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The X-files Episode Guide Ninth Series


The X-files Episode Guide UK - - The Ninth Series

X-files Episode Guide UK - The Ninth Series

9X01 Nothing Important Happened Today

Carl Wormus, a water expert for the Environmental Protection Agency drinks alone in a bar in Baltimore, when a dark haired
woman approaches him and begins discussing the ice in his drink. Wormus tells her the government add Chloramine to the water
but that it is not as healthy as they claim. He leaves the bar with the woman and drives away, as they approach an open drawbridge
over the Potomac, the woman forces the car off the road. Wormus struggles free but is grabbed and pulled to the bottom of the river.
Reyes meets with a new Assistant Director, Brad Follmer, a former boyfriend while at the New York office. He gives her
surveillance tape footage of the FBI garage which does not support Doggett’s version of events. With all the evidence gone, Doggett
seeks Mulder’s advice on how to proceed, however his apartment is empty. He goes to see Scully, who tells him Mulder is gone.
Doggett suspects someone got to him, even Assistant Director Skinner warns Doggett to drop his investigation of Deputy Director
Kersh. While putting baby William down for a nap, Scully notices the mobile over his bed moving by itself, concerned she calls
Doggett and asks him to keep on investigating. Doggett summons her to Quantico to autopsy Wormus, after someone left his
obituary outside the X-files basement offices. She finds fingerprints on Wormus’ ankle, which indicate he was held down until he
drowned. Doggett enlists the help of the Lone Gunman to hack in to Wormus’ computer, all of the files are about water. An e-mail
address leads Doggett to the Maryland water plant, pursued by AD Follmer, trying to rein in his investigation. Part One

Noteworthy Quote

"These people tried to kill me. They tried to kill AD Skinner. They wanted to kill Mulder, too. They're still out there, Dana."

Scully: "Exactly right, and they are unstoppable, and they are inside the FBI."

9X02 Nothing Important Happened Today II

Both Reyes and Assistant Director Skinner are called to Assistant Director Follmer’s office, having been unable to find Doggett, he
reins in their involvement in the investigation instead, warning Reyes to distance herself from Doggett to save her career. Doggett
wakes up in his apartment to find Sharon McMahon there, she pulled him down in the water tank the night before. She explains that
like Knowle Rohrer she was transformed in to a Super Solider, but she hates what she has become and wants Doggett to help her
expose the men who are altering the water supply. AD Skinner questions Scully about helping Doggett’s investigation, after
expressly requesting that he not get involved. Scully admits that she is concerned that something is happening to baby William, she
does not want to involve Mulder because she knows he will return and put himself in danger. Scully goes to Doggett’s apartment at
his request, there McMahon explains that Chloramine is being added to the water supply, however it’s molecular structure has been
altered to promote mutations, that will breed a new generation of Super Soldiers. Doggett is summoned to AD Follmer’s office and
suspended from the X-files. The Lone Gunman contact Reyes after a wiretap of the EPA’s phone system reveals a Captain of a ship
trying to contact Wormus. Reyes also discovers that McMahon works for the justice department and warns Doggett and Scully not
to trust her. Scully, Reyes and Doggett go to the Baltimore docks to inspect the ship, they find evidence of the manipulation of ova
for transplantation but are unable to investigate further before the ship blows up destroying the evidence. Part Two

Noteworthy Quote

Reyes: "We were given a tip we believes lead us to a larger conspiracy."

Assistant Director Follmer: "Conspiracy? Involving the FBI?"

9X03 Dæmonicus
In Weston, West Virginia, Evelyn and Darren Mountjoy sit playing scrabble in th eir home when the lights suddenly go out, Darren
orders his wife to the basement as he loads his gun. In the darkness he sees an intruder and fires, only to find it is his wife, her hands
and mouth bound with duck tape. He begins to hear voices whispering and two men with demonic faces jump him. Next morning
Doggett and Reyes examine the crime scene, the couple's bodies are sat in their chair, the gun in Evelyn's hand and on the scrabble
board the word 'DAEMONICUS' which means demon possession. While Doggett assumes it is some kind of satanic ritual, Reyes
feels there is more to it, especially when three snakes squirm out of the bullet holes in Evelyn's chest. Scully on assignment as an
instructor at Quantico, is asked by Reyes to perform the autopsies. She determines that Darren was tricked in to shooting his wife
and was then held in the chair and shot. The snakes were sown in to Evelyn's body post-mortem, seeming to prove the murders were
man made as Doggett thought. Reyes and Doggett are contacted about an escaped patient from the local mental institute, Richman a
former doctor who killed his patients, although he had no knowledge of satanic rituals there is a possible accomplice, one of the

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hospital guards is also missing. They question Josef Kobold, the patient in the next cell to Richman in hope of discovering more,
however Kobold's cryptic answers lead them to believe that he knows more than he is letting on. The question is, is Kobold a master
manipulator using others to do his bidding or is there something far more sinister about him.

