of the motherboard.

Suitably position the Mainboard in the case.


Mount the Hard disk and connect it to the power supply and the motherboard. There
should be separate connections for the power supply and the motherboard. In SATA
Hard disk case, should remove the jumper.

Connect the SATA connectors to the drives and the USB connectors and the case
switches to the motherboard. The case and motherboard's instructions should tell
where to connect the cables. [[Image:Step9_790.JPG|300px|]


Connect the 20 or 24 pin ATX connector and the 4-pin power supply control
connector to the motherboard.


Mount the DVD-ROM drive. After connecting the ATA cable to the device, hook it
up to the power supply.


Finally, select a compatible operating system, and follow the instructions to install.

The computer system is made up of following external devices:

 CPU Cabinet
 Monitor
 Keyboard
 Mouse
 Printer/scanner [if attached]

switch off the power supply and detach power cable

remove the CPU cabinet cover

detach internal cables

uninstall internal cards

remove CD/DVD drives

remove Hard Disk Drive

remove RAM
Disassembling the computer system
Detach the power cable:
The disassembling of the computer system starts with externally connected device
detachment. Make sure the computer system is turned off, if not than successfully
shut down the system and then start detaching the external devices from the computer
system. It includes removing the power cable from electricity switch board, than
remove the cable from SMPS (switch mode power supply) from the back of the CPU
Cabinet. Do not start the disassembling without detaching the power cable from
computer system. Now remove the remaining external devices like keyboard, mouse,
monitor, printer or scanner from the back of CPU cabinet.
Remove the Cover:
The standard way of removing tower cases used to be to undo the screws on the back
of the case, slide the cover back about an inch and lift it off. The screw drivers as per
the type of screw are required to do the task.
Remove the adapter cards:
Make sure if the card has any cables or wires that might be attached and decide if it
would be easier to remove them before or after you remove the card. Remove the
screw if any, that holds the card in place. Grab the card by its edges, front and back,
and gently rock it lengthwise to release it.
Remove the drives:
Removing drives is easier. There can be possibly three types of drives present in your
computer system, Hard disk drive, CD/DVD/Blue ray drives, floppy disk drives
(almost absolute now a day). They usually have a power connector and a data cable
attached from the device to a controller card or a connector on the motherboard.
CD/DVD/Blue Ray drive may have an analog cable connected to the sound card for
direct audio output.
The power may be attached using one of two connectors, a Molex connector or a
Berg connector for the drive. The Molex connector may require to be wiggled
slightly from side to side and apply gentle pressure outwards. The Berg connector
may just pull out or it may have a small tab which has to be lifted with a screwdriver.
Now Pull data cables off from the drive as well as motherboard connector. The hard
disk drive and CD/DVD drives have two types of data cables. IDE and SATA cables.
The IDE cables needs better care while being removed as it may cause the damage to
drive connector pins. Gently wiggle the cable side ways and remove it. The SATA
cables can be removed easliy by pressing the tab and pulling the connector straight
Now remove the screws and slide the drive out the back of the bay.
Remove the memory module:
Memory modules are mounted on motherboard as the chips that can be damaged by
manual force if applied improperly. Be careful and handle the chip only by the edges.
SIMMs and DIMMs are removed in different way:
 SIMM - gently push back the metal tabs while holding the SIMM chips in the
socket. Tilt the SIMM chip away from the tabs untill a 45% angle. It will now lift
out of the socket. Put SIMM in safe place.
 DIMM- There are plastic tabs on the end of the DIMM sockets. Press the tabs
down and away from the socket. The DIMM will lift slightly. Now grab it by the
edges and place it safely. Do not let the chips to get dust at all.
remove processor

remove the motherboard

Remove the power supply:
The power supply is attached into tower cabinet at the top back end of the tower.
Make sure the power connector is detached from switch board. Start removing the
power connector connected to motherboard including CPU fan power connector,
cabinet fan, front panel of cabinet power buttons and all the remaining drives if not
detached yet.
Now remove the screws of SMPS from the back of the cabinet and the SMPS can be
detached from tower cabinet.
Remove the motherboard:
Before removing all the connectors from motherboard, make sure u memorize the
connectors for assembling the computer if required, as that may require to connect
the connectors at its place. Remove the screws from the back of the motherboard and
you will be able to detach it from the cabinet. Now remove the CPU fan from the
motherboard. The heat sink will be visible now which can be removed by the pulling
the tab up ward. Finally the processor is visible now, which can be removed by the
plastic tab which can be pulled back one stretching it side way.

