Homework Checked 2

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1. A fragment from the past - A piece or memory from previous

times. Correct
2. Seemed lost in her thoughts - Appeared to be deeply immersed in
contemplation or daydreaming. Correct
3. A golden chance for everyone to reconnect - A precious opportunity for
people to reunite or re-establish connections. Correct
4. Occasionally writing book reviews - Sometimes engaged in critiquing and
evaluating books. Correct
5. A prominent book critic - A well-known and respected reviewer of
books. Correct
6. An industrious housewife - A hardworking woman managing household
duties. Correct
7. Endless domestic responsibilities - Continuous and never-ending chores and
tasks related to home management. Correct
8. Satisfied to be a stay-at-home mom - Content and fulfilled with being a full-
time mother. Correct
9. Never abandoned her passion for books - Always maintained a strong
interest in reading despite other responsibilities. Correct
10.Considered herself a voracious reader - Viewed herself as someone who
reads eagerly and in large quantities. Correct
11.Rarely pursued the opportunities that came her way - Infrequently took
advantage of the chances presented to her. Correct
12.Nevertheless - Despite that; however. Correct
13.Whatever obstacle had impeded her from finding a job - Any barrier or
challenge that had prevented her from securing employment. Correct
14.Unexpectedly vanished - Disappeared suddenly and without
warning. Correct
15.She refused to comply - She did not agree or adhere to demands or
requests. Correct
16.All gazed at her lovingly - Everyone looked at her with affection and
warmth. Correct
17.Didn’t make a cynical remark - Refrained from making a sarcastic or
negative comment. Correct
18.She felt an overwhelming exhaustion - Experienced a deep and intense
tiredness. Correct
19.Faces beaming with expectation - People looking hopeful and
excited. Correct
20.An awkward silence descended upon the - A tense and uncomfortable
quietness settled over the group. Correct
21.The warmth that had canopied them just a moment ago evaporated - The
previously comforting and friendly atmosphere disappeared. Correct
22.Exchanged blank looks - Looked at each other without expression or
understanding. Correct
23.Cold treatment - Indifferent or unfriendly behavior. Correct
24.Tone was slightly condescending - The manner of speaking was somewhat
patronizing. Correct
25.Her face stern - Her expression was serious and strict. Correct
26.Her anguish visible - Her distress and suffering were evident. Correct
27.Responded calmly - Replied in a composed and untroubled manner. Correct
28.Finding harder and harder to achieve - Becoming increasingly difficult to
accomplish. Correct
29.This elicited a scoff from me - This caused me to express disbelief or disdain
through a derisive sound. Correct
30.Cold stares from everyone - Received unfriendly and aloof looks from
others. Correct
31.Forced him back into silence - Made him stop speaking and become
quiet. Correct
32.Sensing the escalating tension - Noticing the increasing strain and
discomfort. Correct
33.His brow furrowed in thought, interjected - He interrupted, with his
forehead creased in concentration. Correct
34.Drawing in a deep breath - Inhaling deeply, usually in preparation for saying
something important. Correct
35.You’re projecting your own fears onto me - Accusing someone of
attributing their own anxieties to another person. Correct
36.Blushed crimson as if slapped in the face - Turned very red with
embarrassment or shame. Correct
37.Trying a different strategy - Attempting an alternative approach or
method. Correct
38.Gave a small nod that conveyed little more than feigned acquiescence -
Nodded slightly in a way that only pretended agreement. Correct
39.Rolled his eyes in disbelief - Expressed skepticism or exasperation by
moving his eyes upwards. Correct
40.Being an open-minded and cultured father - Described as a progressive and
well-educated parent. Correct
41.Avoiding negative remarks about race, religion, or gender - Refrained
from making disparaging comments on sensitive topics. Correct
42.Seemed relentless - Appeared to be unyielding or persistent. Correct
43.Voice needled with bitterness and sarcasm - Spoken with a tone of
resentment and irony. Correct
44.The question threw me off a little - The inquiry caused some confusion or
hesitation. Correct
45.She sighed and massaged her forehead - Exhaled deeply and rubbed her
forehead, usually indicating frustration or fatigue. Correct
46.As if on the verge of a migraine - Appeared to be about to experience a
severe headache. Correct
47.He makes my heart beat faster - Causes feelings of excitement or
affection. Correct
48.It was not her intention to make fun of her daughter’s feelings - She did
not mean to mock or ridicule her daughter's emotions. Correct
49.Felt extremely nervous - Experienced intense anxiety or
apprehension. Correct
50., a hint of contempt creeping into her tone - A slight trace of disdain or
scorn was noticeable in her voice. Correct
51.Love is only a sweet feeling bound to come and quickly go away - Believed
that love is a fleeting and temporary emotion. Correct
52.Middle-aged mom trapped in a failing marriage - A woman in her middle
years stuck in an unhappy relationship. Correct
53.Everyone around her secretly pitied her - Those around her felt sorry for
her, though they didn't show it openly. Correct
54.The suspicion was so painful that she gasped - The doubt or mistrust was
so intense it caused a sharp intake of breath. Correct
55.With a frown on his face - Looking displeased or concerned. Correct
56.Said dejectedly - Spoke in a dispirited or disheartened manner. Correct
57.Gave her mother a mock leer - Gave her mother a playful but slightly
mocking look. Correct
58.An intense awkwardness hanging in the air between them - A strong
feeling of discomfort and unease present in their interaction. Correct
59.Wanted to respond but lacked not so much the will as the words - Desired
to reply but couldn't find the right words. Correct
60.Time run its course of inevitable torpor - Time passed leading to an
unavoidable state of inactivity or lethargy. Correct
61.Unable to hold back this continuing sadness - Incapable of suppressing
ongoing sorrow. Correct
62.A historical novel centered on the life of the famous mystic poet Rumi -
A fiction book based on the story of the renowned mystical poet Rumi. Correct
63.Trying to sound more determined - Making an effort to appear resolute or
confident. Correct
64.When no answer came, she grew insistent - She became more demanding
when there was no response. Correct
65.The subject is alien to me - The topic is unfamiliar or strange. Correct
66.Expression was hard to decipher - Her facial expression was difficult to
understand or interpret. Correct
67.Feeling silly and guilty - Experiencing embarrassment and remorse. Correct
68.His face solemn and reserved - His expression was serious and
restrained. Correct
69.An unknown, unconventional dervish full of scandals and surprises - A
mysterious and nontraditional Sufi mystic known for controversial and
unexpected actions. Correct
70.Sweet blasphemy - A phrase indicating a paradoxical or controversial
statement that has a pleasing or attractive quality. Correct
71.Unprecedented religious clashes - Conflicts between religious groups that
have never been seen before. Correct
72.Cultural misunderstandings - Misinterpretations or miscommunications
between different cultural groups. Correct
73.A general sense of insecurity and fear - A widespread feeling of unease and
apprehension. Correct
74.A sudden wind blew in her direction - An unexpected breeze came towards
her. Correct
75.The air felt dull, joyless - The atmosphere seemed lifeless and without
happiness. Correct
76.Essence and purpose of life - The fundamental nature and meaning of
existence. Correct

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