Noteworthy Quote

"Sorry to disappoint you, but this is a course in forensic pathology. Hard science. An X-File is a case that has been deemed
unsolvable by the Bureau, because such a case cannot be solved it may beg other explanations... a vampire, perhaps. Science,
however, tells us that evil comes not from monsters, but from men. It offers us the methodology to catch these men, and only after
we have exhausted these methods should we leave science behind to consider more.... extreme possibilities."

9X04 Hellbound
At an anger management meeting for ex-cons in Novi, Virginia, Ed Kelso voices his unhappiness with the group, trying to change
men who will always be what they are. After the meeting he badgers his buddy, Victor Potts, who suddenly has a vision of Kelso
with his skin removed. When Potts is found skinned alive five days later, Reyes briefs Doggett and Scully on the case, explaining
that Potts had a premonition of his death. Both Doggett and Scully wonder why this is an X-file, Reyes is unsure but feels she must
solve the case. Back in Quantico, Scully researches all records of cases involving skinning, one that occurred in 1960 matches the
manner in which Potts was killed. Scully interviews Dr Mueller, the retired coronor who performed the autopsy at the time. He
explains that as the victim was never identified and no suspect arrested the case was dropped by the local sheriff, who later
committed suicide. However the victim was only the first in a string of four murders. When a second member of the anger
management group, Terry Pruit is found skinned alive Reyes is disturbed having seen the body in a dream. Scully informs her of the
previous murders. Kelso having known both victims is taken in to custody. Reyes questions him, though he is not guilty of the
crimes he too has seen visions of skinned bodies. Scully having exhumed two bodies of the 1960 victims, both ex-cons, finds the
same forensic details as the current murders. And discovers that the dates the two 1960 victims died on are the birth dates of both
Potts and Pruit. Reyes is convinced she is connected to the case in some way, but can she figure out how before two more victims
are murdered.

Noteworthy Quote

"Not the men ... but their souls. Their souls are murdered over and over again from one lifetime to the next. By someone who won't
let them rest."

Doggett: "So how's this happening ... their souls coming back? Reincarnation?"

9X05 4-D
As part of a serial killer investigation, Reyes stakes out an apartment building while Doggett and Assistant Director Follmer monitor
from a van outside. The suspect, Lukesh enters the building but senses that something is wrong. As he leaves, Reyes follows him
and is attacked. Moments later Doggett and AD Follmer find Reyes with her throat cut. Doggett chases down Lukesh, cornering him
in a dead end alley, but suddenly he vanishes. Doggett moves in to the alley and Lukesh appears behind him. As Doggett turns
Lukesh fires… Meanwhile an unharmed Reyes is unpacking boxes in her new apartment when Doggett arrives. Suddenly the phone
rings, it is Assistant Director Skinner, informing her that Doggett has been shot. A confused Reyes turns to find that Doggett has
vanished. Scully and AD Follmer meet Reyes at the hospital and take her to see a comatosed Doggett. Reyes is still confused having
just seen him in her apartment. Scully tells Reyes about her own vision of her father at the moment of his death. The situation takes
a twist when the ballistic results show that the bullets were fired from Reyes’ gun and a witness comes forward claiming to have
seen her shoot Doggett, the witness is Lukesh. However further tests prove her gun had not been fired and AD Skinner's phone call
places her 14 miles from the scene. Suspicion turns to Lukesh, especially when Doggett regains consciousness and gives his name.
He is also surprised to see Reyes, having seen her throat cut by Lukesh. Leading Reyes to conclude that Lukesh is somehow able to
transverse parallel universes and that Doggett must have followed him through. But how can they return things to normal?

Noteworthy Quote

Reyes to Lukesh: "How do you do it? You know what I'm talking about, don't you? There's this world and there's the world where
you live out your sick fantasies. When did it start? Was it after your breakdown in '95? All that anger. It's buttoned up so t ight it
had nowhere else to go. It had to get released. Not here, but in a world just like this one."

