thermo lab 3rd sem

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TABLE OF INDEX = Cone SeoRa Tite of the Experiment Date of submission Flash I vaporiz found t Fiquid t has bee Fire Po rise to p = as the fl 7 = ! ad | a since a} os in a fuel ma - 2 Classifi 1 a O of Autor = sed. SA | ore range. 7 _E 9s areoils. — a SAESO g | : normal 11 | Two stage reciprocating air compressor : penaan | Fault diagnosis in mock layout of a car hk | body electrical system fundan | Wipermotor lie a | } Auid flow Head lamp | i | iv. Fog lamp & PL Newton's Accondin \ This cons Partment of Mechanical Engineering, RVCE, Bengalur Engineering Thermodynamics lab and Definitions: pash Points The fh lash point may be defines 'y be defined as the lowest temperature at which a fuel will above the fuel. It is saporize sufficiently to form a combustible mixture of fuel vapour and nd by heating a quantity of the fuel in a found by heating @ quantity of the fuel in a special container while passing a flame above the iquid to ignite the vapours. A distinet flash of flame occurs when .the flash-point temperature has been reached. Fire Point: The fire point is the temperature which must be reached before enough vapours will rise to produce a continuous flame above the liquid fuel. Its obtained in much the same manner asthe flash point Both the flash and the fire points give a relative measure of the safety properties of fuels since a high flash point denotes that a high temperature must be reached, Flash point permitted ina fuel lubricant is usually written inthe specifications Classification of lubricating oils: ‘The lubricating oils are normally classified according to their viscosity. The SAE (Society ‘of Automotive Engineers, USA) method of assigning numbers to different oils is universally used, SAE has assigned a number to oils whose viscosity at a given temperature falls in a certain range, There are two temperatures used as reference in assigning numbers to oilsat-18 °C and at 99°C, SAE SW, 10W and 20W grades of oils are defined in terms of viscosity at -18 °C ,AE20, SAE30, SAE40 and >. These are oils, which render starting of automobiles in cold climates easy. S. iscosity at 99 °C. These oils work satisfactorily in SAESO grades of oils are defined in terms of vi ‘normal and hot climates. Definition of viscosity: It is defined as the resistane ¢ ofthe adjacent layers ofthe fluid in motion. Viscosity results fundamentally from cohesion and molecular momentum ‘exchange between fluid layers. As the {uid lows, tangential or shearing stresses between the moving layers is developed, Nowton’s law of viscosity: According to Isaac Newton. + ec duldy where = shear stress and duldy = velocity gradient duldy where jis a proportionality constant which takes into account, the = duldy where pis @ effect of a particular fluid. Dynamic Viscosity. Its the more commonly used This constant is known as Absolute oF fa fluid 1 fasures the resistance 0! / 0 low ~ in other tasurement of viscosity. It mes : temperature and pressure. Kinematic Viscosity: sc viscosity measures the resistance of the liquid 10 Mo in He preg Kinematic viseosi 4 In the majority of problems involving viscosity, the magnitude of the viscous f gravity. In the majority o compared with the magnitude of the inertia forces, that is, those force prominer -d with id seceleration of the fluid. Since the viscous forces are proportional th absolute viscosity "yg the inertia forces are proportional tothe density ‘p’, the ratio w/p is frequently involved, this as is known as the Kinematic viscosity and is denoted by the symbol ‘v’ (Nu), Units of viscosity and Conversions: Absolute viscosity: In CGS system it is given by poise. In S.1 units the unit is Pa-s, 100 centipoise = 1 poise or 1 centipoise (cP) ~ 107 Pa-s. Kinematic sity: Its unit is derived from CGS system and is called stokes, In $. units the unit is m/s y=cm'/sec Lem*/sec = 1.0 stoke 100 centistokes = 1 stoke ‘Newtonian Fluids and Non-Newtonian Fluids: Fluid in which the shear stress is directly proportional to rate of deformation is Newtonian uid, Bx: water, si, gasoline etc. Fluid in which shear stress is not diretly proportional to shat sate are termed as Non-Newtonian fluids, Non-Newionian Fluids are classified into following categories a) Time independent Fluids ') Time dependent Fluids Ex: Toothpaste, Paints etc, Viscosity Measurements: Apparatus suitable forthe necessary measurements of viscosity is known as a viscometer. A few methods used in determining viscosity are, f * Transpiration Methods: These methods are suitable for stream ined or laminar {10% ‘The basis of this method is the "Poiseville's Law {ume from a, tube of length 'L’ and radius ie Q=aP risa. here, P= pressure difference it * for a volume (Q’ discharged in between the ends of the tube. jengaluru 8 Department of Mechanical Engineering, RVC, 1 = In me cay M the + Fa isn oft Importan oil is used is proportic it is necess, time. Oil vi Viscosity « temperatur atomization Definition Ac complete co power prod Classificati Fuels are el > Ocee > State According t + Natu * Antif ‘cn, of are ing and, atio lows, Engineering Thermodynamics lab H= dynamic viscosity + Industrial Viscometer cal a "ters: For measuring viscosity of oils these instruments require the measurement of the time taken for certain quantity of oil to flow through a certain capillary tube - orifice having standard dim Mainly, Redwood Viscometer and Saybol's Viscometer is preferred. «= Rotary ometers: A simple ers: A simple method of applying a known rate of shear stress toa fuid and measuring the viscous stress thus produced, The analysis of this method illustrates the application of Newton's formula for viscosity, when angular velocity is involved + Fall 1g Sphere Method: For the determination of viscosity a small solid sphere of known weight - invariably a steel ball of predefined mass - is allowed to fall vertically down the center of a cylinder containing the oil under test. The velocity with which this sphere falls {s measured. The terminal velocity of the sphere which can be measured, gives a picture of the value of viscosity. Importance of Viseosity: Viscosity is one of the most important properties of an oil. When the cil is used as a lubricant in bearings, its viscosity is important because the load carrying capacity is proportional to the viscosity. When the oil is used as a fuel in either diesel engines or furnaces, itis necessary that the oil atomizes so as to allow combustion to take place in a short period of time. Oil viscosity is important also, when oils must be pumped. Viscosity change with temperature: As oil is heated, its viscosity decreases. At elevated temperatures, it is easier to pump oil and also the light viscosity will help to produce beter stomization for combustion. Definition of a Fuel: ‘A combustible substance contains carbon 2s the main combustible clement, which on i c for domestic, industrial and complete combustion liberates large quantity of heat that can be used for domestic dustrial Power production. Classification of Fuel: Fuels are classified according to their > Occurrence and Preparation > State of existence are classified as According to the occurrence and preparation, the fue * Natural or Primary fuels * Artificial or Secondary fuels as examples of natural fuels are Wood, Pea formed in nature. The init Natural Fuels are oy Petroleum, Natural Gas et 4 from the natural fuels and examples of artificial fuels arg ‘are prepared from Char Artificial Fuels - Producer Gas, and Blast Fumace Gas ete According to their state, the fuels are classified as: © Solid Fuels "Liquid Fuels Gaseous Fuels nite and coal. Solid fuels that occur in nature are wood, peat, gui fuels ate available in nature as crude petroleum. Its discharged from natural reser he earth's crust through wells, which are drilled in likely places, until the oil is struck. This enie Petroleum is refined by a process of distillation and a number of oils of different grades such [Petrol, Kerosene or paraffin oil, diesel etc are obtained and finally a thick residue called Tar is kg behind, Gaseous fuels occur in nature as natural gas near the petroleum fields under the earth's surface Calorific values of fuels: The calorific value or the heat value of a fuel is defined as the total quantity of bes liberated by complete combustion of unit quantity of a fuel at STP. {STP: 273.15 K (0 °C) and 1 atmospheric pressure kim] Further calorific ~ 760 mm of mercury or 1.013 bar or 10 ic values arc classified as; Higher or Gross calorific value & Lower or Net calerife value, ‘Te ighes calorific valve (HCV) of fuels defined asthe total amount of heat produced ws of the fuel has been burt completely and the products of combustion are brought to temperature of the supplied air and fuel. This water vapour when allowed to cool to the # Femperature, its latent heat of condensation gets evolved and thus the total quantity of be# fenerated by the combustion of the fuel will be maximized. This maximum value of the be generated is termed as the ‘higher calorific ‘value, The lower calorifie value (LCV) is obtained inmost of the cases as it is not possible to cool 40%" all the water-vapour tothe room temperature and hence some part of the y mount of latent heat carried