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The X-files Episode Guide First Series


The X-files Episode Guide UK - - The First Series

X-files Episode Guide UK - The First Series

1X79 Pilot
FBI agent Dana Scully, an instructor at the FBI Academy Quantico for two year since being recruited directly out of medical
school. With her background as a medical doctor with a degree in physics, she is assigned by Section Chief Blevins in the
prescence of a mysterious Cigarette Smoking Man to evaluate the validity of another agent's work. FBI agent Fox 'Spooky'
Mulder is an Oxford educated psychologist, considered one of the best analysts in the Violent Crimes Section and marked for big
things in the FBI following a distinguished stint at Behavioural Science. But agent Mulder has become the 'FBI's most unwanted'
having developed a consuming devotion to an unassigned project outside the Bureau mainstream. The X-files, unexplained cases
that it seems the FBI would rather bury than investigate. Following their introductions in the X-files basement office in
Washington, the two agents travel to Bellefleur Oregon to investigate the death of a high school student Karen Swenson. Her
body bears the same red marks as previous victims found across the US. They discover that a number of Karen Swenson's fellow
students have also been killed. One student Billy Miles' story confirms Mulder belief that they have been abducted and
experimented on by aliens, a theory that Scully with her scientific background finds hard to substantiate, even after an exhumed
coffin reveals non-human remains and an unidentified metallic object found in the nasal cavity.

Noteworthy Quote

Scully: "Time can't just disappear, it's a universal invariant!"

Mulder: "Not in this zip code..."

1X01 Deep Throat

When the wife of a US airforce test pilot Lieutenant Colonel Robert Budahas contacts the bureau about his disappearance
following a psychotic episode, Mulder takes an interest in the case. Even after a mysterious man, dubbed 'Deep Throat' warns him
off the case in Washington. Agents Mulder and Scully travel to Ellens Air Force Base in Idaho to meet Mrs Budahas, who tells
them her husband was a test pilot at Ellens Air Force Base but that she has not seen or heard from him since the airforce took him
away. Her enquiries to the airforce have gone unanswered. As Mulder and Scully investigate, they are hampered by a restricted
airforce base, bent of keeping their operations secret. They theorise that Budahas was involved in Project Aurora, the code name
for the Pentagon's secret testing of sub-orbital spy craft. During a stake out at the base perimiter, they witness unidentified flying
objects performing complex manoeuvring at incredibly speeds. When Robert Budahas is suddenly returned to his wife, albeit
with his memory a little messed up, the agents realise he has been returned to end their investigation of Ellens Air Force Base.
One of the six bases it is reputed that UFO wreckage from the 1947 'Roswell Incident' was taken. Both Mulder and Scully have to
ignore the rule book as they probe into the possibility that the military is testing experimental aircraft built with UFO technology.

Noteworthy Quote

Mulder: "They're here aren't they?"

Deep Throat: "Mr Mulder, they've been here for a long, long time..."

1X02 Squeeze
Agent Scully is approached by a classmate from the FBI academy, Agent Tom Colton to help in his investigation into a spate of
motiveless murders with an unusual MO. In each case there is no clear point of entry and each victim had their liver removed.
Scully requests the participation of her partner despite Tom Colton's discomfort at the inclusion of 'Spooky' Mulder. At the crime
scene, a high security building where businessman George Usher was the apparent latest victim of the killer, Mulder discovers
strange finger prints on an air vent. Prints that he links to a number of old X-files cases with a similar MO, however the X-file
cases took place in 1903, 1933 and 1963. In each case the killer claimed 5 victims and was never caught. Mulder and Scully
attempt to solve the case, Scully using traditional methods stakes out the latest crime scene, a ploy which appears to pay off as
she arrests a man, Eugene Tooms in the air vent system. But Tooms is later released when he passes a polygraph test. Mulder
however using very much more unorthodox methods, manipulates Tooms' finger prints using a computer and matches them to the
prints from the other crime scenes. Leading Mulder to the conclusion that Tooms is a 100 year old genetic mutant who requires
human livers to sustain him during decades of hibernation. A theory that leads to a confrontation with Agent Tom Colton.

