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Complex Number Proficiency Self­Assessment

Some degree of proficiency in using complex numbers is required in the course. The following
questions are a self­test to assess your knowledge in this area. If you have difficulty with these
questions we suggest that you review this topic using one of the many online resources.

1. Convert the following complex numbers into polar form; write the angle in
a. 1 + j1
b. 3 + j4
c. (2+j1)/(3+j2)
d. 1 + j√3

2. Convert the following complex numbers from polar to rectangular form; note
that the angles are given in radians
a. 5ejπ/3
b. 25ejπ
c. e­jπ
d. (­1)1/4

3. Add z1 = 2ejπ/6 and z2 = 2ejπ/2. Write the answer in both rectangular and polar

4. Multiply z1 = 2 + j3 by z2 = −4 − j12. Write the answer in both rectangular and

polar form.

5. Compute the magnitude of the following complex numbers:

a. 2 + j5
b. ejπ
c. 3ejπ/2
d. j5/8

6. Simplify to a + jb form:
a. (2+j)/(1+j2) + (1+j)
b. ejπ/2 + j
c. (4+j3)/(1­j)
d. ejπ + (1+j)/(1­j)

7. Using Euler’s formula, write the following expression in complex exponential


2 cos(t) + j sin(t)

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