depends upon the pressure at Which the ev ‘he quantity of water vapour generated. It is difficult to determine the it heat is lost raporation takes place a pressure of vaporizatio® Department of Mechanical Engineering, RVCE, Bengaluru Hence, for pr he latent hea Lev =He HO Note: Calorit Calorific val Octane rat Tod rating has b compared wi heptanes are Is0-0 detonates ra mixture of as the fuel number of th as Diesel oil Purpose of + Routine a that the er at, al, cat 33 fic cn he ‘mn. cat he nd on. f for practical purposes sat Poses saturation pressure corresponding to 15 °C (288 Kis ken, atent heat of vaporization of saty ed Water at 15 °C is 2465 keg Y= HCV - (Heat carried by water i by water vapour formed/kg of fuel burnt) HCV - (ms * 2465) ki/kg, Note: Caloific values can also be based on the volume of fuel burt. Calorific values of some common fuels (approx.): ~_ Name ofthe fuel] HCV akg) TV egy Methane 355000 50000 [Sawa Gas a | Peal j Biogas Tey Kerosene ~ 46500 43450 | [Diesel 35500 3100 LPG 5000 (kJ/m*) 4800 (ki/m") Octane rating for fuels: To determine the antiknock measure of fuel, numbering or rating system called octane rating has been introduced. In octane number tests, the performance of an unknown compared with that of a series of a reference fuels consisting of mixtures of Iso-octane an heptanes are used. Iso-oetane has been arbitrarily assigned a ly assigned an octane number equal in octane number of 100, while n-b detonates rapidly and hence has been arbitral .dto produce the detonation under same co s prepare volume of iso-octane in this mixture is the octane ‘mixture of iso-octane and n-heptane’ 8 the fuel under test and the percentage by = umber of the fuel. Cetane number is used to denote the knocking qualities of heavier fuels s0cN Diesel oil ete Purpose of conducting tests on LC engines: performed by the manufictreron the enuine ASS * Routine and acceptance tests which are thatthe engine performance is up tothe prescribed st on syde tests of new types, 10 ascertain the effects of Changes which ine + Comparative tests wh system, Fuel injection system, m, Lubri es/classes of en tests of different makes‘cla Exhaust syste ication system, Coolin S system, Exhaust syste system, ete) of design or: af the engine for different applications. branch of scientific investigation undertaken in order to study «© Research testing is Bereta that have been taking place in the engine explain complex action Fducational test have the primary objectives to illustrate the fundamental theories unde the operation of internal combustion engines. Definition of basic Performance Paramet © Brake Power (BP) - The power available at the output shaft of the engine is terme brake power. In other words, itis the power that is available a the crankshaft ofthe ene or the useful work output from the engine. ‘Indicated Power (IP) - The total power developed inside the engine cylinders is ca indicated power. The entire power developed inside the cylinder is not available atte ‘output shaft due to the effects of friction. Hence the indicated power does take into te account frictional losses taking place in the engine. * The Lost Power (LP) or commonly known as Friction power (FP) - The power st ‘overcoming the friction due to moving parts (i.c., bearing s, piston etc.,) and pumpinghs Lost Horse power = (IP - BP) Pumping HP + Friction HP = Lost horse power * Mechanical Efficiency - 11 is the ratio of work output to work input, It is expressed® Bere 2 Pe eilicicncy of an ideal machine is 100% but an actual machine bs brake power tothe ee inside the ey as vais Srey nthe, dingy side the cylinder (also known as Ner= Brake power Available energy inthe fuel = pore POT thy x Calor ic Value ofthe fuel Department Mf Mechanic; Br) ati ab agineetng, RVC, Renpatun, 2 Ind it wh ex Note: The stroke fron + Vo ° Me pis Dynamom output of t TYPES O1 Flu Ele Performar The the air-fuel ignition in ina Sl engi The with the 4, where, tris the mass f) wa ‘Ow rate of the fuel in kg/s and the calorific value of the in terms of ki/kg Indicated thermal efficiency, mp is d fuel is expressed fined as the rat 2 released deo tha Scauion of s ratio of the indicated power to the mee fuel inside the eylinder, during a specific bs Indicated pow te \dicated power: thy» Calorific value of the fuel where, His the mass flow rate of the fuel in kg/s and the calorific value ofthe fuel is expressed in terms of ki/kg ie The swept volume of a cylinder i ' Note: The swept volume of a cylinder is defined as the volume taken in by theeylinder in suction stroke from TDC to BDC, «Volumetric efficiency is the ratio of the actual volume of