9X06 Lord of the Flies

Reyes and Doggett travel to Ocean county, New Jersey. At the request of the local medical examiner, who is unable to ascertain the
cause of death of Cap’n Dare, who died while doing a stunt for the local cable access show, Dumb Ass. As they examine the body,
Reyes notices movement under the eyelid when suddenly flies swarm out. Scully is called in for her medical expertise and

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concludes that the flies fed at such a furious rate which caused the head to collapse from within. Scully consults with an
entomologist Dr. Rocky Bronzino on the case while Doggett and Reyes interview David Winkle, aka Sky Commander Winky,
producer of Dumb Ass. Accusing him of killing his friend in a bid to sell the show to the networks, which he denies. As they
interrogate him, he is attacked by lice, spelling out Dumb Ass in welts on his back. Dr Bronzino discovers that the flies that attacked
Cap’n Dare were all female, suggesting that hormones could have been used to trigger the attack. Doggett reviews the Dumb Ass
video and notices one boy, Dylan Lokensgard present for every stunt, and that he had an apparent altercation with David Winkle
just before he was attacked. They question him, however his mother Anne Lokensgard a school administrator, refuses to let the
interrogation continue. Moments later Dylan is covered in flies. By the time the paramedics arrive the flies have gone, they examine
Dylan but he is unharmed. Reyes believes that Dylan staged the attack to make him look like a victim rather than the perpetrator.
Dr. Bronzino analyses a tissue Dylan used to wipe away sweat and discovers it contains bug hormones. Leading Reyes to conclude
Dylan is directing the bugs to do his bidding.

Noteworthy Quote

Rocky Bronzino: "A boy is a boy, a bug is a bug. You can't have it both ways."

"Okay, so this boy's going through puberty, right? I mean, maybe his body chemistry is somehow just going crazy and it's his r aging
teenage hormones that are attracting all these insects."

9X07 John Doe

Mexican police pick up Doggett, who is suffering from amnesia. With no papers and no knowledge of where he is, how he got there
or even what his name is, they lock him up. A fellow inmate, Domingo Salmeron informs Doggett he is in Sangradura, Mexico and
that the only Americans that normally come to town, are criminals on the run. Domingo bails Doggett out of jail and in return
Doggett goes to work for him, smuggling immigrants across the US border. Back in Washington Assistant Director Skinner updates
Deputy Director Kersh on the situation. Agent Reyes is in Mexico investigating Doggett’s disappearance. Doggett had been in
Texas investigating the disappearance of Hollis Rice, a bank vice president and was last seen crossing the border in to Mexico. DD
Kersh wants it turned over to the Mexican authorities to investigate. Meanwhile Doggett has realised from his tattoo that he is a
former marine and makes a call to the Marine Corps Public Affairs office pretending to be a Mexican police officer trying to
identify someone suffering from amnesia. However Domingo believes he has discovered who Doggett is, producing a flyer
describing Henry Bruck, an American wanted for murder, the description matches Doggetts. Scully disregards Kersh's orders and
joins Reyes in her search in Mexico having learned that someone enquired about a former marine matching Doggett’s description.
The call was traced to a small Mexican town called Sangradura. Doggett confronts Domingo about what he knows after one of his
men attempted to kill him, Domingo tells Doggett he is one of the disappeared ones. The cartel took his memory and that it can not
be retrieved.

Noteworthy Quote

Doggett: "Tell me who I am!"

Domingo: "Desaparecido. You're one of the disappeared ones."

9X08 Trust No 1
Scully logs on to a private mailbox in an Internet cafe to find a message from Mulder, expressing his wish to return to her and baby
William. Before Scully can reply she notices a woman with a baby come in to the cafe, the woman leaves her baby alone as she
argues with a man outside before returning. When Scully arrives at Quantico, both Doggett and Reyes are there to speak to her. An
anonymous source has been trying to contact Mulder with information about the Super Soldiers, but will only deal with Mulder.
They ask Scully if she can get word to Mulder but she tells them she has no way of contacting Mulder. Doggett is annoyed that
Scully will not trust him. That evening Scully sees the woman from the cafe on her street, the man she was arguing with takes her
baby and drives off. Concerned for the woman who is called Patti, Scully offers her a bed for the night. Meanwhile Doggett and
Reyes are on a stake out having traced the anonymous source’s telephone call to an address. When a man comes out of the building,
they follow him. At Scully’s apartment Patti goes in to William’s room, she switches off the baby monitor and picks him up. Scully
is awoken by a call from Doggett, the man they tailed is at her apartment. Scully finds Patti holding William and pulls a gun on her.
While Doggett and Reyes tackle the man, who it turns out is Patti’s husband. He works for the National Security Agency and has
been watching Scully. Patti says that just like William, their daughter is different. Her husband confided in his supervisor at the
NSA, who told him the children were linked to the Super Soldier program, they had wanted Mulder to uncover the truth. But is
there more to their story?

