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Associate Professor,
Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences.

This is to certify that the thesis entitled, EFFECTS OF YOGIC 



research work done by the candidate                     

during the period of his study under my guidance and that the
thesis has not previously been formed the basis for the award of
any degree, diploma, associateship, fellowship or any other
similar title.
This is also to certify that the thesis represents an
independent work of the candidate.


Place : Annamalainagar 

Date : Guide
The researcher expresses his sincere thanks and profound
gratitude to his esteemed guide Dr. A. SUBRAMANIAN, ssociate !

Professor, Department of Physical Education & Sports Sciences,


Associate Professor,
Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences.

This is to certify that the thesis entitled, EFFECTS OF YOGIC 



research work done by the candidate                     

during the period of his study under my guidance and that the
thesis has not previously been formed the basis for the award of
any degree, diploma, associateship, fellowship or any other
similar title.
This is also to certify that the thesis represents an
independent work of the candidate.


Place : Annamalainagar 

Date : Guide
The researcher expresses his sincere thanks and profound
gratitude to his esteemed guide Dr. A. SUBRAMANIAN, ssociate !

Professor, Department of Physical Education & Sports Sciences,

nnamalai University for his constant inspiring guidance and scholastic
suggestions in the course of the formulation, preparation and completion of
the research study abundantly. The researcher extends his immense
indebtedness to his sagacious supervision for the keen interest shown,
tremendous efforts and his critical, constructive criticism which led to the
successful completion of this piece of work.
I am extremely happy to register my sincere thanks to
Dr. V. JAYANTHY, Professor and Director, Department of Physical
Education and Sports Sciences, nnamalai University who provided me a
great support.
I also owe my sincere thanks to Dr. R. RAJENDIRAN, Dean,
Faculty of Education, nnamalai University for his moral support to
finish this task.
I also owe my sincere thanks to Dr. G. RAVINDRAN, Former
Dean, Faculty of Education & Former Professor and Director, Department
of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, nnamalai University who
always provided me a moral support.
I deeply express my sincere thanks to Dr. K. SREEDHAR,
and Dr. N. PREMKUMAR ssociate Professors, Department of Physical
Education and Sports Sciences, nnamalai University, for their valuable
suggestions in the methodology part.
I deeply express my sincere thanks to Dr. S. ALAGESAN,
SARAVANAN, ssistant Professors, Department of Physical Education and
Sports Sciences, nnamalai University for their valuable suggestions
throughout the study.
I will remember the words of Dr. MURALI KRISHNA,
Dr. D. SURESHKUMAR and Mr. P. SIVARAMAN ssistant Professors,
Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, nnamalai
University for their great support.
My special kudos goes to Dr. R. RAJARAM,
ssistant Professors, Department of Physical Education and Sports
Sciences, nnamalai University for their countless hours of overseeing the
thesis and efforts, whose thorough review of the manuscript led to many
worthwhile changes and additions.
I extend my sincere thanks to all the STAFF members Department of
Physical Education and Sports Sciences, nnamalai University for their
encouragements throughout the study.
nd also to thank him from the depth of my heart for the marvelous
and moral supports rendered by TEACHING & NON TEACHING STAFF
OF CENTER FOR YOGA STUDIES, nnamalai University.

I am very much happy to acknowledge the help and support

of my friends Mr.S.VIJAY, Mr.N.NAKEERAN,
Mr. S. PRADEEPKUMAR and Dr. P. DEEGALEESAN for their tenacious
support for their study.
I express my deepest appreciation to the students of Physical
Education who have involved as subjects for their tenacious support and
also for their intense collaborative efforts.
It could not have been possible to complete this mammoth
task without the help of my family members, especially my parents
T. SENTHAMIZH NALINI, my daughter C.T.MEERA, who have had the
greatest impact on my life and who have always been a source of unending
love and support throughout my life and were always there when others
were not.
I am finding words to express my deepest thanks and
appreciation to Mr. A. JOTHIRAJAN Library In charge, Department of

Physical Education and Sports Sciences, nnamalai University for his

kind help to collect the reviews.






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I Tests Selection 80

II Intra class Correlation Co-efficient Values on Selected

Criterion Variables

III Analysis of Covariance of the data on Speed of

Pre and Post tests scores of Yogic Exercises, 123
Aerobic Exercises and Control Groups

III-A The Scheffe’s test for the differences between paired

means on Speed

IV Analysis of Covariance of the data on Muscular

Endurance of Pre and Post tests scores of
Yogic Exercises, Aerobic Exercises and Control

IV-A The Scheffe’s test for the differences between paired 129
means on Muscular Endurance

V Analysis of Covariance of the data on Explosive

Power of Pre and Post tests scores of Yogic 131
Exercises, Aerobic Exercises and Control Groups

V-A The Scheffe’s test for the differences between paired

means on Explosive Power

VI Analysis of Covariance of the data on Cardio

Respiratory Endurance of Pre and Post tests
scores of Yogic Exercises, Aerobic Exercises and
Control Groups

VI-A The Scheffe’s test for the differences between paired

means on Cardio Respiratory Endurance

VII Analysis of Covariance of the data on Resting

Pulse Rate of Pre and Post tests scores of
Yogic Exercises, Aerobic Exercises and Control

I Tests Selection 80

II Intra class Correlation Co-efficient Values on Selected

Criterion Variables

III Analysis of Covariance of the data on Speed of

Pre and Post tests scores of Yogic Exercises, 123
Aerobic Exercises and Control Groups

III-A The Scheffe’s test for the differences between paired

means on Speed

IV Analysis of Covariance of the data on Muscular

Endurance of Pre and Post tests scores of
Yogic Exercises, Aerobic Exercises and Control

IV-A The Scheffe’s test for the differences between paired 129
means on Muscular Endurance

V Analysis of Covariance of the data on Explosive

Power of Pre and Post tests scores of Yogic 131
Exercises, Aerobic Exercises and Control Groups

V-A The Scheffe’s test for the differences between paired

means on Explosive Power

VI Analysis of Covariance of the data on Cardio

Respiratory Endurance of Pre and Post tests
scores of Yogic Exercises, Aerobic Exercises and
Control Groups

VI-A The Scheffe’s test for the differences between paired

means on Cardio Respiratory Endurance

VII Analysis of Covariance of the data on Resting

Pulse Rate of Pre and Post tests scores of
Yogic Exercises, Aerobic Exercises and Control
VII-A The Scheffe’s test for the differences between paired
means on Resting Pulse Rate

VIII Analysis of Covariance of the data on Breath

Holding Time of Pre and Post tests scores of 144
Yogic Exercises, Aerobic Exercises and Control

VIII-A The Scheffe’s test for the differences between paired

means on Breath Holding Time

IX Analysis of Covariance of the data on Self

Confidence of Pre and Post tests scores of
Yogic Exercises, Aerobic Exercises and Control

IX-A The Scheffe’s test for the differences between paired

means on Self Confidence

X Analysis of Covariance of the data on Aggression

of Pre and Post tests scores of Yogic 152
Exercises, Aerobic Exercises and Control Groups

X-A The Scheffe’s test for the differences between paired

means on Aggression

XI Analysis of Covariance of the data on Anxiety of

Pre and Post tests scores of Yogic Exercises, 156
Aerobic Exercises and Control Groups

XI-A The Scheffe’s test for the differences between paired

means on Anxiety

I The adjusted post-test mean values of yogic

exercises group, aerobic exercises group and 126
control group on speed

II The adjusted post-test mean values of yogic

exercises group, aerobic exercises group and 130
control group on muscular endurance

III The adjusted post-test mean values of yogic

exercises group, aerobic exercises group and 135
control group on explosive power

IV The adjusted post-test mean values of yogic

exercises group, aerobic exercises group and 139
control group on cardio respiratory endurance

V The adjusted post-test mean values of yogic

exercises group, aerobic exercises group and 143
control group on resting pulse rate

VI The adjusted post-test mean values of yogic

exercises group, aerobic exercises group and 147
control group on breath holding time

VII The adjusted post-test mean values of yogic

exercises group, aerobic exercises group and 151
control group on self confidence

VIII The adjusted post-test mean values of yogic

exercises group, aerobic exercises group and 155
control group on aggression

IX The adjusted post-test mean values of yogic

exercises group, aerobic exercises group and 159
control group on anxiety
Health is the level of functional or metabolic efficiency of a living

being. In humans, it is the general condition of a person's mind and

body, usually meaning to be free from illness, injury or pain (as in

"good health" or "healthy"). The World Health Organization defined

health in its broader sense in 1946 as "a state of complete physical,

mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or

infirmity" (WHO, 1946). Although this definition has been subject to

controversy, in particular as lacking operational value and because of

the problem created by use of the word "complete", it remains the

most enduring (Callahan D, 1973). Other definitions have been

proposed, among which a recent definition that correlates health and

personal satisfaction. Classification systems such as the WHO Family

of International Classifications, including the International

Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) and the

International Classification of Diseases (ICD), are commonly used to

define and measure the components of health (Bellieni CV and

Buonocore G, 2009).
Physical exercise is any bodily activity that enhances or

maintains physical fitness and overall health and wellness. It is

performed for various reasons including strengthening muscles and

the cardiovascular system, sharpening athletic skills, weight loss or

maintenance, as well as for the purpose of enjoyment

(Stampfer, M. J, 2000). Frequent and regular physical exercise

boosts the immune system, and helps prevent the "diseases of

affluence" such as heart disease, cardiovascular disease, Type 2

diabetes and obesity. It also improves mental health, helps prevent

depression, helps to promote or maintain positive self-esteem, and can

even augment an individual's sex appeal or body image, which is also

found to be linked with higher levels of self-esteem. Childhood obesity

is a growing global concern and physical exercise may help decrease

some of the effects of childhood and adult obesity. Health care

providers often call exercise the "miracle" or "wonder" drug—alluding

to the wide variety of proven benefits that it provides (Manson J,


Physical exercise is important for maintaining physical fitness

and can contribute positively to maintaining a healthy weight,

building and maintaining healthy bone density, muscle strength, and

joint mobility, promoting physiological well-being, reducing surgical

risks, and strengthening the immune system. Exercise reduces levels

of cortisol, which causes many health problems, both physical and

mental (Cohen S., Williamson G. M. 1991).

Frequent and regular aerobic exercise has been shown to help

prevent or treat serious and life-threatening chronic conditions such

as high blood pressure, obesity, heart disease, Type 2 diabetes,

insomnia, and depression. Endurance exercise before meals lowers

blood glucose more than the same exercise after meals. According to

the World Health Organization, lack of physical activity contributes to

approximately 17% of heart disease and diabetes, 12% of falls in the

elderly, and 10% of breast cancer and colon cancer (Borer KT, 2009).

There is evidence that vigorous induces a greater degree of

physiological cardiac hypertrophy than moderate exercise but it is

unknown whether this has any effects on overall morbidity and/or

mortality (Wislett Ulrik, 2009).

Some studies have shown that vigorous exercise executed by healthy

individuals can increase upload peptides increase testosterone and growth

hormone, effects that are not as fully realized with moderate exercise. More

recent research indicates that may play a greater role than endorphins in

"runner's high". However, training at this intensity for long periods of time,

or without proper warm up beforehand and cool down afterwards, can lead

to an increased risk of injury and over training (Sparling PB and Giuffrida

A, 2003).
Not everyone benefits equally from exercise. There is tremendous

variation in individual response to training; where most people will see a

moderate increase in endurance from aerobic exercise, some individuals will

as much as double their oxygen uptake, while others can never augment

endurance. (Hubal MJ, 2005) However, muscle hypertrophy from resistance

training is primarily determined by diet and testosterone. This genetic

variation in improvement from training is one of the key physiological

differences between elite athletes and the larger population. Studies have

shown that exercising in middle age leads to better physical ability later in

life (Brutsaert, Tom D and Esteban J. Parra, 2006).

The beneficial effect of exercise on the cardiovascular system is well

documented. There is a direct relation between physical inactivity and

cardiovascular mortality, and physical inactivity is an independent risk

factor for the development of coronary artery disease. There is a dose-

response relation between the amount of exercise performed from

approximately 700 to 2000 kcal of energy expenditure per week and all-

cause mortality and cardiovascular disease mortality in middle-aged and

elderly populations. The greatest potential for reduced mortality is in the

sedentary who become moderately active.

Although there have been hundreds of studies on exercise and the

immune system, there is little direct evidence on its connection to illness.

Epidemiological evidence suggests that moderate exercise has a beneficial

effect on the human immune system; an effect which is modeled in a J

curve. Moderate exercise has been associated with a 29% decreased

incidence of upper respiratory tract infections, but studies of marathon

runners found that their prolonged high-intensity exercise was associated

with an increased risk of infection occurrence (Gleeson M, August 2007).

However, another study did not find the effect. Immune cell functions are

impaired following acute sessions of prolonged, high-intensity exercise, and

some studies have found that athletes are at a higher risk for infections. The

immune systems of athletes and non athletes are generally similar. Athletes

may have slightly elevated natural killer cell count and cytolytic action, but

these are unlikely to be clinically significant. Vitamin C supplementation has

been associated with lower incidence of URTIs in marathon runners.

Biomarkers of inflammation such as C-reactive protein, which are associated

with chronic diseases, are reduced in active individuals relative to sedentary

individuals, and the positive effects of exercise may be due to its anti-

inflammatory effects.

A number of factors may contribute to depression including being

overweight, low self-esteem, stress, and anxiety. Endorphins act as a natural

pain reliever and antidepressant in the body. Endorphins have long been

regarded as responsible for what is known as "runner's high", a euphoric

feeling a person receives from intense physical exertion (Public Health

Nutrition, 1999). When a person exercises, levels of both circulating

serotonin and endorphins are increased. These levels are known to stay

elevated even several days after exercise is discontinued, possibly

contributing to improvement in mood, increased self-esteem, and weight

management. Exercise alone is a potential prevention method and/or

treatment for mild forms of depression. Research has also shown that when
exercise is done in the presence of other people, it can be more effective in

reducing stress than simply exercising alone (Plante Thomas G, 2001).

According to Youngstedt S .D, (2005), exercise is the most

recommended alternative to sleeping pills for resolving insomnia.

Sleeping pills are more costly than to make time for a daily routine of

staying fit, and may have dangerous side effects in the long run.

Exercise can be a healthy, safe and inexpensive way to achieve more

and better sleep.

Too much exercise can be harmful. Without proper rest, the

chance of stroke or other circulation problems increases, and muscle

tissue may develop slowly (Benito B, 2011). Extremely intense, long-

term cardiovascular exercise, as can be seen in athletes who train for

multiple marathons, has been associated with scarring of the heart

rhythm abnormalities (Wilson MG, 2011). Inappropriate exercise can

do more harm than good, with the definition of "inappropriate" varying

according to the individual. For many activities, especially running

and cycling, there are significant injuries that occur with poorly

regimented exercise schedules. Injuries from accidents also remain a

major concern, whereas the effects of increased exposure to air

pollution seem only a minor concern (Joris Aertsens, 2010).

In extreme instances, over-exercising induces serious

performance loss. Unaccustomed overexertion of muscles leads to

damage muscle most often seen in new army recruits. Another danger

is overtraining, in which the intensity or volume of training exceeds

the body's capacity to recover between bouts (Jimenez C, 1996).

Stopping excessive exercise suddenly can also create a change in

mood. Feelings of depression and agitation can occur when

withdrawal from the natural endorphins produced by exercise occurs.

Exercise should be controlled by each human body's inherent

limitations. While one set of joints and muscles may have the

tolerance to withstand multiple marathons, another body may be

damaged by 20 minutes of light jogging. This must be determined for

each individual. Too much exercise can also cause a female to miss

her period, a symptom known as amenorrhea.

As of Kahn, E. B, (2002) the effects of community wide interventions

to increase exercise levels at the population level is unknown. Signs that

encourage the use of stairs, as well as community campaigns, may increase

exercise levels. The city of Bogota, Colombia, for example, blocks off 113

kilometers of roads on Sundays and holidays to make it easier for its citizens

to get exercise. These pedestrian zones are part of an effort to combat

chronic diseases, including obesity.

Worldwide there has been a large shift towards less physically

demanding work. This has been accompanied by increasing use of

mechanized transportation, a greater prevalence of labor saving

technology in the home, and less active recreational pursuits.

Personal lifestyle changes however can correct the lack of physical

exercise. Proper nutrition is as important to health as exercise. When

exercising, it becomes even more important to have a good diet to

ensure that the body has the correct ratio of macronutrients whilst

providing ample micronutrients, in order to aid the body with the

recovery process following strenuous exercise (Kimber N, 2003).

The benefits of exercise have been known since antiquity. Marcus

Cicero, around 65 BC, stated: "It is exercise alone that supports the spirits,

and keeps the mind in vigor" (Kuper, Simon, 2009). However, the link

between physical health and exercise was only discovered in 1949 and

reported in 1953 by a team led by Jerry Morris. Dr. Morris noted that men of

similar social class and occupation had markedly different rates of heart

attacks, depending on the level of exercise they got: bus drivers had a

sedentary occupation and a higher incidence of heart disease, while bus

conductors were forced to move continually and had a lower incidence of

heart disease (Morris JN, 1953).

A growing body of research over the last 10 years substantiates that

physical activity and exercise also improve psychological well-being (Dubbert

2002). It is important to clarify that much of the research presented here is

correlation, which means that the scientists studied the associations that

exist between exercise and mental health variables, and not the causal

relationships. Published investigations conclude that individuals with

improved levels of fitness are capable of managing stress more effectively

than those who are less fit (Hassmen, Koivula & Uutela 2000). The data
suggest an inverse relationship: higher physical fitness is associated with

lower levels of stress. It appears that the method of exercise that most

benefits stress reduction is cardiovascular exercise. Studies describe the role

of exercise in managing stress as a preventive intervention as opposed to a

corrective intervention. The research indicates that moderate-intensity

aerobic exercise, performed 3 times a week for up to 12 weeks, has the most

influence on stress management. Although the specific mechanisms

explaining the improved stress levels from aerobic exercise are unclear at

this time, possible theories include the involvement of physiological,

biochemical and psychosocial factors (Callaghan 2004).

Frequently, fitness professionals hear clients say that they exercise

because it makes them “feel good.” Because mood state is influenced by

psychosocial, psycho physiological, biochemical and environmental factors,

explaining the exercise-induced mechanism is quite difficult. However, it

appears that cardiovascular and resistance exercise can positively affect

various mood states, including tension, fatigue, anger and vigor in normal

and clinical populations (Lane & Lovejoy 2001; Fox 1999). In addition,

even acute bouts of exercise may improve a person’s present mood state. It

has been shown that a single bout of 25–60 minutes of aerobic exercise

increases positive mood feelings while also decreasing negative mood

feelings. Implications from these data denote the incorporation of habitual

exercise in a person’s lifestyle for the enhancement of a positive mood state.

The use of resistance training to improve mood state requires further

The antidepressant action is one of the most commonly accepted

psychological benefits of exercise. Individuals with clinical depression tend

to be less active than healthy, active adults and have a reduced capacity for

physical exertion (Fox, 1999). Since people suffering from depression are

not predisposed to participating in exercise, it is challenging for fitness

professionals to introduce physical activity to this population. However,

patients diagnosed with depression have credited exercise as being a most

important element in comprehensive treatment programs for depression

(Dunn et al. 2002). Cardiovascular and resistance exercise seem to be

equally effective in producing anti depressive effects. Therefore, the inclusion

of resistance exercise, circuit training, calisthenics and different modes of

aerobic exercise in treatment programs should be encouraged (Brosse et al,


It also appears that both acute exercise bouts and chronic exercise

training programs have a positive effect on people with clinical depression

(Dunn et al. 2002). The research does imply, though, that the greatest anti

depressive effects seem to occur after 17 weeks of exercise, although

observable effects begin after 4 weeks. In addition, the effects of exercise on

depression seem equivalent in both genders and are uninhibited by age or

health status (Scully et al. 1998).

Anxiety is “distress or uneasiness of mind caused by fear of danger or

misfortune.” It is a stage of apprehension. The results of over 30 published

papers substantiate a link between acute and chronic exercise and the

reduction of anxiety (Scully et al. 1998). Most of the research on exercise

and anxiety involves aerobic training regimens. The few studies involving
resistance training and flexibility have also shown a slight decrease in

anxiety, but additional research is needed in this area. However, the data

does indicate that aerobic exercise is more beneficial for the reduction of

anxiety. In reference to the actual aerobic exercise prescription, there

appears to be much debate about whether low-intensity, moderate-intensity

or high-intensity exercise is most beneficial. For participant adherence,

exercise intensity should be set at an adjustable level agreed on by the

individual in consultation with a PFT or fitness instructor. It appears that

even short bursts of 5 minutes of cardiovascular exercise stimulate anti-

anxiety effects. The research also indicates that individuals who train for

periods of 10–15 weeks receive the greatest beneficial effects.

Exercise also has a positive influence on self-esteem (Callaghan

2004). The effect appears to be more potent in those with lower self-esteem.

Studies indicate that aerobic exercise may have a more pronounced effect

than anaerobic exercise, but that may be because there is little research

available on resistance training exercise and self-esteem. However, self-

esteem is quite complex, and studies suggest that certain subcomponents

including perceived sport competence, physical condition, body image and

strength contribute to self-esteem (Scully et al. 1998). Because of the many

variables involved, it is important to note, for example, that a person may

highly value his physical condition and yet have a negative evaluation of his

body. Current research provides little direction regarding the type of exercise

and dose recommendation for improving self-esteem. In relation to exercise,

it is interesting to note that important factors influencing a person’s self

esteem are perceptions of their body attractiveness and physical condition

(Mc Auley et al. 2000).