Internal Command

DOS commands for which the specifications are available in Shell (
are calledinternal commands. These are frequently used commands, and are called
resident commands.

DOS Commands for which specifications are not internally available in are called External Commands. They reside in the disk in the form of
executable program files. They will be loaded into primary memory only at the time
of execution.

Directory Structure of DOS: One thing is to be kept in mind is that a directory can
have as many child (sub) directories, but the child directory can have only one parent

1. CLS: this command is used to clean the screen.

2. DIR: this command allows the user to see all files and sub-directory in the current
directory. DIR Command lists file information in five columns; (first) column gives
primary name of the file (second) column gives extension of the file (third) column
gives the file size - number of bytes used; (fourth) column gives the last updated date;
(fifth) column gives the last updated time.

Dir/p - page by page display of file name and directory names;

Dir/w - width-wise display;

Dir/s - displays all sub directory and files in the sub-directory of current directory.

3. Copy con this command copies whatever typed on keyboard to the file; the file can
be closed by giving the command A2 or F6 key: eg: Copy con test .....A2.
4. Date it displays two system date and allows the user to change it if desired ; it is
displayed in the form of mm - dd - yy; eg:c:\> date - enter.
5. Time it displays the system type and enables the user to change it; eg: C:\> Time -
6. md(mkdir) it creates a new directory in sub directory in the current directory; eg:
C:\> md <New directory name>
7. rd(rmdir) this command is used to remove a directory from the disk; it can't
remove a directory which contains sub directory or files, ie, the child should be
removed from the parent; similarly this command can't remove the current directory
and root directory. Syntax: c:\> RD<Dir name>.
8. Type it displays the content of saved file; eg: C:\> Type> file name.
9. Ren this command changes the name of existing file or directory: Syntax: C:\> ren
<old name> new name>
10. Delete delete a file from current directory; Syntax: C;\> del<file name>
11. Ver it displays the version of DOS currently being used in the system; Syntax:
C:> ver
12. Copy it copies the given file or files from the source directory to the largest
directory; Syntax:C:\> copy<source file name> <target file name>.
13. Prompt allows the user to set a new DOS prompt instead of usual C:\> or A:\>;
eg C:\> prompt pcc; Prompt$p$g - this allows you to reset default prompt; Prompt $d
(current date); Prompt $t (current time);

External Command

1. Attrib this command is used for protecting the files from accidental changes or
modification. It can also be used for making a hidden file, archive files, read only
files; Syntax: Attrib +R/-R/+H/-H/+A/-A <file name> +FR protects the file by
making it read only, -R removes the read only protection; eg: Attrib + r <file name >
2. Scandisk/ Chkdisk this command checks the status of the disk; it shows a
graphical display, information about the user file.
3. Tree this command graphically displays the path of each directory and sub
directory in given drive; Syntax: C:\> tree<
4. More it displays one screen of data at a time and is used with another command
when one screen is full; if you press any key on the next screen is displayed: Syntax
C:\> type abc.doc| more.
5. Edit the command loads the MSDOS editor, where we can edit files, create new
files, open existing files; Syntax: C:\> edit < file name>
6. Label a label is a name given to a disk which refers to collection of filers and
directories on disk; Syntax: C:\>label A.
7. Sort this command is used for sorting data and displaying the result on the screen:
Syntax:C:\>dir/sort/r (reverse order)
8. Format; this command prepares a disk by arranging random magnetic impulses in
to a series of track and sectors so that it is addressable by a DOS version; Syntax : C:\
> format A:/s
9. Sys this command transfers MSDOS System files to specified areas to make the
disk boo table; Syntax: C:\>Sys A:<
10 Pipes (|) it connects two files ie the standard output of one filter command
becomes standard input of another filter; eg Dir/Sort/ more ||
11. Batchfiles all batch files on DOS must have the file extn on bat to execute the
batch file, the user has just type the file name and press enter key, in addition to usual
DOS command.
12. Echo this command can be used to display a message on the screen
13. Pause when this command is obeyed, the system waits for the user to press a key
by displaying a line "strike a key when ready"
14. Rem a command or remark can be used on batch file by the rem command; to
symbol @ can be put in a REM command to prevent DOS from displaying the
commend during the execution of batch files.
Basic Linux Commands