Noteworthy Quote

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The X-files Episode Guide First Series

Scully: "It seems like you were acting very territorially"

Mulder: "Of course I was, in our investigations, you may not always agree with me, but at least you respect the journey"

1X03 Conduit
Section Chief Blevins calls in Agent Scully when Mulder petitions the bureau to assign a case number to a newspaper article. In
the article Darlene Morris claims her daughter Ruby was abducted by aliens during a family camping trip in Iowa. Blevins is
concerned that the case is so similar to Mulder's own childhood experience of his sister's abduction that it has affected his
judgement. When Scully questions Mulder on the matter, he explains that the incident took place at Lake Okobogee, a renowned
UFO 'hot spot' and shows Scully an old newspaper article about a UFO sighting by a local girl scout group, one of whom was
Darlene Morris. The two agents travel to Iowa to investigate, they question Darlene who sticks to her story about alien abduction,
despite the local law enforcement offices claim that Ruby is probably on the back of a Harley Davidson somewhere. Only Mulder
believes her story. Prompted by memories of his own sister's abduction, Mulder is drawn to Ruby's brother Kevin, who was
present during the abduction but remembers nothing of the incident. Mulder believes Kevin is the key to the recovery of his sister.
The NSA is also interested in Kevin, after his doodling turns out to be snippets of top secret satellite transmissions. The case
opens up some old wounds in Mulder bringing back memories of his sister's abduction but also reveals his believe that she will
one day be returned to him.

Noteworthy Quote

Tessa: "But they're just fragments, a few notes here, a few notes there, some lines from the Koran, a Shakespearean sonnet"

Mulder: "Almost like someone's switching channels, huh!"

1X04 The Jersey Devil

When a partially eaten homeless man is discovered in the New Jersey Woods, Mulder links it to an old X-files of a similar
incident back in 1947 when a motorist was attacked while changing a flat tire. Police found him dead with his arm gnawed off
and later shot and killed a half man, half beast creature they tracked to a cave. Mulder believes it could be the mythical Jersey
Devil and begins to investigate. With Scully maintaining that the homeless man was attacked by a wild animal and returning to
Washington. Mulder looks in to the case himself, he interviews a local homeless man Jack, who tells him he has seen something
scavenging for food in nearby bins. Mulder stakes out the area that evening and it rewarded when the creature appears, Mulder
gives chase but looses it in the woods, based on what he saw Mulder concludes the creature is a female, forced in to the city for
food. But his efforts are not appreciated by the local Atlanta city law enforcement officials who would prefer to cover things up
so as not to affect the local tourist industry which the city depends on. Local Park Ranger Peter Boulle is more receptive to
Mulder's ideas, having worked in the woods all his life, he has seen some strange things and freely admits he never goes in to the
woods without his firearm anymore. With help from Ranger Boulle and anthropologist Roger Diamond, Mulder and Scully track
the creature but Atlantic city police officers kill it before they can intervene.

Noteworthy Quote

Mulder: "Don't you have a life Scully?"

Scully: "Keep that up, Mulder, and I'll hurt you like that beast woman"

1X05 Shadows
Agents Mulder and Scully are contacted by another government agency for their expertise of strange events. They are shown two
dead men whose bodies are still warm and show signs of electromagnetic activity. Told only that their throats were crushed from
the inside but nothing else about the case, Mulder and Scully can offer no help. After they leave Mulder admits he has seen this
before, in the X-files in cases involving psychokinesis. Mulder managed to secretly lift prints off the two bodies during their
examination. Using these they discover that the two men were members of an Iranian terrorist group found murder in
Philadelphia. At the scene where the bodies were discovered Mulder notices an ATM machine round the corner, on checking the
security footage, they see the two men attack a young woman Lauren Kyte. They question Lauren Kyte, a secretary for HTG
Technologies whose boss Howard Graves recently committed suicide. Lauren claims that the two men attacked her for her pay
check but she broke free and ran off, the agents doubt her story but as they leave their car looses control and crashes. Scully is
convinced that Lauren's accomplice sabotaged the car while they were interviewing Lauren. Especially when a photograph
reveals Lauren's supposedly dead boss Howard Graves in the background. Mulder however believes Howard Graves is protecting
Lauren Kyte from beyond the grave.

