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Geriatric fracture is a concern for both men and women as they grow older.

Geriatric fracture is a term used to describe a bone break that occurs in an older
patient. These types of fractures most often occur in the hip and are much more
common in women. In fact, nearly 50% of women and almost one third of men
over the age of 65 will suffer a major osteoporotic fracture in their lifetime.

Causes of Geriatric Fracture

A fracture occurs when the force applied to a bone is more than the bone can
handle. In the case of geriatric fractures, bones have become more brittle because
of age or have been weakened by conditions like osteoporosis or cancer. Falls and
car accidents are major causes of geriatric fractures, though they can also happen
when a repetitive motion has tired muscles, allowing more pressure on the bone.
Individuals who live a sedentary lifestyle or frequently consume alcohol have an
increased risk of fractures.

Symptoms of Geriatric Fracture

The symptoms of a geriatric fracture are usually fairly easy to identify, especially
when the injury has occurred as the result of an accident. They can include:

 Sudden pain
 Swelling
 Difficulty moving the injured area
 Pain in the thigh, outer hip, pelvis or groin area
 Pain that radiates down your leg
 Bruising or redness
 Physical changes, such as one leg that’s shorter than the other

Diagnosing Geriatric Fracture

To diagnose a geriatric fracture, a doctor will review a patient’s entire medical

history, ask questions about their injury and perform a physical examination.
Additionally, the patient may also be asked to undergo an X-ray to locate the
fracture and determine its severity. If an X-ray is inconclusive, the doctor may
request an MRI or bone scan to help identify a hairline fracture.

Treatments for Geriatric Fracture

The treatment options for geriatric fractures depend on the type of injury as well as
the patient’s age and overall health.

For hip fractures (one of the most common types of geriatric fracture), options

 Surgery, which may include the insertion of metal screws, nails or plates to secure
the bones during the healing process
 A hip replacement procedure to remove the brittle and damaged hip bones
 Physical therapy to help the patient regain movement, flexibility and strength
 Over-the-counter or prescription medications to help manage pain and


The orthopaedic occupational therapy team work alongside the multi-disciplinary

team to achieve a timely and safe discharge from hospital. Occupational therapists
help patients to reach a level of function that will enable them to continue to
perform essential activities of daily living; and remain as independent and safe as
possible during their recovery.

An OT will visit you on the ward to carry out an initial assessment with you. This
will involve discussing your home circumstances and previous level of function.
Together, we will establish what your needs are for discharge, and set goals to
meet these needs. If appropriate we will involve your family / carers. An OT may
ask your relatives to complete a furniture height sheet so that we can assess
accordingly and discuss any adaptations that you might need. Following your
initial assessment, and once you are mobile on the ward, your occupational
therapist may:

 Assess your ability to manage transfers (i.e. chair, bed and toilet)

 Ensure that you can manage washing and dressing safely

 Ensure that you can prepare meals safely, or that you have adequate support

 Practice domestic tasks and advise about any help you might need

 Issue adaptive equipment

 Discuss the level of support that you will need at home

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