All position statements on physical activity center their messages on

the importance of consistent physical activity and exercise throughout the

course of the week. Although many hypotheses and suppositions have been

suggested about the health of this subpopulation of exercises, most recently

a rather large scientific investigation revealed some interesting findings.

Weekend-warrior exercisers who had no major risk factors had a lower risk

of dying prematurely than their sedentary counterparts. However,

individuals with one or more coronary heart disease risk factors may not

benefit from this sporadic approach to physical activity, and should be

encouraged to get their physical activity and exercise throughout the course

of most days of the week.

Aerobic exercise is physical exercise of relatively low intensity that

depends primarily on the aerobic energy generating process. Aerobic literally

refers to the use of oxygen to adequately energy demands during exercise via

aerobic metabolism. Generally, light-to-moderate intensity activities that are

sufficiently supported by aerobic metabolism can be performed for extended

periods of time. The intensity should be between 60 and 85% of maximum

heart rate.

Aerobic exercise and fitness can be contrasted with anaerobic

exercise, of which strength training and short-distance running are

the most salient examples. The two types of exercise differ by the
duration and intensity of muscular contractions involved, as well as

by how energy is generated within the muscle.

Initially during increased exertion, muscle glycogen is broken

down to produce glucose, undergoes glycolysis producing pyruvate

which then reacts with oxygen to produce carbon dioxide and water

and releases energy. If there is a shortage of oxygen, carbohydrate is

consumed more rapidly because the pyruvate ferments into lactate. If

the intensity of the exercise exceeds the rate with which the

cardiovascular system can supply muscles with oxygen, it results in

buildup of lactate and quickly makes it impossible to continue the

exercise. Unpleasant effects of lactate buildup initially include the

burning sensation in the muscles, and may eventually include nausea

and even vomiting if the exercise is continued without allowing lactate

to clear from the bloodstream.

As glycogen levels in the muscle begin to fall, glucose is released

into the bloodstream by the liver, and fat metabolism is increased so

that it can fuel the aerobic pathways. Aerobic exercise may be fueled

by glycogen reserves, fat reserves, or a combination of both, depending

on the intensity. Prolonged moderate-level aerobic exercise at

65% VO2 max results in the maximum contribution of fat to the total

energy expenditure. At this level, fat may contribute 40% to 60% of

total, depending on the duration of the exercise. Vigorous exercise

above 75% VO2max primarily burns glycogen. Major muscles in a

rested, untrained human typically contain enough energy for about 2

hours of vigorous exercise. Training, lower intensity levels and loading

may allow postponement of the onset of exhaustion beyond 4 hours

(Matthew J Watt, 2002).

Aerobic exercise comprises innumerable forms. In general, it is

performed at a moderate level of intensity over a relatively long period

of time. For example, running a long distance at a moderate pace is an

aerobic exercise, but sprinting is not. Playing singles tennis, with

near-continuous motion, is generally considered aerobic activity, while

golf or two person team tennis, with brief bursts of activity punctuated

by more frequent breaks, may not be predominantly aerobic. Some

sports are thus inherently "aerobic", while other aerobic exercises,

such as fartlek training or aerobic dance classes, are designed

specifically to improve aerobic capacity and fitness. It is most common

for aerobic exercises to involve the leg muscles, primarily or


Aerobic capacity is defined as the maximum amount of oxygen

the body can use during a specified period, usually during intense

exercise. It is a function both of cardiorespiratory performance and the

maximum ability to remove and utilize oxygen from circulating blood.

To measure maximal aerobic capacity, an exercise physiologist or

physician will perform a VO2 max test, in which a subject will undergo

progressively more strenuous exercise on a treadmill, from an easy

walk through to exhaustion. The individual is typically connected to

a respirometer to measure oxygen consumption, and the speed is

increased incrementally over a fixed duration of time. The higher the

measured cardio respiratory endurance level, the more oxygen has

been transported to and used by exercising muscles, and the higher

the level of intensity at which the individual can exercise. More simply

stated, the higher the aerobic capacity, the higher the level of aerobic

fitness. The Cooper and multi-stage fitness tests can also be used to

assess functional aerobic capacity for particular jobs or activities.

The degree to which aerobic capacity improved by exercise

varies widely in the human population: while the average response to

training is an approximately 17% increase in VO2max, in any

population there are "high responders" who may as much as double

their capacity, and "low responders" who will see little or no benefit

from training. Studies indicate that approximately 10% of otherwise

healthy individuals cannot improve their aerobic capacity with

exercise at all. The degree of an individual's responsiveness is

highly heritable, suggesting that this trait is genetically determined

(James S. Skinner et al, 1999)

During an aerobic workout, both the rate at which the heart rate and

the amount of blood the heart pumps per beat increases. Basically an

improvement in the cardiac output occurs due to a continuous exercise

regimen. The cardiac output is the product of the heart rate times the stroke


During aerobic exercise the body demands more oxygen, so the lungs

must deliver more oxygen to the working muscles through the blood. As the

depth of breathing increases, exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide

between the lungs and the blood occurs more rapidly and efficiently. Regular

exercise increases the lungs capacity to deliver oxygen.

Metabolism is the body’s process of converting food into energy

through numerous chemical reactions. During an aerobic workout; as the

muscles’ need for oxygen increases, more energy is expended, which

increases the metabolic rate. Increased metabolic rate allows the body to use

more energy, or calories, during aerobic activity, and even at rest. The

exercising muscles’ ability to extract and use oxygen from the blood

improves with regular aerobic exercise. Finally, the amount of breathing

needed to perform aerobic exercise decreases, and blood transport increases.

These benefits continue during rest and everyday living.

Yoga is a generic term for the physical, mental, and spiritual practices

or disciplines which originated in ancient India with a view to attain a state

of permanent peace. Various traditions of yoga are found

in Buddhism, Hinduism and Jainism. In Hinduism, yoga is one of the

six astika schools of Hindu philosophy. One of the most detailed and

expositions on the subject are the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, which defines

yoga as "the stilling of the changing states of the mind". Yoga has also been

popularly defined as "union with the divine" in other contexts and traditions.
Post classical traditions consider ‘Hiranyagarbha’ as the originator of

yoga (Feuerstein, Georg, 2001). Pre–philosophical speculations and diverse

ascetic practices of first millennium BCE were systematized into a formal

philosophy in early centuries CE by the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. By the turn

of the first millennium, Hatha yoga emerged as a prominent tradition of yoga

distinct from Patanjali's Yoga Sutras and marks the development

of asanas into the full body postures now in popular usage and, along with

its many modern variations, is the style that many people associate with the

word yoga today. Vajrayana Buddhism, founded by the Indian Mahasiddhas,

has a parallel series of asanas and pranayamas, such as candaliand yantra


Hindu monks, beginning with Swami Vivekananda, brought yoga to

the West in the late 19th century. In the 1980s, yoga became popular as

a system of physical exercise across the Western world. This form of yoga is

often called Hatha yoga. Many studies have tried to determine the

effectiveness of yoga as a complementary intervention for cancer,

schizophrenia, asthma and heart patients (Burley, Mikel; 2000). In a

national survey, long-term yoga practitioners in the United States reported

musculoskeletal and mental health improvements (Davidson, Ronald,


Generally yoga is a disciplined method utilized for attaining a

goal. The ultimate goal of Yoga is moksha though the exact definition

of what form this takes depends on the philosophical or theological

system with which it is conjugated. Bhakti schools

of Vaishnavism combine yoga with devotion to enjoy an eternal

presence of Vishnu. In Shaiva theology, yoga is used to

unite kundalini with Shiva (Vancampfort. D et al, 2012).

Mahabharata defines the purpose of yoga as the experience

of Brahman or Atman pervading all things. Apart from the spiritual

goals the physical postures of yoga are used to alleviate health

problems, reduce stress and make the spine supple in contemporary

times. Yoga is also used as a complete exercise program and physical

therapy routine.

Yoga came to the attention of an educated western public in the

mid 19th century along with other topics of Indian philosophy. The

first Hindu teacher to actively advocate and disseminate aspects of

yoga to a western audience was Swami Vivekananda, who toured

Europe and the United States in the 1890s. The reception which

Swami Vivekananda received is inconceivable without the active

interest of intellectuals, in particular the New England

Transcendentalists, among them R.W. Emerson, who drew on German

Romanticism and the interest of philosophers and scholars like

G.F.W. Hegel, the Schlegel brothers, Max Mueller, A. Schopenhauer

and others who found Vedanta in agreement with their own ideas and

a cherished source of religious-philosophical inspiration.

Theosophists also had a large influence on the American

public's view of Yoga. Esoteric views current at the end of the 19th
century were a further basis for the reception of Vedanta and of Yoga

with its theory and practice of correspondence between the spiritual

and the physical. The reception of Yoga and Vedanta are thus

entwined with each other and with the currents of religious and

philosophical reform and transformation throughout the 19th and

early 20th centuries. Yoga - Immortality and Freedom, By introducing

the Tantra traditions and philosophy of Yoga the conception of the

"transcendent" to be attained by Yogic practice shifted from

experiencing the "transcendent in the mind to the body itself.

In the West, the term "yoga" is today typically associated

with Hatha yoga and its asanas or as a form of exercise. In the 1910s

and the 1920s Yoga suffered a period of bad public will largely as a

result of backlash against immigration, a rise in puritanical values,

and a number of scandals. In the 1930s and 1940's it began to gain

more public acceptance as a result of celebrity endorsement. In the

1950s there was another period of paranoia against yoga, but by the

1960s, western interest in Hindu spirituality reached its peak, giving

rise to a great number of Neo-Hindu schools specifically advocated to

a western public.

A second "yoga boom" followed in the 1980s, as Dean Ornish, a

follower of Swami Satchidananda, connected yoga to heart health,

legitimizing yoga as a purely physical system of health exercises

outside of counter culture or esotericism circles, and unconnected to

a religious denomination. Asanas seemed modern in origin, and

strongly overlapped 19th and early 20th century Western exercise

traditions. Since 2001, the popularity of yoga in the USA has been on

the constant rise. The number of people who practiced some form of

yoga has grown from 4 million in 2001 to 20 million in 2011.

Long term yoga practitioners in the United States have reported

musculoskeletal and mental health improvements, as well as reduced

symptoms of asthma in asthmatics. Regular yoga practice increases

brain GABA levels and has been shown to improve mood and anxiety

more than some other metabolically matched exercises, such as

walking. The three main focuses of Hatha yoga make it beneficial to

those suffering from heart disease. Overall, studies of the effects of

yoga on heart disease suggest that yoga may reduce high blood

pressure, improve symptoms of heart failure, enhance cardiac

rehabilitation, and lower cardiovascular risk factors. For chronic low

back pain, specialist Yoga for Healthy Lower Backs has been found

30% more beneficial than usual care alone in a UK clinical trial. Other

smaller studies support this finding.

The Yoga for Healthy Lower Backs programme is the dominant

treatment for society due to 8.5 fewer days off work each year. A

research group from Boston University School of Medicine also tested

yoga’s effects on lower back pain. Over twelve weeks, one group of

volunteers practiced yoga while the control group continued with

standard treatment for back pain. Yoga participants also had a drop of

80% in pain medication use (Streeter, Chris C. et al, 2010).

There has been an emergence of studies investigating yoga as a

complementary intervention for cancer patients. Yoga is used for

treatment of cancer patients to decrease depression, insomnia, pain,

and fatigue and increase anxiety control. Mindfulness Based Stress

Reduction programs include yoga as a mind-body technique to reduce

stress. A study found that after seven weeks the group treated with

yoga reported significantly less mood disturbance and reduced stress

compared to the control group. Another study found that MBSR had

showed positive effects on sleep anxiety, quality of life, and spiritual

growth in cancer patients (Tilbrook Helen E et al, 2011).

Yoga has also been studied as a treatment for schizophrenia.

Some encouraging, but inconclusive, evidence suggests that yoga as a

complementary treatment may help alleviate symptoms of

schizophrenia and improve health-related quality of life.

Implementation of the Kundalini Yoga Lifestyle has shown to help

substance abuse addicts increase their quality of life according to

psychological questionnaires like the Behavior and Symptom

Identification Scale and the Quality of Recovery Index (Sherman KJ et

al, 2005). Yoga has been shown in a study to have some cognitive

functioning acute benefit (Williams KA et al, 2005).

Since a small percentage of yoga practitioners each year suffer

physical injuries analogous to sports injuries; caution and common

sense are recommended (Chuang, Ling-Hsiang et al, 2012). Yoga

has been criticized for being potentially dangerous and being a cause

for a range of serious medical conditions including thoracic outlet

syndrome, degenerative arthritis of the cervical spine, spinal stenosis,

retinal tears, damage to the common fibular nerve, so called "Yoga foot

drop," etc. An expose of these problems by William Broad published in

January, 2012 in The New York Times Magazine resulted in

controversy within the international yoga community (Smith K,

Pukall C, 2009). Broad, a science writer, yoga practitioner, and

author of The Science of Yoga: The Risks and the Rewards, had

suffered a back injury while performing a yoga posture (Gothe. N et

al, 2013). Torn muscles, knee injuries, and headaches are common

ailments which may result from yoga practice (Penman Stephen et

al, 2012).

An extensive survey of yoga practitioners in Australia showed

that about 20% had suffered some physical injury while practicing

yoga. In the previous 12 months 4.6% of the respondents had suffered

an injury producing prolonged pain or requiring medical treatment.

Headstands, shoulder stands, lotus and half lotus, forward bends,

backward bends, and handstands produced the greatest number of

Some yoga practitioners do not recommend certain yoga

exercises for women during menstruation, for pregnant women, or for

nursing mothers. However, meditation, breathing exercises, and

certain postures which are safe and beneficial for women in these

categories are encouraged (Joseph Chusid, 1971). Among the main

reasons that experts cite for causing negative effects from yoga are

beginners' competitiveness and instructors' lack of qualification. As

the demand for yoga classes grows, many people get certified to

become yoga instructors, often with relatively little training. Not every

newly certified instructor can evaluate the condition of every new

trainee in their class and recommend refraining from doing certain

poses or using appropriate props to avoid injuries. In turn, a

beginning yoga student can overestimate the abilities of their body

and strive to do advanced poses before their body is flexible or strong

enough to perform them.

Vertebral artery dissection, a tear in the arteries in the neck

which provide blood to the brain can result from rotation of the neck

while the neck is extended. This can occur in a variety of contexts, for

example, in a beauty shop while your hair is being rinsed, but is an

event which could occur in some yoga practices. This is a very serious

condition which can result in a stroke. Ace tabular labral tears,

damage to the structure joining the femur and the hip, have been

reported to have resulted from yoga practice.

Asana is a body position, typically associated with the practice

of Yoga, originally identified as a mastery of sitting still. In the context

of Yoga practice, asana refers to two things: the place where a

practitioner, yogi or yogini sits and the manner in which sits. In

the Yoga sutras, Patanjali suggests that asana is "to be seated in a

position that is firm, but relaxed" for extended, or timeless periods.

As a repertoire of postures were promoted to exercise the body-

mind over the centuries, to the present day when yoga is sought as a

primarily physical exercise form, modern usage has come to include

variations from lying on the back and standing on the head, to a

variety of other positions (Feuerstein, Georg, 1996). However, in the

Yoga sutras, Patanjali mentions the execution of sitting with a

steadfast mind for extended periods as the third of the eight limbs of

Classical or Raja yoga, but does not reference standing postures or

kriyas. Yoga practitioners who seek the "simple" practice of chair-less

sitting generally find it impossible or surprisingly grueling to sit still

for the traditional minimum of one hour some of them then dedicating

their practice to sitting asana and the sensations and mind-states

that arise and evaporate in extended sits.

Asana later became a term for various postures useful for

restoring and maintaining a practitioner's well-being and improving

the body's flexibility and vitality, with the goal of cultivating the ability

to remain in seated meditation for extended periods. Asanas are

widely known as "Yoga postures" or "Yoga positions". Yoga in the West

is commonly practised as physical exercise or alternative medicine,

rather than as the spiritual self-mastery meditation skill it is more

associated with in the East. Pranayama, or breath control, is the

Fourth Limb of ashtanga, as set out by Patanjali in the Yoga Sutra.

The practice is an integral part of both Hatha Yoga and Ashtanga

Vinyasa Yoga in the execution of asanas.

Patanjali discusses his specific approach to pranayama in

verses 2.49 through 2.51, and devotes verses 2.52 and 2.53 of the

Sutra, explaining there the benefits of the practice. Patanjali describes

pranayama as the control of the enhanced "life force" that is a result of

practicing the various breathing techniques, rather than the exercises

themselves. The entirety of breathing practices includes those

classified as pranayama, as well as others called svarodaya, or the

"science of breath". It is a vast practice that goes far beyond the limits

of pranayama as applied to asana. Surya Namaskara, or the

Salutation of the Sun, which is very commonly practiced in most

forms of yoga, originally evolved as a type of worship of Surya, the

Vedic solar deity. Surya is the Hindu solar deity by concentrating on

the Sun for vitalization.

The physical aspect of the practice 'links together' twelve asanas in a

dynamically expressed series. A full round of Surya namaskara is

considered to be two sets of the twelve asanas, with a change in the

second set where the opposing leg is moved first. The asanas included

in the sun salutation differ from tradition to tradition.

The physical aspect of what is called yoga in recent years, the asanas,

has been much popularized in the West. (Ross A, Thomas S, 2010)

Physically, the practice of asanas is considered to:

· improve flexibility

· improve strength

· improve balance

· reduce stress and anxiety

· reduce symptoms of lower back pain

· be beneficial for asthma and chronic obstructive

pulmonary disease (COPD)

· increase energy and decrease fatigue

· shorten labor and improve birth outcomes

· improve physical health and quality of life measures in

the elderly

· improve diabetes management

· reduce sleep disturbances

· reduce hypertension

The emphasis on the physical benefits of yoga, attributed to practice of

the asanas, has deemphasized the other traditional purposes of yoga which

are to facilitate the flow of prana and to aid in balancing the koshas of the

physical and metaphysical body. Yoga is a form of exercise that unites

breath, mind, body, and spirit. The word and practice yoga conjures up

images of Eastern philosophy and ancient practices. Modern day yoga

practice has been discovered in the Western world by many people want to

strengthen their bodies in a new way. Yoga is not the fast pace

cardiovascular workout like running, dance class, or a sport like tennis.

Yoga is learning how to slow your thoughts way down, place all your

attention on the present moment, and create an oasis of stillness in your

movements. Striking a yoga pose builds strength in every part of body. The

above findings and similar other researches proved that there was

contradiction in findings on the effect of yogic exercises and aerobic

exercises on selected physical, physiological and psychological variables.

Hence, the investigator undertook this research to find out the effect of yogic

exercises and aerobic exercises on selected physical, physiological and

psychological variables.


The purpose of the study was to find out the effects of yogic exercises

and aerobic exercises on selected physical, physiological and psychological

variables namely speed, muscular endurance, explosive power, cardio

respiratory endurance, resting pulse rate, breath holding time, self

confidence, aggression and anxiety.


The study was delimited in the following aspects.

1. This study was conducted only on forty five men students in the

Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences,

Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar, Tamil Nadu, India.

2. Among various physical, physiological and psychological

variables, the following variables namely speed, muscular

endurance, explosive power, cardio respiratory endurance, resting

pulse rate, breath holding time, self confidence, aggression and

anxiety were selected as dependent variables.

3. The selected criterion variables namely speed, muscular

endurance, explosive power, cardio respiratory endurance,

resting pulse rate, breath holding time, self confidence,

aggression and anxiety were measured by 50 mts run, bend knee

sit ups, vertical jump, cooper’s 12 minutes run/ walk test, radial

pulse, holding the breath for time, Hardy & Nelson self confidence

Questionnaire, Dr. Guru Pyari Mathur and Dr. Raj Kumari

Bhatnagar aggression Questionnaire and Speilberger’s Anxiety

Questionnaire respectively.

5. The following training namely yogic exercises and aerobic

exercises were selected as independent variables.

6. The age group of the subjects was ranged from 18 to 24 years.


The research was limited to the following and these limitations would

be taken into consideration while operating the data.

1. While conducting study, the external factors like atmospheric

conditions, cultural influence and socio-economic condition and also

the body structure of the subjects were not taken into consideration.

2. The investigator did not consider the Geographical location of

Chidambaram at the time of conducting the experiment.

3. No attempt was made to control the subjects participating in other

extra-curricular activities.

4. Though the subjects were motivated verbally no attempt was made to

differential their motivation level during testing and training.


The following were drawn as hypotheses for this study.

1. It was hypothesised that there may be a significant difference

among yogic exercises group, aerobic exercises group and

control group on selected physical, physiological and

psychological variables after twelve weeks of training period.

2. It was also hypothesised that there may be a significant changes

on selected physical, physiological and psychological variables

after twelve weeks of training period due to yogic exercises and

aerobic exercises.

Yoga is a way of life which can be practiced by any human being

regardless of age and condition of health. Yoga is a gaining process of

control over the mind, thereby improving the physiological and psychological

behaviour of an individual. (Sharma, 1984).

Asana means holding the body in a particular posture to bring

stability to the body and poise to the mind. The exercises of asana bring

purity in tabular channels firmness to the body and vitality to the body and

the mind. (Sharma, 1984)

Aerobics means ‘with oxygen’. Aerobic exercise is designed

to produce a sustained increase in heart rate and whose energy cost

can be met by the body from aerobic sources, that is, from increased

oxygen consumption.

This is a particular strenuous exercise routine which

requires plenty of oxygen, it is particularly helpful for strengthening

the heart and lungs through using your bodies muscles to increase

the heart rate.