Noteworthy Quote

Shadowman: "Mulder must die. Mulder or your son."

Scully: "What are you talking about? What does this have to do with my son? What's wrong with my son?! Answer me!"

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9X09 Underneath
In a flashback to 1989, Bob Fassl a cable repairman sits in his van. A voice tells him to, ‘do his job’, after kissing his rosary he gets
out and goes in to house his van is parked outside of. When neighbours hear screams, they call the NYPD. The responding officers,
one of them Doggett find a mother, father and daughter murdered and Fassl alone in the house. Present day, Doggett is furious to
learn that Fassl is being released. The DNA evidence was re-tested using modern techniques and cleared Fassl of being the
"screwdriver killer". Doggett is convinced they arrested the right man, even when Scully verifies the DNA results. He asks Scully
and Reyes to go to New York with him to investigate. Shortly after Fassl is released from the Sing Sing prison he sees a mysterious
bearded man in the crowded streets. That night while staying at his lawyer’s house, the words, ‘kill her’ appear in blood on the wall.
And the bearded man appears in his room, Fassl begs the man not to hurt Fain, his lawyer. He is relived next morning when Fain
explains she had been out that night seeing another client. Reyes interviews the Sing Sing prison superintendent, who informs her
that Fassl was suspected of murdering a fellow inmate while he was inside. However security camera footage showed a bearded
man, who did not match any prison inmate so the investigation was dropped. Meanwhile Scully discovers that though the DNA does
not match Fassl’s, it is so similar it must be a blood relative. Only one problem, Fassl is an only child. Reyes informs Doggett about
the bearded man, he does not appear in the known offender database. She believes that he is the one responsible for the murders. But
what is his connection to Fassl?

Noteworthy Quote

Doggett: "So, who is he?"

"I'm wondering more along the line of what is he? I ran him through the known offender database facial recognition -- came up
with nothing. It's like he has no identity. Yet, somehow this person materialized inside a maximum security prison, killed an inmate
and then vanished into thin air."

9X10 Provenance
Border police chase a motorcyclist who illegally crossed from Canada to North Dakota. He loses control and crashes into a ravine,
next to his crumpled body lie rubbings of the same symbols found on the spacecraft in Africa. Next morning Scully is called to
Deputy Director Kersh’s office, also present are Assistant Directors Skinner and Follmer. They show her the rubbings and ask if she
recognises them, though she does, Scully denies knowledge. Back in X-files basement office Scully finds the old case file with the
rubbings she took from the spacecraft in Africa still inside. At Scullys request Doggett travels to the crash site in North Dakota,
Follmer is already leading the investigation and is surprised to see Doggett there, warning him not to interfere in the case. Unseen
the motorcyclist crawls out of hiding, he has burns on his body. He removes a metal object from his pocket that has the same
symbols as the rubbings on it and his burns begin to heal. Reyes studies the rubbings from the old case file and questions Scully
about them, she explains the spacecraft contained passages from all religious texts, bringing in to question everything mankind
believes. Doggett meanwhile discovers that the motorcyclist is undercover FBI agent Comer, sent to infiltrate a UFO cult. He also
has the new rubbings, which do not match the previous ones, leading them to believe the cult has found a second spacecraft. Scully
returns home to find Comer about to suffocate William, she shoots him and then questions him, he tells her the cult want William
dead. She calls on the Lone gunman to protect William. However shortly afterwards Doggett is knocked down by a car and the
driver kidnaps William from the Lone Gunman at gunpoint. Part One

Noteworthy Quote

"If it were true these symbols wouldn't just be words ... they'd be the very Word of God on the surface of an alien spacecraft."

Scully: "It'd mean that everything mankind believes in ... is in question."