Noteworthy Quote

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The X-files Episode Guide First Series

Scully: "You have seen it before, I could tell. You lied to them"

Mulder: "I would never lie. I wilfully participated in a campaign of misinformation"

1X06 Ghost in the Machine

When Benjamin Drake, the CEO of Eurisko is electrocuted in his office washroom, Mulder's old partner from the violent crimes
section Jerry Lamana is given the case. On probation following an incident in Atlanta when he mislaid some evidence that
resulted in a federal judge being disfigured, he knows this case is important to his future at the FBI, so he requests Agent Mulder
and Scully's assistance. Their examination of the crime scene reveals that Drake answered an incoming phone call moments
before he was electrocuted. Evidence of a sophisticated booby trap, but with only a few people with access to the building's
Central Operating System (COS) the list of suspects is small. Top of the list is the Eurisko company founder programmer Brad
Wilczek, who had fought with Drake about the COS system he has been working on. The evidence mounts when Scully uses a
voice analyser on the recording of the phone call Drake received from the talking clock and matches the voice to Wilczek. Agent
Lamana wants to be the one to arrest Wilzcek and follows him to the Eurisko building, only to be killed when the lift he is riding
in drops 29 floors to the ground. Mulder meets with his contact Deep Throat who explains that Wilzcek was working on artificial
intelligence. Mulder becomes convinced that the COS machine at the Eurisko Building is to blame, and enlists the help of
Wilczek to destroy the system before the Defence Department get their hands on the technology.

Noteworthy Quote

Mulder: "They can't just take a man like Brad Wilczek without any explanation.."

Deep Throat: "They can do anything they want."

1X07 Ice
When the Government funded Arctic Ice Core Project's final transmission is a crazed geophysicist saying, "We are not who we
are", Mulder and Scully join the team sent to investigate. Along with geologist Dr. Denny Murphy, physician Doctor Lawrence
Hodge, toxicologist Doctor Nancy Da Silva and their pilot Bear they travel to Icy Cape, Alaska. On arrival at the Arctic base they
discover that the geophysicists all killed themselves or each other. The Ice Core Project's mission was to drill in to the Arctic ice
and extract core samples to analyse Earth's climate all the way back to the dawn of man. Further investigation reveals that there
was a pathogen in the latest ice core samples recovered. It appears that this pathogen got loose among the geophysicists and that it
is capable of inducing a killing frenzy in it's host. When the discovery of an infected dog which attacks the group leads to the
pilot Bear being infected, Scully orders a quarantine to prevent the pathogen spreading. But Bear refuses to stay and has to be
restrained as he attempts to leave, during the scuffle something is seen under his skin, it is surgically extracts and turns out to be
some sort of parasitic worm. The location that the ice core sample came from is traced to a meteor buried deep in the ice
indicating the possibility that the organism is alien in origin. With the possibility that other members of the group could be
infected it soon becomes apparent that the first thing to die is trust.

Noteworthy Quote

Mulder: "It's still there Scully, two hundred thousand year down in the ice!"

Scully: "Leave it there!"

1X08 Space
Mulder and Scully travel to Houston, Texas after being contacted by NASA Scientist Michelle Generoo when evidence emerges
that the space shuttle program is being sabotaged. Michelle shows them an X-ray of the shuttle's Auxiliary Power Unit, that
appears to have been tampered with, although how the value could have been damaged is a mystery. The X-ray itself was sent to
her anonymously. Mulder fulfils his boyhood fantasy when the two agents meet with the Space Shuttle Program Director, former
astronaut Lieutenant Colonel Marcus Aurelius Belt. He assures them that no one is trying to undermined the Space Shuttle
Program, that no one could with the tight security and sophisticated technology NASA employs. However when the next shuttle
mission encounters a technical problem while in orbit Michelle, who's husband is one of the astronauts on the shuttle, again calls
on Mulder and Scully for help. The technical problem is over come thanks to some quick thinking by Lt Col Belt, but it appears
that he may hold the key to the case. He is haunted by an alien image of something he saw in space 20 years earlier. Something
that cohabits his body and may be responsible for the sabotage. When it is discovered that the X-ray that Michelle was sent was
ordered by Lt Col Belt, Scully concludes that Belt is responsible. But as the lives of the space shuttle crew hang in the balance,
Belt has to struggle with the force inside him.

