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Experiment 4 : Conformational analysis of alkanes and cycloalkanes


The lab aims to identify the most and least stable conformations of a molecule by observing
how its energy changes as bonds rotate. This will help us understand the types of interactions
that influence a molecule's conformational preferences.


Conformational analysis is the study of the different spatial arrangements that a molecule can
adopt due to their bond rotation of a single bond (sigma bond). The molecule rotates in
different positions such as twisting and turning to assume various shapes and energy levels.
Conformational analysis allows constructing different molecular models leading to forms
named conformers. Using the VSEPR theory to predict which of the conformers is most stable.
For example, construct a model to visually observe a conformational analysis of ethane, The
Staggered conformation C-H bonds on adjacent carbons are as far apart as possible. This is the
most stable conformation due to minimal steric hindrance (repulsion between electron clouds),
and Eclipsed conformations The C-H bonds on adjacent carbons are directly aligned. This is less
stable due to increased steric hindrance. In the process of gathering data, you can observe the
energy levels as the molecule rotates through staggered and eclipsed conformations which is in
kj/mol. By observing the energy levels (in kJ/mol) as ethane transitions between these
conformations, we can quantify the energy difference and understand the factors influencing
conformational preference.


• Lab book
• Molecular model kit


A. Assemble a molecular model of butane to visualize and calculate the energy differences
between its various conformations using Newman projections.
B. Generate six Newman projections of the molecule, each representing a 60-degree
rotation along the central C-C bond, starting at 0 degrees and ending at 360 degrees,
analyze the distance of the hydrogen atoms.
C. Plot the energy (in kJ/mol) on the y-axis against the bond rotation angle (in degrees) on
the x-axis. Use a range of 0 to 360 degrees for the x-axis with 60-degree increments and
a range of 0 to 20 kJ/mol for the y-axis with 2 kJ/mol increments.


The equatorial position is favored due to it decreasing of steric hindrance. In the axial position,
the 1,3-diaxial interactions with the axial hydrogens on carbon bonds 3 and 5.


Conformational analysis proves to be a valuable tool in understanding the intricacies of

molecular structure and energy dynamics. By examining Newman projections, we gain insights
into the spatial arrangements of atoms within a molecule, allowing us to interpret the energy
levels associated with rotating bonds.

The observed changes in energy levels during conformational analysis are likely due to the
steric hindrance, the repulsion between atoms within the molecule. As atoms move closer
together, their electron clouds interact, leading to an increase in potential energy and a
corresponding decrease in stability. This phenomenon shows the balance between attractive
and repulsive forces that govern molecular conformation and ultimately influence the overall
properties of a molecule.
Experiment 5: Distillation


In this lab, we will use distillation as a separation technique to isolate individual components
from a liquid mixture based on their distinct boiling points.


In organic chemistry, distillation is a crucial technique used to isolate/separate and purify

compounds from impurities. By utilizing the principles of evaporation and condensation, this
process enables the separation of liquid mixtures based on differences in boiling points. Our
laboratory experiment will jump into two fundamental types of distillation: simple distillation,
which is suitable for separating components with significantly different boiling points, and
fractional distillation, which is more effective for mixtures with closer boiling points. Through
these experiments, we aim to gain practical experience in purifying organic compounds and
understanding the underlying principles of distillation.


• Lab book
• Heating mantle
• Distilling flask ( clamp to Fractionating column)
• Fractionating column ( clamp to distilling head with thermometer and adapters)
• Condenser ( rubber hoses connected for water input and output in to sink)
• Vacuum adapter
• Receiving flask/graduated cylinder
• Lab jack
• 60 mL of a water-acetone mixture
• Ring stand
• Iron ring
• Keck clips
• Power supply
• Glass beads

1. Pour the mixture into the flask with tiny amount boiling chips.
2. Attach iron ring to the stand secured, then align heating mantle in the center of the iron
3. Secure fractioning column which is fill with glass beads to distilling head, also accurately
place thermometer in correct position (for the most accurate results).
4. Securely attach rubber hoses to the condenser, ensuring water flows in through the
lower inlet and out through the upper outlet, facilitating efficient cooling of the vapor
mixture within.
5. Joint the condenser to vacuum adapter which releases the vapor into a graduated
6. Turn on the mantle to begin extracting/separating the desired liquid.
7. Record the first drop of liquid as the initial boiling point (C)


Collaborating on the fractional distillation of an acetone-water mixture underscored the

intricacies and potential challenges that came about in the process. Ensuring a meticulous
setup is paramount, as even slight deviations can trigger temperature changes and compromise
the purity of the resulting fractions. This experiment served as a practical demonstration of the
importance of adhering to established protocols to achieve successful separation.

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