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Opamil, Renz Dominique C.


BS Architecture 4-4 Assessment No.1

1. What are the reasons for informal settlement?

Informal settlement is conceived and emergent from the convergence

of the many lapses within the nation or the current system of the world. The
lack of space that each household can be traced primarily through the lens of
poverty. The choices that they are opted to have, has been limited to such
sub-standard settlements that fit through their means. To give context,
Philippine Statistics Office that during the first six months of 2021, Filipinos
are more pressed beyond the poverty line amounting to 23.7% which means
that 26.14 million Filipinos living below the 12,082 pesos per month poverty
line for a family of five. (Philippine Statistics Authority, 2022)

Job opportunities, to aid them into supporting their housing needs

together with their primary needs, are also blurry to most cases. At a trajectory
of trend and estimate from the Philippine Statistics Authority, 2023) the
unemployment will be at 4.8% of the working population, the issues on the
pay as well as the mismatch on the skills, profession and expertise also limits
them into satisfying the sustenance of their needs.
(Kim & Choi, 2018; Philippine Institute for D

Another thing that comes in mind next to the common experience of

being in poverty is the Population Growth that the community are traversing
towards. The emergence of numbers from an already dense city are pushed
through its limit. On the latest population count of
Philippine Statistics Authority, (2023)
, the Philippines have 109,035,343 as of May 2020 which is
on the 5-year time stamp. This can also be viewed that informal settlement
from the emergence of household from the ballooned population equates to
many housing backlogs that the nation is not able to keep up with.
In a consolidated estimate, the housing backlogs ranges from 6.5
million to 6.77 million as of 2020 to be projected in the nearing 2030.
(Lamudi, 2018)
; (ENTA, 2022) ; Corpuz, A. 2021 as cited by (Chanco, 2021) ) The
urgency of giving it a solution will balloon at a backlog amounting to 22 million
housing units in 2040 if not given proper addressing process. (Lamudi, 2015)
At a current rate of producing 100,00-200,000 units which is roughly a target
unit count which is not that near the actual production, the housing integrity to
produce even at a decent housing for a household is still far from reach even
with a decent budget of 6.563 billion pesos. (Corpuz, A. 2021 as cited by
Chanco B., 2022)

Reason can also root that these families relying on their informal
settlement are a make shift type of house which are affected by the calamities
they have experienced. Floods and typhoons are one of the common housing
threats to even a strong-built settlement. Most of the makeshift settlements
are often within the risk zone such as riverside, coastal land area or a non-
compliant land-use structure.
(Carrasco & Dangol, 2019; Valenzuela et al., 2020)
Many settlements that after the calamities are still and continually
erected to these danger zones. (Ramalho, 2019)

2. Why is housing important to humanity?

Housing is one of the necessities for human consumption and use. The
house can be viewed as a means to envelope themselves in terms of
providing safety parameters. Humanity stays within the premises of their
home to provide their health needs and wellbeing. This can be reflected on
the suggestions from
Rolfe et al., (2020) and the World Health Organization (2018)
that house premises and situation affects the health in terms of
initiating certain conditions affecting one’s wellbeing. This is not inherently
about the physical health that tackles respiratory system, the skin and the
likes but also tackling about the mental development and the risks that the
housing that might let the individuals to be exposed to it.
Housing can also assist individuals to orchestrate their identities and
cultural affiliations and traverse individual diversities of such and influence the
community they are in. Housing can aid them in developing socially which is a
need to fully utilize their own communication and social needs.
(Karamujic, 2015)
In contrast to the function of letting them connect outside, housing can
also provide a sense of privacy having a sense of individualistic development
simultaneous to their social development. Providing the privacy that housing
gives, psychologically develops individuals since they are able to process
things mentally and reflect on their personal space.
(Ferreira De Macedo et al., 2022)

Human actualization can also be aided through the housing.

Connecting housing as a safety need as per Maslow’s proposition to human
hierarchy of needs, the establishment of safety through housing can firmly
support the higher levels of needs such as the love and belonging level,
esteem level and lastly the goal of human is to achieve the self-actualized
level. (Zavei & Jusan, 2012)

3. Why is there a need for housing?

Necessity existence are rooted through the already mentioned aspects.

The presence of issue and its perceived importance justifies the needs for
housing. This is not limited to the Philippine setting, but housing in the
worldwide perspective.

The need for housing directly answers the issue to the informal
settlements present in a society. As mentioned in the earlier parts of the paper
and using the same references, erecting developments inclined to housing
can help in developing an individual in the multitude of human aspects
specifically health, safety and security, and others. Homes are supposed to be
the haven for every individual which are seen through the emergence of the
COVID outbreak where it lets the family living in a non-decent housing
property be exposed more in not only COVID and health threats but also the
branched aspects such as calamity vulnerability and risks. (Balasubramanian, 2021; Organisati
Putting up such developments that are compliant to the current
economic power of the community or the citizen highlights that housing
backlogs can be helped through. These can also let the people living within
the danger zones, specifically riverside, deep within the woods or forests of
the province, coastal towns, and such be relocated in a safer space within
accessible and opportunity-producing sites. Housing also be an embodiment
of innovation coinciding the affordable aspect while can help bridging the gap
that this type of housing be a sustainable type of residences.
(Chan & Adabre, 2019; Ibrahim, 2020)

In conclusion, the needs for housing are based on the urgency and the
issues of the society. Providing housing establishes the user’s safety and
security with the arm of becoming sustainable and utilizing the innovations
with regards to the user’s economic, cultural, environmental inclinations.

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