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Word Processing


Create different types of document using templates………………………………01

Document save, close and open……………………………………………………………..02
Adjust word processor settings………………………………………………………………03
Make text processing operations……………………………………………………………04
Format text, Paragraph and document…………………………………………………..05
Create and format table…………………………………………………………………………06
Add objects and special formattings………………………………………………………07
Create links……………………………………………………………………………………………08
Create mail merge…………………………………………………………………………………09
Find and replace text…………………………………………………………………………….10
Create templates / cover pages…………………………………………………………….11
Draw Graphics / auto text…………………………………………………………………….12
Create table of content / table of figures………………………………………………13
Print a word document / envelops / label…………………………………………….14

Word processing

ord processing refers to the act of using a computer to
create, edit, save and print documents. In order to
perform Word processing, specialized. Software
(known as a word processor) or is needed. One
example of a word processor is Microsoft word, but other word
processing applications are also widely used.

How to Open Word

Method 1 :- Go to the Start and search word
Method 2 :- Open run option and search winword

 Free pharagraph fuction

 How to select keyboard
 Lay out

What Is Tabs ?
In Microsoft Word, a tab is a formatting feature
used to align text. It allows you to set specific
points for text to align to, such as the left margin,
right margin, center, decimal, or a custom position.

 File
 Home
 Insert
 Design
 References
 Mailings
 Review
 View

The "Home" tab in Microsoft Word is where you'll find
basic formatting options like font style, size, alignment,
and more. It's your go-to for making quick adjustments
to the appearance of your document.

It contains Ribbon tools.

 Clipboard

Clipboard ribbon tools are designed to help you manage

copied or cut content. They include features like Cut, Copy,
and Paste, along with additional options such as Format
Painter, which allows you to copy the formatting of one
section of text and apply it to another. The Clipboard pane also
displays a history of items you've copied or cut, making it easy
to access previously copied content. This helps streamline
your workflow by allowing you to quickly reuse content or
apply consistent formatting across your document.

 Font

The Font ribbon in Microsoft Word is where you can customize

the appearance of your text, including font style, size, color,
and formatting options like bold, italic, and underline. It's
located at the top of the Word window, and it's a powerful
tool for fine-tuning your document's visual presentation.

 Paragraph

The Paragraph ribbon in Microsoft Word provides tools and

options for formatting and arranging paragraphs in your
document. It includes features like indentation, spacing,
alignment, bullets and numbering, and more to help you
customize the appearance and layout of your text.

 Style

This will display the style ribbon, allowing you to easily

format your text with different styles.

In Microsoft Word, the editing ribbon provides various tools to

manipulate and edit text efficiently. Here's a breakdown of some key
1. Find: This feature allows you to search for specific text within
your document. You can access it by clicking on the "Home" tab,
then the "Editing" group, and finally selecting "Find" or by
pressing Ctrl + F. Once opened, you can enter the text you want
to find and Word will locate and highlight instances of that text
within your document.
2. Replace: Similar to Find, Replace allows you to search for specific
text, but with the additional capability to replace it with different
text. You can access it by clicking on the "Home" tab, then the
"Editing" group, and selecting "Replace" or by pressing Ctrl + H.
Once opened, you can enter the text you want to find and the
text you want to replace it with. Word will then search for
instances of the text and give you the option to replace each
instance individually or replace all instances at once.

3. Select: The Select feature provides various options for quickly
selecting different parts of your document. You can access it by
clicking on the "Home" tab, then the "Editing" group, and selecting
one of the options under "Select" or by using keyboard shortcuts.
Some common options include:
- Select All: Selects the entire document.
- Select Text with Similar Formatting: Selects text that has the same
formatting (font, size, style) as the text you have currently selected.
- Select Objects: Selects all objects (such as images or shapes) within
the document.
- Select All Text with Similar Formatting in the Document: Selects all
text with the same formatting throughout the document.
These editing tools can help you efficiently navigate and modify your
document in Microsoft Word.

Insert tab is a tab at the top of the window that contains various
commands for adding elements to your document, such as tables,
pictures, shapes, headers, footers, and more. It's where you go to
insert different types of content into your document.