Noteworthy Quote

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The X-files Episode Guide First Series

"You know Scully, we send those men up in to space to unlock the doors of the universe, and we don't even know whats behind

1X09 Fallen Angel

Mulder receives a tip off from his contact Deep Throat about a government quarantine in Townsend, Wisconsin due to a toxic
chemical spill in the area. Deep Throat however claims it is really a UFO crash site and that Mulder has roughly 24 hours before
the airforce's reclamation group removes all the evidence. Mulder rushes to the area and manages to photograph the crash site but
is apprehended and put in a cell where he meets a ufologist, Max Fenig who mistakes Mulder for a fellow UFO enthusiast. Scully
arrives to take Mulder back to Washington, Section Chief McGrath aware of Mulder's conduct has scheduled a hearing, he wants
to fire Mulder and close down the X-files. Mulder persuade Scully to help him investigate the government cover-up in hope of
finding evidence of the UFO crash to save himself and the X-files. At the hotel they find Max ransacking Mulder's room, it turns
out Max recognised Mulder from his photograph in a trade magazine and has been following their work on the X-files. Max a
member of the National Investigative Committee of Aerial Phenomena (NICAP) travels the country investigating UFO sightings,
but there maybe another reason for his UFO fascination. Mulder witnesses Max having a seizure and while helping him notices
marks on his neck that are text book abduction scarring. Mulder believes that Max is a multiple abductee and that his presence in
the area at the time of the UFO crash is no coincidence.

Noteworthy Quote

Supervisor:"Where is it?"

Miss Koretz:"Well sir, the meteor seems to be hovering over a small town in eastern Wisconsin"

1X10 Eve
When 8 year old Teena Simmons is witness to the exsanguination of her father in Greenwich, Connecticut. Mulder believes it is
the work of extraterrestrials, stepping up their activity from cattle mutilations to humans. A theory that appears to be backed by
Teena's memory of 'men from the clouds'. But when it is discovered that an identical incident occurred at the same time in Marin
County, California, Mulder begins to doubt alien involvement. They meet 8 year old Cindy Reardon, who witnessed her own
father's exsanguination and are surprised at her uncanny resemblance to Teena. They question Ellen, Cindy's mum about whether
or not Cindy is an only child. She explains that Cindy was the product of in-vitro fertilisation at a clinic in San Francisco. When it
turns out that Teena's mother underwent treatment at the same clinic, Scully goes to investigate it's involvement. Mulder is
contacted by Deep Throat who tells him about a 40 year old secret government run eugenics program called the 'Litchfield
Experiment'. There were eight boys and eight girls called Adams and Eves, each with extra chromosomes for heightened strength
and intelligence. But an unwanted side affect of heightened psychosis ultimately doomed the experiment and lead to the deaths of
all but 3 of the Eves. Scully's trip to the fertility clinic indicates that one of the Eve's has carried on the 'Litchfield Experiment'
and that Cindy and Teena are the product. But there is more to the girls than meets the eye.

Noteworthy Quote

Scully: "Do you suppose the girls have any idea of what they are?"

Mulder: "I hope not!"

1X11 Fire
Inspector Phoebe Green of Scotland Yard contacts Mulder and Scully for assistance in the protection of a British diplomat, Sir
Marsden in the US with his family following a foiled assassination attempt. Phoebe, a girlfriend of Mulder's while he was at
Oxford explains that there has been a series of British aristocrats burned to death by an unknown assailant. Mulder tells Scully
that he is afraid of fire and Phoebe knows it, that this is the sort of 'mind game' she likes to play. In order to spare Scully the
ordeal Mulder decides to help Phoebe on his own. A move that causes resentment in an already jealous Scully. Following a fire in
a local bar in which a witness claims that a man with a British accent caught fire, although no body is found in the ashes, Mulder
formulates a theory that the man has the ability to control fire, that he has been using this ability to kill. When a fire breaks out in
a hotel where the Marsdens are attending a party that traps their children upstairs, Mulder is overcome as he tries to rescue them,
although the children are still saved, by the Marsden's caretaker Bob much to the their delight. However Scully working on the
case herself manages to match a name Cecil L'Ively from a list of people the previous victim's employed. Records show L'Ively
has recently been issued a US visa. When Scully gets a description of the man, she realises that he is the Marsden's caretaker Bob.
But can Mulder overcome his fear of fire in time to foil L'Ively's plan.

Noteworthy Quote

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Scully: "Wow, I forgot what it was like to spend a day in court."

Mulder: "That's one of the luxuries to hunting down aliens and genetic rarely get to press charges!"

