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Iemhuter Avhie"ssiornmd:2 Mastika Yadau

Biech CsEI3
us 1 eþlan thu baaic Cund fntemeliad
toncebls anK
Pijeling & a potes amngement hardiae
Elements y'cpu such tha tb Overa! peforrnate iD
fnoeaed uult aneouaty ereution c mare than one
frutuchcn- Snshuchon takeo place in þiþelne 0(eSS 0r
Üecution a pibelüned brocesSIY
pi0C9sScY e1eion sequerce Oy
{nshiuctonsin a pijelire procoSSrY Can be visualized
uag a shace tinu diaqram.
talooirg are 5 stages cy RISC þijeuñe oith ther veafehve
Gherai öns
Cta¡e (9nstucion fetch):- CPO Tgds inyomahon fiom
Qdohes in memory whose value s þyeent in þscqrarm
Stage 2(9nsrucion Decode) Onsthuchon o deccded
tile aund
s accused to 9et values fiom tha veqütessneyütey
inshuion. in
stoges Canstucion E1euuts):. Aw cherotiru ave
Hieu Cmeumony ACeo) mênony oherands ae ead and
wi ten fom to the memory dhat þiesend h inohUhion.
dage5 (write bock ) totched value ú mitey back do
ieqiter þieinu dn irchocHou
Q2 White dijevence betueen Lnear and non- líhea
CuUs nar pipeline Non fnedy piþelinu
9n Non linear ppelu dilyeo
proesas a (onnede thgetey pelb oe ne en 8.
dferent stage,.
cOled an dun ormic ijelsie
ixet funchons.
Te cuthut funtos
hom lat block. froduted The output o not
Jcust blocK!
cdueed fom
kineaY bipelne hao eneaY ’ Nop-Linea pipeine hay
tonnechons eedack and feed-for cward
a sugle Connech¡ns
1eeiion able. 9t COun genete moe
than ane eoevahon ibe.
ely functhonas ’
pormiming. furcioncu Inpastitionig
non- Libor
3 what ane he ios ues ohrch coun afect-t

u3- geneally, thene ane maunly thnee type yhazmna

1)3tructunat Hazond.
when uDe
hardoe in ihe Same (leck Cye th þréveno
Known Q) Shcthazusd
)rta hoza1d:- 9n dato hazod, 10d Qnd write Ohect
o shoned Vanlables by dyy eren tnshoctien ti apijhimay
Lead - Read jiwrte oaad Whileayfey nead1ng haza
ite karard.
Conhol haand 0CUYS cohen cup need to fnd the
1001 ba nch
fnstoction and Canno
PrOceed fnthes vith anotey Insho
Chien tl we
qet do 1004 hat rstrochon.
Qy 4 Uhat do you mean tem ache oheene.
y- on mulibsocesor ystm "data
among ad/acehtwel ef same lwa a may
memy hi encnchy- 9n-hç shaned memorymui puteyor
with 'a sehana'e cache memag for
ossible' o have may cepieeach þrocsr me
ihochop operand cnd ene
loche Proces sor Rrocessurs

Cache Cach e Cache

[Memory JMemorsy Mengsy

Inter Connechon.
There ane 3 rocessor, each hauing (ache
) Procss or one veod X obtan 2y fio mpênoy t ncho it
0bBa 24 fom mem oly
fon m panaielsr» callod 1LP within ih
mone an ne
fhuhvctem a lock cy de by suiultoneou,
wts CY th
nutijle nthucthons to dyjacer
Mucltihe iruhuctins ne sJedules.
Steduing detnined ihcagh

(ase-1 S-atb

n e
1ettC C thhee inhuction.

Mastika Yacau
Btceh CstJ 3 yeay

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