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1. Robbi zidni ‘ilma warzuqni fahma.

Doa tersebut kita ucapkan pada saat…

A. Sebelum makan B. Sebelum tidur C. Memulai belajar
2. Dalam belajar, selain berniat hanya kepada Allah dan rajin kita juga harus…
A. Bersungguh-sungguh B. Belajar disekolah saja C. Belajar bila disuruh
3. Seusai belajar, sebaiknya kita mengucapkan hamdalah yang berbunyi…
A. Allahuakbar B.Alhamdulillahirobbil’alamin C.Subhanallah
4. Sebelum membaca Al-Quran, kita sebaiknya…
A. Sarapan B. Berwudhu C. Berolahraga
5. Surah Al-Ikhlas terdiri atas berapa ayat?
A. 2 Ayat B. 3 Ayat C. 4 Ayat
6. Surah Al-Ikhlas bercerita tentang keesaan Allah. Allah itu esa, maksudnya adalah…
A. Allah itu Satu B.Allah itu Maha Penyayang C. C.Allah itu Maha Merajai
7. Anak yang durhaka kepada Ayah dan Ibu akan masuk…
A. Neraka B. Syurga C. Penjara
8. Allah itu tidak dilahirkan dan tidak pula…
A. Memberikan B. Melahirkan C. Memaafkan
9. Allah adalah Tuhan tempat manusia…
A. Menolak B. Meminta C. Memeriksa
10. Menghilangkan najis disebut…
A. Karomah B. Thoharoh C. Barokah
11. Shalat fardu atau shalat wajib terdiri atas berapa waktu…
A. 3 Waktu B. 4 Waktu C. 5 Waktu
12. Alat bersuci yang paling sempurna adalah…
A. Batu B. Air C. Tisu
13. Manusia pertama kali yang diciptakan Allah adalah…
A. Nabi adam B. Nabi yusuf C. Nabi Isa
14. Istri Nabi Adam Bernama…
A. Fatimah B. Aisyah C. Hawa
15. Nabi Nuh dan pengikutnya akhirya selamat setelah naik….
A. Pesawat B Kapal C. Mobil
Kunci Jawaban
1. C
2. A
3. B
4. B
5. C
6. A
7. A
8. B
9. B
10. B
11. C
12. B
13. A
14. C
15. B
1. After Monday is …. b. Pillow
A. Tuesday c. Yellow
B. Wednesday
C. Thursday 10. I – mother – love – My . The
correct order is ….
2. Today is Thrusday. a. Love mother my I
It means yesterday was …. b. Love I my mother
A. Friday c. I love my mother
B. Saturday
C. Wednesday 11. This is my ….. (telinga)
a. Nose
3. Indonesia commemorates the b. Eyes
independence day in …. c. Ear
A. August
B. September 12. Open your …. (mata)
C. October a. Eyes
b. Arm
4. We have two … to walk. c. Nose
A. Hands
B. Eyes 13. Nose in Indonesian is ….
C. Legs a. Hidung
b. Mulut
5. The English of berkebun is …. c. Pipi
A. Gardening
B. Swimming 14. Daun berwarna hijau
C. Studying The english sentences is ….
a. The leaf is red
6. The following activities are done at b. The leaf is yellow
school, except …. c. The leaf is green

A. Napping 15. The sky is …. (Biru)

B. Doing an experiment a. Yellow
C. Having a Flag ceremony b. Red
c. Blu
7. Fakih : How many weeks are there
in a month? 16. Bunga Matahari berwarna kuning .
Yusril : There are … weeks. The english sentences is ….
A. Four a. The sunflower is dark
B. Seven b. The sunflower is yellow
C. Twelve a. The sunflower is purple

8. Which one is for breathing? 17. Jari saya adalah sepuluh. Sepuluh in
A. Mouth English is ….
B. Chin a. Three
C. Nose b. Nine
c. Ten
9. W – E – L – Y – L – O = …..
a. Hello
18. I have …. pencils. (dua belas) Rina very like apple. The colour of apple
a. Eleven is red.
b. Twelve The apple tastes is sweet.
c. Sixteen
26. Who is in the text ?
19. 8 + 7 = … a. Budi
a. Fourteen b. Rina
b. Fifteen c. Apple
c. Sixteen
27. Rine like ….
20. Saya punya dua mata. The english a. Books
sentences is …. b. Fruits
a. I have two eyes c. Animals
b. I have four eyes
c. I have two nose
28. Rina always eats fruits …..
21. Apple = ei – pi – pi – el – ….. a. Sunday
a. i b. Monday
b. ee c. Everyday
c. ei
29. The colour of apple is ….
22. Rina = ar – ai – en – …. a. Blue
a. ei b. Yellow
b. a c. Red
c. ai
30. The apple tastes is ….
23. Nino : “How are you Dinda ?” a. Salty
Dinda : “…..” b. Sweet
a. I am fine c. Bitter
b. I am dinda
c. I am you

24. Teacher : “Good morning student”

Students : “….”
a. Good bye teacher
b. Good morning teacher
c. Good evening teacher

25. Dika : “What is your name?”

Sela : “ ….. is Sela”
a. Hai
b. Oke
c. My name

Text to number 26 -30

Rina like fruits. She always eats fruits
Kunci Jawaban
28. c. Everyday
1. a. Tuesday
29. c. Red
2. c. Saturday
30. b. Sweet
3. a. August

4. c. Leg

5. a. Gardening

6. a. Napping.

7. a. Four

8. c. Nose

9. c. Yellow

10. c. I love my mother

11. c. Ear

12. a. Eyes

13. a. Hidung

14. c. The leaf is green

15. c. Blue

16. b. The sunflower is yellow

17. c. Ten

18. b. Twelve

19. b. fifteen

20. a. I have two eyes

21. a. i

22. a. ei

23. a. I am fine

24. b. Good morning teacher

25. c. My name

26. b. Rina

27. b. Fruits

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