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Key G, 44 Allegro (with drums, guitars, etc) BY: NFORFI MICHAEL (SD)
@SAMS ©2024
Accept our gifts, O Lord our God, Accept and bless us all.
S|s: s:-:f| m:-: - :m |f :-:m :- |r :-:- :-|f :f :-:r | d :-:r :-|m:-:- :- | : : : |
our gifts, O Lord our God, Accept and bless us all.
A| : :d:r| m:d: - :d |r :d:- :l1|t1:-:- :-|r :r :-:t1| l1:-:t1:-|d:-:- :- | : : : |
Accept our gifts, God, Accept and bless us all.
T| : : : | :m: f :s |l :-:- :- |s :-:- :-|l :l :-:f | m :-:s :-|s:-:- :- | : : : |
Accept our gifts, O God, ’cept bless us, bless us O Lord, bless us O
B| : : : | :d: l1:s1|f1:-:l1:- |s1:-:r1:-| :f1:-:- | l1:-:s1:-| :d:t1:l1|s1:s1:l1:t1|

Accept our gifts, O Lord our God, Accept and bless us all.
S|s: s:-:f| m:-: - :m |f :-:m :- |r :-:- :-|f :f :-:r | d :-:t1:-|d :-:-:-| : : : |
our gifts, O Lord our God, Accept and bless us all.
A| : :d:r| m:d: - :d |r :d:- :l1|t1:-:- :-|r :r :-:t1| l1:-:s1:-|s1:-:-:-| : : : |
Accept our gifts, God, Accept and bless us all.
T| : : : | :m: f :s |l :-:- :- |s :-:- :-|l :l :-:f | m :f:r :-|m :-:-:-| : : : |
Lord Accept our gifts, O God, Accept bless us all.
B|d: : : | :d: l1:s1|f1:-:l1:- |s1:-:r1:-|f1:f1:-:- | l1:-:s1:-|d1:-:-:-| : : : |
1. We of-----fer You our humble gifts, Accept and bless them O Lord our God.
S:s1:-|d:-:d:-|t1:-:-:s1|l1:l1:-:s1|-:l1:f: r | d :-:r :m|r :d :t1:-|d :-:-:-| : :
A: : | : : : | : : : | : : : | :d :r: t1| l1:-:t1:d|t1:l1:s1:-|s1:-:-:-| : :
T:s :-|d:-:d:r|m :r:-:t1|d :d :r:m |-:f :l: f | m :-:f :s|f :m :r :-|m :-:-:-| : :
O by your grace transform them Lord, In--to the Bo----dy and Blood of Christ. (Bass + Ref.)
S:s1:-|d:-:d:-|t1:-:-:s1| l1 : l1:-:s1|-:l1:f:r |d :-:r :m|r :d :t1:-|d :-:-:-| : : : |
A: : | : : : | : : : | : : : | :d :r:t1|l1:-:t1:d|t1:l1:s1:-|s1:-:-:-| : : : |
T:s :-|d:-:d:r|m :r:-:t1| d : d :r:m |-:f :l:f |m :-:f :s|f :m :r :-|m :-:-:-| : :
Bless us O Lord, Bless us O Lord!
B: : | : : : | : : : | : : : | : : : | :-: : | : : :-| :d:t1:l1|s1:s1:l1:t1|d

2. We of-fer you-- our thanksgiving, With grateful hearts and with songs of praise.
O by your grace-- transform us Lord, Your sustenance, Lord we pray today. (Bass + Ref.)

3. We of-fer you-- our families, Receive and bless them, O Lord, our God.
O may true peace-- and love abide, Among your people, O Lord, our God. (Bass + Ref.)

4. All glo-ry to-- the Father be, All glory to Jesus Christ, His Son.
All glo-ry to-- the Holy Ghost, Now and for ever world without end. (Bass + Ref.)

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