ls Used to display the Lists of files and directory without

ls –l Used to display the list of files and directory with complete
information such as permissions, owner, time etc.
rm data1 Deletes the file data1 in the current directory.
rm –rf dirname Used to remove a directory including subdirectory and files.
rmdir temp Removes the directory temp.
mkdir temp Creates the directory temp.
cd Changes directories.
cd .. To exit from current directory.
pwd (Print Working Directory) Shows what directory you are in.
man This command is used to display the manual about any command.
man pwd You will see the manual for the pwd command.
info This command is used to display the information about any
info pwd You will see the information for the pwd command.
clear Clears the terminal screen.
cat Used to view the contents of a file and it is also used for creating
a new file
with some contents
cat <file name> To view file contents
cat > newfilename Press enter,then you can write something in the file and then to
save the file contents press ctrl+d then enter.
cp Used to copy something in a destination file or directory.
cp sourcepath destinationpath
mv Used to move one file or directory from one place to another
place. mv source destination
who By this command you can see the user name and their ip
addresses, who have loged in on your server
who am i This command shows you the logged in terminal number and
user name and more detailed information
useradd username Used to create a new user.
passwd Used to give a password of a user.
userdel username Used to remove a user from linux.
groupadd grpname Used to add a new group.
groupdel grpname Used to delete a group.
cal Used to display the calendar of current month and year.
cal month year Used to display the calendar of given month and year.
cal year Used to display the calendar of complete year.


 Convert text to columns: with this feature CSV data inside cells can be
transformed into columns directly
 Columns and rows in spreadsheet can be moved with drag and drop
 Enter key returns to the column where the input started, one row below
 Formula input: "+" and "-" can also be used to start
 Individual zoom level per sheet
 AutoFilter: choices clearer grouped and based on result of filtering in other
 DataPilot: Manual Sorting / Double-click in DataPilot cell provides calculation
data of that cell
 Performance improvement with functions VLOOKUP and MATCH
 Print dialog for Calc easier to use
 PageUp and PageDown keys work in print preview
 Sheet names in cell-hyperlinks: renamed properly

Feature Description

Convert text to With this feature CSV data inside cells can be
columns transformed into columns directly. It uses the already
existing Text import dialog and transforms CSV data
inside cells into multiple columns. Example: A1 holds
'1,2,3,4". After using this feature, 1, 2, 3 and 4 are split
over cells.

Start this feature with the menu Data>Text to Columns.

Cells in spreadsheet Select one or more columns or rows, or a range of cells,
can be moved, copied, and hold down Alt while moving the selection with the
or linked mouse. When the mouse button is released, other
cells/columns/rows are moved left or down, to insert the
selection. Before this feature, target cells always were
Enter key returns to the Entering data row wise is made easier. The Enter key
column where the input works like a carriage return-line feed on a type writer and
started, one row below allows to return to the column where the input started, but
just a row below the current row.
Formula input: "+" and Most professional spreadsheet users do use the number
"-" can also be used to pad for inputting data to save time. So it makes sense to
start allow to enter a formula not just by entering a "=" or
hitting the Function button in the Formula tool bar.
Therefore "+" and "-" can also be used to start entering a
formula. This improves the usability and the speed when
creating formulas in a spreadsheet. Furthermore this can
be used as a little calculator.
Individual zoom level Each sheet in a spreadsheet document can now have its
per sheet own zoom level.
AutoFilter: choices The AutoFilter function allows to filter data in a
clearer grouped and spreadsheet by one criteria per column. This feature
based on result of allows to run a quick analysis of data. Two things are
filtering in other new: there is a clearer grouping of static filter choices.
columns And if in one column a filter is set, the filters in the other
columns only show the options that are available in the
visible rows.
DataPilot: Manual It's now possible to rearrange items in a DataPilot field
Sorting via Drag&Drop or Copy&Paste. The default sorting for
new tables is "Ascending", it is changed to "Manual"
when items are moved.
Double-click in When a cell within the data field is double-clicked, it
Datapilot cell provides inserts a new sheet containing a subset of rows from the
calculation data of that original data source that constitutes the result data
cell displayed in that cell. For instance, when the data field
function is selected to be SUM, then the number that is
shown in the data field cell must be identical to the sum
of all the data field values in the constituent rows
displayed in the inserted sheet.
Performance Spreadsheet functions VLOOKUP and MATCH results
improvement with are used by to make these functions in the
functions VLOOKUP same row perform faster.
Print dialog for Calc The Print dialog in Calc makes it easier to choose what
easier to use part of the spreadsheet has to be printed. The option 'print
only selected sheets' is now on that dialog.