9X11 Providence
Zeke Josepho standing over the unearthed spacecraft recalls a moment during Desert Storm, when his unit was overrun by Iraqi
troops. As he lay wounded and alone, four soldiers ran towards the Iraqi position, bullets that struck them had no affect. They threw
grenades and the building exploded before they withdrew unharmed. Joseph realised he had been saved for a reason, to deliver a
message from the "God who came before all other Gods", who sent those men to save him. At the FBI the Lone Gunmen look at
mug shots to identify the woman who took William. Assistant Director Follmer briefs the task force investigation the kidnapping.
But Scully considers his handling of the investigation a sham. Meanwhile Reyes and Assistant Director Skinner watch over
Doggett, who is in a coma at St Mary’s Hospital. Scully calls Reyes to come to her apartment, where the Lone Gunmen have
identified the woman who took William. Via the mobile phone Byers had placed in William’s car seat they trace her to
Warfordsburg, Pennsylvania. However when they get there, they find the car with the seat inside, but no sign of William. Back at St
Mary’s Hospital Follmer approaches Reyes, he admits there are forces within the FBI that are working against them, but that he is
on her side. Josepho contacts Scully and tells her to come alone to meet him in a diner just outside of Calgary, Canada. He tells her
that he believes that William will be the leader of an alien race that will colonise the Earth. When Josepho leaves the Lone Gunmen
track his car, guiding Scully to his location. She arrives in time to see the spacecraft fly off leaving a fireball in its wake. All of the

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cult members lie dead but she finds William unharmed. Part Two

Noteworthy Quote

Comer to Scully: "The FBI sent me uncover on a man named Josepho to get inside his cult whose followers believe an alien race
will rule the world....One day god told Josepho to lead us a thousand miles north to find a ship buried in the ground. You hav e a
piece of that ship in your hand. Josepho believes that that ship is a temple which houses the physical manifestation of god."

9X12 Scary Monsters

When eight year old Tommy Conlon hears scratching from under his bed, he calls his father, who checks under the bed. Something
moves across the floor but Conlon assures his son it is nothing and leaves. Tommy hears the noise and makes for the door but his
father is holding it closed. In Quantico Scully is approached by Agent Leyla Harrison about a case she thinks might be an X-file,
Tommy told his grandmother that a monster killed his mother. But Scully dismissed the case as the corner’s report shows that the
mother stabbed herself sixteen times. Leyla does not tell Doggett and Reyes this when she approaches them to investigate the case.
When they arrive Conlon does not want them to speak with his son, but Tommy hearing voices comes outside. Leyla asks him about
what he said to his grandmother about monsters, but he replies that there are no monsters. Leyla feels foolish and apologises to
Conlon, however both Doggett and Reyes are suspicious. As they leave to get a search warrant, the car will not start and they are
showered with blood from the air vents. In the house Tommy tells his father the monsters won't let them leave. Back in Washington
Leyla’s friend Gabe Rotter arrives at Scully’s apartment with a dead cat, dug up from the Conlon’s previous house. Scully’s autopsy
reveals the cat chewed it’s own stomach as if trying to get something out. Leading her to believe there is more to the case than she
first thought. Doggett and Reyes reached the same conclusion when they find Conlon holding his son’s bedroom door closed. Inside
they find three creatures scurrying across the floor. Conlon tells them the creatures will not hurt Tommy but that they will kill
everyone else.

Noteworthy Quote

Leyla Harrison: "Agent Mulder wasted no time closing that case. I just try to think like him. What would Agents Mulder and Scully
do if they were in this situation?"

Doggett: "Agents Mulder and Scully aren't in this situation. Agents Doggett and Reyes are."

9X13 Audrey Pauley

Reyes drops Doggett of at his house on the way home, they say goodnight. At the next junction her car is hit by another vehicle.
Reyes is rushed to hospital. Reyes wakes up and is all alone, there are no doctors or nurses around. She gets up and walks to the
entrance and discovers the hospital building is floating in a dark void. Back in to the hospital Reyes meets another patient, Stephen
Murdoch, he introduces her to another patient, Mr. Barreiro. Both he had Murdoch believe they are dead. Reyes can not accept this
and wanders the hospital, she notices that there are no signs on the walls and all the charts are gibberish. At the hospital Reyes is in
a coma, attached to a ventilator. Dr Preijers tells Doggett that Reyes signed an organ donor card but Doggett refuses to give up on
her. Reyes spots a woman in the hospital but she disappears in to a wall. Reyes returns to see Mr Barreiro’s body start to spark and
then fade away. Reyes tells Murdoch that she does not think they are dead. Meanwhile Dr Preijers turns off Mr Barreiro’s life
support machine and comforts his family. The woman Reyes saw watches him, she is a patient’s aid called Audrey Pauley. Doggett
pleads with Scully to help buy time for Reyes, he points out her EEG chart showed brain activity when she arrived in the hospital.
He returns to Reyes’ room and finds Audrey there, she tells him Reyes’ soul has not left. Doggett laments he wished he could talk to
her. Audrey leaves the room and goes down to the basement, in her room is a small scale model of the hospital. Reyes sees Audrey
who tells her that her friend loves her before leaving. Doggett suspects there is something sinister going on but can he discover what
in time to save Reyes.