1X12 Beyond the Sea

Agent Scully wakes in the middle of the night to the image of her father in the room with her. Then the phone rings, it is her
mother with bad news her father has passed away! A young couple are kidnapped near Jackson University a year to the day after
another couple were kidnapped and later found tortured and dead. Mulder is a little surprise to see Scully back at work, but she
assures him she is fine and needs something to keep her mind off her father's death. Mulder tells her that he has been contacted
because convicted serial killer Luther Boggs, who is scheduled for execution the following week, claims to have acquired psychic
ability while in prison. Boggs is prepared to use his ability to save the two missing college students in return for a reprieve from
the gas chamber. Mulder whose profile helped to capture Boggs in the first place, is sceptical of his claims. Scully, coming to
terms with her father's death, has difficulty deciding what is truth and what is not, especially when Boggs appears to know so
much about her and her father and even claims to have a message from her father. Even when details provided by Boggs lead
Scully to an abandoned building where she discovers evidence of the couple being held there, Mulder is sceptical of Boggs'
ability, he believes that Boggs is in contact with the kidnapper. Scully can not decide if Boggs is for real or not, but she is
prepared to go along with Boggs in order to save the kidnapped couple before it is too late.

Noteworthy Quote

Scully: "Luther, if you were psychic..."

Boggs: "I'd have known you lied, that there was no deal. I know you tried."

1X13 GenderBender
Mulder and Scully travel to Germantown, Maryland to investigate the latest in a spate of serial sex killings of both male and
female victims. All of the victims were found dead with high levels of pheromones in their bodies following a sexual encounter.
When security camera footage of the latest victim shows him arriving home with a woman and sometime later a man leaving the
apartment, Scully suspects they are dealing with a transvestite. Mulder believes they are looking for the ultimate sex machine,
that has the ability to change sex. A substance found at the murder scene is traced to a small town in Massachusetts, where an
Amish-like community called the Kindred live. Mulder and Scully go to investigate this reclusive religious group and after
surrendering their weapons are invited to dine with the sect members. During the meal they question the Kindred about the
murders, they claim no interest in the affairs of the outside world. When one of the older members begins choking Scully
attempts to help him but is forbidden to do so. That evening Mulder and Scully carry out their own clandestine surveillance
during which Mulder witnesses the man who was choking at dinner lying in an underground catacomb apparently changing sex.
Meanwhile Scully is approached by Brother Andrew who tells her that another member Brother Martin was seduced by the world
and left the sect, that he is responsible for the murders. But the Kindred are hiding an even bigger secret.

Noteworthy Quote

Scully: "I don't understand, how can they just disappear, they have no means of transportation"

Mulder: "No earthly means of transportation"

1X14 Lazarus
Scully joins fellow Agent Jack Willis, a former lover of her's at the FBI Academy, in a stake out at the Marine Bank in Maryland
following an anonymous tip off about a robbery. Willis has been on the trail of two bank robbers, Warren and Lula Dupree for
over a year. During the robbery attempt Willis is shot along with one of the perpetrators Warren Dupree, they are both rushed to
the ER. Dupree is DOA but Willis is worked on for 13 minutes and survives. However following the mutilation of Dupree's body
to remove his wedding ring and with Agent Willis acting out of character including suddenly becoming left handed Mulder
begins to suspect that a 'soul transference' has taken place, that Willis has been possessed by Dupree's spirit. Scully dismisses
Mulder's concerns attributing Willis' odd behaviour to Post Traumatic Stress. Willis is concerned with arresting the other bank
robber Dupree's wife Lula and asks Scully to help him, but when they manage to track her down Willis instead takes Scully
hostage. Willis tries desperately to convince Lula that he is really Dupree, that Willis died in the ER and Dupree entered his body.
He even knows intimate details about Lula that only her husband would know. Scully tries to get Willis to remember their love
affair in an attempt to snap him back to reality, she believes that Willis has been thinking like Dupree for over a year trying to
catch him and that is the reason for his current behaviour.

Noteworthy Quote

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Mulder: "Two men died in that crash room Scully, one man came back. The question is which one?"