Bucher (1990) says, “Speed is the ability of the individual

to make successive movements of the same kind in the shortest period

of time”. Speed is the number of movements per unit of time.

Speed may be defined as, “The capacity of the individual to

perform successive movements of the same pattern of the fastest

rate”.(Harold M. Barrow, 1999)

It may be defined as the ability of a muscle or muscle

group to perform repeated contractions against a resistance to sustain

contraction for an extended period of time with less discomfort and

more rapid recovery.

The ability of the body to repeatedly produce high levels of

force for prolonged periods (Clarke and Clarke, 1999).

Measuring the distance between a person’s standing reach

and the height one can jump and reach has been proposed as a test of

explosive power.
“Endurance is defined as the ability to with stand a

resistance for a period of time”.(Garth Fisher, Clayne & Jenson,


Cardio respiratory endurance is the ability work close to

one’s maximum aerobic capacity for a prolonged period of time. To

increase one’s endurance is depend upon increasing the ability to

work at high, relative work load for extended periods of time.(Jack

Daniels, Robert Fitts and George Sheehan,1998)

The number of beats felt exactly one minute when a player

is on resting condition.

The number of beats of pulse per minute or the number of

beats of the heart and entries per minute (Astrand, 1997) .

In this time that elapses between the completion of one

inhalation and the starting of the particular exhalation.

(Astrand, 1997).
Self-confidence relates to self-assurance in one's personal judgment,

ability, power,

Aggression is defined as "the behaviour of directed towards goal of

harming another living being who wishes to avoid such treatment.

It is a negative emotional state with feelings of nervousness, worry

and apprehension associated with activation or arousal of the body


The aim of research in the field of physical education is to

help the physical educators and coaches to gain additional knowledge

in the area of training methods. The present investigation has the

following significant contribution.

1. The findings of the study would reveal the extent to which

the yogic exercises and aerobic exercises to improve the

selected physical, physiological and psychological variables.

2. The study would provide scientific base and guidance to the

physical educationist, coaches, and athletes to identify which

method of training is best suited to develop physical,

physiological and psychological variables.

3. The results of the study would provide an additional

knowledge in the area of research.

4. The results of the study would provide the knowledge for

multi sports events.

5. The contribution of the study would bring out new and

useful training method for the advancement of performance

in the field of sports and games.

This chapter consists of various relevant research studies to the

present investigation. The scanning of review of related literatures

may serve as an important thing to the researcher for the

interpretation of the study.

The review of literature is instrumental in the selection of the

topic, formulation of hypothesis and deductive reasoning leading to

the problem. It helps to get a clear idea and supports the finding with

regard to the problem under study. The researcher came across

several books, periodicals and journals and published thesis, while

searching for relevant facts and finding that were related to this

present study, such as those were given below or the better

understanding and to justify the study.

De Godoy DV et al (2006) investigated whether, in healthy

individuals, practicing yoga can modify maximal inspiratory pressure and

spirometric indices when compared with the practice of aerobic exercise. A

total of 31 healthy volunteers were allocated to practice aerobic exercise (n =

15) or to practice yoga (n = 16). Those in the first group served as controls

and engaged in aerobic exercise for 45-60 minutes, twice a week for three

months. Those in the second group practiced selected yogic techniques, also

in sessions of 45-60 minutes, twice a week for three months. Forced vital
capacity, forced expiratory volume in one second and maximal inspiratory

pressure were measured before and after the three months of training. No

significant alterations were seen in the spirometric indices. A slight,

although not significant, improvement in maximal inspiratory pressure was

seen in both groups. However, there was a significant difference, seen in

both genders, between the absolute delta (final value minus baseline value)

of maximal inspiratory pressure for the group practicing yoga and that

obtained for the group engaging in aerobic exercise (males: 19.5 cm H2O

versus 2.8 cm H2O, p = 0.05; females: 20 cm H2O versus 3.9 cm H2O, p =

0.01). Neither yoga nor aerobic exercise provided a statistically significant

improvement in maximal inspiratory pressure after three months. However,

the absolute variation in maximal inspiratory pressure was greater among

those practicing yoga.

Benu Gupta et al (2010) have examined that the relevant

effects of new fitness regime aero yoga on physiological parameters of

the youth. The sample subjects were confined to the youth students

ageing 16–21 years of Delhi and NCR. A total of 60 subjects were

chosen randomly for the study. They were divided into three groups of

20 each. One group was treated with the regime of aerobics; the

second was with yoga asana and the third with aero yoga for fitness.

The aero yoga – a complete new fitness regime was developed and

implemented on controlled and experimental group in comparison

with yoga asana and aerobic battery for the relevance. The

physiological parameters were measured at three stages that is, at

resting, pre-operational and post-operational. Also, the subjective

assessment was done once in between the operation and after the

completion of battery. Physiological measures considered were: Wt, Ht,

BMI, fat%, hip-waist ratio, HR, MHR, BMR, VO2max and pulse rate.

Analysis of variance – statistical technique was used to study the

relevant effect of aero yoga in comparison with aerobics and yogasana.

The whole statistical work deals with study of independent and

interaction effects as well as mean difference in Wt, Ht, BMI, fat%,

hip-waist ratio, HR, MHR, BMR, VO2max, pulse rate and subjective

assessment of aero yoga, aerobics and yoga asana battery on active

and passive youth. The result revealed the significant difference in Wt,

BMI, fat%, hip-waist ratio, HR, BMR, VO2max, pulse rate in youth

going through aero yoga, aerobics and yoga asana. Whereas there was

no significant difference found in Ht and MHR. The significant

difference was found in subjective assessment. The fitness battery of

aero yoga was found to delay the onset of fatigue in comparison to

other fitness battery.

Alyson Ross and Sue Thomas (2010) investigated whether an

exercise is considered as an acceptable method for improving and

maintaining physical and emotional health. A growing body of

evidence supports the belief that yoga benefits physical and mental

health via down-regulation of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal

(HPA) axis and the sympathetic nervous system (SNS). The purpose of
this article is to provide a scholarly review of the literature regarding

research studies comparing the effects of yoga and exercise on a

variety of health outcomes and health conditions. These studies

subsequently were classified as uncontrolled (n = 30), wait list

controlled (n = 16), or comparison (n = 35). The most common

comparison intervention (n = 10) involved exercise. These studies were

included in this review. In the studies reviewed, yoga interventions

appeared to be equal or superior to exercise in nearly every outcome

measured except those involving physical fitness. The studies

comparing the effects of yoga and exercise seem to indicate that, in

both healthy and diseased populations; yoga may be as effective as or

better than exercise at improving a variety of health-related outcome

measures. Future clinical trials are needed to examine the distinctions

between exercise and yoga, particularly how the two modalities may

differ in their effects on the SNS/HPA axis. Additional studies using

rigorous methodologies are needed to examine the health benefits of

the various types of yoga.

Senthilkumar and A. Prakash (2011) have conducted a study to

determine whether aerobic interval training with yogic practices (AeIYG) or

anaerobic interval training with yogic practices (AnIYG) has greater effect on

selected physical fitness variables, speed and agility among high school

football players. For this purpose, the investigator selected find out the

influence of aerobic and anaerobic interval 90 football players divided into

three groups, namely, AeIYG, AnIYG and control group (CG). The subjects
were tested for speed and agility initially and after 12 weeks of experiment

on respective training on the subjects. The results proved that there was

significant improvement in speed (F: 45.52) and agility (F 8.37) on adjusted

means, against required F value of 3.1. The post hoc analysis proved that

AeIYG was better than CG and AnIYG in improving speed and agility of

school level football players. It was concluded that aerobic interval training

with yogic practices significantly improved speed and agility of the school

level football players than anaerobic power with yogic practices.

Yokesh, T.P. and Chandrasekaran, K (2013) have conducted that

study to investigate the impact of yogic practice and aerobic exercise among

overweight school boys. To achieve this purpose, sixty overweight school

boys from various schools in Tiruchirappalli district were selected at

random. Their age ranged between 14 and 17. The selected subjects were

divided into three equal groups of 20 each, namely yogic practice group

(group A), aerobic exercise group (group B) and control group (group C). The

group A had undergone yogic practice; group B had undergone aerobic

exercise for 12 weeks, five days a week, whereas the control group (group C)

maintained their daily routine activities and no special training was given.

The subjects of the three groups were tested using standardized tests and

procedures on selected physical and physiological variables before and after

the training period to find out the training efforts in the following test items:

physical variables abdominal muscular strength and physiological variables

breath holding time. The collected data were analyzed statistically through

analysis of Covariance (ANACOVA) and Scheffe’s post hoc test to find out the
pre and post training performances. Compare the significant difference

between the adjusted final means and better group.

Ajay Pal et al (2011) have conducted a study to know the effect of

regular yogic practices and self-discipline in reducing body fat and elevated

lipids in CAD patients. In this study one hundred seventy (170) subjects, of

both sexes having coronary artery disease were randomly selected form

Department of Cardiology. Subjects were divided in to two groups randomly

in yoga group and in non-yoga group, eighty five (85) in each group. Out of

these (170 subjects), one hundred fifty four (154) completed the study

protocol. The yogic intervention consisted of 35–40 min/day, five days in a

week till six months in the Department of Physiology CSMMU UP Lucknow.

Body fat testing and estimation of lipid profile were done of the both groups

at zero time and after six months of yogic intervention in yoga group and

without yogic intervention in non yoga group. In present study, BMI (p <

0.04), fat % (p < 0.0002), fat free mass (p < 0.04), SBP (p < 0.002), DBP (p <

0.009), heart rate (p < 0.0001), total cholesterol (p < 0.0001), triglycerides (p

< 0.0001), HDL (p < 0.0001) and low density lipoprotein (p < 0.04) were

changed significantly. Reduction of SBP, DBP, heart rate, body fat%, total

cholesterol, triglycerides and LDL after regular yogic practices is beneficial

for cardiac and hypertensive patients. Therefore yogic practices included in

this study are helpful for the patients of coronary artery disease.

Amandeep Singh et al (2011) have investigated that aim of the study

is to assess the effects of 6-weeks yogasanas training on agility and

muscular strength in sportsmen. A group thirty randomly selected male

players of department of physical education, Guru Nanak Dev University,

Amritsar (Punjab, India) aged 18 – 24 years, volunteered to participate in the

study. They were randomly assigned into two groups: Y (experimental N=15)

and C (control N=15).The subjects from Group Y were subjected to a 6-weeks

yogasanas training programme. Student’s test for independent data was

used to assess the between-group differences for dependent data to assess

the Post-Pre differences. The level of p≤0.01 was considered significant. The

agility and muscular strength significantly improved in Group Y compared

with the control one. The yoga asana training may be recommended to

improve agility and muscular strength and may contribute to enhance sports


E J de Geus et al (1993) have examined that study was assessed the

association of aerobic fitness with psychological make-up and physiological

stress-reactivity in a group of untrained men, as well as the effects of 4 and

8 months of exercise training on these parameters. Psychological assessment

included questionnaires on personality (Neuroticism, Type A, Hostility),

coping styles (Anger In, Anger Out), negative affect (Depression, Anxiety),

and self-esteem. Stress reactivity was measured as the cardiovascular and

urinary catecholamine response to two competitive reaction time tasks and

the cold pressor test. No cross sectional relationships were found between

aerobic fitness, defined as the maximal oxygen consumption during an

exhaustive exercise test, and any of the psychological variables. In addition,

psychological make-up did not change as a consequence of exercise training.

In further contrast to our hypothesis, aerobic fitness was associated with

high, rather than low, cardiovascular reactivity. Longitudinal effects of

training were limited to a reduction in the overall levels of heart rate and
diastolic blood pressure. This suggests that regular exercise does not

increase the resistance to stress-related disease by influencing psychological

make-up or acute psycho physiologic reactivity.

Bowman AJ et al (1997) have conducted a study to find out

whether the age-associated reduction in baroreflex sensitivity is

modifiable by exercise training. The effects of aerobic exercise training

and yoga, a non-aerobic control intervention, on the baroreflex of

elderly persons was determined. Baroreflex sensitivity was quantified

by the alpha-index, at high frequency (HF; 0.15-0.35 Hz, reflecting

parasympathetic activity) and mid-frequency (MF; 0.05-0.15 Hz,

reflecting sympathetic activity as well), derived from spectral and

cross-spectral analysis of spontaneous fluctuations in heart rate and

blood pressure. Twenty-six (10 women) sedentary, healthy,

normotensive elderly (mean 68 years, range 62-81 years) subjects

were studied. Fourteen (4 women) of the sedentary elderly subjects

completed 6 weeks of aerobic training, while the other 12 (6 women)

subjects completed 6 weeks of yoga. Heart rate decreased following

yoga (69 +/- 8 vs. 61 +/- 7 min-1, P < 0.05) but not aerobic training

(66 +/- 8 vs. 63 +/- 9 min-1, P = 0.29). VO2 max increased by 11%

following yoga (P < 0.01) and by 24% following aerobic training (P <

0.01). No significant change in alpha MF (6.5 +/- 3.5 vs. 6.2 +/- 3.0

ms mmHg-1, P = 0.69) or alpha HF (8.5 +/- 4.7 vs. 8.9 +/- 3.5 ms

mmHg-1, P = 0.65) occurred after aerobic training. Following yoga,

alpha HF (8.0 +/- 3.6 vs. 11.5 +/- 5.2 ms mmHg-1, P < 0.01) but not

alpha MF (6.5 +/- 3.0 vs. 7.6 +/- 2.8 ms mmHg-1, P = 0.29) increased.

Short-duration aerobic training does not modify the alpha-index at

alpha MF or alpha HF in healthy normotensive elderly subjects. alpha

HF but not alpha MF increased following yoga, suggesting that these

parameters are measuring distinct aspects of the baroreflex that are

separately modifiable.

Annadurai and Sathishbabu (2014) found the effect of Swiss

ball and plyometric training programme on selected physical variables

and skill performance of inter collegiate men volleyball players, to

achieve that 45 subjects aged from 19 to 28 years from affiliated

college of Bharathiar University Coimbatore, Tamilnadu were selected,

subjects (N = 45) were divided into three equal groups. Namely, Group

- I underwent Swiss ball training group (SBTG), Group - II underwent

plyometric training group (PTG), and Group - III acted as control

group (CG) was not given any specific training. Each group consists of

15 subjects. They were assessed before and after six weeks in both

groups. The analysis of co-variance (ANCOVA) was used to determine

any significant difference was present among the three groups of the

dependent variables. The study revealed that the selected dependent

variables such as speed, flexibility, explosive power, muscular

strength and endurance, serving Ability and passing ability have

significant improvement due to the Swiss ball and plyometric training

programme on selected physical fitness variables and skill

performance of inter collegiate men volleyball players.

Andrea Elibero et al (2011) have conducted a study to know

the effects of physical activity on craving to smoke and smoking

withdrawal. The current study was designed to compare and contrast

the effects of 2 different forms of physical activity on general and cue-

elicited craving to smoke. Following 1-hr nicotine abstinence, 76 daily

smokers were randomly assigned to engage in a 30-min bout of

cardiovascular exercise (CE; brisk walk on a treadmill), Hatha yoga

(HY), or a nonactivity control condition. Participants completed

measures of craving and mood, and a smoking cue reactivity

assessment, before, immediately following, and approximately 20 min

after the physical activity or control conditions. Compared with the

control condition, participants in each of the physical activity groups

reported a decrease in craving to smoke, an increase in positive effect,

and a decrease in negative effect. In addition, craving in response to

smoking cues was specifically reduced among those who engaged in

CE, whereas those who engaged in HY reported a general decrease in

cravings. This study provides further support for the use of exercise

bouts for attenuating cigarette cravings during temporary nicotine

abstinence. Results also suggest that CE can attenuate cravings in

response to smoking cues. There are several areas for further research
that may improve integration of exercise within smoking cessation


Debra Gabler-Halle et al (1993) have examined that study was

Physical fitness of persons who are developmentally disabled has

received relatively little attention in the special education literature

when compared to intellectual functioning (e.g., learning, memory,

and language) and to acquisition of functional skills (e.g., self-care,

community, and vocational). Despite an increased interest in

recreational programming stimulated by the concept of functional

curricula, teachers may still be reluctant to include physical fitness

activities in their students' schedules. Perhaps physical fitness

programming for those with developmental disabilities would have

wider appeal and application if it were embedded in the broader

context of psychological and behavioral change (i.e., engagement in

exercise produces generalized changes beyond direct improvement in

physical well-being). This article is a review and critique of literature

that focuses on the effects of participation in aerobic exercise on three

classes of psychological/behavioral variables for persons with mental

retardation and associated disabilities. The methodology that

characterizes this literature is analyzed, and recommendations for

future research are proposed.

Meyer T and Broocks A (2000) have investigated that study

was Aerobic exercise seems to be effective in improving general mood

and symptoms of depression and anxiety in healthy individuals and

psychiatric patients. This effect is not limited to aerobic forms of

exercise. There are almost no contraindications for psychiatric

patients to participate in exercise programmes, provided they are free

from cardiovascular and acute infectious diseases. However, very little

is known about the effects of exercise in psychiatric disease other

than those in depression and anxiety disorders. A few reports indicate

the need for controlled investigations in psychotic and personality

disorders. Unfortunately, no general concept for a therapeutic

application of physical activity has been developed so far. Reliance on

sub maximal measures is highly recommended for fitness assessment.

Monitoring of exercise intensity during training sessions is most easily

done by measuring the heart rate using portable devices (whereas

controlling the exact workload may be preferable for scientific

purposes). Appropriate pre- and post-training testing is emphasized to

enable adequate determinations of fitness gains and to eventually

allow positive feedback to be given to patients in clinical settings.

David S. Holmes and David L. Roth (1988) have investigated with

the students who reported experiencing a high number of stressful life

events were randomly assigned to: (a) an aerobic training condition, (b) a

relaxation training condition, or (c) a no treatment control condition.

Immediately before and after the 11 week training/control period, subjects'

aerobic fitness and cardiovascular responses to acute psychological stress

were assessed. Results indicated that: (1) subjects in the aerobic training
condition showed significantly greater improvements in aerobic fitness than

subjects in the other conditions, and (2) the subjects in the aerobic training

condition showed significantly greater reductions in heart rate during all

phases of the stress than subjects in the other conditions. Post-training

differences between aerobic and control conditions during the moderate

psychological stress were as great as 17 b.p.m. These results provide

evidence for the utility of aerobic training for reducing cardiovascular activity

during psychological stress, and they are consistent with earlier findings

linking fitness to less illness following stress, reductions in depression and

enhanced recovery in cardiac patients.

Patrick J. O'Connor et al (2010) have examined whether

strength training influences anxiety, chronic pain, cognition,

depression, fatigue symptoms, self-esteem, and sleep. The weight of

the available evidence supported the conclusion that strength training

is associated with reductions in anxiety symptoms among healthy

adults (5 trials); reductions in pain intensity among patients with low

back pain (5 trials), osteoarthritis (8 trials), and fibromyalgia (4 trials);

improvements in cognition among older adults (7 trials);

improvements in sleep quality among depressed older adults (2 trials);

reductions in symptoms of depression among patients with diagnosed

depression (4 trials) and fibromyalgia (2 trials); reductions in fatigue

symptoms (10 trials); and improvements in self-esteem (6 trials). The

evidence indicates that larger trials with a greater range of patient

samples are needed to better estimate the magnitude and the

consistency of the relationship between strength training and these

mental health outcomes. Plausible social, psychological, and neural

mechanisms by which strength training could influence these

outcomes rarely have been explored. This review revealed the high-

priority research need for animal and human research aimed at better

understanding the brain mechanisms underlying mental health

changes with strength training.

Anais Rampello et al (2007) have conducted a study that

physical de conditioning is involved in the impaired exercise tolerance

of patients with multiple sclerosis (MS), but data on the effects of

aerobic training (AT) in this population are scanty. The purpose of this

study was to compare the effects of an 8-week AT program on exercise

capacity in terms of walking capacity and maximum exercise

tolerance, as well as its effects on fatigue and health-related quality of

life as compared with neurological rehabilitation (NR) in subjects with

MS. Nineteen subjects (14 female, 5 male; mean age [X±SD]=41±8

years) with mild to moderate disability secondary to MS participated

in a randomized crossover controlled study. Eleven subjects (8 female,

3 male; mean age [X±SD]=44±6 years) completed the study. After AT,

but not NR, the subjects’ walking distances and speeds during a self-

paced walk were significantly improved, as were their maximum work

rate, peak oxygen uptake, and oxygen pulse during cardiopulmonary

exercise tests. The increases in peak oxygen uptake and maximum

work rate, but not in walking capacity, were significantly higher after

AT, as compared with after NR. Additionally, the subjects who were

most disabled tended to benefit more from AT. There were no

differences between AT and NR in effects on fatigue, and the results

showed that AT may have partially affected health-related quality of

life. The results suggest that AT is more effective than NR in improving

maximum exercise tolerance and walking capacity in people with mild

to moderate disability secondary to MS.

B. S. Oken et al (2004) have conducted that study was

determine the effect of yoga and of aerobic exercise on cognitive

function, fatigue, mood, and quality of life in multiple sclerosis (MS).

Subjects with clinically definite MS and Expanded Disability Status

Score less than or equal to 6.0 were randomly assigned to one of three

groups lasting 6 months: weekly Iyengar yoga class along with home

practice, weekly exercise class using a stationary bicycle along with

home exercise, or a waiting-list control group. Outcome assessments

performed at baseline and at the end of the 6-month period included a

battery of cognitive measures focused on attention, physiologic

measures of alertness, Profile of Mood States, State-Trait Anxiety

Inventory, Multi-Dimensional Fatigue Inventory (MFI), and Short Form

(SF)-36 health-related quality of life. Sixty-nine subjects were

recruited and randomized. Twelve subjects did not finish the 6-month

intervention. There were no adverse events related to the intervention.