Furthermore the 'Sort' option is defaulted to on. This

makes it easier to print multiple copies of a document.
Print preview: PageUp From 2.4.0 PgUp/PgDn scroll continuously through the
and PageDown keys print preview. Ctrl + PgUp/PgDn scroll to top of
work next/previous page.
Sheet names in cell- Now sheet names in cell-hyperlinks are renamed
hyperlinks: renamed properly. This also corrects the import from Excel with
properly cell references to other sheets.


 Navigation (tab) order of page objects

 Thrilling 3D effects in slide transitions
 Export slide names as PDF bookmarks
 Easier to insert background picture

Feature Description

Navigation (tab) When a shape is selected, the Tab-key brings the focus to the
order of page next object. Now the navigation (tab) order of the shapes can be
objects set with drag and drop in the Navigator. Before, the tab order
always was dependent on the paint order.
Slide transitions: Transition is an animation where one page is visible in the
thrilling 3D beginning and another in the end. It is used during presentation
effects slideshow to switch pages. 2.4 makes it possible
to use an extension (using OpenGL) to show these 3D
transitions, and when 2.4 is released, this
extension will be available.
PDF exported: The PDF export filter is now able make bookmarks of the names
slide names as of the slides in a presentation
Background Now choosing a picture file and set it as the background of a
picture: easier to slide is in the context menu of a slide. This is much easier that
insert how this had to be done previously.

 Selecting rectangular region of text

 Find and Replace: backward references in regular expressions
 Spell checking: easier selecting of the language
 Insert&Insert Object toolbar redesign - Writer
 Printing of hidden text can be turned on
 Printing text place holders can be turned off
 Shortcuts added for paragraph style Heading 4, Heading 5 and Textbody
 Ctrl-click behaviour for hyperlinks can be changed

Feature Description

Selecting The selection mode "block selection" allows the selection of

rectangular region text inside a rectangular region. Start this by holding down
of text Alt while dragging, or start mode "block selection" with the
control on the status bar.
Find & Replace: Find & Replace now can substitute regular expression
backward subexpression in replace. "$n" references the nth
references in subexpression of the found string, n >= 0, n<=9. With "$0"
regular expressions the whole found string can be referenced.
Spell checking: A new control in the status bar of Writer is introduced to
easier selecting of show the language at the current cursor position/selection.
the language Furthermore the entire document language can be changed.

The same possibilities are now found in the menu

Insert&Insert Toolbars for Insert&Insert Object have been changed.
Object toolbar Choices no longer needed, are removed.
redesign - Writer
Printing of hidden Printing of hidden text (hidden paragraph field, hidden text
text can be turned field, hidden characters) is now possible. It is controlled via
on settings in Tools>Options>Writer>Print.

Or just for print command via File>Print>Options.

Printing text place It is no longer that text placeholders are always printed out. It
holders can be can controlled via settings in Tools>Options>Writer>Print.
turned off
Or just for print command via File>Print>Options.
Shortcuts added for The following shortcuts to apply paragraph styles have been
paragraph style added: ctrl+4 => Heading 4; ctrl+5 => Heading 5 (current
Heading 4, shortcut for 1 1/2 will be dropped); ctrl+0 => Textbody;
Heading 5 and ctrl+shift+0 -> Default
Ctrl-click By default, hyperlinks in Writer are activated by holding
behaviour for down the Control key while clicking.
hyperlinks can be
changed This can be turned off via
Tools>Options>>Security ...>Options,
Security options, "Ctrl-click required to follow hyperlinks".
Custom document In OOo 2.4.0 user interface support and text fields are added
properties: Text for custom document properties. Since OOo 2.0.3 the Word
fields and UI document variables (custom document properties) were
support imported. Further enhancements expected.

Basic Flowchart Symbols

Flowcharts use special shapes to represent different types of actions or steps in a

process. Lines and arrows show the sequence of the steps and the relationships
among them.
Flow Chart Example 1
Draw a flowchart to find the sum of the first 50 natural numbers.
Flow Chart Example 2
Draw a flowchart to find the largest of three numbers A, B, and C.
Flowchart Example 3
Draw a flowchart for computing factorial N (N!)
Where N! = 1?2?3?....N .
Flowchart Example 4
Draw a flowchart to check that No. is even or odd
Flowchart Example 5

A flowchart which shows all prime numbers smaller or equal to N

Flowchart Example 6

A flowchart which checks if a number is prime

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