1X15 Young at Heart

Mulder and Scully are asked to join the investigation in to a series of violent bank robberies by Mulder's former boss Agent
Reggie Purdue. Following a jewellery store robbery a note is found at the scene that reads, 'Fox can't guard the chicken coop'. A
reminder of Mulder's first case just after he graduated the FBI Academy. Working for the Violent Crimes section he helped in the
capture of John Barnett who carried out a series of violent bank robberies and left notes for Mulder at the crimes scenes. During
Barnett's arrest Mulder following FBI protocol hesitated and another agent died as a result. Barnett who vowed to 'get' Mulder
was sentenced to life but died in prison in 1989. When a handwriting expert examines the latest note, he concludes it was written
by Barnett recently. Mulder interviews Barnett's cellmate Joe Crandall, who swears that he saw Barnett alive on the night he
supposedly died. When the prison doctor Dr Ridley who signed Barnett's death certificate turns out to have lost his license for
using his research into the child disease Progeria, premature ageing, to conduct age-reversal experiments. Mulder speculates that
Barnett may have been one of Ridley's guinea pigs and could have the perfect disguise, youth. Mulder is contacted by Deep
Throat who explains that the government funded Ridley's age reversal experiments and now that Barnett has stolen his work, the
government is bargaining with him to get their hands on the information in return for his immunity.

Noteworthy Quote

Agent Purdue: "You let a lot of people down here in the bureau, they had big plans for you. A lot of people are saying that Spooky
Mulder has become an embarrassment, a liability!"

1X16 E.B.E.
When a truck driver, Ranheim reports firing at a UFO in Reagan, Tennessee, Mulder and Scully travel there to investigate. They
interview Ranheim about the incident, Scully recognises that he is suffering from the symptoms of Gulf War Syndrome. Although
Ranheim denies ever being in the Gulf, he also changes his story then the local sheriff ends the interview and releases him.
Suspicious Mulder takes Scully to meet a three man government watch dog called 'The Lone Gunman', Scully finds them even
more paranoid than Mulder! When Scully discovers that Ranheim is really Frank Druce, a former Special Operations officer in
the Gulf, Mulder turns to his contact Deep Throat for some answers. Deep Throat tells Mulder that a UFO was shot down in Iraq
a few days earlier and that Ranheim is transporting wreckage and a live Extraterrestrial Biological Entity recovered from the
crash scene. Deep Throat gives Mulder photographic evidence that points to the E.B.E. being held at Fort Benning in Georgia.
But Scully doubts the photo's authenticity prompting Mulder to get the photo analysed, it turns out to be a fake. Mulder realises
that Deep Throat has deliberately lead him astray. Mulder confronts Deep Throat who admits lying to Mulder to mislead him as
he was getting too close to the truth. That some truths the public is not ready for. Deep Throat tells him that one of the reasons he
has aided Mulder in his work on the X-files is to atone for his part in these government secrets.

Noteworthy Quote

Langly: "Yea, UFOs caused the Gulf war syndrome, that's a good one"

Byers: "That's what we like about you Mulder. Your ideas are weirder than ours"

1X17 Miracle Man

Sheriff Daniels of Kenwood, Tennessee requests Mulder and Scully's assistance following the deaths of a number of people
touched by a local faith healer. Reverand Calvin Hartley is a local preacher who runs the Miracle Ministry, his adopted son
Samuel is a faith healer who cures the sick during the services. Sheriff Daniels believes that Samuel possesses a 'touch of death'
and is responsible for the deaths. The agents interview Reverend Hartley who refutes any complicity in the recent deaths, he
defends Samuel's healing abilities. Samuel is involved in a bar brawl and arrested, Sheriff Daniels charges him with suspicion of
murder. Even Samuel believes he is responsible, that he has sinned and so God has polluted his 'gift'. He pleads with the judge to
keep him in prison so he will not have to heal anyone else, but the judge releases him on bail. Mulder and Scully interview
Samuel, who is resigned to the fact that his gift of healing has been taken from him. Following the interview Mulder is plagued
by visions of his long lost sister Samantha which begins to affect his behaviour and alarms Scully. After the death of Multiple
Sclerosis suffer, Margaret Hohman while being healed by Samuel during a service. All evidence points to Samuel being
responsible, he is arrested and later found beaten to death in his cell. But when an autopsy on Margaret Hohman reveals she was
poisoned, suspicion falls on Leonard Vance, a badly burned fire victim resurrected by Samuel ten years before.

Noteworthy Quote

Mulder to Sheriff Daniels: "People want to believe, you know."