There were no effects from either of the active interventions on either

of the primary outcome measures of attention or alertness. Both active

interventions produced improvement in secondary measures of fatigue

compared to the control group: Energy and Fatigue (Vitality) on the

SF-36 and general fatigue on the MFI. There were no clear changes in

mood related to yoga or exercise. Subjects with MS participating in

either a 6-month yoga class or exercise class showed significant

improvement in measures of fatigue compared to a waiting-list control

group. There was no relative improvement of cognitive function in

either of the intervention groups.

Heidi Summers et al (1999) have investigated that Stress

reactivity was assessed in aerobically fit (n = 14) and unfit (n = 8)

females during the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle.

Participants completed the Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory

and provided a urine sample for catecholamine analysis before and

after mental stress testing, Stroop Color-Word Test. Blood pressure,

heart rate, muscle tension, and skin conductance were measured

during mental stress testing. Fit and unfit participants differed

significantly in baseline heart rate but not in stress reactivity or in

state or trait anxiety. These data suggest that aerobic fitness does not

attenuate the stress response in women prior to menopause.

Burnham TR and Wilcox A (2002) have conducted that study

was effect of aerobic exercise on physiological and psychological

function in patients rehabilitating from cancer treatment. A second

purpose was to evaluate the differential effects of low- and moderate-

intensity exercise on these variables. Eighteen survivors of breast or

colon cancer (15 female and 3 male, 40-65 yr of age) served as

subjects. The subjects were matched by aerobic capacity and scores

on a Quality of Life questionnaire, and then randomly assigned to a

control, low- (25-35% heart rate reserve (HRR)), or a moderate- (40-

50% HRR) intensity exercise group. The exercise groups performed

lower-body aerobic exercise three times a week for 10 wk. After the

exercise training, there were no statistically significant differences

between the two exercise groups on any of the physiological variables.

Therefore, the exercise groups were combined into one group for the

final analysis. The results revealed statistically significant increases in

aerobic capacity (P < 0.001) and lower-body flexibility (P = 0.027), a

significant decrease in body fat (P < 0.001), and a significant increase

in quality of life (P < 0.001) and a measure of energy (P = 0.038) in the

exercise group when compared with the control group. Low- and

moderate-intensity aerobic-exercise programs were equally effective in

improving physiological and psychological function in this population

of cancer survivors. Aerobic exercise appears to be a valuable and

well-tolerated component of the cancer-rehabilitation process.

Jason L. Talanian1et al (2007) aim was to examine the effects of

seven high-intensity aerobic interval training (HIIT) sessions over 2 wk on

skeletal muscle fuel content, mitochondrial enzyme activities, fatty acid

transport proteins, peak O2 consumption (VO2 peak), and whole body

metabolic, hormonal, and cardiovascular responses to exercise. Eight women

(22.1 ± 0.2 yr old, 65.0 ± 2.2 kg body wt, 2.36 ± 0.24 l/min V O2 peak)

performed a VO2 peak test and a 60-min cycling trial at ∼60% VO2 peak before

and after training. Each session consisted of ten 4-min bouts at ∼90% VO2

with 2 min of rest between intervals. Training increased VO2 peak by 13%.


After HIIT, plasma epinephrine and heart rate were lower during the final 30

min of the 60-min cycling trial at ∼60% pretraining VO2 peak. Exercise whole

body fat oxidation increased by 36% (from 15.0 ± 2.4 to 20.4 ± 2.5 g) after

HIIT. Resting muscle glycogen and triacylglycerol contents were unaffected

by HIIT, but net glycogen use was reduced during the posttraining 60-min

cycling trial. HIIT significantly increased muscle mitochondrial β-

hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (15.44 ± 1.57 and 20.35 ± 1.40

mmol·min−1·kg wet mass−1 before and after training, respectively) and citrate

synthase (24.45 ± 1.89 and 29.31 ± 1.64 mmol·min−1·kg wet mass−1 before

and after training, respectively) maximal activities by 32% and 20%, while

cytoplasmic hormone-sensitive lipase protein content was not significantly

increased. Total muscle plasma membrane fatty acid-binding protein content

increased significantly (25%), whereas fatty acid translocase/CD36 content

was unaffected after HIIT. In summary, seven sessions of HIIT over 2 wk

induced marked increases in whole body and skeletal muscle capacity for

fatty acid oxidation during exercise in moderately active women.

MacMahon JR and Gross RT (1988) have investigated that

aerobic exercise has been associated with improved psychological

status and physical fitness in adults, but its effects in adolescents

have been less clear. This study evaluated the effects of aerobic

exercise on the self-concept, depression level, and physical fitness of

juvenile delinquents. Ninety-eight incarcerated youths who

volunteered to participate were assigned in a blind fashion to one of

two exercise programs lasting three months. Sixty-nine completed all

phases of the study and are the subjects of this report. One exercise

program (32 subjects) emphasized aerobic exercise the other (37

subjects), limited exertion. Before and after participating, each subject

underwent measurement of self-concept, mood, and physical fitness.

While the aerobic and comparison groups were initially similar, the

data demonstrated an association between participation in the aerobic

exercise program and improved self-concept, mood, and fitness.

Improvement in psychological variables was not dependent on

improved physical fitness and was not related to pre intervention


Yokesh, T.P. and Chandrasekaran, K (2013) have conducted a

study to know the impact of yogic practice and aerobic exercise among

overweight school boys. To achieve this purpose, sixty overweight school

boys from various schools in Tiruchirappalli district were selected at

random. Their age ranged between 14 and 17. The selected subjects were

divided into three equal groups of 20 each, namely yogic practice group
(group A), aerobic exercise group (group B) and control group (group C). The

group A had undergone yogic practice; group B had undergone aerobic

exercise for 12 weeks, five days a week, whereas the control group (group C)

maintained their daily routine activities and no special training was given.

The subjects of the three groups were tested using standardized tests and

procedures on selected physical and physiological variables before and after

the training period to find out the training efforts in the following test items:

physical variables abdominal muscular strength and physiological variables

breath holding time. The collected data were analyzed statistically through

analysis of CoVariance (ANACOVA) and Scheffe’s post hoc test to find out the

pre and post training performances. Compare the significant difference

between the adjusted final means and better group.

Ajediran I Bello et al (2011) evaluated the effects of an 8-week

aerobic exercise program on physiological parameters and quality of life in

patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Patients attending a diabetes clinic

participated in this randomized control trial. They were randomly assigned

to an intervention or control group by ballot. The intervention group, in

addition to regular conventional treatment, received individually prescribed

aerobic exercise for 30 minutes, at 50%–75% of maximum heart rate three

times weekly. Main outcome measures included fasting blood sugar,

glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c), high-density lipoprotein, low-density

lipoprotein, and a World Health Organization quality of life questionnaire

(WHOQoL-BREF). Data analysis involved paired and unpaired t-tests and

mixed-design two-way analysis of variance. Eighteen patients with type 2

diabetes and of mean age 46.22 ± 9.79 years participated in the study. Mean
duration since onset of diabetes in the intervention and control groups was

4.44 ± 3.33 years and 3.92 ± 2.66 years, respectively. Both groups were

similar for duration since onset, baseline physiological parameters, and

quality of life. Within-group comparison did not show any significant

differences (P > 0.05) for HbA1c, fasting blood sugar, low-density lipoprotein,

or high-density lipoprotein. The intervention group improved significantly

(P < 0.05) in their post exercise quality of life compared with baseline.

Between-group comparison did not show any significant differences in

physiological parameters or quality of life. Patients with type 2 diabetes

improved in fasting blood sugar, low-density lipoprotein, high-density

lipoprotein, and quality of life following 8 weeks of aerobic exercise training.

These perceived improvements were not reflected by statistically significant

differences in between-group comparison for any parameters.

Kathleen Potempa et al (1995) have described how

hemiparetic stroke patients responded to intense exercise and aerobic

training. Forty-two subjects were randomly assigned to an exercise

training group or to a control group. Treatments were given three

times per week for 10 weeks in similar laboratory settings. Baseline

and posttest measurements were made of maximal oxygen

consumption, heart rate, workload, exercise time, resting and sub

maximal blood pressures, and sensor motor function. Only

experimental subjects showed significant improvement in maximal

oxygen consumption, workload, and exercise time. Improvement in

sensor motor function was significantly related to the improvement in

aerobic capacity. After treatment, experimental subjects showed

significantly lower systolic blood pressure at sub maximal workloads

during the graded exercise test. We conclude that hemi paretic stroke

patients may improve their aerobic capacity and sub maximal exercise

systolic blood pressure response with training. Sensor motor

improvement is related to the improvement in aerobic capacity.

Ulrik Wisloff et al (2007) have compared training programs with

moderate versus high exercise intensity with regard to variables associated

with cardiovascular function and prognosis in patients with post infarction

heart failure. Twenty-seven patients with stable post infarction heart failure

who were undergoing optimal medical treatment, including β-blockers and

angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (aged 75.5±11.1 years; left

ventricular [LV] ejection fraction 29%; VO2peak 13 mL · kg−1 · min−1) were

randomized to either moderate continuous training (70% of highest

measured heart rate, ie, peak heart rate) or aerobic interval training (95% of

peak heart rate) 3 times per week for 12 weeks or to a control group that

received standard advice regarding physical activity. VO2peak increased more

with aerobic interval training than moderate continuous training (46%

versus 14%, P<0.001) and was associated with reverse LV remodeling. LV

end-diastolic and end-systolic volumes declined with aerobic interval

training only, by 18% and 25%, respectively; LV ejection fraction increased

35%, and pro-brain natriuretic peptide decreased 40%. Improvement in

brachial artery flow-mediated dilation (endothelial function) was greater with

aerobic interval training, and mitochondrial function in lateral vastus

muscle increased with aerobic interval training only. The Mac New global
score for quality of life in cardiovascular disease increased in both exercise

groups. No changes occurred in the control group. Exercise intensity was an

important factor for reversing LV remodeling and improving aerobic capacity,

endothelial function, and quality of life in patients with post infarction heart

failure. These findings may have important implications for exercise training

in rehabilitation programs and future studies.

Deborah Koniak and Griffin EdD (1994) have examined the

effects of participation in a 6-week aerobic exercise program (AEP) on

pregnant adolescents' depression, self-esteem, and physical discomforts

of pregnancy were examined. The sample was comprised of 58 ethnically

diverse subjects ranging in age from 14 to 20 years. Subjects in the AEP

were observed to have a significant decrease in depressive symptoms

over time and an increase in total self-esteem; those in the comparison

group reported a significant increase in physical discomforts associated

with pregnancy. These findings suggest that exercise programs such as

the AEP should be considered an important aspect of prenatal self-care

for healthy pregnant adolescents.

Jones A.M and Carter H (2000) have investigated that whether

an endurance exercise training results in profound adaptations of the

cardio respiratory and neuromuscular systems that enhance the

delivery of oxygen from the atmosphere to the mitochondria and

enable a tighter regulation of muscle metabolism. These adaptations

effect an improvement in endurance performance that is manifest as a

rightward shift in the ‘velocity-time curve’. This shift enables athletes

to exercise for longer at a given absolute exercise intensity, or to

exercise at a higher exercise intensity for a given duration. There are 4

key parameters of aerobic fitness that affect the nature of the velocity-

time curve that can be measured in the human athlete. These are the

maximal oxygen uptake (O), exercise economy, the lactate/ventilator

threshold and oxygen uptake kinetics. Other parameters that may

help determine endurance performance, and that are related to the

other 4 parameters, are the velocity at O (V-O) and the maximal

lactate steady state or critical power. This review considers the effect

of endurance training on the key parameters of aerobic (endurance)

fitness and attempts to relate these changes to the adaptations seen

in the body’s physiological systems with training. The importance of

improvements in the aerobic fitness parameters to the enhancement of

endurance performance is highlighted, as are the training methods

that may be considered optimal for facilitating such improvements.

Neil J. Snowling and Will G. Hopkins (2006) evaluated the effects of

different modes of exercise training on measures of glucose control and other

risk factors for complications of diabetes. The 27 qualifying studies were

controlled trials providing, for each measure, 4–18 estimates for the effect of

aerobic training, 2–7 for resistance training, and 1–5 for combined training,

with 1,003 type 2 diabetic patients (age 55 ± 7 years [mean ± between-study

SD]) over 5–104 weeks. The meta-analytic mixed model included main-effect

covariates to control for between-study differences in disease severity, sex,

total training time, training intensity, and dietary co intervention (13

studies). To interpret magnitudes, effects were standardized after meta-

analysis using composite baseline between-subject SD. Differences among

the effects of aerobic, resistance, and combined training on HbA 1c (A1C) were

trivial; for training lasting ≥12 weeks, the overall effect was a small beneficial

reduction (A1C 0.8 ± 0.3% [mean ± 90% confidence limit]). There were

generally small to moderate benefits for other measures of glucose control.

For other risk factors, there were either small benefits or effects were trivial

or unclear, although combined training was generally superior to aerobic

and resistance training. Effects of covariates were generally trivial or

unclear, but there were small additional benefits of exercise on glucose

control with increased disease severity. All forms of exercise training produce

small benefits in the main measure of glucose control: A1C. The effects are

similar to those of dietary, drug, and insulin treatments. The clinical

importance of combining these treatments needs further research.

J. A. Blumenthal et al (1982) have determined if patients who

subsequently drop out of a structured cardiac rehabilitation program could

be prospectively distinguished from those who remain in the program based

upon their initial baseline characteristics. Thirty-five consecutive patients

with recent MIs underwent comprehensive physical and psychological

assessments at entry into the program, and were followed for a period of 1

year. The 14 patients who dropped out of the program could be

distinguished from the compliers on the basis of their reduced left ejection

fraction assessed by first pass radionuclide angiography at rest and during

peak exercise. In addition, their psychological profiles assessed by the MMPI

indicated the dropouts were more depressed, hypochondria cal, anxious, and
introverted and had lower ego strength than those who remained in the

program. Statistical analysis further indicated that psychological variables

were associated with noncompliance independently of physical status. These

findings suggest that MI patients who are unlikely to adhere to this form of

medical therapy may be prospectively identified based upon their initial

physical and psychological characteristics.

Martin, P M Dubbert and W C Cushman (1990) evaluated that

antihypertensive efficacy of aerobic exercise training in mild essential

hypertension, a prospective randomized controlled trial was conducted

comparing an aerobic exercise regimen to a placebo exercise regimen, with a

crossover replication of the aerobic regimen in the placebo exercise group.

The study took place in an outpatient research clinic in a university-

affiliated Veterans Administration medical center. Twenty-seven men with

untreated diastolic blood pressure (DBP) of 90-104 mm Hg were randomized

to the two exercise regimens. Ten patients completed the aerobic regimen.

Nine patients completed the control regimen, seven of whom subsequently

entered and completed the aerobic regimen. The aerobic regimen consisted

of walking, jogging, stationary bicycling, or any combination of these

activities for 30 minutes, four times a week, at 65-80% maximal heart rate.

The control regimen consisted of slow calisthenics and stretching for the

same duration and frequency but maintaining less than 60% maximal heart

rate. DBP decreased 9.6 +/- 4.7 mm Hg in the aerobic exercise group but

increased 0.8 +/- 6.2 mm Hg in the placebo control exercise group (p =

0.02). Systolic blood pressure (SBP) decreased 6.4 +/- 9.1 mm Hg in the

aerobic group and increased 0.9 +/- 9.7 mm Hg in the control group (p =
0.11). Subsequently, seven of the nine controls entered a treatment

crossover and completed the aerobic regimen with significant reductions in

both DBP (-6.1 +/- 3.2 mm Hg, p less than 0.01) and SBP (-8.1 +/- 5.7 mm

Hg, p less than 0.01). BP changes were not associated with any significant

changes in weight, body fat, urinary electrolytes, or resting heart rate. This

randomized controlled trial provides evidence for the independent BP

lowering effect of aerobic exercise in unmediated mildly hypertensive men.

Brisswalter. Jet al (2002) have investigated the effect of

physical exercise on mental function has been widely studied from the

beginning of the 20th century. However, the contradictory findings of

experimental research have led authors to identify several

methodological factors to control in such studies including: (i) the

nature of the psychological task; and (ii) the intensity and duration of

physical exercise. The purpose of this article is to provide information,

from the perspective of performance optimisation, on the main effects

of physical task characteristics on cognitive performance. Within this

framework, some consistent results have been observed during the

last decade. Recent studies, using mainly complex decisional tasks,

have provided the research community with clear support for an

improvement of cognitive performance during exercise. Diverse

contributing factors have been suggested to enhance cognitive

efficacy. First, an increase in arousal level related to physical exertion

has been hypothesised. Improvement in decisional performance has

been observed immediately after the adrenaline threshold during

incremental exercise. Such positive effects could be enhanced by

nutritional factors, such as carbohydrate or fluid ingestion, but did

not seem to be influenced by the level of fitness. Second, the

mediating role of resource allocation has been suggested to explain

improvement in cognitive performance during exercise. This effect

highlights the importance of motivational factors in such tasks.

Finally, when the cognitive performance was performed during

exercise, consistent results have indicated that the dual task effect

was strongly related to energetic constraints of the task. The greater

the energy demand, the more attention is used to control movements.

Kevin R. Short et al (2004) tested the hypotheses that whole

body and mixed muscle protein metabolism declines with age in men

and women and that aerobic exercise training would partly reverse

this decline. Seventy-eight healthy, previously untrained men and

women aged 19-87 yr were studied before and after 4 mo of bicycle

training (up to 45 min at 80% peak heart rate, 3-4 days/wk) or control

(flexibility) activity. At the whole body level, protein breakdown

(measured as [13C]leucine and [15N]phenylalanine flux), Leu oxidation,

and protein synthesis (nonoxidative Leu disposal) declined with age at

a rate of 4-5% per decade (P < 0.001). Fat-free mass was closely

correlated with protein turnover and declined 3% per decade (P <

0.001), but even after covariate adjustment for fat-free mass, the

decline in protein turnover with age remained significant. There were

no differences between men and women after adjustment for fat-free

mass. Mixed muscle protein synthesis also declined with age 3.5% per

decade (P < 0.05). Exercise training improved aerobic capacity 9%

overall (P < 0.01), and mixed muscle protein synthesis increased 22%

(P < 0.05), with no effect of age on the training response for either

variable. Fat-free mass, whole body protein turnover and resting

metabolic rate were unchanged by training. We conclude that rates of

whole body and muscle protein metabolism decline with age in men

and women, thus indicating that there is a progressive decline in the

body's remodeling processes with aging. This study also demonstrates

that aerobic exercise can enhance muscle protein synthesis

irrespective of age.

Christopher A. DeSouza et al (2000) determined the influence

of regular aerobic exercise on the age-related decline in endothelium-

dependent vasodilation. In a cross-sectional study, 68 healthy men 22

to 35 or 50 to 76 years of age who were either sedentary or endurance

exercise–trained were studied. Forearm blood flow (FBF) responses to

intra-arterial infusions of acetylcholine and sodium nitroprusside were

measured by strain-gauge plethysmography. Among the sedentary

men, the maximum FBF response to acetylcholine was 25% lower in

the middle aged and older compared with the young group (P<0.01). In

contrast, there was no age-related difference in the vasodilatory

response to acetylcholine among the endurance-trained men. FBF at

the highest acetylcholine dose was almost identical in the middle aged

and older (17.3±1.3 mL/100 mL tissue per minute) and young

(17.7±1.4 mL/100 mL tissue per minute) endurance-trained groups.

There were no differences in the FBF responses to sodium

nitroprusside among the sedentary and endurance- trained groups. In

an exercise intervention study, 13 previously sedentary middle aged

and older healthy men completed a 3-month, home-based aerobic

exercise intervention (primarily walking). After the exercise

intervention, acetylcholine-mediated vasodilation increased ≈30%

(P<0.01) to levels similar to those in young adults and middle aged

and older endurance-trained men. Regular aerobic exercise can

prevent the age-associated loss in endothelium-dependent

vasodilation and restore levels in previously sedentary middle aged

and older healthy men. This may represent an important mechanism

by which regular aerobic exercise lowers the risk of cardiovascular

disease in this population.

Jack H. Petajan et al (1996) have investigated that Fifty-four

multiple sclerosis (MS) patients were randomly assigned to exercise

(EX) or nonexercise (NEX) groups. Before and after 15 weeks of aerobic

training, aspects of fitness including maximal aerobic capacity

(Vo2max), isometric strength, body composition, and blood lipids were

measured. Daily activities, mood, fatigue, and disease status were

measured by the Profile of Mood States (POMS), Sickness Impact

Profile (SIP), Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS), and neurological

examination. Training consisted of 3 × 40-minute sessions per week of

combined arm and leg ergometry. Expanded Disability Status Scale

(EDSS) scores were unchanged, except for improved bowel and

bladder function in the EX group. Compared with baseline, the EX

group demonstrated significant increases in Vo2max, upper and lower

extremity strength, and significant decreases in skinfolds, triglyceride,

and very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL). For the EX group, POMS

depression and anger scores were significantly reduced at weeks 5

and 10, and fatigue was reduced at week 10. The EX group improved

significantly on all components of the physical dimension of the SIP

and showed significant improvements for social interaction, emotional

behavior, home management, total SIP score, and recreation and past

times. No changes were observed for EX or NEX groups on the FSS.

