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«nana: Hera owm Period: NOVA: Hunting the Elements d Pad 1: Basie Chemistry Blank Periodic Table Fillin the parts of this periodic table covered by the documentary. i noble metrbe & Mendeleow wave pse P ss en tel hurr Gold “Au ind 7 hue 1 St Spero” a. Protons: 7 b. Neutrons: //B ©. Electrons: 79 Write the number of subatomic particles in go 2. Give one property of gold. high density , malleable, elechreel cam duchaly 3 3. How much gold isin one ton of the mined rock? tee 44. low much is each truckload of ore worth, once the gold is extracted? F 720 000 5. What determines how reactive an element is? = ability +b gine up /frbe on elechomr ~ 6. Write and color code the noble metals Sa the blank period table. ructhencum , chodinm, petladeum , silver , 05min senator | platinum, gold — somahivo He Pr herlar—- Why igold wo heey? 4 high densihy Hresistat te ordain & Grok Corre Sim Copper {cu yy sual precious dium 8. Write the number of subatomic particles in copper: a ty a. Protons: 27 b Newtons! 25 ec. Electrons: 29 9. uantreruasetegp nfhashaedire Wie, pllmntor* elechamies , yeniery—, coofzwoe , roofs matenell 10. Give one property of copper. : 4 Corda chinhy duch lity wnalleebilchy, antibietene€ The Alloy 11, What alloy oes tin make when mixed with copper? lest pra pete) Ct bam ze i test cles 12. How ae stoms arrange in pure meas? = Orde, ros 9 (utrns (own Getusstetere f— geal ee / bronze prduces He lashry. Any € addy Sa nesinets Cx cline , mabes fhe allo hartley D-s00 ebyie ct Belt mobs © Electron Microscope Stes to replicate the power ofan 100,000,000 15. Why is the microscope wrapped in acoustic blanks? absorb 5 flict Srunel 16, What part of the atom is actualy visible under the miroseope? . outer baadtey alin (ceokeas alin 1 0,000X 17, What do protons determine about an element? Pinel delermine identiby of elemate 18, What is the number of proton called? atomec numbe— 19, Label the stomic number, syinbul, and atorle mass of ealeium below: 14, How much would you have to zoom in ona map ofthe U @o electron microscope? 3} abi numba Ca bol. ro 08] atomic mass Grose number 20. Give an example ofa eal object made frm each ofthe following elements: a Cat bene, hell mil b. Bismuth Sfemach- medicthe- © Bromine— Sola 21, What is a family of elements? grup /eolumn «nr perodve— teble- 22, Where did the noble gases get their name? dom F combine mith other elements 23. What do electrons determine? reachihy~ 24, How many electrons ean fill each ofthe orbital levels in the diagram below? CY video seus ie , Chlorine 201 ie 25. Give the number a atomic partes in chlorine: a. Prowons— 1 Neutrons /B. ©. Electrons— 1% 2 cain wt (Gn) ve yoni aoe) 27, Why do alkali metals and halogens Feact sO'rongly with other elements? want fy ose e want gain e— 28. What do sodium and chlorine make when combined? NaCl 29. Compare the properties of each ofthe following: Sodium (Na) ‘Chlorine (Cl) | _ Sodium Chloride (NaCl) State of Matter solid gas Reactive or Stable reacte reacfve (ED Sor Practical Use Poe bs Zisinfegts bf » Ongen-0 so.wrarisanror férliliza~ bombs 1995 ®@ Aocblbs 31. Wat mepette nto te em hlebymn oth Fede le Fao ire — diffleet olemets @ouje 32. This isthe chemical reaction of the ANFO explosion, i heat eae al astion ofthe ANFO explosion. Explain what appens rng this reation to a ampaeebe Or 2° C+NHNO; 91,0 +N) +0, Gee releases % ay 33. Wt the chen equation ote burning cand, bash ee combushon rons hho +0, —> C0, Hao Cod. hepicalin’ 434. Write h&Gemical equation forthe fomation of rast. - all,sare Bupt onde @ 2fe +o, » ZRO Zip! 3°35. Compare the speed and earned 5 amr the speed an explosive fore of gunpowder, emulsion ge: and C, Which the fastest? 