Noteworthy Quote

Stephen Murdoch: "Okay, okay, let's concentrate on one unexplainable event at a time here. What the hell happened to Mr.

Reyes: "My opinion? I think he died. You can't die if you're already dead. Which backs up my belief that you and I are alive."

9X14 Improbable
At a casino bar sits Mr Burt, casually playing solitaire with a pack of cards, he nonchalantly says to the bartender, ‘Seven seven,
pack of Morleys’. Another patron approaches the bar and orders exactly that. Mr Burt strikes up a one way conversation with Mad
Wayne, who is watching a woman on the slot machines. She goes to the toilet and Mad Wayne gets up to follow, Mr Burt cautions
him not to do what he is about to do. A few minutes later a lady comes screaming from the bathroom that a woman has been
murdered. At the bar Mr Burt turns over a card to reveal the Ace of Spades, the death card. In the X-files basement office Reyes
reads about the casino murder in the paper when Scully enters. She shows Scully details of the victim and of two other murder

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cases, which she has linked using numerology. Although Scully dismisses numerology as child’s game, she notices each victim has
the same faint mark on their bodies. Mad Wayne dresses in his apartment and notices Mr Burt outside working a three-card Monte
scam. He accosts Mr Burt threatening him to stop following him, though Mr Burt dismisses this telling him it does not fit his
pattern. He warns Mad Wayne to choose better. The FBI are pleased with Reyes on cracking the serial killer case, however her
insistence on the case revolving around numerology and her use of the services of a numerologist, Vicki Burdick who becomes Mad
Wayne’s latest victim, causes friction with the head of the behavioural science office agent Fordyce. Reyes theory is given more
credence when Scully discovers the mark on the victims are from a ring with 666 on it and Doggett notices on a map that the path of
the murders forms the number 6. But what is Mr Burt’s part in all this.

Noteworthy Quote

"I presume you mean the so-called "Unified Theory?" What physicists often refer to as the Theory of Everything? An equation so
simple, they say that it might be printed on a t-shirt. It's a Holy Grail in the world of science. Potentially, the most impor tant
question that mankind has ever asked. But that such a complex calculation is even possible is the subject of enormous controve rsy."

9X15 Jump the Shark

When former Area 51 employee Morris Fletcher gets in to trouble with a client he was scamming, he calls on the X-files team for
protection in return for information. Doggett and Reyes are less than impressed with him, until he claims to be able to help them
catch a super solider. They approach the Lone Gunman for assistance in tracking down the suspect super solider, a woman who is
known to the Lone Gunman. Yves Adele Harlow a former acquaintance who disappeared, they dispute that she is a super solider
and question the source of the information. When they find out it is Morris Fletcher, whom they have also encountered before, they
tell Doggett and Reyes his lies can not be trusted. However when a former associate of the Lone Gunman, Jimmy Bond turns up,
having trailed Yves around the world. With news that Yves killed Professor Houghton, a prominent immunologist in New Jersey,
they join forces to track her down. Doggett and Reyes talk to the pathologist who autopsied Professor Houghton, determining he
was killed with a poisoned pellet and that the incision in his chest occured post mortem. His chest showed signs of previous surgery,
but unlike any conventional surgery. Cartilage had been grafted in to his body, which appeared to have held something inside. They
confront Morris Fletcher who claims no knowledge of Yves's activities. The Lone Gunman track Yves’s car using traffic cameras
and confront her at the Hotel Farragut. She convinces them that she is not a super solider. She is hunting down sleeper agents with a
deadly viral agent implanted in their bodies, to target scientist vital to America’s anti-biological terrorism project at their
convention. And she needs their help to stop them.

Noteworthy Quote

Morris Fletcher: "Langly said to me the ones who never give up, they never die. I still don't know what that means."

