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The board of directors being people responsible for cnduct

and management of the business affairs have responsibilities

such as
Capital projects
Acquisition and disposal of major assets
They have investments
The acquisition of major assets
They also have bank and other borrowings

The board is people whp come into conduct and manage the
business/oranisations affairs
They are
Chief excurtive officer
Non excurtive(audit and remuneration teams
The executive directors and the chairman

Why corporate governanace may be developing is because og

High profile corporate scandals
The improvement of financial reporting
The pcaob
Which means the public company overside board has been
The media scrutinity
The comparison of other business cultures
World wide
Corporate governs is people controlling and directed by senior
Uk Sarbanes act
The ceo and ceo must review internal financial records
The board of directors must be iindipendent
The audit commiterr must be of independent board of
Pubic company accounting overside board
Corporat e governance code
The structure of board of directors
The remuneration
The role of non executive directors
The audit committee

Directors charged with conduct and management

The are steward ships of campanies assets
Public company accounting oversight board

Merges and acquisitions

Acquisition and disposal of major asets
The invetsments
The capital projects
The bank and other borrowings
The roles of the chair man as the leader of the board of
directors is to ensure that all members attend meetings and to
ensure that the oranisation is ran efficiently and effectively
The the chirf excurtive director is responsible for the
excurtices/management board along side the audit committee
to end=sure that day to day running and management is done
The secretary is required to provide statuory records of the
board of directors e.g register
They have to prepare an office to hold meetings
They hold legal papers
They prepare the meetings of the board and take the minutes
They fill the financial records as well with the supervisor
Corporate governance control and directing by senior officers
The the board members sevral recomandations
The chief excurtive and chairman should not be the same
person to avoid dominance
The financial reports should be looked at annually by the
share holders
The individual directors should have skills they bring to the
The board should receive info on time but not financial
information tho

Non excurtive directors are not involved in the day to day

running of business they only perform a specif task
The auditer and the remuneration committee

We also have the non excurtives which are independ of the

company and have limited appointments
They basically are people that just advice on
performance ,risk,remuneration and the strategy to the board
mainly because often times these people the auditor
committee and the remuneration committee
There will also be corporate governance reports such as
The statement showing how the corponate governance code
has been applied
The information about boardof direct
The reason for no compliance report and the compliance
Committee report from non executives
Statement of effectiveness of internal control

Corporate social responsibility is just a factor that they have

to condire the interest of their customers
Employees and their entire operation as well

There will be certain ways which corporate responsibility can

be achieved
Proactive taking responsibility of their actions
Reactive waiting for public reaction to fix an issue
Defensive avoiding exyra obligations to add to current issue
Accommodations means accpmpdating interest of the public
to avoid stricture laws and of the government as well

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