Exercise training resulted in improved fitness and had a positive

impact on factors related to quality of life.

Stanley Colcombe and Arthur F. Kramer (2003) conducted a

study to examine the hypothesis that aerobic fitness training

enhances the cognitive vitality of healthy but sedentary older adults.

Eighteen intervention studies published between 1966 and 2001 were

entered into the analysis. Several theoretically and practically

important results were obtained. Most important, fitness training was

found to have robust but selective benefits for cognition, with the
largest fitness-induced benefits occurring for executive-control

processes. The magnitude of fitness effects on cognition was also

moderated by a number of programmatic and methodological factors,

including the length of the fitness-training intervention, the type of the

intervention, the duration of training sessions, and the gender of the

study participants. The results are discussed in terms of recent

neuroscientific and psychological data that indicate cognitive and

neural plasticity is maintained throughout the life span.

Brad J. Schoenfeld (2013) examined that regimented

resistance training can promote increases in muscle hypertrophy. The

prevailing body of research indicates that mechanical stress is the

primary impetus for this adaptive response and studies show that

mechanical stress alone can initiate anabolic signaling. Given the

dominant role of mechanical stress in muscle growth, the question

arises as to whether other factors may enhance the post-exercise

hypertrophic response. Several researchers have proposed that

exercise-induced metabolic stress may in fact confer such an anabolic

effect and some have even suggested that metabolite accumulation

may be more important than high force development in optimizing

muscle growth. Metabolic stress pursuant to traditional resistance

training manifests as a result of exercise that relies on anaerobic

glycolysis for adenosine triphosphate production. This, in turn, causes

the subsequent accumulation of metabolites, particularly lactate and

H+. Acute muscle hypoxia associated with such training methods may

further heighten metabolic buildup. Therefore, the purpose of this

paper will be to review the emerging body of research suggesting a role

for exercise-induced metabolic stress in maximizing muscle

development and present insights as to the potential mechanisms by

which these hypertrophic adaptations may occur. These mechanisms

include increased fibre recruitment, elevated systemic hormonal

production, alterations in local myokines, heightened production of

reactive oxygen species and cell swelling. Recommendations are

provided for potential areas of future research on the subject.

Vivek K Sharma et al (2012) have examined that Present study is a

non-randomized trial and was conducted on 90 MBBS female students (first

year) who assigned into following groups-yoga group (Group 1), physical

exercise group (Group 2) and control group (Group 3) (n=30). Group 1

subjects practiced yogic exercises, Group 2 practiced exercises on bicycle

ergometer for 40 minutes daily for twelve weeks and Group 3 acted as

control. Formative examinations were conducted at 6 weeks (stressor 1) and

12 weeks (stressor 2). Following recordings were taken at baseline, stressor 1

and 2: Auditory (ART) & Visual reaction time (VRT), Handgrip strength

endurance (HGE), Speilberger’s State anxiety inventory for adults (STAI-A)

and inventories developed by Defense Institute for Physiology & Applied

Sciences. There was significant decrease in trait anxiety and depression

scores at both stressors in both the groups with significant reduction in

depression score from stressor 1 to 2 in only group 1 subjects. Significant

decrease occurred in STAI-A scores in Group 1 subjects at both stressors

(p<0.001) with no change observed in Group 2 subjects. Significant

improvement occurred in sense of wellbeing at both stressors 1 and 2

(p<0.001) in Group 1 subjects whereas improvement in Group 2 subjects

occurred only at stressor 2 (p<0.01). Significant improvement in HGE was

observed in both groups at both stressors. Also, significant reduction in ART

was observed in only Group 1 subjects (p<0.05) at stressor 2 with no change

seen in Group 2 subjects. No longitudinal changes were observed in control

group. Our study demonstrates that both forms of intervention i.e. yoga

training and physical exercises are beneficial for the subjects in reducing the

effect of examination stress on tested parameters but the effect of yoga is

immediate and more pronounced on all parameters except HE.

Ramesh Reddy, P and Ravikumar, P. (2001) conducted a

study on yogasanas and aerobic dance and their effects on selected

motor fitness components in girl subjects. The speed, shuttle run,

agility, sit and reach to test flexibility and 9 min run/walk to test

cardio respiratory endurance were conducted for control, yogasana

and aerobic dance groups. The training was given for a period of 12

weeks with 10 subjects in each group. The data were analysed by ‘t’

test, analysis of co-variance and post hoc test was done with Scheffes

test. It was concluded that the practice of Yogasana improved

significantly the speed, agility, flexibility and cardio-respiratory

endurance, while practice of aerobic dance also improved significantly

the above factors and Motor Fitness test except crossed arm – curl


Tiken et al (2002) have conducted that study to know the

influence of specific yoga and aerobic exercise on physical fitness of

SAI (NERC IMPHAL) STC Athletes. 30 boys and 30 girls from SAI

NERC Imphal were divided into two groups according to their mean

age and height of 17.5 years and 15 years and 172.8 cms and 156.4

cms respectively. Training was given twice in a week for four months.

Pre test and post test scores were analyzed by using ANACOVA. It was

concluded that physical and physiological fitness was improved by the

training of selected yogic exercise. The combined group of asanas and

prayanama showed significant improvement in the physical and

physiological fitness parameters.

Chan (2001) investigated that study to determine the

relationship between the psychometric profile and health related

fitness of Chinese youths in Hong Kong. They selected 1,615 Chinese

school boys as subjects. The physical self description questionnaire

suggested by Marsh et al (1994) was used to provide psychometric

profiles. Anaerobic fitness estimated from mile run, flexibility scores

from sit and reach test, push up scores, curl up scores and

percentage of body fat were also collected as health related fitness

factors. The results indicated that health related fitness is highly

related to psychometric items such as perceived sport competence,

perceived activity level, youth.


The researcher had given thirty nine research studies which have

been conducted recently in the area of yogic exercises and aerobic exercises

on physical, physiological and psychological variables through journals,

periodicals, abstracts, unpublished master and doctoral theses on Physical

Education and Sports Sciences besides from various relevant books. The

review summarized that the effects of yogic exercises and aerobic exercises

would be beneficial to better performance in health aspects and also in

sports. Hence, the present investigation assumes greater prove the concept

on physical, physiological and psychological variables due to yogic exercises

and aerobic exercises.

In this chapter, the selection of subjects, selection of

variables, selection of tests, reliability of the instruments, reliability of

the data, competence of tester, orientation to the subjects, training

programme, collection of the data, tests administration, experimental

design and statistical procedure have been explained.


The purpose of the study was to find out the effects of yogic

exercises and aerobic exercises on selected physical, physiological and


The researcher had given thirty nine research studies which have

been conducted recently in the area of yogic exercises and aerobic exercises

on physical, physiological and psychological variables through journals,

periodicals, abstracts, unpublished master and doctoral theses on Physical

Education and Sports Sciences besides from various relevant books. The

review summarized that the effects of yogic exercises and aerobic exercises

would be beneficial to better performance in health aspects and also in

sports. Hence, the present investigation assumes greater prove the concept

on physical, physiological and psychological variables due to yogic exercises

and aerobic exercises.

In this chapter, the selection of subjects, selection of

variables, selection of tests, reliability of the instruments, reliability of

the data, competence of tester, orientation to the subjects, training

programme, collection of the data, tests administration, experimental

design and statistical procedure have been explained.


The purpose of the study was to find out the effects of yogic

exercises and aerobic exercises on selected physical, physiological and

psychological variables. To achieve this purpose of the study, forty

five men students studying Bachelor’s Degree in the Department of

Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Annamalai University,

Annamalai Nagar, Tamil Nadu, India, during the academic year

2012 – 2013 were randomly selected as subjects. The age, height and

weight of the selected subjects were ranged from 18 to 24 years, 159 to

170 cm and 58 to 65 kilogram respectively. The selected subjects

were divided into three equal groups of fifteen subjects each at

random. Group I underwent yogic exercises for twelve weeks (for five

days per week) whereas Group II underwent aerobic exercises for

twelve weeks (for three days per week). And Group III acted as control

that did not undergo any special training programme apart from their

regular physical education activities as per their curriculum. Since, all

the subjects were hostlers of Annamalai University, they had a similar

academic work and a regular activities in accordance with the

requirements of the Department of Physical Education and Sports

Sciences curriculum.


Speed is the most important component of physical fitness.

Without speed there is no sports and physical education. Speed of

muscular contraction is an innate quality. But speed of movement can

be gained through practice.

Speed is related to the percentage of fast twitch muscle

fibers in the athlete’s body, because the quantity of fast twitch muscle

fibers is partially inherited. It is difficult to significantly improve an

athlete’s speed. However it can be done. Speed of movement depends

on the combination of two elements, reaction time and movement

time. Cardio respiratory endurance is the body's ability to sustain

dynamic exercise, using large muscle groups, over time and at a

moderate to high intensity level. During this exercise, the bodies

circulatory and respiratory systems (the heart and lungs) must supply

fuel and oxygen to the muscles. Activities such as running, walking,

swimming, and bicycling improve cardio respiratory endurance.

Cardio respiratory endurance is the ability of the heart,

lungs and circulatory system to supply oxygen and nutrients to the

working muscles efficiency. In other words it is known as circulatory

respiratory endurance. This is characterized by moderate contractions

of large muscle groups for relatively long period of time, during which

maximal adjustments of the circulatory respiratory system to the

activity are necessary, as in distance running and swimming.

Pulse rate and blood pressure are affected both externally

and internally. They are influenced by external causes like heavy

work, labor, exercise and others environmental factors like heat, cold,

ultimate etcetera. In the same way they are controlled by an internal

cause, that is psycho-feeling like angles, joy, sorrow, illness, strain

and other emotional and mental upsets the pulse or heart rate arise

greatly among different people and in the same person under different

situations. The American heart association accepts as normal a range

from 50 to 100 beats per minute.

The pulse of the trained athlete has been 10 to 20 beats less

than that of untrained individuals. It also gives the evidence that

trained individuals set run to normal pulse rate more rapidly than the

untrained individuals. The physically fit or athletically trained

individuals have lower rate for any given exercise work load. Further

maximum heart rate is similar for the trained and untrained states.

The trained individual will be able to produce a greater work load.

The basic properties of breath holding time is humans and

possible causes of the breath and breakpoint. The simplest objective

measure of breath holding is its duration, but even this is highly

variable. Breath holding is a voluntary act, but normal subjects

appear unable to breath hold to unconsciousness.

A powerful involuntary mechanism normally overrides

voluntary breath holding and causes the breath that defines the

breakpoint. The occurrence of the breakpoint breath does not appear

to be caused slowly by a mechanism involving lung or chest

shrinkage, partial pressures of blood gases or the carotid arterial

chemoreceptors. This despite the well-known properties of breath hold

duration being prolonged by large lung inflations, hyperoxia and

hypocapnia and being shortened by the covers maneuvers and by

increased metabolic rate.

Keeping the above concepts, the following physical,

physiological and psychological variables namely speed, muscular

endurance, explosive power, cardio respiratory endurance, resting

pulse rate, breath holding time, self confidence, aggression and

anxiety were selected as criterion variables. The yogic exercises and

aerobic exercises were selected as independent variables.


The purpose of the study was to find out the effects of yogic

exercises and aerobic exercises on selected physical, physiological and

psychological variables namely speed, muscular endurance, explosive

power, cardio respiratory endurance, resting pulse rate, breath

holding time, self confidence, aggression and anxiety. The researcher

had consulted with the experts, physical education professionals,

reviewed various literatures accessible to him and based on the

feasibility and availability, the following test items which were

standardized, an appropriate and also an ideal for the selected

criterion variables. The selected test items for testing criterion

variables are presented in Table I.

S. No. Criterion Variables Test Items Unit of Measurements

1. Speed 50 mts Run Seconds

2. Muscular Endurance Bend Knee Situps Counts

3. Explosive Power Vertical Jump Centimeters

4. Cardio Respiratory Cooper’s 12 min Run/Walk test Meters


5. Resting Pulse Rate Radial Pulse Counts

6. Breath Holding Time Holding the Breath for Time Seconds

7. Self Confidence Hardy & Nelson self confidence Nominal Data


8. Aggression Dr. Guru Pyari Mathur and Dr. Nominal Data

Raj Kumari Bhatnagar
aggression Questionnaire

9. Anxiety Speilberger’s Anxiety Nominal Data


The following instruments which were required to test the

selected criterion variables such as measuring tape, sargeant board

and stop watch were procured from the Human performance

laboratory of the Department of Physical Education and Sports

Sciences, Annamalai University, Annamalainagar, Tamil Nadu, India.

All the instruments used in this study were in good condition and

purchased from reputed and reliable companies. Their calibration

were tested and found to be accurate enough to serve the purpose of

the study.


The reliability of the data was established through test and

retest method. Ten subjects were randomly selected from the Department

of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Annamalai University,

Annamalai Nagar, Tamil Nadu, India and they were tested twice by the

same testers under similar conditions on each criterion variable. The

intra class correlation was used to find out the reliability of the data

with test-retest scores on each criterion variable separately and they

are presented in Table II.

S.No Tests / Variables ‘R’ Value

1. Speed 0.89*

2. Muscular Endurance 0.91*

3. Explosive Power 0.87*

4. Cardio Respiratory Endurance 0.86*

5. Resting Pulse Rate 0.82*

6. Breath Holding Time 0.90*




The data were collected by the researcher with the help of

his colleagues and research scholars in the Department of Physical

Education and Sports Sciences, Annamalai University,

Annamalainagar, Tamil Nadu, India. The researcher and his

assistants had learnt the procedures and methods to administer the

tests on selected criterion variables. Three sessions were spent to

familiarize the testing procedures.


The researcher explained about the purpose of the study to

the subjects and their role in the study during the training

programme. The investigator had also explained the testing

procedures on selected criterion variables and gave instructions to the

subjects about the procedures to be adopted while measuring. The

subjects were verbally motivated to attend the training session regularly.


During the training period, Group I underwent yogic

exercises, Group II underwent aerobic exercises. The whole

experimental programme was implemented for yogic exercises (five

days per week) for twelve weeks, for aerobic exercises (three days per

week) for twelve weeks and Group III acted as control, which did not

undergo any special training programme apart from their regular

physical education programme of the curriculum.

In every day training session, the work out lasted

approximately between 45 minutes and an hour, which included

warming up and relaxation. Group III acted as control that did not
participate in any special training programme or strenuous physical

exercises apart from their regular physical education activities as per

the curriculum. The experimental groups underwent their respective

training programme under the supervision of the researcher. The

subjects were carefully monitored and questioned about their health

status throughout the training programme.


Surya Namaskar (Salutation to the Sun)

      ! " #

Stand erect with the feet together. Place the palms together in

front of the chest. Relax the whole body.

Breath : Normal.

      ! $ #

Raise both arms above the head. Keep the arms separated

by one shoulder’s width. Bend the head upper trunk backward.

Breath : Inhale while raising the arms.

      ! % #

Bend forward until the fingers or hands touch the ground on

either side or in front of the feet. Try to touch the knees with

forehead. Do not strain. Keep the legs straight.

Breath : Exhale as you bend forward. Try to contact the abdomen

in the final position to expel the maximum amount of air.

      ! & #

Stretch the right leg back as far as possible. At the same

time bend the left knee but keep the left foot in the same position.
The arm should remain straight and in the same position. In the

final position, the weight of the body should be support on the two

hands, the left foot, the right knee and the toes of the right foot.

The head should be tilted backward, the back arched and the gaze

directed upward.

Breath : Inhale while stretching the right leg backward.

      ! # '

Straighten the left leg and place the left foot beside the right

foot. Raise the buttocks in the air and lower the head so that it lies

between the two arms; the body should form two side of a triangle.

The legs and arms should be straight in the final position. Try to

keep the heels in contact with the ground in this pose.

Breath : Exhale as you straighten the left leg and bend the trunk.
      ! ( #

Lower body to the ground so that in the final position only

the toes of both feet, the two knees, the chest, the hands and chin

touch the ground. The hips and abdomen should raised slightly off

the ground.

Breath : The breath should held outside. No respiration.

      ! ) #
Raise the body from the waist by straightening the arms.

Bend the head backward. The stage is same as the final position of


Breath : Inhale while raising the body and arching the back.

      ! * #

This stage is a repeat of position 5. From the arch back

position assume the mountain pose as described in position 5.

Breath : Exhale as you raise the buttocks.

      ! + #

This stage is same as position 4. Bend the left leg and bring

the left foot forward so that it lies near the hands. Simultaneously

lower the right knee so that it touches the floor.

Breath : Inhale while assuming this pose.

      ! " , #

This stage is repeat of position 3. Place the right foot next to

the left foot. Straighten both legs and try to bring the forehead as

close to the knees as possible. Do not strain if you are unable to

touch the knees but do not bend the legs.

Breath : Exhale while performing the movement.

      ! " " #

This stage is a repeat of position 2. Straighten the whole

body and raise the arms above the head. Keep the arms separated

by one shoulder’s width. Bend the head and arms backward


Breath : Inhale as you straighten body.

      ! " $ #

This is the final pose and is the same as position 1. Bring the

hands in front of the chest and place the palms together. Relax

whole body.

Breath: Exhale as you assume the final pose. (Swami

Sathyananda Saraswati, 1993)

Padmasana (the lotus pose)

Sit with the legs extended forward, fold one leg and place its

foot on the top of the opposite thigh. The sole of the foot must be

upward and the heel should touch the pelvic bone. Fold the other

leg and place its foot on top of the other thigh.

Breath: Normal breathing.

Vajrasana (the thunderbolt pose)

Stand on the knees with the feet stretched backward and big

toes crossed. The knees should be together, heals apart. Lower the

buttocks on to the insides of the feet, the heels at the sides of the
hips. Place the hands on the knees, palms downward. Practice

vajrasana as much as possible, especially straight after meals for at

least 5 minutes to enhance digestive function.

Breath: Normal breathing.

Trikonasana (the triangle stretch pose)

Stand erect with the feet about 3 feet apart. Raise the arms

sideways to from one straight line. Turn the body to the left while

bending the knees slightly. Bring the left hand to the left foot,

keeping the two arms in line with each other. Return to the

standing position, keeping the arms in a straight line. Repeat to the

opposite side. Practice 5 times.

Breath : Inhale while raising the arms. Exhale while bending.

Inhale straightening to the vertical position.

Navasana (The Boat pose)

From a seated position bent the knees and tilt the upper body

back. Straighten the legs. Point the heels, toes or ball points of the

toes. Apply a little pressure inward so the legs stay together and

lengthen the inner legs. Raise the chest up and allow weight to fall

upon the sacrum. Or balance on the very end of the tailbone. (The

Coccyx) Lengthen the torso. Keep space around the front of the

neck. Push through the top of the head to balance the energy that

moves through the toes

Breath : Normal Breathing

Pada Hastasana (the forward bending pose)

Stand with the trunk erect and the hands beside the body.

Slowly bend the head forward, then the upper trunk and the lower

trunk. The body should bend forward as though there are no

muscles in the back. Place the fingers underneath the toes or

touch the ground with the palms to the fingertips. If this is not
possible then bring the fingertips as near to the ground as possible.

Try to bring the forehead to the knees. Maintain this pose up to 1

minute then slowly return to the starting position.

Breath: Exhale as you bend forward. Breathe slowly and deeply in

the final pose. Inhale as you return to the starting point.

Halasana (the plough pose)

Lie flat on the back with the arms straight and beside the

body, palms facing downward. Keeping the legs straight, slowly

raise them to the vertical position above the body. Only use the

stomach muscles to raise the legs. Do not use the arms.

Simultaneously bend the trunk upward, hips first. Slowly lower

the legs over the head and touch the floor with the toes of both feet.

Keep the leg straight, bend the arms and place the hands on the

back as in sarvangasana. Relax the body.

Breath: Retain the inside while assuming and returning from the

pose. Breathe slowly and deeply in the final pose.

Matsyasana (the fish pose)

Sit in padmasana. Bend backward, supporting the body with

the arms and elbows, until the crown of the head touches the

ground. Hold the big toes and rest the elbows on the floor. Arch

the back as much as possible. Remain in the final pose up to 5

minutes. Do not strain.

Breath: Breathe deeply and slowly in the final pose.

Bhujangasana (the cobra pose)

Lie on the stomach with the legs straight and the feet

extended. Place the palms flat on the floor under the shoulders.

Rest the forehead on the ground and relax the body. Slowly raise

the head and shoulders off the ground, bending the head as far

back as it will go. Try to raise the shoulders without using the
arms, only utilizing the back muscles. Now bring the arms into

action and slowly bend the back as much as possible without

strain until the arms are straight. Keep the navel as near to the

ground as possible. Hold as long as comfortable. Practice upto 5


Breath: Inhale while raising the body from the ground. Breathe

normally in the final pose. If the final pose is held for a short time,

retain the breath inside.

Shalabhasana (the locust pose )

Lie on the stomach with the hands under the thighs, palms

facing downward, Stretch the legs and tense the arms. Raise the

legs and abdomen as high as possible without bending the legs.

Practice up 5 times.

Breath: Inhale deeply in the lying – down position. Retain the

breath inside while raising the legs and abdomen. Exhale while

returning to the starting position.

Uthana Padhasana (Rasied Leg Pose)

Lie down. Keep the both legs together. Keep the legs straight

and the hands by your sides, the palms facing the ground. Close

the fingers. Both the feet should point outwards. Raise the two legs

together above half foot (6 inches) from the ground without bending

the legs and the knees. Practice 2 or 3 times.

Breath: Normal breathing.

