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Opamil, Renz Dominique C.

BS Architecture 4-4 Assessment No.2

1. What are your thoughts on THE AMBISYON 2040?

AMBISYON 2040 can be equated to the Nirvana place that is a

collective thought of those 300 citizens who has been cooperative through the
grounds of focus group discussion and the close to 10,000 surveyed citizens
who shared their voices. What I have realized after reading the whole
passage is that it is what the country generally wants to attain and achieve
over the course of 25 years which is a relatively near time stop.

But this also sets forth the continuous experiences and generational
lapses from the government as well as the initiatives of the citizens as primary
drivers of the nation. These are the observable points to have some
interventions and to future proof the society guided by the thematic
observations of the National Economic Development Authority or NEDA.

1st anchor point pictures the Filipino Nation as Matatag or being

strongly rooted. The parameters of having anchorage to grounding within the
work-life sphere is a value-oriented move since it aimed to be an inclusive
community where finance and values meets into a one holistic sphere. This
can be strengthened through policies correlating the relevance of job
employment and permanence as a main policy to employ. But this is also to
be looked at on the consideration skills and qualification factors within the
moderation level. The place of interaction is also lain out its importance and
cemented its way to play a vital role for human development. Recreational
spaces as well as social places impact relevant parametric and holistic inputs
to the human as whole. It is also vital to consider it within the planning and the
actualization of the AMBISYON.

This coincides into providing the Maginhawa or being at comfort for

which homes are not only the place where we spend our time with. Comfort
also traverses the optimal condition of the transport system which I highly
agree since it is no use to have these fanciest houses if the paths are
obstructed or traversing through are offering struggles. I also wanted to
commend that these parameters are to be actualized if we are economically
and educationally equipped. Arming individuals to the battle of life can come
in handy if the nation as well as the society became the awakening catalyst
for productivity and actualization. By the time we are experienced with the
comfort and rooted against the adversities of life living through the 25 years of
journey, we are ready for the dawn of life with the economic and
environmental safety that the society have collectively nurtured.

I personally like the time-centric concept of the AMBISYON as it

passes the multitude of us being Filipinos hovering the value of Family,
Career, Culture and the Environment. But I also wish to see that it is
considerably bulky to handle since the country and the world are just
recovering from the threats of COVID as well as the rising pitch of the Climate

I think it is personally impossible to say that no one is poor since it is

too bulky to chew knowing the current capability of our economy. Job
generation, erecting necessary facilities for health and transport services as
well as having a more educational facility to educate more learners to bloom
awareness about how helping each one can greatly impact individual efforts.

In the end, the final verdict relies on the cooperation of the many if it is
to be on the side of success or to fail as another framework failed to support
the vision and the hopes of the many. It is still for us if we would let the
Philippines be the Shining Pearl of the Orient or just another Tiger always
attempting to rise in the economic and societal ladder.

2040 is still far, but time does not stop and the vision must be worked
with to let the destination have the path shaped by the society, collaboratively.

2. If you were a lawmaker, what would you prioritize in order to fulfill the
AMBISYON 2040 goals?

As a societal observer and as a primary source of data for policy

effectivity of the current and past government, I would like to make the
following adjustments to help actualize the lain vision by the 10 300

Education. Marginalization and societal oppression starts with the lack

of knowledge as it became grounds for a reference point for comparison.
Having the grounds for empowering them through the basic and tertiary
education, opportunities can be opened. Increasing the quality through
curriculum revamp which are context and culture based can bring forth an
ambiance to encourage learning, creativity and spark innovations through
researches and technology.
Health. A country that are hovering the concepts of being Matatag
can’t be actualized if it was composed of citizens who are susceptible to
diseases. It is to target immunization and strengthening the youth and the
elderly since they are the most vulnerable pieces of the society. Comfortability
can be through the renovate the existing healthcare homes and centers and
provide health stations within the remote areas. Providing the needed facility
to do some health examinations as well as the place to stay can induce
healing more rapidly. It is also to fund free medicines. Health can also be
through empowering researchers, Filipino Biologists, and other health
affiliated professionals to better arrive at medicine and discoveries and
breakthroughs that are purely Filipino. This can help the concept of being

Infrastructure and Transport. The mobilization of goods and services

are anchored through these two intertwined factors of the society. Connecting
the needs and the place where it can be found can grant faster fortification
and nurturing of individuals. Infrastructures which are sustainable on its own
through various systems employed are the top priority. Enabling various
transport choices is also ideal to fasten processes.

Policies, Transparency and Governance. The main anchor points

why there is the lapse passed through the generation is rooted to the
corruption on every part of the government trees. Policy-making should be
also based on the consensus of the needs, issues, and fortification of both the
upper and marginalized sectors to meet at the AMBISYON 2040’s envisioned

3. Write down at least three housing-related legislation, and provide a brief

summary of each.

a. Republic Act No. 10884

“An Act Strengthening the Balanced Housing Development Program,

Amending for the Purpose Republic Act No. 7279, as Amended, Otherwise
Known as the Urban Development and Housing Act of 1992”

Summary: It amends the definition of Socialized Housing that covers

the houses and properties undertaken by the government/private sectors
for the underprivileged and homeless citizens.

Balanced housing development specifies framework for developers for

socialized housing having atleast 15% the total subdivision area or total
subdivision project cost and at least five percent (5%) of condominium
area or project cost, at the option of the developer.

b. Republic Act No. 7279 "Urban Development and Housing Act of

1992.".It is an act that provides plicies that are in partnership with the
public and the private sector to produce a comprehensive and continuing
urban development and housing program to uplift conditions of the

c. Republic Act No. 9653 "Rent Control Act of 2009". This limits all the
residential units rent within the National Capital Region and other highly
urbanized cities to the range of One peso (P1.00) to Ten thousand pesos
(P10,000.00) while outside the cities are total monthly rent for each of
which ranges from One peso (P1.00) to Five thousand pesos (P5,000.00).

An additional to be increased by more than seven percent (7%) annually

as long as the unit is occupied by the same lessee.


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