7 otygar reletively slow Tal of Huse Am eacpiny aning ue pore mi hog 9 wey a ~ fpste Tham speed Yh bund CH Cfashst) bums fast eomagh th cut steel 3 OM A,C — combine ertreme eh, - peleases Augh atk 4 ener NOVA: Hunting the Elements Part 2: Chemistry of Life, Rare Earth Elemeats, and Radioactivity Elements of Life > 1. Liste scat common elements off common cit tare und i and nigra property oil get -] Tioearname | | Common die | tmporan Prone ‘] yt = can form fon qi cell carton | | ICharcoel fat ithe, iby 1 hy deager inane Tightestatom inunivene © gi] nitrogen Pech lier ° ysl ey ger ale Pe ig| phosphorus unre ~ jegifot fe > oot |__* sulfuc | _ malehes 5 ie) en excessive trace el are! rom the oy Ve iad ogeromgen sperliuiare \e “cam get cramps athe ar 3. Deseribe a body imei rps that tlizes each of thes tree elements % a caleiun Lare dene y be tron OKYAEA UB (Cirn im Lemeghbx) 6 Poms Reroute Aigo, 6 Ze Ener Meda bOIIS peorys evap — encnyy melebilesm . 7 & £ Sodium— FEPOUS Sysiem funtion zAbye Yellen/s frre ‘4. What conditions did the earliest bacteria need for energy production? @ 5. What cyanobacteria se fr enry produsion? Wha othe eles as wast? Nights water oxygen bhelyegn 6. Inthe ers pi clletd fom Yellowstone which ayer isthe yenobacei? Aneto Geyer ~ 2 it has HY best crwice Of Survival fortlcthine light Origin of the Elements Me ach Coy. 7. Wins the ogi ofhyrogn, the smal element? made by the ig bang 8. Desert th roses of fson and ow it proces lium, Pouss Hat bree too H alms fo merge tofoomhelian. "fuming mass i” 9. What happens wen at rine ow onhyogen fc? TE enegy a Fuse He mobirg Lager (inne) elements up te Fe. - 10. What is created in supernova explosion? Collapse Clements heavier Hon (are creole Silicon and-Glass : So00yrs of glass melas fony / baie: 12, Whats added to Gorilla Glas to mace it stronger than normal las? ee schist |[pofmssioun | aluminum (Yuds Siva porkdes ey aelals fa Fie dass to wale tS roger stt}poP (1. Whatelements i sand made of? on Silicon + oxyger Rare Earth Elements em USe (Cobaforma) Of 1B, Where do most ofthe ras cah elements come fom? , Ben 987. fom Chire but Chinese Oa limits exports. NL C 16 How eth iene cath elements chemi sini? magne 3 J fom — identfl ederctectm shells 15. What elements ate rare earth magaets usually made of? nO, bor made tm the Leb 9 16. Why ae rare earth elesents in sh shor supply? hard ty 5% ; win chard be spew col Chita limits experts, 17, How do sharks react to rare earth metals? Sharlo ace repellect by sheng magnets — hon bm i te voce ef 18, Describe the following parts of the lemon shark experiment: ve pel Independent Vaiable— metre use wit book oa mmo vente. rechin of hark (ade) fro Op. trpeinentl Camp cemeniem thar "AB id. roe, ontolGrup~ [ead thunor = eaten Contot Group ead the fart Carbon Isotopes 19, What isthe diferece between the compositions ofthese carbon isotopes? > Protons a ‘eatrons [Carbon-t2 6 | 6 6 Carbon-i3 b ro é Fr Carboo-14 é é [8 20. What happens to Carbon ve tine? Vfeceys ble at's unstelate BG niboger 21, Deine aioctve wt: Cfirne fo decay) Codon |L stags | same - ar 4 Ut dacs - [ke cooyrs oth 22. Based on carbon dating, how ong ago did the wee de fe Twirg ig hag XE g [Boy age free devel “sibaagees + Nuclear Radiation 2. Give te munberof sbi parics ia unsiume 8 Prim Ge 2b new, Neutrons \4e ©. Bleetrons~99- 241ow stented ance of wes Pah rho cha 25, Mh omen sed os ff he “Lil Boy" bom? 14S) U-235. Gam) Couseclin WME ageaist 26 Wat cemented se fhe Fat Ma” toi © Pe — 180 Plutonium « 27, The scientists at Lawrence Livermore Lab have been able o produce 6 new, synthetic elements, Why isn’t there yet a practical se for these elements? bnew elemets ox cyclen — gg alrnesk ctor ! pot Brack: 1 SO iaivas oe

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