Ardha Shalabhasana (the half locust pose)

Lie on the stomach with the hands under the thighs, palms

downward. Keep both legs straight throughout the asana. Raise

one leg as high as possible, keeping the other leg flat on the floor.
Retain this position for some time and then lower the leg to the

floor. Allow the respiration to return to normal. Repeat the same

movement with the other leg.

Breath: Inhale in the prone position. Retain the breath inside

while lifting the leg and in the final pose. Exhale while returning to

the starting position. Breathe normally in the prone position.

Pawan Muktasana (wind releasing posture)

Lie down on the back. Keeping legs together, hug tightly the

drawn up knees against the chest, so that the plane are placed on

elbows. Raise the head and touch the chin with the knees. Keep

the breath normal and toes stretching out side. Place the head on

the ground when the neck gets tired.

Breath: Normal Breathing

Paschimottanasana (the back stretching pose)

Sit on the floor with the legs straight in the front of the body,

the lower arms on the thighs. Relax the whole body, especially the

back muscles. Slowly bend the body forward. Try to grasp the big

toes with the fingers and the thumbs. If this is impossible then

hold the heels, the ankles or the legs as near to the feet as possible.

Again, consciously relax the back and leg muscles. Keeping the

legs straight and without utilizing the back muscles, only using the

arms, pull the trunk a little lower toward the legs. This should be a

process without any sudden movement or excessive strain

anywhere in the body. If possible, without strain, touch the knees

with the forehead. Remain in the final pose for a comfortable

length of time, trying to further relax the whole body, and then

slowly return to the starting position.

Breath : Breathe normally in the sitting position. Exhale slowly

while bending forward. Inhale while holding the body motionless.

Exhale as you pull the trunk further forward with the arms.

Breathe slowly and deeply in the final pose. Inhale while returning
to the starting position. If the final pose is not held for a long time

the breath may be retained outside.

Maha Mudrasana

Kneel on the floor. Keep the knees together and spread the

feet. Rest the buttocks on the body of the feet. Keep the toes

pointing back and touching the floor. Keep the back straight and

the both legs should be flat. Holds the left hand by the right hand

at the backside slowly bend forward. The forward should touch the

floor. The chest and the stomach should lie on the thighs.

Breath: Normal breathing.

Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Spinal Twist Pose)

Sit with the legs straight in front of the body. Place the right

foot flat on the floor outside the left knee. Bend the left leg to the

right and place the left heel against the right buttock. Place the left

arm outside the right leg, and with the left hand hold the right foot

or ankle. The right knee should be as near as possible to the left

armpit. Turn the body to the right , placing the right arm behind

the back. Twist the back and then the neck as far as possible

without strain. Remain in the final pose for a short time and then

slowly return to the starting position. Change the legs and repeat

to the other side.

Breath : Exhale while twisting the trunk. Breathe as deeply as

possible without strain in the final pose. Inhale while returning to

the starting position.

Vipareeta Karani Mudra (the inverted attitude)

The method is the same as for sarvangasana, expect the chin

is not pressed against the chest in the final pose. The trunk is held

at a 45 degree angle to the ground instead of at a right angle.

Breath: Retain inside which assuming and returning from this

asana. Practise normal breathing when the body is steady in the

raised position.
Dhanurasana (the bow pose)

Lie flat on the stomach and inhale fully. Bend the knees and

hold the ankles with the hands. Tense the leg muscles and arch

the back. Simultaneously raise the head, chest and thighs as high

as possible. Keep the arms straight. Hold for as long as is

comfortable. Practice up to 5 times.

Breath: The breath may be retained inside in the final pose or

slow, deep breathing may be practiced.

Savangasana (the shoulderstand pose)

Lie flat on the back with the feet together, the arms by the

sides and palms flat on the ground. Using the arms as livers raise

the legs and back to a vertical position. Bend the elbows and use
the arms as props to steady the back by pressing it with the palms.

The trunk and legs should extend straight up, forming a right angle

with the neck, the chest pressing the chin.

Breath: Retain inside which assuming and returning from this

asana. Practice normal breathing when the body is steady in the


Gomugasana (Cow’s Face Pose)

Sit on the floor with the legs stretched straight in front. Place

the palms on the floor and raise the seat. Bend the left knee back

and sit on the left foot. Remove the hands from the floor, raise the

right leg and place the right thigh over the left one. Raise the

buttocks and with the help of the hands bring the ankles and the

back of the heels together till they touch each other. Rest the ankle,

keeping the toes pointing back. Raise the left arm over the head;

bend it at the elbow ad place the left palm below the nape of the

neck between the shoulders. Lower the right arm, bend it at the

elbow and raise the right forearm up behind the back until the

right hand is level with and between the shoulder-blades. Clasp the

hand behind the back between the shoulders. Keep the neck and

head erect and look straight ahead.

Breath: Normal breathing

Kurmasana (Tortoise Pose)

Sit with your legs apart. Place your knees up by keeping the

feet flat on the floor. Bend forward and bring your arms and

shoulders under your knees, hands pointing back towards the

hips, palms facing down. Slowly stretch your legs out, pulling your

torso forward. You can also exhale and bend forward by walking

your hands along the floor until both legs and spine reach their

maximum stretch.

Breath: Inhale and exhale breathing normally as you hold.

Savasana (the corpse pose)

Lie flat on the back with arms beside and in line with the

body, palms facing upward. Move the feet slightly apart to a

comfortable position and close the eyes. Relax the whole body. Do

not move any part even if discomfort occurs. Let the breath become
rhythmic and natural. Become aware of the inhalation and

exhalation. Count the number of respirations: I in, I out, and so on,

Continue to count for a few minutes. If the mind starts to wander

bring it back to the counting. If you can keep the mind on the

breath for a few minutes, the mind and body will relax.

Breath: Normal Breathing.


After the warm up, aerobic exercises were given for 30

minutes, along with the music, which was at 128 beats per minute.

To start with the exercises, the subject stood with both feet at

shoulder width distance and the arms were kept on either side of

the body in a relaxed position, then the following aerobics exercises

comprising of note consumption of four counts and 8 counts were


I. Marching on the Spot

Starting Position

The subject stood with both feet at shoulder width

distance and the arms were bent on either side of the body in a

relaxed position.
Marching on the spot was performed by the subject

raising the legs alternatively with the slight flexion at the knees,

along with alternate arm movements.

On the spot marching was performed for 32 counts

with alternate arm movements.

II. Touch Out

1. The left leg was stretched two feet to the left side and

touched the ground, simultaneously both the arms were stretched

at shoulder level.

2. The left leg was brought back to the starting position

3. Counts 3 and 4 were repetition of 1 and 2 with right

leg and arms.

Number of Sets

Eight sets were performed continuously for a total of 32


III. Step Touch

1. The left leg was placed one step to the left and

simultaneously both the hands were placed on the hip.

2. With the side ward movement, the right leg was

placed near the left leg.

3. The right leg was brought back to the starting


4. The left leg was brought back to the starting position.

5. Counts 5 to 8 were repetitions of 1 to 4 on the right


Number of Sets

Four sets were performed continuously on left and right

side alternatively for a total of 32 counts.

IV. Double Step Touch

1. The left leg was placed one step to the left and

simultaneously both the hands were placed on the hip.

2. With the sideward movement the right leg was placed

near the left leg simultaneously the hands were brought back to the


3. Count 1 was repeated further towards the left side.

4. Count 2 was repeated.

5. Counts 5 to 8 were repetitions of 1 to 4 towards the

right side to return to the starting position.

The same procedure was followed for the double step

touch starting with the right leg for counts 9 to 16.

Number of Sets

Two sets were performed continuously on left and right

side alternatively for a total of 32 counts.

V. Grapevine

1. The left leg was placed one step to the left and

simultaneously both the hands were placed on the hip.

2. The right leg was placed behind the left leg with the

heels raised.

3. The right leg was brought back to the starting


4. The left leg was brought back to the starting position

5. The same procedure was followed on the right side

for counts 5 to 8.

Number of Sets

Four sets were performed continuously for a total of 32


VI. Cross Over Step

1. Raised the left heel up and swung the right arm

2. The same step was repeated with right leg and left


3. Stepped side wards with a cross over step with the

right leg simultaneously the right arm was swung along with right

leg by twisting the trunk downwards towards left side.

4. The subject returned to the starting position

Counts 5 to 8 were repetitions of 1 to 4 with left leg and

left arm

Number of Sets

Four sets were performed continuously on left and right

side alternatively for a total of 32 counts.

VII. Jump on the Spot

1. The subject jumped slightly upwards simultaneously

both arms were stretched forward and upward upto either side of

the head.

2. The subject performed one more additional jump

3. The legs were brought back to the starting position

simultaneously with a downward movement of the arms upto the

shoulder level.

4. The arms were brought back to the starting position

Number of Sets

Eight sets were performed continuously for a total of 32


VIII. Ham Curl

1. The left leg was placed one step to the left side and

simultaneously both the hands were placed on the hip.

2. The right leg was lifted diagonally towards left side

with the knee flexed.

3. The right leg was brought back to the starting


4. The left leg and arms were brought back to the

starting position.

5. The above steps were repeated on the right side for

counts 6 to 8.

Number of Sets

Four sets were repeated continuously for a total of 32


IX. Front Kick

1. With a jump the left thigh was raised to hip level and

simultaneously both the hands were placed on the hip.

2. After landing again with a jump the left leg was

kicked forwards.

3. After landing again with a jump the left leg was

brought back to the count 1 position.

4. The left leg and arms were brought back to the

starting position

5. Counts 5 to 8 were repetitions of 1 to 4 on the right


Number of Sets

Four sets were repeated continuously for a total of 32


X. Knee and Arm Lift

1. The left foot was placed one step to the front and

simultaneously the left arm flexed at elbows with clenched hand

was raised side wards at right angle to the shoulder level. The right

hand was placed on the hip.

2. The right knee was lifted forward at right angle to the

hip and flexed left arm was moved forward from the sideward


3. The right foot and left arm were brought back to

count 1 position
4. The left foot and arms were brought back to the

starting position.

Number of Sets

Four sets were repeated continuously for a total of 32


Cool Down

The aerobic sessions concluded with continued light aerobic

activities such as walking, standing leg kicks and static stretches

to prevent pooling of blood in the lower extremities immediately

after the endurance phase and lower the heart rate gradually

towards normal to promote faster removal of metabolic waste

products from the muscles. Caution was taken to avoid bent-over

stretches for long periods to avoid dizziness (Kennath Cooper,



The data were collected on selected criterion variables such

as speed, muscular endurance, explosive power, cardio respiratory

endurance, resting pulse rate, breath holding time, self confidence,

aggression and anxiety were collected by administering 50 mts run,

bend knee sit ups, vertical jump, cooper’s 12 minutes run/ walk test,

radial pulse, holding the breath for time, Hardy & Nelson self
confidence Questionnaire, Dr. Guru Pyari Mathur and Dr. Raj Kumari

Bhatnagar aggression Questionnaire and Speilberger’s Anxiety

Questionnaire respectively at prior and immediately after the training

programme as pre and post tests respectively.



To assess speed.

Equipments used

Measuring tape, starting clapper and stopwatch.


The standing start method was adopted for this purpose.

The time elapsed from the ‘clap’ to the runner crossing the finish line

was taken as the test score. The fractions were rounded to the next

largest one tenth of a second. For this purpose digital electronic

watch was used. Two trials were conducted with sufficient rest in


The best of two trials was recorded as test score.


To asses abdominal strength and muscular endurance.


A mat and a stopwatch.


To subjects were asked to take a supine lying position on

the mat, knees bent to an angle less than 90 degrees, and hands

clasped behind neck. The ankles were held firmly on the ground by a

partner. To perform the sit-ups, the subjects lifted his trunk, head

and elbows forward in curt-up motion elbows touching the knees and

then lowered his trunk touching the done continuously without pause

for one minute. Number of correctly executed sit-ups were recorded as

his performance.

To facilitate counting and recording the subjects were

paired one subjects performed the exercise. While his partner

counted. After the score was recorded, the subject inter changed their

positions, i.e., the partner become the performer and vive versa.


Recorded the number of correctly executed sit-ups

performed with in one minute.


To measure explosive power in vertical direction.

Equipments used

A plywood board as suggested by sargent was used to

obtain the data.


To obtain data for vertical jump, sargent jump was

administered to the subjects. Before the execution of the test, all the

subjects were directed by the tester regarding the test performance.

The subjects were taught how to perform the test perfectly by the

investigator. Before the execution of the vertical jump test, subjects

were directed to practice for a few minutes.

A plywood board (blackened 1 cm, Thick 1.50 mts. long

and 50 cm. Wide) with lines marked horizontally 1 cm. apart was

used. This board was placed vertically, the zero point of the scale

being at the reaching height of the shortest subject tested. The

subject stood with his side toward the wall and reached as high as

possible with heels on the floor and made a mark on the wall with

chalked fingers. The subject then swung his arms downward and

backward assuming a crouched position with the swung his arms

downward and backward assuming a crouched position with the

knees bent at about right angle. The subject then jumped as high as

possible, swinging the arms upward, as the highest point of the jump

was reached, another mark was made above the initial one. Three

trials were allowed one-minute rest in between.


The score was recorded to the nearest centimeter, between

the reach and jump mark. The best of the three trials was recorded as

the test score.

To assess the cardiovascular endurance of the subjects.

400 meters track, stopwatch, whistle, score sheets and pencils.

For this test, a 400 meters track was prepared with

marking at every tenth meter. The investigator and the tests served as

the lap scores. The subjects were asked to stand on the starting are

drawn at the finish line of the 400 meters track and they were given

instructions to cover as much distance as possible by running/

walking. They were instructed to continue the run/walk till the final

whistle. The race was started with a whistle and at the end of the

nine minute again. The whistle was blown. The number of minutes

left was announced to the subjects every minute. At the twelfth

minute a whistle was blown and the subjects stopped instantly and

stood on the spot. The distance covered by each in twelve minutes was

recorded to the nearest tenth meter.

The distance covered by each subjects were recorded with

the help of the lap scores.

To measure the resting pulse rate of each subject per minute

Digital Heart Rate Measuring Machine, Model No. EW 243,

manufactured by National Company, Japan.

- . / 0 1 2 3 . 1 4

The pulse rate of all the subjects was recorded in a sitting position, in

the evening between 4 and 5 p.m. Before taking pulse rate the subjects were

asked to relax for about 30 minutes.

Then the subjects were instructed to sit in a back supported chair

and maintain in a slight incline position and placed his left hand on the

table. Next the researcher was collected Heart Rate or pulse rate by using

Digital Heart Rate measuring machine which was placed in the chest level

on a table. In this way the researcher was measured the heart rate of the


The number of pulse beats per minute was recorded as the scores.

The purpose of this test was to measure the breath holding time.

For recording the breath holding time, a stop watch (1/10 th of second)

and nose clip were used.

The subject was instructed to stand at ease and to inhale deeply after

which he holds his breath for a length of time possible by him. A nose clip

was placed on nose to avoid letting the air through nostrils. The duration

from the time of holding his breath until the movement he let air out was

clocked by using the stop watch to the nearest one tenth of a second as

breath holding time. The co-operation of the subject to let out the air by

opening the mouth was sought to clock the exact breath holding time.

The time is recorded in seconds and the beset of two trials were



The anxiety questionnaire was designed to measure the degree of

anxiety experience prior to the competition.

It was developed by Spielberger (1976). Spielbergers Trait Anxiety

questionnaire was given to all subjects. Twenty items were adopted from

Spielbergers Trait Anxiety questionnaire for this investigation. The

complete questionnaire is scores as follows:

Score of Positive Score of Negative
S.No Response
statements statements

1 Not at all 1 4

2 Some what 2 3

3 Moderately so 3 2

4 Very much 4 1

Positive Statements 1,2,5,8,10,11,15,16,19,20

Negative Statements 3,4,6,7,9,12,13,14,17,18

Standardised Buss & Perry (1992) questionnaire for sporting

aggression was used to scale the aggressiveness of Inter University

Handball players. The test consists of 29 questions with five levels of

responses. The level changes from extremely uncharacteristic to extremely

characteristics. The respondents were made to encircle the appropriate

number which suited their attitude. The scale was revalidated by

administering the questionnaire on hundred Men Handball Players.

Score of Positive Negative

S.No Response
statements Statements

Extremely uncharacteristic of
1 me 1 4

Somewhat uncharacteristic of
2 me 2 3

3 Neither uncharacteristic nor 3 2

characteristic of me

Some what characteristic of

4 me 4 1

5 Extremely characteristic of me 5

The two questions 9 and 16 with asterisk are reverse scored.

This inventory was scored with the help of the scoring key given

below. The range of score was from 4 to 20. The higher the score the more
aggressive the player.

5 6 7 8 9 : 9 ; 9 < = > ? = 8 : @ = 8 ? <

The standardized psychological tool devised by Kamalesh, M.L

(1996). was used to quantify the sports achievement motivation of players.

This inventory consists of 20 statements. Each statement has two

responses. Among the two responses the most appropriate one is correct

response. The respondents made a tick mark (√) on any one of the two

responses that fits to them best.

This inventory was scored with the help of a scoring key. The

correct statement was given two marks and incorrect statement was

given zero. The total score constitutes the achievement motivation

score. The larger score higher the achievement motivation.

Scoring Key

1a, 2b, 3a, 4a, 5b, 6b,7b, 8b, 9b, 10a, 11a, 12a, 13a, 14b, 15b,

16a, 17a, 18a, 19b, 20a.

The items 1, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11,12,13,16,17,18 and 20 if the

respondent answers ‘a’ he scores 2 points, if he answer ‘b’ he only gets

zero point.

The items 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 14, 15 and 19 if he respondent answers ‘b’

he scores 2 points, if he answer ‘a’ he only gets zero point.

A 9 B C D ? < C 8 E 9 < 6 9

Standard Hardy and Nelson (1992) questionnaire for self

confidence was used to scale the self confidence level. The test consists of

four questions with six levels of responses. The level of changes from

strongly disagree to strongly agree. The respondents were made to

encircle the appropriate number which suited their attitude. The scale

was revalidated by administering the questionnaire on 100 Inter

University Men Handball Players.

This scoring range of this questionnaire was 4 to 24. The higher

score indicate the high level of self confidence.


The pre and post test random group design was used as

experimental design in which forty five men subjects were randomly

selected and divided into three equal groups of fifteen each. Group I

underwent yogic exercises, Group II underwent aerobic exercises and

Group III acted as control. The subjects were tested on selected

criterion variables at prior and immediately after the twelve weeks of

training programme as pre and post tests respectively. The collected

data were analyzed statistically by using ANCOVA (analysis of

covariance) to find out the effects of yogic exercises and aerobic

exercises on selected physical, physiological and psychological

variables for each variable separately. Whenever, the obtained ‘F’ ratio

for the adjusted post test mean was found to be significant, the

Scheffe’s test was applied as post hoc test to determine the paired

mean differences, if any. The .05 level of confidence was fixed to test

the level of significance which was considered as an appropriate.

The collected data pertaining to the study has been

analyzed and presented in this chapter. The purpose of the study was

to find out the effects of yogic exercises and aerobic exercises on

selected physical, physiological and psychological variables. To

achieve this purpose of the study, forty five men students studying

Bachelor’s Degree in the Department of Physical Education and Sports

Sciences, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar, Tamil Nadu, India,

during the academic year 2012 – 2013 were randomly selected as

subjects. The age, height and weight of the selected subjects were

ranged from 18 to 24 years, 159 to 170 cm and 58 to 65 kilogram

respectively. The selected subjects were divided into three equal

groups of fifteen subjects each at random. Group I underwent yogic

exercises for twelve weeks (for five days per week) whereas Group II

underwent aerobic exercises for twelve weeks (for three days per

week). And Group III acted as control that did not undergo any special

training programme apart from their regular physical education

activities as per their curriculum. Since, all the subjects were hostlers

of Annamalai University, they had a similar academic work and a

regular activities in accordance with the requirements of the

Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences curriculum.

Among the physical, physiological and psychological variables, the

following variables namely speed, muscular endurance, explosive

power, cardio respiratory endurance, resting pulse rate, breath

holding time, self confidence, aggression and anxiety were selected as

dependent variables. In this study, the following trainings such as

yogic exercises and aerobic exercises were selected as independent

variables. All the subjects of three groups were tested on selected

dependent variables at two days prior to and two days after the

training programme. The collected data were analyzed statistically by

using ANCOVA (analysis of covariance) to find out the effects of yogic

exercises and aerobic exercises on selected physical, physiological and

psychological variables for each variable separately. Whenever, the

obtained ‘F’ ratio for the adjusted post test mean was found to be

significant, the Scheffe’s test was applied as post hoc test to determine

the paired mean differences, if any. The .05 level of confidence was

fixed to test the level of significance which was considered as an



The influence of yogic exercises and aerobic exercises on

each criterion variables were analysed separately and presented

The analysis of covariance on speed of the pre and post test

scores of yogic exercises group, aerobic exercises group and control

group have been analyzed and presented in Table III.

Yogic Aerobic
Control Source of Sum Mean Obtained
Test Exercises Exercises df
Group Variance of Squares Squares ‘F’ Ratio
Group Group
Pre Test
7.93 7.98 8.01 0.0537 2 0.0268
Mean Between
0.32 0.31 0.31 4.4134 42 0.105
S.D. Within
Post Test

7.87 7.54 7.99 1.6031 2 0.8016

Mean Between
0.35 0.30 0.30 4.4667 42 0.1064
S.D. Within
Adjusted Post Test

1.5722 2 0.7861
7.91 7.53 7.95
Mean 163.77*
0.1962 41 0.0048



The table III shows that the pre-test mean values on

speed of yogic exercises group, aerobic exercises group and control

group are 7.93, 7.98 and 8.01 respectively. The obtained “F” ratio of

0.255 for pre-test scores is less than the table value of 3.222 for df 2
and 42 required for significance at .05 level of confidence on speed.

