Life Around Rain Shadow

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Life Around Rainshadow

Directions: As a class, we will be going outside to observe the living organisms that surround Rainshadow. Procedure: 1. Get into groups of four 2. Find a place outside where you can make quick visual observations of living organisms 3. Observe the area for 10 minutes 4. In your groups, create a data table that organizes your living organisms into different categories. For example, one category that your group may come up with might be birds. 5. We are going to share our findings in class. Observations:



Directions: You are going to have to obtain a BioComm book and open it to page 436. From there you need to answer the following questions, all answers can be found between page 436 and 442. 1. Why should we care about the diversity of life on earth?

2. Classification = ________________________________________________ 3. Some characteristics taxonomists use to define organisms are. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 4. Complete the chart a. Kingdom b. c. Class d. e. f. Genus g. 5. What is a species?



6. Members of the same _____________________________________ share certain ________________________ and _____________________________________ characteristics; this means that they have _____________________________________, an ____________________________________________ and some ___________________________________ in common. 7. Who is Carolus Linnaeus and why is he important to taxonomy?

8. A species is defined according to the way humans see them and not according to their genetic similarities. a. True b. False 9. Speciation =_____________________________________________________________ 10. Since these organisms do not share a _____________________________________________ in nature, they must be considered _____________________________________________. They no longer ________________________________________, and each species moves along its own _____________________________________ path. 11. Differences in species usually occur when populations are separated by 1. 2. 12. Hybridization is the exchange of a. Genes between the same species b. Genes between different species c. RNA d. Alleles 13. In our taxonomic system today, how many Kingdoms are there? a. ______________ Kingdoms 14. Describe organisms found in the Kingdom Monera.

15. Describe the organisms found in the Kingdom Fungi.

Name: 16. Describe organisms found in the Protista Kingdom.


17. What 2 Kingdoms divide the Monera Kingdom in half?



Directions: Please take notes on this page. You will need at least 5 notes for each group that presents their poster. Animals Plants Fungi Protists

Name: Monera


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