 Pages

Cover Page: This feature allows you to quickly insert a predesigned cover page
into your document. It's useful for giving your document a professional and
polished look without having to design it from scratch.
Blank Document: This option simply creates a new blank document in Word. It's
useful when you want to start a new project or write something from scratch.
Page Break: Inserting a page break tells Word to start a new page at that point
in the document. It's handy for controlling the layout and formatting of your
document, ensuring that certain content begins on a new page.

 Table
It’s help to insert blank table.

 Illustrations

The "Illustrations" group under the "Insert" tab provides various options for
adding visual elements to your document.
Pictures: This option allows you to insert images from your computer or online
sources into your document. You can resize, crop, and format the pictures to fit
your needs.

Shapes: This feature enables you to insert pre-defined shapes such as
rectangles, circles, arrows, and more. You can customize the shape's size, colour,
outline, and other properties to create diagrams, annotations, or decorative
SmartArt: SmartArt graphics are predefined sets of shapes designed to visually
represent information or processes. They include options like organizational
charts, process diagrams, cycle diagrams, and more. You can add text, resize,
and rearrange the shapes within the SmartArt graphic to convey your ideas
Chart: With this option, you can insert various types of charts such as column,
line, pie, bar, and more to visually represent numerical data. Once you insert a
chart, you can enter your data directly into Excel or manually input it into Word,
and the chart will update accordingly. You can customize the chart's design,
labels, and other elements to enhance its visual appeal and clarity.

 Links
A hyperlink is a clickable link that directs to another location, such as a website,
another document, or a specific location within the same document. A
bookmark, on the other hand, is a marker that allows you to navigate to a
specific point within the document. You can create hyperlinks and bookmarks to
make your document more interactive and user-friendly.

 Header&footer

the header and footer feature allows you to add consistent content, such as
page numbers, dates, or titles, at the top or bottom of every page in your
document. By inserting a tab within the header or footer, you can position
different elements, like the page number, in specific locations. This ensures a
neat and organized layout throughout your document.

 Text

1.Word Art: Word Art allows you to create stylized text with
various effects such as shadows, outlines, gradients, and 3D
rotations. You can find Word Art under the "Insert" tab in the
"Text" group.
2.Drop Cap: Drop Cap is a decorative element used to
emphasize the beginning of a paragraph or section. It enlarges
the initial letter and often applies special formatting to it. To
insert a drop cap, place your cursor at the beginning of a
paragraph, go to the "Insert" tab, click on "Drop Cap" in the
"Text" group, and select the desired style.
3.Text Effects: The "Text Effects" feature offers a variety of
formatting options to make your text stand out. This includes
options for shadow, reflection, glow, bevel, and 3D rotation.
You can access these effects by selecting your text, navigating
to the "Home" tab, and clicking on the "Text Effects" button in
the "Font" group.
4.Text Box: While not directly related to the text ribbon, Text
Boxes are often used for Word Art and other stylized text. You
can insert a Text Box by going to the "Insert" tab and selecting
"Text Box" from the "Text" group. Once inserted, you can
format the text within the Text Box using the options available
in the ribbon.

 Symbols
The (asterisk) symbol is often used as a wildcard character in search
queries or when performing operations like find and replace. The
"(equation, symbol)" part you mentioned is likely indicating that the
asterisk is also used within equations and for inserting symbols. If
you're using it within equations, it might represent multiplication. If
it's in the symbol menu, it could denote its use as a specific character
or operator within equations or text.


The "Design" tab in Microsoft Word provides various options for

formatting your document, such as changing the document theme,
adjusting page colors and borders, adding watermarks, and more. It's
a handy tool for giving your document a polished and professional

 Document formatting
1. Themes*: Themes are sets of predefined formatting options that
include colors, fonts, and effects. They provide a quick and easy way
to change the look of your entire document. You can choose from
built-in themes or create custom ones.

2. *Paragraph Spacing*: This feature allows you to adjust the spacing

between paragraphs in your document. You can choose predefined
options like single spacing, double spacing, or customize it further by
selecting "Paragraph Spacing Options" to set exact spacing values.