The post-test mean values on speed of yogic exercises group, aerobic

exercises group and control group are 7.87, 7.54 and 7.99

respectively. The obtained “F” ratio of 7.534 for post test scores is

greater than the table value of 3.222 for df 2 and 42 required for

significance at .05 level of confidence on speed.

The adjusted post-test mean values on speed of yogic

exercises group, aerobic exercises group and control group are 7.91,

7.53 and 7.95 respectively. The obtained “F” ratio of 163.77 for

adjusted post-test means is greater than the table value of 3.226 for df

2 and 41 required for significance at .05 level of confidence on speed.

The results of the study indicated that there was a

significant difference among the adjusted post-test means of yogic

exercises group, aerobic exercises group and control group on speed.

Since three groups were compared, whenever the obtained

‘F’ ratio for adjusted post test was found to be significant, the

Scheffe’S test was used to find out the paired mean differences and it

was presented in Table III - A.

Yogic Exercises Aerobic Exercises Control Mean Confidence
Group Group Group Differences Interval

7.91 7.53 - 0.38* 0.06

7.91 - 7.95 0.04 0.06

- 7.53 7.95 0.41* 0.06

 ! " # ! $ ! % & # ' & ' ( ) * + , - , + . $ % . # $ ! / , # % , (

The table III - A shows that the mean difference values on

speed between yogic exercises group and aerobic exercises group,

yogic exercises group and control group and aerobic exercises group

and control group are 0.38 and 0.41 respectively which were greater

than the required confidence interval value 0.06 for significance at .05

level of confidence. The results of the study showed that there was a

significant difference between yogic exercises group and aerobic

exercises group, yogic exercises group and control group and aerobic

exercises group and control group on speed.

The adjusted post-test mean values of yogic exercises

group, aerobic exercises group and control group on speed were

graphically represented to figure I.

The analysis of covariance on muscular endurance of the

pre and post test scores of yogic exercises group, aerobic exercises

group and control group have been analyzed and presented in

Table IV.

Yogic Aerobic
Control Source of Sum Mean Obtained
Test Exercises Exercises df
Group Variance of Squares Squares ‘F’ Ratio
Group Group
Pre Test
34.13 33.47 33.80 3.333 2 1.667
Mean Between
3.91 4.50 4.05 779.87 42 18.568
S.D. Within
Post Test

36.20 38.67 34.07 158.98 2 79.49

Mean Between
3.99 3.88 4.07 712.67 42 16.968
S.D. Within
Adjusted Post Test

184.77 2 92.385
35.89 38.98 34.07
Mean 149.49*
25.35 41 0.618

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3 8 5 7 9 3 : ; 3 < 9 = ; 3 > ? @ ; : = A B = ? = C 5 B C 3 5 4 D E F 7 3 8 3 7 @ ? C @ B ? = > 3 B C 3 ? @ ; G 5 B > H G 5 B > G 5 B >

H I 5 ; 3 J D G G G 5 B > J D G G K ; 3 : L 3 C 4 = 8 3 7 M N D

The table IV shows that the pre-test mean values on

muscular endurance of yogic exercises group, aerobic exercises group

and control group are 34.13, 33.47 and 33.80 respectively. The
obtained “F” ratio of 0.09 for pre-test scores is less than the table

value of 3.222 for df 2 and 42 required for significance at .05 level of

confidence on muscular endurance. The post-test mean values on

muscular endurance of yogic exercises group, aerobic exercises group

and control group are 36.20, 38.67 and 34.07 respectively. The

obtained “F” ratio of 4.685 for post test scores is greater than the table

value of 3.222 for df 2 and 42 required for significance at .05 level of

confidence on muscular endurance.

The adjusted post-test mean values on muscular

endurance of yogic exercises group, aerobic exercises group and

control group are 35.89, 38.98 and 34.07 respectively. The obtained

“F” ratio of 149.49 for adjusted post-test means is greater than the

table value of 3.226 for df 2 and 41 required for significance at .05

level of confidence on muscular endurance.

The results of the study indicated that there was a

significant difference among the adjusted post-test means of yogic

exercises group, aerobic exercises group and control group on

muscular endurance.

Since three groups were compared, whenever the obtained

‘F’ ratio for adjusted post test was found to be significant, the

Scheffe’S test was used to find out the paired mean differences and it

was presented in Table IV - A.

Yogic Exercises Aerobic Exercises Control Mean Confidence
Group Group Group Differences Interval

35.89 38.98 - 3.09* 0.73

35.89 - 34.07 1.83* 0.73

- 38.98 34.07 4.91* 0.73

O P Q R S Q T Q U V S W V W X Y Z [ \ ] \ [ ^ T U ^ S T Q _ \ S U \ X

The table IV - A shows that the mean difference values on

muscular endurance between yogic exercises group and aerobic

exercises group, yogic exercises group and control group and aerobic

exercises group and control group are 3.09, 1.83 and 4.91 respectively

which were greater than the required confidence interval value 0.73

for significance at .05 level of confidence. The results of the study

showed that there was a significant difference between yogic exercises

group and aerobic exercises group, yogic exercises group and control

group and aerobic exercises group and control group on muscular


The adjusted post-test mean values of yogic exercises

group, aerobic exercises group and control group on muscular

endurance were graphically represented to figure II.

The analysis of covariance on explosive power of the pre

and post test scores of yogic exercises group, aerobic exercises group

and control group have been analyzed and presented in Table V.

Yogic Aerobic
Control Source of Sum Mean Obtained
Test Exercises Exercises df
Group Variance of Squares Squares ‘F’ Ratio
Group Group
Pre Test
50.33 51.00 50.80 3.51 2 1.755
Mean Between
5.58 5.59 5.09 1323.73 42 31.517
S.D. Within
Post Test
51.73 57.53 51.13 374.80 2 187.40
Mean Between
5.33 5.15 4.81 1172.40 42 27.914
S.D. Within
Adjusted Post Test
332.571 2 166.29
52.08 57.27 51.05
Mean 146.12*
46.652 41 1.138

` a b c d e f g c h e g i c j k c l i m k c n o p k j m q r m o m s e r s c e d t u v g c h c g p o s p r o m n c r s c o p k w e r n x w e r n w e r n

x y e k c z t w w w e r n z t w w { k c j | c s d m h c g } ~ t

The table V shows that the pre-test mean values on

explosive power of yogic exercises group, aerobic exercises group and

control group are 50.33, 51.00 and 50.80 respectively. The obtained

“F” ratio of 0.056 for pre-test scores is less than the table value of
3.222 for df 2 and 42 required for significance at .05 level of

confidence on explosive power. The post-test mean values on

explosive power of yogic exercises group, aerobic exercises group and

control group are 51.73, 57.53 and 51.13 respectively. The obtained

“F” ratio of 6.713 for post test scores is greater than the table value of

3.222 for df 2 and 42 required for significance at .05 level of

confidence on explosive power.

The adjusted post-test mean values on explosive power of

yogic exercises group, aerobic exercises group and control group are

52.08, 57.27 and 51.05 respectively. The obtained “F” ratio of 146.12

for adjusted post-test means is greater than the table value of 3.226

for df 2 and 41 required for significance at .05 level of confidence on

explosive power.

The results of the study indicated that there was a

significant difference among the adjusted post-test means of yogic

exercises group, aerobic exercises group and control group on

explosive power.

Since three groups were compared, whenever the obtained

‘F’ ratio for adjusted post test was found to be significant, the

Scheffe’S test was used to find out the paired mean differences and it

was presented in Table V - A.

Yogic Exercises Aerobic Exercises Control Mean Confidence
Group Group Group Differences Interval

52.08 57.27 - 5.19* 1.01

52.08 - 51.05 0.99 1.01

- 57.27 51.05 6.22* 1.01

 €  ‚ ƒ  „  † ƒ ‡ † ‡ ˆ ‰ Š ‹ Œ  Œ ‹ Ž „ Ž ƒ „   Œ ƒ Œ ˆ

The table V - A shows that the mean difference values on

explosive power between yogic exercises group and aerobic exercises

group and aerobic exercises group and control group are 5.19, 0.99

and 6.22 respectively which were greater than the required confidence

interval value 1.01 for significance at .05 level of confidence. Further,

the table V - A shows that the mean difference values on explosive

power between yogic exercises group and control group 0.99 which

less greater than the required confidence interval value 1.01 for

significance at .05 level of confidence. The results of the study

showed that there was a significant difference between yogic exercises

group and aerobic exercises group and aerobic exercises group and

control group on explosive power. And there was no significant

difference between yogic exercises group and control group on

explosive power.
The adjusted post-test mean values of yogic exercises

group, aerobic exercises group and control group on explosive power

were graphically represented to figure III.

The analysis of covariance on cardio respiratory endurance

of the pre and post test scores of yogic exercises group, aerobic

exercises group and control group have been analyzed and presented

in Table VI.

Yogic Aerobic
Control Source of Sum Mean Obtained ‘F’
Test Exercises Exercises df
Group Variance of Squares Squares Ratio
Group Group
Pre Test
1423.33 1417.67 1424.67 414.44 2 207.22
Mean Between
21.50 19.91 19.62 18650.00 42 444.04
S.D. Within
Post Test
1462.67 1584.67 1426.47 206108.40 2 103054.2
Mean Between
18.43 4.99 19.73 11308.40 42 269.248
S.D. Within
Adjusted Post Test
207487.13 2 103743.6
1462.20 1586.02 1425.57
Mean 453.46*
9379.82 41 228.78

 ‘ ’ “ ” • – — “ ˜ • — ™ “ š › “ œ ™  › “ ž Ÿ › š  ¡ ¢  Ÿ  £ • ¢ £ “ • ” ¤ ¥ ¦ — “ ˜ “ — Ÿ £ ¢ Ÿ  ž “ ¢ £ “ Ÿ › § • ¢ ž ¨ § • ¢ ž § • ¢ ž

¨ © • › “ ª ¤ § § § • ¢ ž ª ¤ § § « › “ š ¬ “ £ ”  ˜ “ — ­ ® ¤

The table VI shows that the pre-test mean values on

cardio respiratory endurance of yogic exercises group, aerobic

exercises group and control group are 1423.33, 1417.67 and 1424.67
respectively. The obtained “F” ratio of 0.467 for pre-test scores is less

than the table value of 3.222 for df 2 and 42 required for significance

at .05 level of confidence on cardio respiratory endurance. The post-

test mean values on cardio respiratory endurance of yogic exercises

group, aerobic exercises group and control group are 1462.67,

1584.67 and 1426.47 respectively. The obtained “F” ratio of 382.75

for post test scores is greater than the table value of 3.222 for df 2 and

42 required for significance at .05 level of confidence on cardio

respiratory endurance.

The adjusted post-test mean values on cardio respiratory

endurance of yogic exercises group, aerobic exercises group and

control group are 1462.20, 1586.02 and 1425.57 respectively. The

obtained “F” ratio of 453.46 for adjusted post-test means is greater

than the table value of 3.226 for df 2 and 41 required for significance

at .05 level of confidence on cardio respiratory endurance.

The results of the study indicated that there was a

significant difference among the adjusted post-test means of yogic

exercises group, aerobic exercises group and control group on cardio

respiratory endurance.

Since three groups were compared, whenever the obtained

‘F’ ratio for adjusted post test was found to be significant, the
Scheffe’S test was used to find out the paired mean differences and it

was presented in Table VI - A.

Yogic Exercises Aerobic Exercises Control Mean Confidence

Group Group Group Differences Interval

1462.20 1586.02 - 123.82* 14.01

1462.20 - 1425.57 36.63* 14.01

- 1586.02 1425.57 160.45* 14.01

¯ ° ± ² ³ ± ´ ± µ ¶ ³ · ¶ · ¸ ¹ º » ¼ ½ ¼ » ¾ ´ µ ¾ ³ ´ ± ¿ ¼ ³ µ ¼ ¸

The table VI - A shows that the mean difference values on

cardio respiratory endurance between yogic exercises group and

aerobic exercises group, yogic exercises group and control group and

aerobic exercises group and control group are 123.82, 36.63 and

160.45 respectively which were greater than the required confidence

interval value 14.01 for significance at .05 level of confidence. The

results of the study showed that there was a significant difference

between yogic exercises group and aerobic exercises group, yogic

exercises group and control group and aerobic exercises group and

control group on cardio respiratory endurance.

The adjusted post-test mean values of yogic exercises

group, aerobic exercises group and control group on cardio respiratory

endurance were graphically represented to figure IV.

The analysis of covariance on resting pulse rate of the pre

and post test scores of yogic exercises group, aerobic exercises group

and control group have been analyzed and presented in Table VII.

Yogic Aerobic
Control Source of Sum Mean Obtained
Test Exercises Exercises df
Group Variance of Squares Squares ‘F’ Ratio
Group Group
Pre Test
72.73 72.13 72.40 2.71 2 1.355
Mean Between
3.00 3.34 3.09 446.27 42 10.625
S.D. Within
Post Test
70.27 68.67 72.13 90.31 2 45.155
Mean Between
3.11 2.62 2.87 372.00 42 8.857
S.D. Within
Adjusted Post Test
81.28 2 40.64
69.99 68.92 72.15
Mean 59.94*
27.785 41 0.678

À Á Â Ã Ä Å Æ Ç Ã È Å Ç É Ã Ê Ë Ã Ì É Í Ë Ã Î Ï Ð Ë Ê Í Ñ Ò Í Ï Í Ó Å Ò Ó Ã Å Ä Ô Õ Ö Ç Ã È Ã Ç Ð Ï Ó Ð Ò Ï Í Î Ã Ò Ó Ã Ï Ð Ë × Å Ò Î Ø × Å Ò Î × Å Ò Î

Ø Ù Å Ë Ã Ú Ô × × × Å Ò Î Ú Ô × × Û Ë Ã Ê Ü Ã Ó Ä Í È Ã Ç Ý Þ Ô

The table VII shows that the pre-test mean values on

resting pulse rate of yogic exercises group, aerobic exercises group

and control group are 72.73, 72.13 and 72.40 respectively. The

obtained “F” ratio of 0.128 for pre-test scores is less than the table
value of 3.222 for df 2 and 42 required for significance at .05 level of

confidence on resting pulse rate. The post-test mean values on

resting pulse rate of yogic exercises group, aerobic exercises group

and control group are 70.27, 68.67 and 72.13 respectively. The

obtained “F” ratio of 5.10 for post test scores is greater than the table

value of 3.222 for df 2 and 42 required for significance at .05 level of

confidence on resting pulse rate.

The adjusted post-test mean values on resting pulse rate of

yogic exercises group, aerobic exercises group and control group are

69.99, 68.92 and 72.15 respectively. The obtained “F” ratio of 59.94

for adjusted post-test means is greater than the table value of 3.226

for df 2 and 41 required for significance at .05 level of confidence on

resting pulse rate.

The results of the study indicated that there was a

significant difference among the adjusted post-test means of yogic

exercises group, aerobic exercises group and control group on resting

pulse rate.

Since three groups were compared, whenever the obtained

‘F’ ratio for adjusted post test was found to be significant, the

Scheffe’S test was used to find out the paired mean differences and it

was presented in Table VII - A.

Yogic Exercises Aerobic Exercises Control Mean Confidence
Group Group Group Differences Interval

69.99 68.92 - 1.07* 0.76

69.99 - 72.15 2.16* 0.76

- 68.92 72.15 3.23* 0.76

ß à á â ã á ä á å æ ã ç æ ç è é ê ë ì í ì ë î ä å î ã ä á ï ì ã å ì è

The table VII - A shows that the mean difference values on

resting pulse rate between yogic exercises group and aerobic exercises

group, yogic exercises group and control group and aerobic exercises

group and control group are 1.07, 2.16 and 3.23 respectively which

were greater than the required confidence interval value 0.76 for

significance at .05 level of confidence. The results of the study

showed that there was a significant difference between yogic exercises

group and aerobic exercises group, yogic exercises group and control

group and aerobic exercises group and control group on resting pulse


The adjusted post-test mean values of yogic exercises

group, aerobic exercises group and control group on resting pulse rate

were graphically represented to figure V.

The analysis of covariance on breath holding time of the

pre and post test scores of yogic exercises group, aerobic exercises

group and control group have been analyzed and presented in

Table VIII.

Yogic Aerobic
Control Source of Sum Mean Obtained
Test Exercises Exercises df
Group Variance of Squares Squares ‘F’ Ratio
Group Group
Pre Test
42.53 42.93 42.00 6.58 2 3.29
Mean Between
6.48 8.72 6.46 2396.67 42 57.06
S.D. Within
Post Test
44.80 49.13 42.13 374.44 2 187.22
Mean Between
5.92 7.28 6.39 1933.87 42 46.044
S.D. Within
Adjusted Post Test
295.27 2 147.64
44.76 48.75 42.55
Mean 37.00*
163.70 41 3.99

ð ñ ò ó ô õ ö ÷ ó ø õ ÷ ù ó ú û ó ü ù ý û ó þ ÿ û ú ý   ý ÿ ý  õ   ó õ ô    ÷ ó ø ó ÷ ÿ   ÿ ý þ ó   ó ÿ û  õ  þ   õ  þ  õ  þ

 õ û ó     õ  þ    û ó ú ó  ô ý ø ó ÷  

The table VIII shows that the pre-test mean values on

breath holding time of yogic exercises group, aerobic exercises group

and control group are 42.53, 42.93 and 42.00 respectively. The
obtained “F” ratio of 0.058 for pre-test scores is less than the table

value of 3.222 for df 2 and 42 required for significance at .05 level of

confidence on breath holding time. The post-test mean values on

breath holding time of yogic exercises group, aerobic exercises group

and control group are 44.80, 49.13 and 42.13 respectively. The

obtained “F” ratio of 4.07 for post test scores is greater than the table

value of 3.222 for df 2 and 42 required for significance at .05 level of

confidence on breath holding time.

The adjusted post-test mean values on breath holding time

of yogic exercises group, aerobic exercises group and control group are

44.76, 48.75 and 42.55 respectively. The obtained “F” ratio of 37.00

for adjusted post-test means is greater than the table value of 3.226

for df 2 and 41 required for significance at .05 level of confidence on

breath holding time.

The results of the study indicated that there was a

significant difference among the adjusted post-test means of yogic

exercises group, aerobic exercises group and control group on breath

holding time.

Since three groups were compared, whenever the obtained

‘F’ ratio for adjusted post test was found to be significant, the

Scheffe’S test was used to find out the paired mean differences and it

was presented in Table VIII - A.

Yogic Exercises Aerobic Exercises Control Mean Confidence
Group Group Group Differences Interval

44.76 48.75 - 3.99* 1.85

44.76 - 42.55 2.21* 1.85

- 48.75 42.55 6.20* 1.85


The table VIII - A shows that the mean difference values on

breath holding time between yogic exercises group and aerobic

exercises group, yogic exercises group and control group and aerobic

exercises group and control group are 3.99, 2.21 and 6.20

respectively which were greater than the required confidence interval

value 1.85 for significance at .05 level of confidence. The results of

the study showed that there was a significant difference between yogic

exercises group and aerobic exercises group, yogic exercises group

and control group and aerobic exercises group and control group on

breath holding time.

The adjusted post-test mean values of yogic exercises

group, aerobic exercises group and control group on breath holding

time were graphically represented to figure VI.

The analysis of covariance on self confidence of the pre and

post test scores of yogic exercises group, aerobic exercises group and

control group have been analyzed and presented in Table IX.

Yogic Aerobic
Control Source of Sum Mean Obtained
Test Exercises Exercises df
Group Variance of Squares Squares ‘F’ Ratio
Group Group
Pre Test
15.73 16.60 16.87 10.53 2 5.265
Mean Between
1.65 1.78 1.54 124.27 42 2.96
S.D. Within
Post Test
17.60 19.47 17.07 47.64 2 23.82
Mean Between
1.54 1.09 1.34 80.27 42 1.91
S.D. Within
Adjusted Post Test
50.16 2 25.08
18.08 19.32 16.73
Mean 63.98*
16.05 41 0.392

! " # $ % & ' # ( % ' ) # * + # , ) - + # . / 0 + * - 1 2 - / - 3 % 2 3 # % $ 4 5 6 ' # ( # ' 0 / 3 0 2 / - . # 2 3 # / 0 + 7 % 2 . 8 7 % 2 . 7 % 2 .

8 9 % + # : 4 7 7 7 % 2 . : 4 7 7 ; + # * < # 3 $ - ( # ' = > 4

The table IX shows that the pre-test mean values on

self confidence of yogic exercises group, aerobic exercises group and

control group are 15.73, 16.60 and 16.87 respectively. The obtained

“F” ratio of 1.779 for pre-test scores is less than the table value of
3.222 for df 2 and 42 required for significance at .05 level of

confidence on self confidence. The post-test mean values on self

confidence of yogic exercises group, aerobic exercises group and

control group are 17.60, 19.47 and 17.07 respectively. The obtained

“F” ratio of 12.47 for post test scores is greater than the table value of

3.222 for df 2 and 42 required for significance at .05 level of

confidence on self confidence.

The adjusted post-test mean values on self confidence of

yogic exercises group, aerobic exercises group and control group are

18.08, 19.32 and 16.73 respectively. The obtained “F” ratio of 63.98

for adjusted post-test means is greater than the table value of 3.226

for df 2 and 41 required for significance at .05 level of confidence on

self confidence.

