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ASME Secion IX, Ediion 2015:

Welding Procedures and Welders Qualificaion

Training Duraion: 14 hours total (2 days x 7 hours)

(Cerificate of Atendance will be provided)

In the pressure vessel, piping, pipeline, chemical and oil, and gas industries, the ASME Secion IX Welding
and Brazing Code is the usual reference for welding procedures and welder qualificaion requirements.
This training will cover the welding secion of the ASME Secion IX Code, including relevant details, for
wriing and qualifying welding procedures and for the welders qualificaion test.

This course targets those who are interested in acquiring a beter understanding of welding variables,
their importance from a metallurgical point of view, and their impact on weld execuion. This includes
inspectors, engineers, supervisors, and professionals involved with pressure components and piping
welding. The goal of this course is to be able to understand, write, and qualify for WPS/PQR and WPQ.
Upon compleion of this course, the paricipants will be able to:
Read and understand a welding procedure (WPS) and the welder qualificaion form (PQR).
Understand the requirements of the ASME secion IX 2015.
Write a welding procedure and welding procedure qualificaion record, considering the essenial
and supplementary essenial variables and including specifics project requirements.
Understand and write a welders qualificaion form (WPQ).
Understand and consider the requirements of addiional codes.

Welding supervisors

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ASME Secion IX, Ediion 2015:
Welding Procedures and Welders Qualificaion

PROGRAM (2 Days)
NOTE: The brazing (QB) and plasic fusion (QF) secions are not covered in this course.

1. ASME Secion IX descripion and relaion with other related codes:

a. ASME (Secions I, IV, VIII, B31.1, and B31.3)
b. Alberta regulaions, CSA B51
c. Other codes and standards, API, etc.

2. General secion QG of ASME Secion IX

3. ASME Secion IX Secion QW

a. Relaion with other ASME codes:
i. ASME Secion VIII Div 1
ii. ASME Secion IIC (Filler metal specificaions and properies)
iii. ASME Secion IID (Base metal properies)
iv. ASME B31.3
v. NBIC NB-23
vi. Other
b. Aricle I QW-1xx, Welding general requirements
c. Aricle II QW-2xx, Welding procedure qualificaion
d. Aricle III QW-3xx, Welders performance qualificaion
e. Aricle IV QW-4xx, Welding data
f. Aricle V QW-5xx, Standard welding procedures specificaions

The training will alternate between theoreical presentaions and exercises to be performed by the
It is highly recommended that paricipants bring with them the ASME secion IX 2015 Code to beter follow
the training as well as any materials necessary to complete the exercises (pen, notepad, etc.)

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