3. *Effects*: Effects include features like shadows, reflections, and

glows that you can apply to selected text or objects in your document.
These effects can enhance the visual appeal of your content and make
it stand out.

 Page background
The "Design" tab offers various options to customize the appearance
of your document. Here's a breakdown of the Page Background
1. Watermark: A watermark is a faint image or text that appears
behind the main content of the document. It can be used for branding,
indicating the status of the document (like draft, confidential, etc.), or
simply for decorative purposes. To add a watermark, click on the
"Watermark" option, then select from the built-in options or
customize your own.

2. Page Color: This option allows you to change the background color
of the entire page. It's useful for adding visual interest or matching the
document's theme. Click on "Page Color" to select from predefined
colors, or choose "Fill Effects" for more customization options like
gradients, textures, or patterns.

3. Page Borders: Page borders are lines that can be added around the
edges of the page or sections within the document. Borders can be
solid lines, dashes, dots, or custom designs. To add a border, click on
"Page Borders" and choose the style, color, and width of the border.
You can also select which sides of the page to apply the border to, and
whether to apply it to the whole document or just a section.

These options in the Design tab help you enhance the visual appeal of your
document and customize it according to your preferences or branding

The "Layout" tab in Microsoft Word allows you to control the layout
and formatting of your document. It includes options for adjusting
margins, orientation, size, columns, breaks, and spacing, among other
things. It's handy for customizing your document's appearance to fit
your needs.

 Page setup

- Margins control the space between the text and the edge of
the page.
- Word offers preset margin options like Normal, Narrow,
Wide, or you can set custom margins by selecting "Custom
- Custom Margins allow you to specify the margin size for the
top, bottom, left, and right sides individually.

- Orientation determines whether the page is formatted in
Portrait (vertical) or Landscape (horizontal) orientation.
- It's useful for documents like reports or presentations
where the layout might benefit from a wider landscape view.

- Size refers to the dimensions of the paper you're using.
- Word provides standard paper sizes like Letter, Legal, A4
- You can also set a custom paper size if your document
requires non-standard dimensions.

- Columns allow you to divide the page into multiple vertical
- You can choose the number of columns you want and
adjust the width and spacing between them.
- This feature is handy for creating newsletters, brochures,
or any document with a multi-column layout.

- This option allows you to insert various types of breaks in
your document, such as page breaks, section breaks, and
column breaks.
- Page breaks force content to start on a new page, while
column breaks move content to the next column within a
multi-column layout.
- Section breaks are more versatile, allowing you to change
formatting, headers/footers, or even apply different page
orientation within the same document.

 Paragaph

- Indentation controls the positioning of text within a
- There are two main types of indentation: left and right.
- Left indentation determines the distance of the paragraph
from the left margin, while right indentation controls the
distance from the right margin.

02. Spacing:
- Spacing refers to the amount of vertical space between
lines and paragraphs.
- Line spacing determines the distance between each line of
text within a paragraph.
- Word offers options like Single, 1.5 lines, Double, or you can
set a custom line spacing value.
- Paragraph spacing controls the space between paragraphs.
You can set spacing before or after paragraphs, or both.
- Options for paragraph spacing include options like
"Before," "After," or "Line Spacing Options" for more precise
 Arrange
01. Position:
- This option allows you to precisely position an object by specifying
its horizontal and vertical placement on the page.
- You can set the object's position relative to the page margins or to
the top-left corner of the page.

02.Wrap Text:
- Wrap Text determines how text flows around an object, such as a
picture or a shape.
- Options include:
- In Line with Text: The object is treated as a character and moves
with the text.
- Square, Tight, Through, Top and Bottom: Various wrapping styles
that control how closely text wraps around the object.
- Choosing the appropriate wrap text option can ensure that your
document looks neat and professional.
03.Bring Forward / Send Backward:
- These options control the layering of objects within your
- Bring Forward moves the selected object one layer up, while Send
Backward moves it one layer down.
- This feature is useful for arranging overlapping objects, ensuring
that the correct elements appear in front.
04.Selection Pane:
- The Selection Pane provides a list of all objects in your document,
making it easier to select and manage them.
- It's particularly useful for documents with multiple objects or
layers, allowing you to quickly locate and modify specific elements.

