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Department: Property Management

Procedure: PM Hurricane Preparedness

SOP: PM-Hurricane


To provide the guidelines for the Property Manager to ensure all properties and tenants are
prepared for any named storm or event which may occur.


 Hurricane Season Begins June 1st.

2nd Week of May Property Managers should review Emergency Manual for all properties

 Send Tenant contact sheets to ALL Tenants and request updated information. (Exhibit A)
 Ensure utility information is still current and accurate
 Create any manual for new properties in portfolio

3rd Week of May Property Managers should

 Hand deliver a copy of Emergency Manual to all tenants locations and email to any corporate
offices (Exhibit B)
 Send Email to all offsite employees to remind of File storage procedures (Exhibit C)
 Walk Property and assess trees. Have vendor remove any dead/diseased/loose branches and
trim back any trees close to buildings.
 Review any tenants with outside items (patio tables, chairs, plants in pots, etc.) Create a list of
these tenants to ensure they receive a special reminder should a storm arrive to the area.


 Have Maintenance Technicians check all gutters if accessible to them, If not have a roofer
 Create Storm Folder in Egnyte to maintain copies of notices and to store any after storm photos.
(Commercial>Property>1000 Natural Disasters>)
 Maintenance to ensure all outside items are secure.
 Deliver Storm Notice and reminder to each tenant (Exhibit D)
 Ensure all Utility/Vendor/Insurance Information is downloaded and printed so that you have it
on hand in the event of power outages or servers needing to be rebooted.
 Review Group Text set up and determine whom you are responsible for checking in with.
AFTER STORM PASSES (As soon as municipality lifts curfews)
 If you are able to safely get out of your home and have not sustained any family/personal injury
o Notify your group of your situation. (as quickly as you are able but within 3 hours of
storm passing at the longest)
o No more than 36 hours after the municipality has lifted curfews proceed to all
properties and inspect for damage. (All properties MUST be inspected within 36 hours
of curfew lifting)
o Take a full set of photos of any damage for each property and file in folder created pre
o Report any damage to Insurance companies and open claims
o Update Storm inspection/damage tracking log +Location of log to be determined

 If you are unable to get out immediately following the storm.

o Notify designated person within the company that you have sustained injury or damage
and are unable to perform your inspections.
o Keep in contact with Company representative with updates as applicable. Once you are
able to report to work, receive an update and review photos taken by whomever was
assigned to do your initial inspection in your absence.

 The Construction Department will respond to the office and will be available for any of the
following situations:
o To cover inspections for any Property Manager unable to get out and access their
assigned properties.
o To assist Property Managers with any damage they need assistance in evaluating or

Keep in contact with Company representative with updates as applicable. Once you are able
to report to work, receive an update and review photos taken by whomever was assigned

Follow up on any damages and ensure Director of Operations has all information on claims.
To be distributed in May Annually

With Hurricane Season upon us it is It is imperative that all information we have for the property be
uploaded and saved in Egnyte. This allows the company to operate seamlessly in the event of a disaster
or any other occurrence which may affect accessibility or equipment. It is our duty to ensure that all
data relevant to work flow is saved and backed up in a recoverable place to allow for continuity of

For Example
 say my laptop is stolen from my car while traveling.
 Say a hurricane strikes and the computer drives in the building at Douglas are damaged by
water/wind etc.

Please take a moment in the next week to review your computers and ensure that any files or
documents saved on your computer’s hard drives or on USB drives is transferred to Egnyte in the proper
locations. (Contact me if you have questions where anything should be saved). And save all future
work directly to Egnyte.

Thank you in advance and please let me know once you have completed so I can note my files that you
are in compliance.
To be distributed when a storm is imminent

DATE 01/01/2018
FROM: Management Office
RE: Impending Storm


Please be aware with Storm <NAME OF STORM> approaching we encourage you to please be prepared
for what may occur.

 Watch the news for any evacuation orders and comply with all county/city/state orders.
 Ensure you have provided management with your current contact information. If any
information has changed since you completed your tenant contact forms please email your
property manager TODAY with an update.
 Secure your space.

Please do not return to the property while curfews are still in place. Management will inspect all
properties within 36 hours of the curfew being lifted following the storm passing. We will be onsite as
soon as any curfews have been lifted and will notify you of any damage to your particular units.

All individual damages will be assessed and reviewed against individual leases for responsibility.
However, we encourage you to reach out to your insurance carrier as soon as possible to open a claim
and not to wait for the research to be completed.

If you have any questions or concerns please reach out to your Property Manager, and please be safe
during this time.

Your Management Team

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