charge admitted during the suction stroke to the swept volume of the piston of internal combustion engine. Actual volume of charge admitted per stroke at NTP ‘Stroke volume ™ + Mean effective pressure is defined as the theoretical mean pressure that is acting on the piston throughout the power stroke. It can be determined by using an indicator diagram. Dynamometers are used for the purpose of measuring the brake power. This measures the torque output of the engine. TYPES OF DYNAMOMETERS: Solid friction - Rope brake dynamometer ~ Prony brake dynamometer Fluid friction - Hydraulic dynamometer Electric - Eddy current dynamometer = Swinging field — DC dynamometer - AC Dynamometer Full load and Part load conditions ‘or 4 strokes of the piston, where by the time of Performance characteristics of a diesel engine cycle works on either 2 +. and is nearly homogeneous ratio of the homogeneous mixture The Spark Ignition (SI) engine the air-fuel mixture of a engine has more time (0 mP cl-air equivalence ignition in the combustion chamber. The fuel-air al ‘ nag “close enough to unity to be combustible Sl engine must remain close enough to unity ee (Ci engine eycle works on either The Compression Ignition “The air and fuel are not united in With the d-eyele Cl engine being more common. nein usion chamber. The fuel injected into o.Cl engin 4o the combustor is injected int px; 24? before TDC unl fue wich depends on Engne/SpecdL ond toy Ineo ime to mix with ai, Therefore ee mixture inthe combustion chan neon es and very lean outside the plumes), fel spray plum ich within fu erogeneous (very 1 tio of a CI engine must compression ra be high enough to Cause Autoignition gp Ea T pression ratio of a SI engine must be 1% enough to proven fuel mixture. The compre ‘ i Je stress on a Cl engine, and have to be ¢ tion. Higher compression ratios increase the stress 0 ail ignition. Higher ne. A spark ignites the mixture in a SI engine, and a fay, more robustly than a ST ene combustion in a Cl engine is roy sweeps smoothly across the combustion chamber. Initial ' uncontrolled because the mixture may ignite spontaneously at more than one place ing combustion chamber. trials on engine for full load perform: In a Cl engine, the peak performance is evaluated with the control lever of the pum ‘moved to full and locked in position (equivalent to fully depressed accelerator position) « different speeds (say 1000 rpm to 4000 rpm - assumed as rated speed) in steps as desired The engine has to be taken to its operating temperature (recommended by te manufacturer - 80° C to 90°C) running at around torque speed at full load. After warm up fe engine has to be loaded to get the desired speeds (say 1000, 1200, ..... 4000 rpm) necessah Including the peak torque speed (engine specific). These are the maximum loads possible ates speed. Performance data to be recorded at each speed * Load (dynamometer) * Fuel consumption time ‘© Smoke density © Exhaust gas temperature Coolant temperature Air intake temperature Barometric pressure Lubrication oil temperature Emissi mision {CO, CO;, HC, NO,, particulate matter) etc... a partment of Mechanical Enginceing, RVCE, Bengaluru Parameters 2 BP(K\ © Torqu 2 SFC( BP correction figure 1, w the rated ry same way | tig lire is imp ) at the the arly each 14 eal Engineering Thermodynamics lab vyametets evaluated (site condition) ieee ean pp (kW) - observed Torque (Nm) - observed 1BP-hr) - observed «SFC ( «s_Injested quantity mm’ /stroke/eylinder BP (corrected), Torque (Corrected), SFC (conected) are obtained by using suitable jon factor/s. (DIN, JIS, 1S comet ~ standards). The plots of the above parameters are as in re 1, which shows the {ull load performance of the engine. The trials can be carried out from xed rpm to the lowest rpm or vice versa, But itis necessary to perform the trials always the sane way for subsequent trials in view of the hysteres effect involved. Power in kW £ 6 Pe enw a ee er) somdinrom SFC -e-scinghn Se speedier ted quantity in mm3/stroke/cylinder ed quanti Injec $a | cm 7000 =«3000 000500 end speed inrpm eInjcted Quantity in mm3/stroke/cylinder Torque in N-m - ==3el —e—Torqueintim 1000 2000 «300040005000 ‘Speed in rpm Smoke density % E40} B 7 Po-smoke density % © 1000 2000 3000 4000-5000 Speed in cpm Figure | - Full load characteristies of aC Engine aim: To Land ope Apparat ‘on metal ubricatin Theory: Every lig the boilin liquid is (respectiv evaporat above the encounter given pre understoo Flash poi sufficient Fire poin CLEAVE L. FLAS 1 AND FLASH and FIRE POINT [OP & fire point of °N CUP] sh point the given lubricating oi by using Cleave garatus used: Open cup