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Top 25 Front-end

Interview Questions
for Web Developers
1. What are the differences between HTML and XHTML?
Answer: HTML is the standard markup language for creating web pages.
XHTML is a stricter and more well-defined version of HTML. It's frequently
used for formatting more complex documents within a stated taxonomy.
HTML code:


<!DOCTYPE html>

<h1 style="background-color: red;">Hello World!</h1>

<p>This is a paragraph.</p>


XHTML code:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<?xml-stylesheet type="text/css"
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en"
<head><title>Hello World!</title></head>
<body><p>This is a paragraph.</p></body>
2. What is responsive design?
Answer: Responsive design is a web development technique that creates
websites compatible with multiple devices with different screen sizes. The
goal of responsive design is to ensure that the content and layout of a
website remain usable and visually appealing across a wide range of
devices, from desktop computers to smartphones and tablets.

3. What is a CSS preprocessor? What are the benefits of using a

CSS preprocessor?
Answer: A CSS preprocessor is a tool that allows you to write CSS in a more
concise and structured manner. The most popular CSS preprocessors are
Less and Sass. They aren't very useful for small projects but become
exponentially more powerful as a project grows. There are several benefits
of using a CSS preprocessor, such as writing code in a more structured and
concise manner, reducing the amount of code that needs to be written, and
making it easier to maintain and update code. More importantly, it makes it
easier to manage a project among large numbers of devs.

4. How do you create a responsive layout?

Answer: You can create a responsive layout by using a framework like
Bootstrap. Alternatively, you will need to manually detect the screen’s size
and make changes. Responsive layout best practices include creating a “fail-
proof” system that collapses elements if they are too small to be viewed.
Responsive design is a web development technique that creates websites
compatible with multiple devices with different screen sizes. Responsive
websites are designed to look good on both desktop and mobile devices.

5. How would you optimize a website's performance?

Answer: This is a broad question with many potential answers.
First, you should make sure that your code is minified and compressed. This
reduces the size of your files, which makes them faster to download.
Second, you should use caching wherever possible. This stores frequently
used files locally, so they don't need to be downloaded every time a user
visits your site. But don’t overdo it, or your site won’t be as dynamic as you
want — it won’t update as reliably.
Finally, you should use a content delivery network (CDN). This distributes your
files across multiple servers, so users can download them from their
respective locations.

6. How would you go about debugging a website?

Answer: Front-end developers use a variety of tools and techniques to debug
websites and identify and fix issues that may arise during development. Here's
a general process a front-end developer might follow to debug a website:
Browser Developer Tools: Most modern browsers come with built-in
developer tools that are indispensable for debugging. These tools allow
you to inspect the HTML structure, CSS styles, JavaScript code, and
network activity of a web page.
Elements Panel: Inspect and manipulate the HTML and CSS of
elements on the page. You can modify styles in real-time to see
how they affect the layout.
Console: View JavaScript errors, log messages, and execute
JavaScript code directly in the browser. This is useful for
identifying runtime issues.
Network Panel: Monitor network requests, check response
statuses, headers, and payloads. This helps identify slow-loading
resources or issues with API requests.
Sources/Debugger: Debug JavaScript code, set breakpoints, step through
code execution, and examine variables and call stacks.
Inspect and Replicate the Issue: Identify the specific area of the website
where the issue is occurring. Replicate the problem to understand its
behavior and characteristics.
Check Browser Compatibility: Ensure that the issue is consistent across
different browsers. Some problems might be specific to certain browsers,
so testing in multiple browsers is essential.
Validate HTML and CSS: Use validators to check your HTML for structural
errors and your CSS for syntax issues. This helps catch simple mistakes
that might be causing problems.
Examine Console Errors: Look for JavaScript errors and warnings in the
browser's console. Address these issues by tracing back to the source of
the error and fixing the code.
Use Debugging Statements: Insert console.log() statements in your
JavaScript code to output variable values, function calls, and other
relevant information. This helps track the flow of data and logic.
Review Network Requests: Inspect network requests in the Network
panel of developer tools. Look for failed requests, incorrect URLs, or
unexpected responses from APIs.
Review CSS: Check if the CSS properties and styles are being applied
correctly. Inspect the computed styles and the box model of elements to
ensure they match your expectations.
Test Responsive Design: Ensure that the website is responsive and
displays correctly on different screen sizes using device emulation tools
or by manually resizing the browser window.
By following these steps and using browser developer tools effectively, front-
end developers can identify and resolve issues, ensuring a smooth and error-
free user experience on their websites.

7. What are some common issues that you have faced with cross-
browser compatibility?
Answer: Some of the most common issues with cross-browser compatibility
are different browsers rendering CSS differently, different browsers supporting
different HTML and CSS features, and different browsers having different
levels of support for standards. This is particularly difficult as many browsers
differ depending on the platform, and the platform differs so widely; someone
can open Chrome OS on a smart fridge today.