"That means that like everyone buried here, the world is a better place for them having been in it. It means that they're gone, but
they live on through us all."

9X16 William
When a mysterious disfigured man attacks Doggett in the X-files basement office, he manages to capture the man who claims that
he has been sent by Mulder to retrieve X-files case files pertaining to his condition. The man, Daniel Miller claims that he is the
victim of experiments run by the same people responsible for the government conspiracy about extra terrestrials. When captured he
had Mulder’s sister’s X-files case file on him. Scully arranges for him to be transferred to Quantico so that she can examine him. He
claims his disfigurement is dues to injections administered to him and requests Scully’s help to make the men who did it to him pay.
When a background check on him comes up with nothing Doggett becomes convinced that the man is Mulder! Scully refutes this
telling Doggett before he left Mulder had Scully remove the X-files case files Daniel was looking for from the X-files basement
office. So if he was Mulder he would have known she had the case files in her apartment. She confides in Daniel that they know he
gave a false identity, he tells her people within the FBI, the same people who want Mulder dead would kill him if his true identity
were known. Scully takes him in to protective custody at her apartment. Assistant Director Skinner calls Doggett to his office when
DNA test results match with Mulder’s, convincing both Doggett and Reyes that the man is indeed Mulder. Scully however remains
adamant that it is not Mulder. As she has spent time with him and knows he is not the man she loves. However he does appear to
have intimate information about Mulder and Scully’s life. And it soon becomes clear that his interest in baby William is the real
reason for his appearance.

Noteworthy Quote

"You stole several files pertaining to the 1973 abduction of Mulder's sister. But yet you say there's danger to your life righ t now."

Jeffrey Spender: "The conspiracy to keep the truth about aliens from the American public all but destroyed a few years ago has
given rise to a new conspiracy in the government now by men who are alien themselves."

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9X17 Release
When Doggett receives an anonymous tip about a murder, he discovers a woman’s body in a freshly plastered wall at the location he
was given. Scully autopsies the unidentified woman and one of the FBI cadets present, Rudolph Hayes appears very perceptive
about the murder. He recounts details that help to ID the woman, he is also adamant that the man who killed her has killed before.
When Scully discovers a link to an earlier murder, Reyes and Doggett question Hayes. They thank him for the information he gave
that was used to produce a profile of the killer. When Doggett asks Hayes how he knew about the case, he tells them that he sees
things. He also tells them that the profile they have is wrong and gives them his profile of the killer. Using the profile, Reyes and
Doggett question Nicolas Regali, a local mob enforcer about his whereabouts at the times of the two recent murders. But Regali is
not very forth coming, leading them to believe they have the right man. Given his invaluable assistance on the case Doggett requests
Hayes look at another case, the unsolved murder of his son Luke. However Hayes already knows about the case. He takes Doggett
to his apartment and shows him pictures on the wall of unsolved murders, including Luke's. He tells Doggett it is where he gets his
information, by staring at the pictures until they talk to him. Doggett warns Hayes he might be a little crazy. Hayes shows him a
picture of one of the suspects in his son’s case, Bon Harvey and informs Doggett that he was the one who took Luke but he did not
kill him. The person who killed Luke is the same person who killed the two women recently. Given Doggett a glimmer of hope that
he might finally be able to lay his son to rest.

Noteworthy Quote

"I will never know how badly it hurt you to lose your son or how much pain you still carry. I understand how much you want to find
his killer, but I don't want to see you disappointed. Not again."

Doggett: "It's not going to happen. Not this time."

9X18 Sunshine Days

When a young man is killed while breaking in to a house he claims is exactly like the house on the TV show, ‘The Brady Bunch’,
Doggett and Reyes are called in by Scully after his body showed signs of residual electricity hours after death. Michael Daley, who
witnessed his friend’s death, shows them to the house that they broke in to. However the interior of the house does not resemble the
Brady Bunch in any way and the owner, Oliver Martin claims no knowledge of a break in. Despite these facts Doggett spots that the
roof of the house has recently been patched, raising suspicions. Which are later confirmed when Michael Daley is killed that night
while trying to break in to the house again to prove his story. A background check on Oliver Martin uncovers the fact that his real
name is Anthony Fogelman, who as a young boy was the subject of a study by parapsychologist Dr John Rietz in to his apparent
psychokinetic powers. They track down Dr Rietz and interview him, he recounts Anthony’s remarkable abilities to Scully, Doggett
and Reyes. Anthony could move objects with the power of his mind in one of the most documented cases of psychokinesis, however
his abilities faded and Dr Rietz lost contact with him. He assures them that the Anthony he knew would never harm anyone and
volunteers to help them to confront him. Doggett is astounded when they enter the house to find it looks like the interior of The
Brady Bunch house. Dr Rietz pursuades Anthony to demonstrate his power, leaving Scully, Doggett and Reyes marvelling at his
ability to alter reality and the possibility that he could provide concrete proof of the paranormal and vindication all of their work on
the X-files.