tester consist : 4 metal cup 2 inch diameter. Its supporter disc 6-inch diameter, electrical ee ater/bunson burner, asbestos boutd, thermometer, oil SAE 40. as 2 boiling point at a given saturation temperature and pressure. But even before _ boiling point has been attained by the liquid, certain number of vapors are formed when the sd in a container due to energy absorbed by the surrounding environment gective molecules of the liquid). This is very much similar to drying of clothes or jon of water during summer from natural sources. This leads to formation of vapour liquid which in case of flammable fuels of lubricants will catch fire when these spark or fire, Thus, all fuels need to be kept below a certain set temperature for a yea pressure which Keeps the vapour formation within an allowable limit, This can be ssersigod using these points of interest as defined below. h an oil/fuel must be heated to give off Flash point: It is defined as the temperature at which ot vapors to form a flammable mixture with air which the oil must be heated to form s vapour air i Fire point: It is defined as the temperature to sixrure that bums continuously once ignited. Schematic of open cup appara Procedure’ ail the top of the meniscus is exacth be tested until the top of Ay at the f filin 1. The cup is filled with ofl 0 a at the room temperature 2 pestos disc and the thermometer is sus asbestos di u sponded ing fa 2, The cup is then placed in the hole of pak ibet sential ccreropoibbles on te surheo of vm temperature is noted: Te cup is heated 0 aise the lmperatue Initially the he test flame is made to pass across th he test fl n P rr rate, For every 10° C rise in temperature Time of passage must approximately be one second 4. A splinter is applied ontop of vapour Iaden surface when the flash appears a any temperature temporarily. That point is recognized as flash point Pig point is made at every interval gp flam ‘ter noting the flash point temperature, the test for fire “The fire point is found by continuing the heating at the same rate. Until the tet the oil, and it continues to bun at least for 5 seconds. Again, the splinter is introduced ‘continuous flame appears. That is noted as fire point Observations: Givenoil-_SAE-HO Room temperature 23. oii Department of aia Bengalur if Engineering, RVCE, ey all Mechanical , luru ling © cup nstant feup, oint of 25°C ignites when a Columns la abut Result: 1. The ash point ofthe given oitis_ [TO °C 2, The fite point ofthe given il is_ OO _°C inference: [ Ths eupt: pusvides 0 ¢fanclassdi- rd voy fo diettadne tie tevp. ar whids © [lommahle Stgutd can tenia and ¢ ai wolth ¥s ital fox sft ond siogulobsy Viva Questions: 1+ Given the flash point ofa substance, explain how this information can be used inte 9, estore and transportation systems, . How would i ne temperature? handle # situation Where substance's flash point is cs How do regulatory bodies use lash point data in setting safety standards? a” Departmen Of Mechanical Engin, RVCE, By To deter Aim: Pensky Mart Apparatus: ( electrical heat Theory: Every liquid | the boiling p Tiquid is stor molecules o! during summ case of flams fuels need t fi mm Flash point Fire point Engineering ‘Thermodynamics lab NSKY MART) P IN APPARATUS (CLOSED CUP) ‘o determine the flash point 2. PE! T sia & fin f point of the giver F the given sample of high-speed diesel by using | Martin's closed cup apparatus penshy Closed cup tester e eevee apparatus: Clo p tester with a small metal cup , ll metal cup supported on metal dise, Bunsen burner! high speed fuel diesel, stirer, thermomet ictrical heat sty quid has a boiling point ata give ligu ling point at a given saturation temperature and pressure. But even before | he boiling point has been attained by the liquid, certain number of vapors are formed when the squids stored in 2 container due to energy absorbed by the surrounding environment (respective molecules of the liquid). This is very much similar to drying of clothes or evaporation of water using summer from natural sources, This leads to formation of vapour above the liquid which sn cose of flammable fuels or lubricants will etch fire when these encounters spark or fire. Thus, {uel need to be kept below a certain set temperature fora given pressure which keeps the VaPoMt formation within an allowable limit. The fire hazards involved in storing and handling of oils are iacaed by flash fire point, As oils are heated, a fraction of vapor is evolved but a8 the ne the no gvafato temperature is continuously increased, the rate of vapour release also increases rapidly. These fash and fire point tests are condueted to predict the