8. How do you use media queries to optimize for different screen

Answer: Media queries are a CSS3 feature that allows you to apply different
styles based on the screen’s width. To use media queries, you would first need
to include a viewport meta tag in your HTML. Then, you would need to write
your CSS using media queries -- but integrating it into the HTML is important,

9. What is the difference between an anonymous function and a

named function?
Answer: A named function can be referenced in the future from anywhere in
the code, whereas an anonymous function cannot — although it will run when
it occurs in-line. The differences are:
Readability and Debugging: Named functions are generally more
readable and easier to debug than anonymous functions because they
have a descriptive name that indicates their purpose. When debugging,
the name of a named function will appear in stack traces, making it easier
to identify the function causing an issue.
Recursion and Self-Reference: Named functions are often essential for
implementing recursive functions or functions that reference themselves.
Recursive anonymous functions are difficult to achieve due to their lack of
a name.
Function Hoisting: Named functions are hoisted in JavaScript, meaning
they can be called before they are defined in the code. Anonymous
function expressions are not hoisted.
Function Reusability: Named functions are generally more suitable for
reusable code that is used in multiple places. Anonymous functions are
typically used for smaller, localized tasks.
Function References: Named functions can be referenced and passed as
arguments to other functions more easily than anonymous functions.

10. What is the difference between inline, embedded, and

external stylesheets?
Answer: Inline Styles: An inline style is applied directly within the HTML
element's tag using the style attribute. This style affects only the specific
element it's applied to.
Embedded Styles: Embedded styles involve placing CSS code within a <style>
element within the HTML document's <head> section. These styles apply to the
entire document or to specific sections defined by selectors.
External Stylesheets: External stylesheets involve creating a separate .css file
containing all the CSS rules and linking it to the HTML document using the
<link> element within the <head> section.

11. What do you know about CSS Selectors?

Answer: CSS selectors are used to selecting or finding the HTML elements you
want to style and make changes in their style. CSS selectors can be divided
into the following five categories:
Simple selectors: These CSS selectors select elements based on the
name, id, class, etc.
Combinator selectors: These CSS selectors are used to select elements
based on a specific relationship.
Pseudo-class selectors: These CSS selectors select elements based on a
certain state.
Pseudo-elements selectors: These CSS selectors are used to select and
style a part of an element.
Attribute selectors: These CSS selectors select elements based on an
attribute or attribute value.

12. What is the syntax of using a function as a class?

Answer: Following is the syntax of using a function as a class:


function functionName(name) { = name;
// Creating an object
var variable_name= new functionName("JTP");
console.log(; //JTP

13. Explain Load Balancing

Answer: Load balancing is a method in which requests are allocated and
handled by numerous machines rather than a single device. This ensures that
the load does not rely on a single point and is allocated efficiently.
The most commonly used load balancing technique is called Round Robin. In
this method, the requests are distributed across a group of servers. The
algorithm allocates requests to the servers, once completed, it goes back to
the top and the process is repeated.

14. What are pseudo-classes? Provide a few real-world use cases.

Here are a few common pseudo-classes and their real-world use cases:
This pseudo-class targets an element when a user hovers their mouse cursor
over it. It's often used to provide visual feedback or interactivity to users.
Example use case: Changing the background color of a button when a user
hovers over it.


button:hover {
background-color: lightgray;

This pseudo-class targets an element that is currently being activated, such
as when a user clicks on a link or button. Example use case: Changing the
color of a link when a user clicks on it.


a:active {
color: red;

15. What are BFC (Block Formatting Context) and how do they
Answer: Block formatting context is a type of formatting context in CSS that
allows you to lay child elements based on the initial block layout rules.
The outermost element that uses the block layout establishes the initial block
layout rules. Every element laid inside the initial block will follow the same
rules. The initial block rules are outlined by the CSS Box model. Elements in a
BFC would have the same margins, borders, padding and would interact with
other blocks in the same context.

16. What is reflow? And how could you avoid it?

Answer: When the layout, window size, etc of an element is changed, the
position of all the elements after it changes accordingly. This in turn affects
the flow of the page and is called reflow.
A few methods you can use to avoid reflow are:
Avoid setting multiple inline styles
Avoid tables in your layout
Add animations to elements that are fixed or absolute

17. What is Semantic HTML?

Answer: Semantic HTML refers to the practice of using HTML markup in a way
that accurately represents the structure and meaning of the content it
encloses. In other words, semantic HTML assigns meaning to the elements
used in a document, making it easier for both humans and machines (such as
search engines or assistive technologies) to understand the content and its
Using semantic HTML involves choosing the appropriate HTML elements to
describe the purpose of each part of a webpage, rather than using generic or
non-specific elements. This approach enhances the accessibility,
maintainability, and SEO-friendliness of a website.

18. Describe sessionStorage, localStorage, and cookie.

Answer: Session Storage: As the name suggests, this data is stored until the
session or tab is closed, however, it is not cleared during reloads. This data
remains on the client-side and cannot be transferred to the server.

Local Storage: This data is stored on the client's computer. This data has no
expiration, however, it is limited only to string data. Local data can be accessed
using Javascript and HTML but cannot be transferred to the server end.
Although local storage data does not have an expiration date it can be cleared
by the user.

