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Coventry University – PSB Academy Singapore Campus

B.Eng. in Electrical & Electronic Engineering Course

304SE Power Systems
Course Work 2019-2020
Assignment (30%)

Date of Issue: 15 April 2024

Individual Report

There are three questions in this assignment. Answer to all the questions must be contained in a
single report, in the same order as the questions, with appropriate heading. The cover page of the
report should include the following: The University, the course, students name, Student number
and date of submission.
The report should include Table of contents.

You must cite references for data, graph, charts, figures, illustrations and diagrams
included in your report that are obtained from other sources.

The report should be in the “Microsoft word” format using one of the following fonts:
“Times New Roman” or “Arial” of font size 12. Use consistent font throughout the report.
Every full question must be started on a new page.

The report must be submitted in Blackboard latest by 28 May 2024

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Question 1
The energy storage systems have been in use for a long time. During earlier
periods, energy storage systems were mainly used to meet the energy demand
during peak load and to meet the operational needs of the power systems. The
energy storage systems gained more importance due to the integration of
renewable energy sources such as solar PV systems and wind turbine
generators with the utility grid.
You are required to write a short paper on “Energy Storage Systems”. You are
encouraged to use the following sectional headings in your report:
1. Introduction
Provide a brief description of the development of various types of energy
storage systems.
2. Renewable energy sources and the need for energy storage systems
Provide a brief description of the need for energy storage system created
as a result of integration of renewable energy sources with power grids.
3. Utility grade energy storage systems.
Describe the types of large scale energy storage systems suitable for
power grid applications. Describe, with suitable block diagrams , the
different ways of integrating the utility grade energy storage systems with
the grid and how they are operated.
4. Future of energy storage systems
Write about your assessment of the future of energy storage systems and
their environmental impact.
5. Conclusions and recommendations.
Draw conclusions from these studies and state your recommendations for
any improvements.
You can obtain and review information from authoritative and reliable web sites
such as IEEE, IET, IRENA, International Energy Agency, and electricity
authorities of various countries.
(30 marks)

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Question 2
A four-bus power system is shown in Figure 2. Bus-1 is slack bus. Bus -4 is a PV bus, and
the other two buses are PQ buses. The initial voltages of the slack and PV buses are as
shown in the figure. The data for the buses are given in the table-1 below. The values of the
real and reactive power shown in the table are on a base of 100 MVA.
The line impedances given in the table-2 are on a common base. Assume the initial value of
the angle at the PV bus to be zero (0) and the voltages at buses 2 and 3 to be 1.0∟0°.
Table-1 Base MVA=100

Bus V Generation Load
(deg.) Type
No. (pu)
1 1.05 0.0 0 0 Swing
2 0.0 0.0 80 60 Load
3 0.0 0.0 100 60 Load
4 1.04 100 40 30 Gen

Choose the line impedances for your calculations based on the last digit of your student
number as indicated in table-2 below.
Last Digit of
Student Z12 = Z34 Z13 = Z24 Z23
0-3 0.02 + j0.06 0.06 + j0.18 J0.08 + j 0.18
4-6 0.04 + j0.18 0.02 + j 0.2 J0.08 + j0.4
7-9 0.03 + j0.09 0.09 + j0.27 0.12 + j0.27

Figure 2

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(a) Create the circuit, in “PowerWorld” software. Assume a base power of 100 MVA.
All the field values sch as voltage and phase angle at every bus and real and
reactive power at both end of every line must be included in the circuit. The
created circuit diagram (before simulation) must be included in your report.

(b) Simulate the circuit using Gauss-Seidel iterative method for a single iteration.
Record the values of the voltage magnitudes in pu and phase angle in degrees at
buses 2,3 and 4. The simulated diagram with all the field values clearly shown
must be included in your report.

(c) Determine the bus admittance matrix for the circuit using the impedance
values given in the table. Printout the bus impedance matrix generated by
the PowerWorld program and compare it with the bus impedance matrix
determined by you.

(d) Calculate the voltage in pu and the phase angle in degrees at the buses 2 and 3
after the first iteration using Gauss-Seidel method and compare it with the results
recorded in part (b).
(40 marks)

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Question 3
Figure 3 shows the circuit of a simple power system. The ratings of the generators,
transformers and the motors are as shown in the figure. The reactance of lines 1 and 2
are 40  and 50  respectively. Assume that system is unloaded, and the generators
are generating their rated voltage. Select the generator G1 ratings as base values.
Choose the fault location for your calculations based on the last digit of your student number
as indicated in the following table:

Last Digit of Your Fault

Student Number Location

0-3 Bus 1

4-6 Bus 2
7-9 Bus 3

Figure 3

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For a symmetrical three phase fault on the bus selected by you:
(i) Draw the reactance diagram for the fault with all the reactances marked in
per unit.
(ii) Determine the Thevenin’s equivalent circuit which can be used to calculate
the fault current.
(iii) Calculate the fault current in ampere and fault power in MVA.
(iv) Calculate the fault current contribution from the generator connected to the
bus on which you have selected for fault calculation.
(30 marks)

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