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TASK 1: (26/6)

The given diagram demonstrate how sugar is produced from the sugar cane plant.

Overall, it can be seen that there are seven stages to manufacturing sugar and sugar cane has
to go through a lot of different machines from the beginning until the final process.

First of all, sugar cane which has grown between 12 to 18 months and then the harvesting
process is carried out either mechanically or manually. After that, sugar cane is crushed by a
crushing machine to extract freshly squeezed juice.

Following this, the sugarcane juice is purified by a limestone filter. Subsequently, a large pot
called the evaporator is used to heat up the juice until it becomes syrup. In the next step, the
syrup is processed by a centrifuge machine in order to separate sugar crystals from the syrup.
Finally, natural sugar products is achieved after drying and cooling the crystals and stored in
large container ready to be packaged and consumed.

TASK 1: (19/6)
The provided maps demonstrate the changing floor plan of the public library from 20 years ago
compared with the condition nowadays.

Overall, what stands out from the map is that its functions have changed needs and

20 years ago, there was a CDs, videos, computer games room and a reading place for
newspapers and magazinesin the top left hand and in the bottomn left hand corners,
respectively. The former has been converted into children’s fiction district and a place for
storytelling events with two sofas,while the latter becomes a computer field. At the hall
between the two rooms, where people used to read adult fiction books, they have been
created a new area for all reference books.

In addition, at the right upper of the library which used to be children’s books, however, it was
replaced with a room for lecturing. And on the right of the entrance which was an enquiry desk
where contains tickets and book returns, then, it was demolished to make a new way for a
coffee shop. Moreover, an adult non-fiction publication, it located at the corridor was replaced
with adult fiction books and an information desk as well as self-service machines in order to
attend people.

TASK 1: (12/6)
The provided diagram demonstrates three diverse places including A,B and C for establishing a
new hypermarket in a city called Pellington.
Overall, the main distinction between the planned sites is that B and C are in the rural area
while A is located in the city.
Each supermarket has its own advantages and disadvantages according to its location. Starting
with the first location A, it was close to the residential region in the city’s center and the
western industrial zone, traffic-free zone, parks so the planned A has a poentially large of
consumers. Moreover, Hanford, a town in the region’s northern-west which is only 15 km from
there and has a population of 30,000, can attract customers to the hypermarket. However, a
park and a traffic zone in the middle may make it difficult for visitors to park their cars.

In addtion, the second B lies in the countryside to the northern-east of the city. Despite a
motorway connecting to the residential area and two industrial zones, it is considerably far
away from them. The remaining place C is located in the southern countryside and has many
benefits from being surrounded by a residential zone, industrial area. Besides, a railway that
connects the two industrial zones passes through sites A and C. In the bottom left-hand corner,
an airport doesn’t affect the 3 sites.

TASK 2: (26/6)
In recent years, going on foreign holidays has become easier and more affordable. Moreover,
countries tend to open their door and welcome tourists more than ever. This trend would
create certain benefits but there will also be some drawbacks.

On the one hand, I believe that the upward trend of international travel has two major
drawbacks. The main shortcoming is that overtourism may increase the number of littering on
population destinations, such as plastic bags, bottles and packaging, has negatively impacted
the environment and detracted from the urban beauty. Secondly, if countries open their doors
to welcome more tourists, the changes of the expansion as well as upgrades of the facility will
increase. Consequently, the marine animals are threatened the lives of them, pushing some
species to the brink of extinction. However, these disadvantages only happen if we do not know
how to manage them. The government should impose the appropriate penalty for littering as
well as illegal construction that affects the environment and the loss of animal life.

On the other hand, jumped travellers can be beneficial to a country and our society in many
different ways. It has caused the economic situations of countries to be improved by growing
their revenue and can also make a significant contribution to invest in protection activities.
Beyond that, this tendency has provided many opportunities for the pupils who have a goal to
promote themselves by studying abroad. Thanks to, the direct contact between people from
various cultures can foster understanding and appreciation for different ways of life.

In conclusion, international travel could bring certain benefits, but its nagative consequences
should not be overlooked. I strongly believe that the advantages are more significant since the
development and awareness of human

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