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Many people argue that studying on campus brings university students more benefits than studying

online. From my perspective, I completely agree with the idea.

First of all, the main reason I think is because online learning will make students feel uninterested in the
lecture. It will feel boring and not very effective. Online learning will depend a lot on the nature of the
student, if the student works hard, it will bring good results, but if the student is not persistent enough,
he or she will be distracted causing the learning to be affected and become boring.

The second main reason is that studying at the school will make students more comfortable in
interacting with the lecturer and if there is something they do not understand, it will be easier to ask
friends and teachers. But studying online a lot you will be afraid to ask and even not interact with the
lecturer, just listening attentively without knowing if you understand or not.

Furthermore, it seems that some students prefer to study online. For example, a friend of mine, her
school also has online classes and she is always excited about it. I asked her " Why do you like it so
much?" She said: " I feel comfortable, wrong answers will not be glared at, moreover, I can study online
at home or a coffee shop if I like".

In summary, with the reasons that I mentioned above, I strongly believe that studying at school will
bring better learning outcomes for students. Moreover, students will also make more friends and have
many exciting experiences that only going to university can bring.

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