oil empersturs st which the oil forms an inflammable mixture with air Flash point: It is defined as the temperature at which an ilfuel must be heated to give off sufficient vapors to form flammable mixture with si ch the oil must be heated to form a vapour ait is defined as the temperature to whi Fire point: inixture that burns continuously once ignited. ea or , \ a oa \ \ i | 7H Jb ¢ ee X of closed cup apparatus sed in the desig ; close to 0" ‘Schemati be take 3, Initially the room tempera is brought near the hole at 4, Flash point is the temperature when the ‘5, When the fire point is for almost about 2 second: Observations: Given Oil Fgh Spee mato see that no bubbles are Room temperature -_2 Procedure: , 1 eed: gg wihihsrees fue at the filling line 2. The cup is then placed in the metal dise preset ture is noted 2 the top for abo cached, the fuel ignites slowly wit s Diaeb 1 sample to be tested until the top menisey pote and a thermometer is immersed ini into it Cay at on the oil surface ad for every 3°C rise gut 1 second. test flame is put off by the fuel. cin the temperature the eg Sf ith a blue flame and continu Si. | Tem yar column: <[ Femperatore of Ol Fash [Fire [Tempertureatoi [Flash [Fie See Point | p | Point | Point i decreasing (°C) = | = N|os9 | YT 53, Result: aes flash point ofthe given oll #8 == 1. Th p er enol is of the give 2. The fire point of Inference: Ths flesh pl ob flek pt oggate ly Bnapaiate easily of Beusos tarp wratones and vice~Veua, 7, halps fo aang poate! fie liar asd associabecl exit I Had stesoge, df be walt fnicalng he yaa tained fndicole Volalility ae Viva Questions: 1. Discuss the role of flash point in the selection of firefighting equipment and strategies 2. Discuss any international standards or regulations related to flash point testing. 3. Are there any recent advancements or technologies in flash point testing methods? ae? BE RVCE, Be temperat Appara ce Measu ‘Theory: Viscosity neighbori fluids the shear stra divided b is called t this way in temper heating, | kinematic is the abs Here lere a stir Enginecring Thermodynamics lab a REDWOop VISCOMETER aim: To determine the absolute and kinem, atic: viscosities of the pean ei H the given oil sample at different atus: Redwood Viscomete Apparat ter, Lubricant Oil SAE-49 & ava ime ee 90 Grades, Thermometers, 60 Theory viscosity is the resistance of a fluid (liquid or gas) to a change in shape g portions relati Piast seighboring Ps ive to one another. Viscosity denotes opposition to flow. For many fuids the tangential, or shearing, stress that causes flow is directly proportional to the rate of shear strain, oF rate of deformation, that results due to motion. In other words, the shear stress divided by the rate of shear strain is constant fora given fluid ata fixed temperature. This constant iscalled the dynamic, or absolute, viscosity and often simply the viscosity. Fluids that behave in this way are called Newtonian fluids. The viscosity of liquids decreases rapidly with an increase intemperature, and the viscosity of gases inereases with an increase in temperature. Thus, upon beating, liquids flow more easily, whereas gases flow more sluggishly. For some applications the kinematic viscosity is more useful than the absolute, or dynamic viscosity. Kinematic viscosity isthe absolute viscosity of a fluid divided by its mass density. ‘Schematic of viscosity a Thus, F = ARG FT , to obtain the accurate s=0S89 values Herea stirrer is provided to uniformly heat the bull P ‘Schematic of Redwood Viscometer Procedu |. Note the weight of empty receiving flask Fill the oil in the viscometer tube to the indicated level. ‘Switch on the heater, stir the oil to the desired temperature. . Lift the ball simultaneously starting a stopwatch, The oil will be pouring into the 60 ce ast ‘case, flask note down the time required to collect the oil up to the indicated mark in each fist ‘Weigh the flask with its contents calculates the required values & plot the graphs of viseosis vs, temperature. Also plot the time vs. temperature Observations: LL Initial temperature of oil = Z eG Zz Kinematic Viscosity » = (4 x ¢) — @ i247 =P] Centistoke where (32 <1 <100) ve Ey [o2aze - 9] Centistoke where (t > 100) where . 