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1X18 Shapes
Browning, Montana. Following a number of attacks on their cattle, rancher Jim Parker shoots a wild animal after it attacked his
son Lyle. However when he examines the animal closer he discovers the body of a Native American man, Joseph Goodensnake.
Mulder and Scully discover physical evidence from the scene, tracks that change from animal to human foot prints and a scrap of
shredded skin. Mulder is quick to suggest Lycanthrophy, the very phenomenon which opened the very first X-file in 1946. Scully
is quick to rebut him, with the Parker's in dispute with local Native Americans over land rights there may be a more conventional
explanation to the case. Mulder and Scully travel to the Trego Indian Reservation where they meet Sheriff Charlie Tskany, who
shows them Goodensnakes' body. During the examination Mulder notices that Goodensnakes' front teeth are elongated like an
animals. Sheriff Tskany denies Scully's request for an autopsy as it would be in violation of Native American burial rites. When
Jim Parker is killed in an animal attack suspicion falls on Goodensnakes' sister, Gwen missing since the attack. However Mulder
interviews an elderly Native American man Ish, who tells him about the Native American legend of the Manitou. A mythical
spirit with the power to turn men into beasts. If Joseph Goodensnake was affected then his sister Gwen could also be a

Noteworthy Quote

Mulder: "These man-animal related murders predate the oldest X-file by one hundred and fifty years"

1X19 Darkness Falls

When thirty loggers disappear in Washington state whilst clearing trees in a remote forest. Mulder pulls some strings to get
assigned to the case, which mirrors a similar X-files case back in 1934 when a group of loggers disappeared without a trace.
Mulder and Scully are joined by Larry Moore from the Federal Forest Service and Steve Humphreys a representative of the
lumber company. They uncover evidence that the loggers have been victimised by a group of ecoterrorists, militant
environmentalists who sabotage lumber company equipment in retaliation for what they are doing to America's forests. When
their jeep falls victim to traps laid by the ecoterrorists, they have to continue on foot. On arrival at the loggers base of operation
they catch one of the ecoterrorists, Doug Spinney looking for gasoline. He tries to warn them that there is a swarm of insects that
come out at night and attack people. Humphreys believes the story is a fabrication to explain the loggers disappearance and
pleads with Moore to arrest Spinney, when Moore declines Humphreys leaves the group to hike back to the jeep but is attacked
by the insects. The group discovers evidence of the insects in a core sample from a large tree felled in the forest. And conclude
that the insects are hundreds of year old, trapped in the tree and released when the loggers cut down the tree. As night closes in
and with the generator running low on fuel they soon discover that you should be afraid of the dark.

Noteworthy Quote

Scully: "You think these mites are what killed the men?"

Spinney: "Maybe they've been lying there dormant for hundreds of years. Maybe they woke up hungry!"

1X20 Tooms
Agent Scully reports to Assistant Director Skinner and the mysterious Cigarette Smoking Man, who tell her that the X-files cases
must be investigated using proper FBI procedures. Scully tells them that the very nature of the X-files warrants the use of
unorthodox means of investigation. Meanwhile a psychiatric board convenes a parole hearing for mutant killer Eugene Tooms,
Mulder testifies at the hearing to tell them how dangerous Tooms is. But the board members question Mulder's credibility when
he tells them Toom's murder spree spans 100 years, and released Tooms back in to the community. Mulder is sure that Tooms
will attempt to get his fifth and final liver as soon as possible and then go in to a thirty year hibernation. He carries out his own
unauthorised surveillance of Tooms. Meanwhile Scully joins retired detective Frank Briggs, who investigated the previous
murders in 1933 and 1963 in an attempt to find evidence to prove Tooms is responsible. Mulder's foils Tooms' attempt to kill a
man in his house. But Tooms uses his ability to manipulate his body to fake wounds and goes to the police. Mulder is charged
with assaulting Tooms, but Scully vouches for his innocents and Mulder is released but told to stay away from Tooms. Scully's
investigation has been more successful, she managed to match Tooms' dental records to a bite mark found on a 1933 victim's
ribcage. But can they arrest Tooms before he gets his final liver and goes in to hibernation.

Noteworthy Quote

"They're out to put an end to the X-files, I don't know why but any excuse will do. Now I don't really care about my record, but
you'd be in trouble just sitting in this car. And I'd hate to see you carry an official repremand in your career file becau se of me."

Scully: "Mulder, I wouldn't put myself on the line for anybody but you!"