Cookies: Cookies sent back to the server-side and hence the size must be less
than 4KB. The data is sent back when a subsequent XHR request is made.
Although they are meant for server-side reading they can be accessed on the
client-side as well.
19. What are the advantages of using REST web services?
Answer: REST (Representational State Transfer) is an architectural style for
designing networked applications, particularly web services. RESTful web
services have gained popularity due to their simplicity, scalability, and
compatibility with various technologies. Here are some advantages of using
REST web services:
Simplicity and Ease of Use: REST principles are simple and intuitive,
making it easy for developers to understand and implement. Resources are
represented by URLs, and HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) are
used for CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations, which aligns
well with the HTTP protocol.
Statelessness: REST is stateless, meaning that each request from a client
to a server must contain all the information needed to understand and
process the request. This simplifies server logic and allows for easier
scaling since servers don't need to store client state.
Scalability: Stateless nature and separation of client and server concerns
make RESTful services highly scalable. New servers can be added without
the need for complex session management or shared state.

20. Differentiate between synchronous and asynchronous functions.

Answer: Synchronous Functions:
Synchronous functions execute tasks in a sequential order, one after the other.
When a synchronous function is called, the program waits for it to complete
before moving on to the next task. This means that the program is blocked
during the execution of a synchronous function, and no other tasks can
proceed until the current task is finished.
Example of synchronous code in JavaScript:


function synchronousTask() {
console.log("Task 1");
console.log("Task 2");


Task 1
Task 2

Asynchronous Functions:
Asynchronous functions, on the other hand, allow tasks to be executed
independently without blocking the program's flow. When an asynchronous
function is called, it initiates the task and immediately returns control back to
the program, allowing other tasks to proceed. Once the asynchronous task is
complete, a callback function or other mechanisms are used to handle the
result or continue processing.
Example of asynchronous code using callbacks in JavaScript:


function asynchronousTask(callback) {
setTimeout(function() {
console.log("Async Task");
}, 1000);

asynchronousTask(function() {
console.log("Callback executed");


Async Task
Callback executed
21. What is the difference between absolute, relative, fixed, and
static positions?
Answer: Absolute: An absolute element is positioned relative to the nearest
parent element. In case a parent element is not present it is positioned based
on the page itself and moves along with the page scroll.

Relative: When an object is positioned relative to an element without adding

any position attributes nothing happens. However, if a positional attribute is
placed Eg: 20px to the right, the element will move 20px to the right of the
original element.

Fixed: A fixed position implies that the element remains fixed to the viewport,
which means it stays in the same place even if the page is scrolled.

Static: Elements are positioned static by default, these elements are not
affected by positional attributes (Top, bottom, left, right). If an element is
positioned static it follows the normal flow of the page.

22. Differentiate Between Centralized and Distributed Version

Control System
Answer: In a Centralized Version Control System:
It stores all file versions on a central server.
No developer has a complete copy of the local system's files.
If the project's central server fails, you will lose all the project's data.

In a Distributed Version Control System:

Every developer has a copy of all the code versions on their computer.
Improves the ability to work offline and eliminates the need for a single
backup location.
Even if the server crashes, there is no danger.

23. Name a few Git Commands and function

Git Config - Configure the username and email address
Git init - Initialize a local Git repository
Git Add - Add one or more files to the staging area
Git Diff - View the changes made to the file
Git Commit - Commit changes to the head but not to the remote
Git reset - Undo local changes to the state of a Git repo
Git Status - Displays the state of the working directory and staging area
Git Merge - Merge a branch into an active branch
Git Push - Upload content from the local repository to a remote repository
Git Pull - Fetch and download content from a remote repository

24. How do you Create Nested Web Pages in HTML?



<!DOCTYPE html>
<h2>HTML Iframes example</h2>
specify the size of the iframe using the height and width attributes:
<iframe src="" height="600" width="800">

You refer a webpage within a webpage to as a nested web page.

Using HTML's built-in iframe tag, you can create nested web pages.

25. What are Pipes in Angular? Explain its types

Answer: Pipes are simple functions that accept an input value, process it, and
return an altered value as an output, in a more technical sense. Angular has
several built-in pipes. You can, however, make custom pipes to meet your
specific requirements.
The following are some major features:
The pipe "|" symbol is used to define pipes.
Pipes can be linked together in a chain.
The colon (:) sign can be used to provide arguments to pipes.
Pure Pipes: These are pipes with just pure functions. As a result, a pure pipe
uses no internal state, and the output remains constant as long as the
parameters provided remain constant. When Angular detects a change in the
arguments being given, it invokes the pipe. Throughout all components, a
single instance of the pure pipe is used.

Impure Pipes: Angular calls an impure pipe for every change detection cycle,
independent of the change in the input fields. For these pipes, it produces
multiple pipe instances. The inputs to these pipes can be changed.
All pipes are pure by default. On the other hand, the pure attribute can be
used to identify impure pipes, as demonstrated below.


name: 'demopipe',
pure : true/false
export class DemopipePipe implements PipeTransform {
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