The results of the study indicated that there was a

significant difference among the adjusted post-test means of yogic

exercises group, aerobic exercises group and control group on speed.

Since three groups were compared, whenever the obtained

‘F’ ratio for adjusted post test was found to be significant, the

Scheffe’S test was used to find out the paired mean differences and it

was presented in Table IX - A.

Yogic Exercises Aerobic Exercises Control Mean Confidence
Group Group Group Differences Interval

18.08 19.32 - 1.24* 0.58

18.08 - 16.73 1.35* 0.58

- 19.32 16.73 2.59* 0.58

? @ A B C A D A E F C G F G H I J K L M L K N D E N C D A O L C E L H

The table IX - A shows that the mean difference values on

self confidence between yogic exercises group and aerobic exercises

group, yogic exercises group and control group and aerobic exercises

group and control group are 1.24, 1.35 and 2.59 respectively which

were greater than the required confidence interval value 0.58 for

significance at .05 level of confidence. The results of the study

showed that there was a significant difference between yogic exercises

group and aerobic exercises group, yogic exercises group and control

group and aerobic exercises group and control group on self


The adjusted post-test mean values of yogic exercises

group, aerobic exercises group and control group on self confidence

were graphically represented to figure VII.

The analysis of covariance on aggression of the pre and

post test scores of yogic exercises group, aerobic exercises group and

control group have been analyzed and presented in Table X.

Yogic Aerobic
Control Source of Sum Mean Obtained
Test Exercises Exercises df
Group Variance of Squares Squares ‘F’ Ratio
Group Group
Pre Test
189.40 188.13 183.80 258.71 2 129.36
Mean Between
9.99 9.67 10.28 4481.73 42 106.71
S.D. Within
Post Test
170.13 154.73 182.73 5899.60 2 2949.8
Mean Between
12.26 10.55 10.57 5601.60 42 133.37
S.D. Within
Adjusted Post Test
7231.05 2 3615.5
168.27 153.90 185.43
Mean 56.28*
2633.97 41 64.24

P Q R S T U V W S X U W Y S Z [ S \ Y ] [ S ^ _ ` [ Z ] a b ] _ ] c U b c S U T d e f W S X S W ` _ c ` b _ ] ^ S b c S _ ` [ g U b ^ h g U b ^ g U b ^

h i U [ S j d g g g U b ^ j d g g k [ S Z l S c T ] X S W m n d

The table X shows that the pre-test mean values on

aggression of yogic exercises group, aerobic exercises group and

control group are 189.40, 188.13 and 183.80 respectively. The

obtained “F” ratio of 1.21 for pre-test scores is less than the table

value of 3.222 for df 2 and 42 required for significance at .05 level of

confidence on aggression. The post-test mean values on aggression of

yogic exercises group, aerobic exercises group and control group are

170.13, 154.73 and 182.73 respectively. The obtained “F” ratio of

22.12 for post test scores is greater than the table value of 3.222 for df

2 and 42 required for significance at .05 level of confidence on


The adjusted post-test mean values on aggression of yogic

exercises group, aerobic exercises group and control group are

168.27, 153.90 and 185.43 respectively. The obtained “F” ratio of

56.28 for adjusted post-test means is greater than the table value of

3.226 for df 2 and 41 required for significance at .05 level of

confidence on aggression.

The results of the study indicated that there was a

significant difference among the adjusted post-test means of yogic

exercises group, aerobic exercises group and control group on


Since three groups were compared, whenever the obtained

‘F’ ratio for adjusted post test was found to be significant, the

Scheffe’S test was used to find out the paired mean differences and it

was presented in Table X - A.

Yogic Exercises Aerobic Exercises Control Mean Confidence
Group Group Group Differences Interval

168.27 153.90 - 14.37* 7.42

168.27 - 185.43 17.16* 7.42

- 153.90 185.43 31.53* 7.42

o p q r s q t q u v s w v w x y z { | } | { ~ t u ~ s t q  | s u | x

The table X - A shows that the mean difference values on

aggression between yogic exercises group and aerobic exercises group,

yogic exercises group and control group and aerobic exercises group

and control group are 14.37, 17.16 and 31.53 respectively which were

greater than the required confidence interval value 7.42 for

significance at .05 level of confidence. The results of the study

showed that there was a significant difference between yogic exercises

group and aerobic exercises group, yogic exercises group and control

group and aerobic exercises group and control group on aggression.

The adjusted post-test mean values of yogic exercises

group, aerobic exercises group and control group on aggression were

graphically represented to figure VIII.

The analysis of covariance on anxiety of the pre and post

test scores of yogic exercises group, aerobic exercises group and

control group have been analyzed and presented in Table XI.

Yogic Aerobic
Control Source of Sum Mean Obtained
Test Exercises Exercises df
Group Variance of Squares Squares ‘F’ Ratio
Group Group
Pre Test
55.80 54.93 54.47 13.73 2 6.865
Mean Between
4.13 4.28 4.50 835.07 42 19.883
S.D. Within
Post Test
52.93 49.93 54.20 144.04 2 72.02
Mean Between
4.01 3.51 4.32 706.27 42 16.82
S.D. Within
Adjusted Post Test
164.30 2 82.15
52.28 50.05 54.74
Mean 85.84*
39.24 41 0.957

€  ‚ ƒ „ † ‡ ƒ ˆ ‡ ‰ ƒ Š ‹ ƒ Œ ‰  ‹ ƒ Ž   ‹ Š  ‘ ’    “ ’ “ ƒ „ ” • – ‡ ƒ ˆ ƒ ‡   “  ’   Ž ƒ ’ “ ƒ   ‹ — ’ Ž ˜ — ’ Ž — ’ Ž

˜ ™ ‹ ƒ š ” — — — ’ Ž š ” — — › ‹ ƒ Š œ ƒ “ „  ˆ ƒ ‡  ž ”

The table XI shows that the pre-test mean values on

anxiety of yogic exercises group, aerobic exercises group and control

group are 55.80, 54.93 and 54.47 respectively. The obtained “F” ratio

of 0.345 for pre-test scores is less than the table value of 3.222 for df

2 and 42 required for significance at .05 level of confidence on anxiety.

The post-test mean values on anxiety of yogic exercises group, aerobic

exercises group and control group are 52.93, 49.93 and 54.20

respectively. The obtained “F” ratio of 4.28 for post test scores is

greater than the table value of 3.222 for df 2 and 42 required for

significance at .05 level of confidence on anxiety.

The adjusted post-test mean values on anxiety of yogic

exercises group, aerobic exercises group and control group are 52.28,

50.05 and 54.74 respectively. The obtained “F” ratio of 85.84 for

adjusted post-test means is greater than the table value of 3.226 for df

2 and 41 required for significance at .05 level of confidence on anxiety.

The results of the study indicated that there was a

significant difference among the adjusted post-test means of yogic

exercises group, aerobic exercises group and control group on anxiety.

Since three groups were compared, whenever the obtained

‘F’ ratio for adjusted post test was found to be significant, the

Scheffe’S test was used to find out the paired mean differences and it

was presented in Table XI - A.

Yogic Exercises Aerobic Exercises Control Mean Confidence
Group Group Group Differences Interval

52.28 50.05 - 2.23* 0.91

52.28 - 54.74 2.46* 0.91

- 50.05 54.74 4.68* 0.91

Ÿ ¡ ¢ £ ¡ ¤ ¡ ¥ ¦ £ § ¦ § ¨ © ª « ¬ ­ ¬ « ® ¤ ¥ ® £ ¤ ¡ ¯ ¬ £ ¥ ¬ ¨

The table XI - A shows that the mean difference values on

anxiety between yogic exercises group and aerobic exercises group,

yogic exercises group and control group and aerobic exercises group

and control group are 2.23, 2.46 and 4.68 respectively which were

greater than the required confidence interval value 0.91 for

significance at .05 level of confidence. The results of the study

showed that there was a significant difference between yogic exercises

group and aerobic exercises group, yogic exercises group and control

group and aerobic exercises group and control group on anxiety.

The adjusted post-test mean values of yogic exercises

group, aerobic exercises group and control group on anxiety were

graphically represented to figure IX.


The results of the study showed that there was a

significant difference among yogic exercises group, aerobic exercises

group and control group on selected physical variables such as speed,

muscular endurance, explosive power and cardio respiratory

endurance. It also reveals that there was significant improvement on

selected physical variables namely speed, muscular endurance,

explosive power and cardio respiratory endurance due to aerobic

exercises after twelve weeks of training period. Further it reveals that

there was no significant improvement on the performance of speed

and explosive power due to yogic exercises after twelve weeks of

training period. It was also noticed that there was significant

improvement on selected physical variables namely muscular

endurance and cardio respiratory endurance due to yogic exercises

after twelve weeks of training period.

Significant differences were found between yogic exercises

group and aerobic exercises group on selected physical variables

namely speed, muscular endurance, explosive power and cardio

respiratory endurance after twelve weeks of training period. However,

aerobic exercises group dominated in all the selected physical

variables than yogic exercises group.

The results of the study showed that there was significant

differences among yogic exercises group, aerobic exercises group and

control group on selected physiological variables such as resting pulse

rate and breath holding time. It also reveals that there was significant

reduction on resting pulse rate due to yogic exercises and aerobic

exercises after twelve weeks of training period. It further showed that

there was significant improvement on breath holding time due to yogic

exercises and aerobic exercises after twelve weeks of training period.

Significant differences were found between yogic exercises

group and aerobic exercises group in the reduction of resting pulse

rate after twelve weeks of training period. And also there was a

significant difference between yogic exercises group and aerobic

exercises group in the improvement of breath holding time after twelve

weeks of training period. However, the reduction on resting pulse rate

and the improvement of breath holding time were in favour of aerobic

exercises group.
The results of the study showed that there was a

significant difference among yogic exercises group, aerobic exercises

group and control group on selected psychological variables such as

self confidence, aggression and anxiety. It also reveals that there was

significant reduction on aggression and anxiety due to yogic exercises

and aerobic exercises after twelve weeks of training period. It further

showed that there was significant improvement on self confidence due

to yogic exercises and aerobic exercises after twelve weeks of training


Significant differences were found between yogic exercises

group and aerobic exercises group in the reduction of aggression and

anxiety after twelve weeks of training period. And also there was a

significant difference between yogic exercises group and aerobic

exercises group in the improvement of self confidence after twelve

weeks of training period. However, the reduction on aggression and

anxiety and the improvement of self confidence were in favour of

aerobic exercises group.


Significant differences were noticed between yogic exercises and

aerobic exercises group when compared to control group on selected

criterion variables such as muscular endurance, cardio respiratory

endurance, resting pulse rate, breath holding time, self confidence,

aggression and anxiety. No Significant differences were noticed between

yogic exercises and aerobic exercises group when compared to control group

on selected criterion variables such as speed and explosive power. Further, it

showed that there was a significant difference between yogic exercises and

aerobic exercises on speed, muscular endurance, explosive power, cardio

respiratory endurance, resting pulse rate, breath holding time, self

confidence, aggression and anxiety.

The results of the study showed that there was a

significant reduction on resting pulse rate, aggression and anxiety.

Alyson Ross and Sue Thomas (2010) investigated whether an

exercise is considered as an acceptable method for improving and

maintaining physical and emotional health. The results of the study

showed that yoga interventions appeared to be equal or superior to

exercise in nearly every outcome measured except those involving

physical fitness. Senthilkumar and A. Prakash (2011) have

conducted a study to determine whether aerobic interval training with

yogic practices (AeIYG) or anaerobic interval training with yogic

practices (AnIYG) has greater effect on selected physical fitness

variables, speed and agility among high school football players. And it

was concluded that aerobic interval training with yogic practices

significantly improved speed and agility of the school level football

players than anaerobic power with yogic practices.

Yokesh, T.P. and Chandrasekaran, K (2013) have conducted study

to investigate the impact of yogic practice and aerobic exercise among

overweight school boys. Amandeep Singh et al (2011) have investigated the

effects of 6-weeks yogasanas training on agility and muscular strength in

sportsmen. The yoga asana training improved agility and muscular strength

and may contribute to enhance sports performance. E J de Geus et al

(1993) examined the association of aerobic fitness with psychological make-

up and physiological stress reactivity in a group of untrained men, as well as

the effects of 4 and 8 months of exercise training on these parameters. The

results of the study showed that that regular exercise does not increase the

resistance to stress-related disease by influencing psychological make-up or

acute psycho physiologic reactivity. Meyer T and Broocks A (2000) have

investigated that study was Aerobic exercise seems to be effective in

improving general mood and symptoms of depression and anxiety in healthy

individuals and psychiatric patients. Appropriate pre- and post-training

testing is emphasized to enable adequate determinations of fitness gains and

to eventually allow positive feedback to be given to patients in clinical

settings. B. S. Oken et al (2004) have conducted that study was determine

the effect of yoga and of aerobic exercise on cognitive function, fatigue,

mood, and quality of life in multiple sclerosis (MS). The results showed that

the subjects with MS participating in either a 6-month yoga class or exercise

class showed significant improvement in measures of fatigue compared to a

waiting-list control group. There was no relative improvement of cognitive

function in either of the intervention groups.

Heidi Summers et al (1999) and Burnham TR and Wilcox A

(2002) are in accordance with the results of the present investigation .

MacMahon JR and Gross RT (1988) have investigated that

aerobic exercise has been associated with improved psychological

status and physical fitness in adults. And they resulted that the

improvement in psychological variables was not dependent on

improved physical fitness and was not related to pre intervention


Yokesh, T.P. and Chandrasekaran, K (2013) have found the impact

of yogic practice and aerobic exercise among overweight school boys.

Deborah Koniak and Griffin EdD (1994) have examined the effects of

participation in a 6-week aerobic exercise program (AEP) on pregnant

adolescents' depression, self-esteem, and physical discomforts of pregnancy

were examined. The findings suggested that exercise programs such as the

AEP should be considered an important aspect of prenatal self-care for

healthy pregnant adolescents. Martin, P M Dubbert and W C Cushman

(1990) evaluated that antihypertensive efficacy of aerobic exercise training

in mild essential hypertension. And they resulted BP changes were not

associated with any significant changes in weight, body fat, urinary

electrolytes, or resting heart rate. This randomized controlled trial provides

evidence for the independent BP lowering effect of aerobic exercise in

unmediated mildly hypertensive men.

The results of Brad J. Schoenfeld (2013), Vivek K Sharma et

al (2012) and Ramesh Reddy, P & Ravikumar, P. (2001) are in

accordance with the results of present study.


In the earlier, the researcher had formulated the following hypothesis,

At first, it was hypothesized that there may be a significant difference

among yogic exercises group, aerobic exercises group and control group on

selected physical, physiological and psychological variables after twelve

weeks of training period. The results of the study showed that significant

difference among yogic exercises group, aerobic exercises group and control

group on selected physical, physiological and psychological variables namely

speed, muscular endurance, explosive power, cardio respiratory endurance,

resting pulse rate, breath holding time, self confidence, aggression and

anxiety after twelve weeks of training period. Hence, the researcher’s first

hypothesis was accepted.

It second it was hypothesized that there may be a significant changes

on selected physical, physiological and psychological variables after twelve

weeks of training period due to yogic exercises and aerobic exercises. The

results of the study showed that there was a significant changes on selected

physical, physiological and psychological variables speed, muscular

endurance, explosive power, cardio respiratory endurance, resting pulse

rate, breath holding time, self confidence, aggression and anxiety after twelve
weeks of training period due to aerobic exercises. And also the results of the

study showed that there was a significant changes on selected physical,

physiological and psychological variables muscular endurance, cardio

respiratory endurance, resting pulse rate, breath holding time, self

confidence, aggression and anxiety after twelve weeks of training period due

to yogic exercises. Further, the results of the study showed that there was no

significant changes on selected variables speed and explosive power after

twelve weeks of training period due to aerobic exercises. Hence, the

researcher’s second hypothesis was partially accepted.


The purpose of the study was to find out the effects of yogic

exercises and aerobic exercises on selected physical, physiological and

psychological variables. To achieve this purpose of the study, forty

five men students studying Bachelor’s Degree in the Department of

Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Annamalai University,

Annamalai Nagar, Tamil Nadu, India, during the academic year 2012 –

2013 were randomly selected as subjects. The age, height and weight

of the selected subjects were ranged from 18 to 24 years, 159 to 170 cm

weeks of training period due to aerobic exercises. And also the results of the

study showed that there was a significant changes on selected physical,

physiological and psychological variables muscular endurance, cardio

respiratory endurance, resting pulse rate, breath holding time, self

confidence, aggression and anxiety after twelve weeks of training period due

to yogic exercises. Further, the results of the study showed that there was no

significant changes on selected variables speed and explosive power after

twelve weeks of training period due to aerobic exercises. Hence, the

researcher’s second hypothesis was partially accepted.


The purpose of the study was to find out the effects of yogic

exercises and aerobic exercises on selected physical, physiological and

psychological variables. To achieve this purpose of the study, forty

five men students studying Bachelor’s Degree in the Department of

Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Annamalai University,

Annamalai Nagar, Tamil Nadu, India, during the academic year 2012 –

2013 were randomly selected as subjects. The age, height and weight

of the selected subjects were ranged from 18 to 24 years, 159 to 170 cm

and 58 to 65 kilogram respectively. The selected subjects were divided

into three equal groups of fifteen subjects each at random. Group I

underwent yogic exercises for twelve weeks (for five days per week)

whereas Group II underwent aerobic exercises for twelve weeks (for

three days per week). And Group III acted as control that did not

undergo any special training programme apart from their regular

physical education activities as per their curriculum. Since, all the

subjects were hostlers of Annamalai University, they had a similar

academic work and a regular activities in accordance with the

requirements of the Department of Physical Education and Sports

Sciences curriculum. Among the physical, physiological and

psychological variables, the following variables namely speed,

muscular endurance, explosive power, cardio respiratory endurance,

resting pulse rate, breath holding time, self confidence, aggression

and anxiety were selected as dependent variables. In this study, the

following trainings such as yogic exercises and aerobic exercises were

selected as independent variables. All the subjects of three groups

were tested on selected dependent variables at two days prior to and

two days after the training programme. The collected data were

analyzed statistically by using ANCOVA (analysis of covariance) to find

out the effects of yogic exercises and aerobic exercises on selected

physical, physiological and psychological variables for each variable

separately. Whenever, the obtained ‘F’ ratio for the adjusted post test
mean was found to be significant, the Scheffe’s test was applied as post

hoc test to determine the paired mean differences, if any. The .05 level

of confidence was fixed to test the level of significance which was

considered as an appropriate.


From the analysis of the data, the following conclusions

were drawn.

1. There was a significant difference among yogic exercises, aerobic

exercises and control groups on selected physical variables

namely speed, muscular endurance, explosive power and cardio

respiratory endurance.

2. There was a significant difference between yogic exercises and

aerobic exercises groups, and aerobic exercises and control

groups on selected physical variables namely speed, muscular

endurance, explosive power and cardio respiratory endurance.

And also the results of the study showed that there was no

significant difference between yogic exercises and control groups

on selected physical variables namely speed and explosive

3. Aerobic exercises groups have significantly improved the

selected physical variables namely speed, muscular endurance,

explosive power and cardio respiratory endurance when

compared with control group. Yogic exercises groups have

significantly improved the selected physical variables namely

muscular endurance and cardio respiratory endurance when

compared with control group.

4. Among the experimental groups, aerobic exercises group has

improved significantly on selected physical variables namely

speed, muscular endurance, explosive power and cardio

respiratory endurance than yogic exercises group.

5. There was a significant difference among yogic exercises, aerobic

exercises and control groups on selected physiological variables

namely resting pulse rate and breath holding time.

6. There was a significant difference between yogic exercises and

aerobic exercises groups, yogic exercises and control groups and

aerobic exercises and control groups on selected physiological

variables namely resting pulse rate and breath holding time.

7. Yogic exercises and aerobic exercises groups have significantly

improved the selected physiological variables namely resting

pulse rate and breath holding time when compared with control


8. Among the experimental groups, aerobic exercises group has

changed selected physiological variables namely resting pulse

rate and breath holding time significantly than yogic exercises


9. There was a significant difference among yogic exercises, aerobic

exercises and control groups on selected psychological variables

namely self confidence, aggression and anxiety.

10. There was a significant difference between yogic exercises

and aerobic exercises groups, yogic exercises and control groups

and aerobic exercises and control groups on selected

psychological variables namely self confidence, aggression and


11. Yogic exercises and aerobic exercises groups have

significantly changed the selected psychological variables

namely self confidence, aggression and anxiety when compared

with control group.

12. Among the experimental groups, aerobic exercises group

has changed selected psychological variables namely self

confidence, aggression and anxiety significantly than yogic

exercises group.


Based on the findings of the present study the following

recommendations were made.

1. Since, this study has proved that the yogic exercises and aerobic
exercises had a greater impact on all the performances of selected
physical, physiological and psychological variables such as speed,
muscular endurance, explosive power, cardio respiratory
endurance, resting pulse rate, breath holding time, self
confidence, aggression and anxiety of the subjects, it is suggested
that the coaches, trainers and physical education teachers can

follow this programme for improving the above mentioned


2. Similar type of studies can be undertaken for different age groups

and also for women.

3. It is suggested that the similar study is conducted for various

levels like university, state, national and international level
players as subjects with varied intensities, loads and durations.

4. A similar study may be undertaken which includes the nutritional

effect and other psychological variables.
5. Similar studies may be conducted to assess the effect of various

types of training methods on these selected criterion variables.

6. Similar studies may be conducted on the biochemical variables as

criterion variables.

7. Duration of the training period may be increased up to 15-18



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