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The X-files Episode Guide First Series

1X21 Born Again

When New York Detective Barbala is thrown through a second story window to his death, the only person in the room is an eight
year old girl, Michelle Bishop. She claims to have seen another man in the room, the description she gives matches Charlie
Morris, a policeman who was murder by Triads nine years before. Judy Bishop, Michelle's mother tells them that Michelle is
disturbed and under psychiatric care. Mulder and Scully question Tony Fiore, Charlie Morris' former partner, he is not very
helpful and acts nervous. When Mulder and Scully leave he telephones a former policeman Len Felder and tells him about the
FBI agents visit, they along with Barbala were involved in Charlie Morris' death and the cover up that followed. Later that night
as Len Felder gets off a bus, the door closes trapping his scarf and he is dragged to his death. Sitting on the bus a few seats back
is Michelle. Mulder and Scully find it more than a coincidence that Michelle was witness at two deaths in as many days. As they
investigate they discover that Barbala, Felder, Fiore and Charlie Morris were involved in a drug deal shortly before Charlie
Morris was murdered. Mulder also interviews Michelle's psychiatrist and discovers that Michelle mutilates dolls with the exact
wounds that Charlie Morris had when he died. Mulder believes that Michelle is the reincarnation of Charlie Morris and holds the
key to the solution not only of the current case but also a nine year old murder case.

Noteworthy Quote

Mulder to Scully: "Well why is it still so hard for you to believe, even when all the evidence suggests extraordinary phenomena."

1X22 Roland
Mulder and Scully investigate the death of Dr Ronald Surnow, a member of a jet propulsion research team at the Mahan
Propulsion Lab, Washington working on an engine capable of Mach 15. Dr Surnow was trapped in the wind tunnel and sucked in
to the engine. He was the second member of the research team to die following the death of Dr Athur Grable in a car crash 6
months before. At the time of Dr Surnow's accident a mentally challenged maintenance worker called Roland Fuller was the only
other person in the building. Mulder and Scully question Roland about the incident. Mulder is intrigued by Roland's ability to
manipulate complex numbers, he compares Roland's handwriting to the complex equation on the blackboard in the lab, but they
do no match. Scully is ready to dismiss Roland as a suspect due to the advanced theoretical work found at the scene. But when
another member of the research team Dr Keats is killed by being immersed in liquid nitrogen, the agents discover evidence in
computer files that show someone is continuing Dr Arthur Grable's work. Their investigation of Dr Grable uncovers two
interesting facts, that Grable's head was cryogenically frozen after his death and stored in the lab and that Roland Fuller is his
twin brother. This leads Mulder to conclude that Dr Grable may have a psychic link to Roland and is directing his actions, to
complete his work on the engine and kill off the other scientists who threaten it.

Noteworthy Quote

"This is the work of Arthur Grable, Roland's brother. It's a new theory of jet propulsion unfinished at the time of his death. In the
last two weeks Roland has completed the calculations!"

1X23 The Erlenmeyer Flask

Mulder receives a phone call from Deep Throat telling him to turn on Channel 8, there is a police chase in progress which ends
when the fugitive is shot and plunges in to a lake. But photographic evidence from the scene shows that the car the fugitive was
driving had been switched. Mulder and Scully trace the original car to a Dr Berube, but he is reluctant to co-operate. With
nothing to go on Mulder is ready to give up, when Deep Throat contacts him again and tells him he has never been closer to the
truth. Meanwhile Dr Berube is found dead in his lab, Mulder recovers a flask of liquid labeled 'Purity Control' which Scully takes
to be analysed. The contents are identified as bacteria that is extraterrestrial in origin. Mulder following another lead discovers a
warehouse full of bodies suspending in green liquid, however when he later returns with Scully the warehouse is empty. Deep
Throat contacts Mulder and explains that Dr Berube was running a government funded project using alien DNA in gene therapy.
Using terminally ill patients as guinea pigs. The fugitive on the TV, Dr Secare was one of his patients. He also tells Mulder that a
government black squad is working against them. As witnesses begin to die and the evidence is systematically destroyed, Mulder
and Scully have to push the official limits and risk everything, including the X-files in an attempt to expose the truth. And
Mulder's contact Deep Throat pays the ultimate price.

Noteworthy Quote

Deep Throat's dying words: "TRUST NO ONE"

"The X-files" TM and © (or copyright) FOX and its related entities. All rights reserved .

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