Noteworthy Quote

Dr Rietz: "It could expand the scope of human knowledge. It could change everything."

"It very well could. I've been working this unit for nine years now. I've investigated nearly 200 paranormal cases. We are due for
some incontrovertible proof. I want vindication for Mulder and for all of us."

9X19 The Truth

Armed with a keycard, Mulder gains access to Mount Weather, a secret government facility, looking for further evidence of the
ongoing conspiracy. After locating a computer terminal Mulder use the password he was given to unlock a file detailing the final
stages of the alien colonisation, the date is set....22/12/2012. Mulder is interrupted by Knowle Rohrer, who chases him through the
facility. In the ensuing struggle Rohrer falls on to high voltage lines but Mulder is captured by armed guards. Because Mount
Weather is under military jurisdiction, Mulder faces murder charges in front of a military tribunal, headed by Deputy Director
Kersh. Assistant Director Skinner informs Scully of Mulder's predicament, she is at first grateful for his return then horrified by the
prospects of him facing a death sentence if convicted. Doggett and Reyes are incredulous about the murder charges as they know
that Rohrer is an alien replicant/super solider. They are further frustrated when the military give them the run around on the
whereabouts of Rohrer's body. Mulder has no illusions that his trial is a farce, that the verdict has already been decided, however he
asks AD Skinner to defend him. They realise their only hope is to use the trial to prove the existence of a government conspiracy
involving aliens and that Mulder was at Mount Weather investigating this. AD Skinner calls Scully to testify about being assigned
to the X-files to keep an eye on Mulder. She tells them she is a believer after nine years of investigating. Doggett testifies about his
involvement in the X-files, however his lack of belief in the alien conspiracy does not help, Reyes's testimony is more helpful,

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The X-files Episode Guide Ninth Series

however a lack of concrete proof of a conspiracy works against Mulder, until they locate Marita Covarubias, who was employed by
the conspiracy in her capacity at the UN. However knowing that her testimony will lead to her death at the hands of the conspiracy,
Mulder refuses to let her testify. Meanwhile Gibson Praise, who had been hiding Mulder in Mexico since he left the X-files, travels
to Washington to help defend him. Mulder does not want him to, but AD Skinner allows Gibson to testify. Gibson identifies one of
the tribunal members as an alien replicant. Doggett finally manages to track down Rohrer's body and Scully's autopsy proves that it
is not Rohrer, if Rohrer is not dead then the charges against Mulder are false. However the tribunal finds Mulder guilty and
sentences him to death by lethal injection. AD Skinner and Doggett take matters in to their own hands, springing Mulder from his
cell. To their surprise they are helped off the base by DD Kersh. With Mulder and Scully finally reunited, they head off to New
Mexico in search of the truth. Doggett and Reyes return to Washington to find the X-files have been closed once and for all. Mulder
and Scully arrive at an old Anasazi site searching for a wise man who knows the final truth, which turns out to be the Cigarette
Smoking Man. It was him that sent Mulder the Mount Weather keycard and password, so he would know that the date it set and
there is nothing anyone can do to stop it. Mulder and Scully leave just as black helicopters arrive and destroy the area, killing the
Cigarette Smoking Man. They hide out in a hotel in Roswell, Mulder laments that his work on the X-files was ultimately for nothing
and with the X-files closed their avenues for exposing the truth are limited. Mulder and Scully commit themselves to find a way to
resist and save humanity.

Noteworthy Quote

"You've always said that you want to believe. But believe in what Mulder? If this is the truth that you've been looking for th en what
is left to believe in?"

"I want to believe that the dead are not lost to us. That they speak to us as part of something greater than us-- greater than any
alien force. And if you and I are powerless now, I want to believe that if we listen to what's speaking, it can give us the power to
save ourselves."

"The X-files" TM and © (or copyright) FOX and its related entities. All rights reserved.

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