3.Aura management

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Aura management

Learn about how your spiritual chills go hand in hand with your auric field to
either raise your vibration, attract similar energies, change the room's energy and
defend yourself.

Like mentioned in the "Activate your spiritual body" tutorial, your spiritual energy, which
sometimes activates in you as spiritual chills, is your spirit's brightness emanating from your
‘’true self’’.

This is why your auric field goes hand to hand with your spiritual chills, it is an
electromagnetic field that is made from the automatic emanation of your spirit.
In the form of your spiritual energy.

You need to also understand that thoughts and emotions can be associated with
your energy centers (chakras) which are all powered by this spiritual energy and
are associated with a specific color.

If you want to use your spiritual chills to emanate into your auric field with the intention
of changing its energy
(color/what it vibrates or emanates), you must summon your spiritual chills with a
certain thought/emotion in your mind.

This will imprint your auric field with this powerful narrative, and you will be
emanating this from the core of your body to the outside of your physical body. (It’s
important that before this works its “magic”, you must be at a point where your
thoughts/emotions unconsciously go towards whichever intention you chose to have your auric
field embedded with. This can easily be done by developing a habit of what your aura emits.)
Meditate 20 minutes daily,
for 20-30 days consecutively while
bringing up your spiritual chills in meditation sessions while
having your focus on your choice of thoughts/affirmations/mantra/emotions that you’d like
your aura to be made of.

Raising your vibration, to get away from draining negative emotions that only
brings back pessimistic thoughts, with this is easy because all you must do is for
Focus on gratitude, summon your spiritual chills constantly while keeping your mind on
everything that makes you feel appreciation/gratitude.

This is enough to attract similar situations, thoughts, people and synchronicities that will make you
feel even more grateful.
Because your auric field,
made up of your spiritual chills vibrating,
has a strong magnetic force to attract similar things/people that can cause you to feel those
similar emotions (energy in motion).

Ultimately this causes a toroidal flow

around your physical body.

(Other thoughts and emotions that raise your vibrations are love, confidence, courage, peace,
joy, pleasure, faith, freedom, eagerness, enthusiasm, hope and more.)

This is also enough to make you come into a room while acting and speaking in
ways that will eventually change the whole room's atmosphere, tension and energy
into your desired energy.

Finally, to defend yourself from any energy/emotions that anyone might put in you
with their words or actions:

Get in a meditative state and expel your spiritual chills by exhaling through your nose,
consecutively while activating your spiritual chills all over your body.
This will cause a reversing effect, instead of absorbing or rising energy from yourself,
you will be activating the part of you that propels energy away from your spiritual body to your
auric field and even further to the atmosphere of the location you are in.

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