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Internship Certificate

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FUIMW.Y. Howrah
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Wltl)lr lt'I : NWW•.9at'flba,tlo$:Pfflll org

Ref. No.: SII/HR/23-24-0542 Dote: 23.09.2023

To Whom It May Concern

This i:- LO certify that I\IIR. DIPANKAR DAS bearing The West Bengal
University or Health Sciences (forn1erly kno\vn as W.B.U.11.S), Registration
Numbcr-202206083, student of Mas1cr or I lospital Administration fron1
..lnlernational lns1itu1c of Hospital Management and AJlicd Health Sciences·',
has completed "A Study on liospital Overview" visit report in the Sanjibo.n
Hospital Crom I 1--07-2023 to 15-09-2023 successfully.

He sho,vcd good apt11udi: and inlcrcsl in his ,vork during bis training

period. We ,v1sh hi,n every success in his life.

With regard:-
For Sanjiban llospital.
(A unit ofChikitsabrati Udyog)

.JI 'IC..!
• - istralion & Project

A unit of ChikilSabrati UdY09, Registered under West 8engal Societies Reglslrallon fv;t.
Address: P.O.. s;Jbefia, P.S.-Uluberia, District-Howrah, PIN-711316. West llengal, India


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