- The Align options enable you to precisely align multiple objects
relative to each other or to the page.
- You can align objects horizontally or vertically, as well as distribute
them evenly across the page.


The "References" tab in Microsoft Word provides tools for managing

citations, creating bibliographies, and adding elements like footnotes
and endnotes to your document.


Mail merging in Microsoft Word allows you to create

personalized documents, such as letters, envelopes, labels, or
emails, by merging a document template with a data source.
Here's a step-by-step guide to performing a mail merge in

1. *Prepare Your Data Source*:
- Start with a data source, such as an Excel spreadsheet, Access
database, Outlook contacts, or a Word table.
- Ensure that your data source contains all the information you want
to include in your merged documents, such as names, addresses, or
other relevant details.

2. *Create Your Document Template*:

- Open Microsoft Word and create a new document.
- Design your document template, including any static text, graphics,
or formatting that you want to appear in every merged document.
- Insert merge fields where you want the personalized information
from your data source to appear. To insert a merge field, go to the
"Mailings" tab, click on "Insert Merge Field," and choose the field from
your data source.

3. *Start the Mail Merge*:

- Once your document template is ready, go to the "Mailings" tab in
- Click on "Start Mail Merge" and choose the type of document you
want to create, such as letters, envelopes, labels, or emails.
- Select "Use an Existing List" to use the data source you
prepared earlier.

4. *Connect to Your Data Source*:

- Browse to locate and select your data source file.
- If your data source is an Excel spreadsheet or Access
database, you may need to specify the specific table or
worksheet containing your data.

5. *Insert Merge Fields*:

- In your document, place the cursor where you want to
insert merge fields.
- Click on "Insert Merge Field" in the "Mailings" tab and
choose the fields you want to include from your data source.

6. *Preview Your Merged Documents*:

- Click on "Preview Results" in the "Mailings" tab to preview
how your merged documents will appear with the data from
your data source.
- Use the navigation buttons to scroll through the records
and ensure that everything looks correct.

7. *Complete the Merge*:

- Once you're satisfied with the preview, click on "Finish &
Merge" in the "Mailings" tab.
- Choose whether to print the merged documents, edit
individual documents, or send them as email messages.

8. *Save or Print Your Merged Documents*:
- Save the merged document for future use or print it directly from


The "Review" tab in Microsoft Word provides tools for reviewing and
editing documents collaboratively.


The "View" tab in Microsoft Word provides tools for adjusting the
appearance and layout of your document.

Some useful shortcut keys for Microsoft Word:
1. *Ctrl + N*: Create a new document.
2. *Ctrl + O*: Open an existing document.
3. *Ctrl + S*: Save the current document.
4. *Ctrl + P*: Print the current document.
5. *Ctrl + Z*: Undo the last action.
6. *Ctrl + Y*: Redo the last action.
7. *Ctrl + X*: Cut the selected text or object.
8. *Ctrl + C*: Copy the selected text or object.
9. *Ctrl + V*: Paste the cut or copied text or object.
10. *Ctrl + A*: Select all text and objects in the document.
11. *Ctrl + F*: Open the Find dialog to search for text.
12. *Ctrl + H*: Open the Replace dialog to search and replace text.
13. *Ctrl + B*: Bold the selected text.
14. *Ctrl + I*: Italicize the selected text.
15. *Ctrl + U*: Underline the selected text.
16. *Ctrl + L*: Align the text to the left.
17. *Ctrl + E*: Center-align the text.
18. *Ctrl + R*: Align the text to the right.
19. *Ctrl + 1*: Set single-line spacing.
20. *Ctrl + 2*: Set double-line spacing.
21. *Ctrl + 5*: Set 1.5-line spacing.
22. *Ctrl + [*: Decrease font size.
23. *Ctrl + ]*: Increase font size.
24. *Ctrl + Shift + <*: Decrease font size by one point.
25. *Ctrl + Shift + >*: Increase font size by one point.


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