5 Tyee.) where t is in seconds (Redwood se Dea Volume ofan es wee 3, Dynami Viscosity = yx poise Department of Mechanical Engineering. gy CE, Bengalury = ho 3 ks Se © ae Bo 30 4 Bao ZS f Ao ‘Chandra (an-xourt ° zo vo = vo 5 wo = <-bg 09°h9! Fis ig Whe oh <4 130 Cth | isthe On i a ‘a asavea aac us aupsoes seis aac ose siete | lara stnrs let (5° T= (0-duty eis) -{ P= Cut! x0-722 = 16.85 poise Result: 2 Bee Kiersotic and Ayranic Visco decueare wt troy fo Tesposatine = Inference: Thy, b use a iy ; F TS Bh fox mmty te vl 4 a fitiislaine pode Viva Questions: 1. Expla a 2. How dows te dageses Hatin calla viscometer ele to is viscosiy? viscometer? © capillary tube affect the measurements in a capil! thet or rate of de dynamic, or called Newt and the vise flow more viscosity is viscosity of 4.84: YBOLT VISComE: To determine the absolute TE) and kinematic me iH metus) using the following Apparatus apparatus: Saybolt Viscometer, Lubricant 0} syesuting flask respectively, Stop clock, ‘Theory? is the resistance of a fluid i vicosity is d uid (liquid of 885) to a change in sha Pe, pegitring portions relative to one another. Viscosity oe orate of deformation, that results due to motion. In other words, the shear ss divided by the ra of shear strain is constant for a given fluid at a fixed temperature, This constants called the dynamic, or absolute, viscosity and often simply the viscosity, Fluids that behave inthis way are called Newtonian fluids. The viscosity of liquids decreases rapidly with an increase in temperature, sai the viscosity of gases increases with an increase in temperature, Thus, upon heating, liquids {low more easily, whereas gases flow more sluggishly. For some applications the kinematic viscosity is more useful than the absolute, or dynamic viscosity. Kinematic viscosity isthe absolute viscosity of a fluid divided by its mass density. Schematic of viscosity as visualized in fluid flow du Thus, FAN GOT= Hay ‘ity values. bulk, so as to obtain the accurate viscosity Mi “stirrer is provided to uniformly heat the Engineering Thermo Experimental setup: a. mee Test uel i Ketype 5 {shermocounle_ samp Schematic of experimental setup Procedure: 1, Note the weight of empty receiving flask. Fill he oil in the viscometer tube to the indicated level. Switch on the heater, stir the oil to the desired temperature. aN the ball simultaneously starting a stopwatch, The eil will be pouring into te thease, Mask note down the time required to collect the oil upto the indicated markines Mask. Weigh the flask with its contents calculates the Tequired values & plot the gnats Bcosities vs temperature. Also plot a graph of the time vs temperature. Formulae used: 1. Kinematic Viscosity » = (Axr)- ® [oz26e 1 *F] Centstoke where G2 100) Where t ‘onds (Saybolt secon Jaen ew as isin seconds (Sayb ie Roc pic 3 Dynamic Viscosity y= y p. runpeBuog “aa Au Buusourucs (ertEDaH\ JO ow or a o = O | | 1 st or sk oo SO ° zo ro v0 (en nent so 1 zu rydvag ends, sees |G b9 -38 |G Ee @ AL HAD Ther Specimen calculations 75-46 4U Aim: Te ES) eee \¢ to = 60 Wok op ott (a5) ur (8) = (© gacxa0u-t) - Pout) = al | J = O-agcE ab = Bu PD poke Theory = = YbGIKO.T EI = SUF Calorin He 6 mee enclosu DG WIV — Oty rela? i ) oe Ot gfe weight ua) 4 re t) ~ 18.03¢t The ma $2 oat — (1) - (} ( ee | 1D [>= 13.003 pos, entire ¢ | M= IXE= 18.03 0°11). = 13.005 pote an ] Rent: laste Kinrwattc and dynantc vitcostty decease stl jw the stee Be tenten. Ee ee Te Aasjbolt Vigconeten peovideo giiwple ancl , fetive mubhod jo» 4 a mowusdie Ae Vico 4 oil, oe fi iE valuable i . ds — Higher: release, Viva Questions: Proced i Dis rca lah sic wie vec ers play a crucial A kno Discuss employed to compensate fo, BF gots viscoce es a ea naeolRy and how can avisconen ne ed neat vs site Placed seaceets ‘used to characterize the rheological be Y calorim Department of Mechanical Engineering, RVC nei Pepartmer » Bengalury modynamies lab aim: To SHOW angular posit (operations) of IC engine at various strokes aratus: Cross-section vie “Apparat ion View of Dies Diesel engine Setup, Theory: The valve timing diagram shows the he position o gs suction, compression, expansion be, “rank when aus operations such ‘inning and exhaust, The valve BF. position tne ie timing is the regulation At which the valve seque Ce ala fnite perio to ope sirupiness. Opening and closing of the Finite period to open and close with ae and hence power genecation. pot oni tracegene "» sufficiently during the suction stroke so that fresh Ebange starts to flow into the cylinder. Similarly, if the inlet valve cesesexeetf at OG Ovlinder would receive less charge than its capacity and less pressure wil be developed during the power stroke. Therefore, the inlet valve should remain open for a few degrees after BDC. Exhaust Valve: This valve opens before the end of power stroke. This is done to ensure the complete removal of the exhaust gases from the cylinder so that fresh charge can enter during the next suction stroke. Since the pressure inside the engine cylinder is more than the atmosphere, the exhaust {28s will rush out through this valve on their own. This valve remains open fora few degrees alter the end of exhaust stroke, during which the inlet valve will also be open. Thus it becomes: important for engineers to develop proper shape of the cam to ensure fresh charge is not wasted during the eycle Procedure: 1. Inititty the TDC and BDC are identified with res 2. The crank is rotated slowly and the angle at which 4. Similarly angular position of the erank when the inlet and closes are noted down. : 4. The fuel injection position ean also be recognized during the *. Finally graphical representation is made. pect to crank position. the inlet valve opens is noted 4 valve closes. Exhaust valve opens power stroke duru e31 of Mechanical Engineering, RVCE~ Bens Vapou, of vapou | | te Impressicg example Aly, the t refore,it rerngeranth vain the low ma vapour 6 merges out seating type ses through ww tempera where its p Tons Exhaust FeSsion Com E is Before BDG a] Ates< The ‘estions: #does the factors j Aiming disgram vary oy. fluence the selection of Wor ; Engin 8. Vapour Compression p, Melneering Th cf hexmodynamics aby frigeration Cycle sion refrigerator syst fm and 10 find its co Pacity (Tons of denser, Evaporator, orator, Expansion valve/Throte valve pression refrigerator system P ni ‘consists of a com f ss0r, condenser, a a r example R134) enters the compressorat low low temperature and low pressun Here, eo ti compression takes place to raise the gerant pressure. The ret % ca is in 2 gascous state temperature and int leaves the compressor and enters the condenser. Since mero TAtwees work, an electric: mo n el tor is used. Compressors can be scroll, screw, ccotrifugal or ting types, The condense tially a heat exchanger. As the refrigerant flows through the condenser, itismade sure to be at constant pressure The refrigerant enters the throttling or expansion valve, where it expands and releases the pressure. Consequently, the temperature drops at this stage. Because of these changes, the refrigerant leaves the throttle valve asa liquid vapor mixture, Throttling valves play two erucial roles in the vapor compression cycle. First, they maintain a pressure differential between low- ssure sides. Second, they control the amount of liquid refrigerant entering the evaporator The refrigerant is at a lower temperature than its surroundings, as it enters the evaporator or ‘Therefore, it evaporates and absorbs latent heat of vaporization. Heat low pressure and temperature. The compressor suetion ‘cooling area. extraction from the refrigerant happens at effect helps to maintain the low pressure. compression refrigeration eycle — low pressure, low temperature So, 10 consolidate in a vapour cerant vapour emerges ou es cating type of compressor) i high pressure, high temperature refigerant ‘compresses (reciprocati eae riie through the condenser and withthe help of cooling fan, it condenses into ‘vapour. Then it passes ch pressure, 10" tt eat Tue where its pressure dereases, wile the temperature remains sane. So lw ie pressure Tiquid reftigerant absorbs heat ftom the surrounding resion J the evaporator and passes to the compressor where the piston erature liquid refrigerant. The refrigerant moves to the throting surrounding region losses heat as it evaporates, the region becomes cool focal Engineering, RVCE, Bengalurs vp f I! ngineering Thermodynam Procedure: [ Poe ae Jn has the same expansion effec, Keep the throtle val Fabut lary tube open, whic , eal i : .ssor and the fan. ad drives the compre or which 3, Switch on the moto fe hrough the vapou! | 4, The refrigerant passes throus! 5 ber or freezer. evaporator cham eis attained, T(1) t0 T(S) pression cycle resulting in coo) ‘ompre y ag 1d pressures P(1) and P(2) ate tabulate, I 5. After steady sta = 6. COP for the eycle is obtained: Write Experimental Setup: Coeeeay™ Compress Ses emi condenser Eveporetor Expansion Ti+ Vapor eel Valve TYPICAL SINGLE-STAGE VAPOR COMPRESSION REFRIGERATION Schematic of Vapour compression refrigeration cycle Specimer Formulas used: Power cycle Reverso a COP of Camot = [reese se ae ‘Heat sue Dene) Actual Cop = Gu= ho Gary) ‘Capacity (tons of refrigeration) TR = 2 @u~hs) 14000 where mis the mass fow rate in kg/hr, PTR ™ 14000 ke Engine atent heat of le is assumed to be 335 ku ke.) Tabular column: pansion Valve | 7) y | kg/cm? | kg/cm’ 14.0% | uot Specimen calculations: ttle Valve: 7, = "63K fem’= Arbon, P= Ou Tbax b= MokT)eg, y= UOT Ig, ha= hu > 280 vatlky £ HLo- 290 _ YUKO “WO Actiak Cop = PF Cosmet Cop m juru of Mechanics al Engineering, RVCE, Bengal Engineering Thermodynami Results: ( This ewpt helps ws to adefoeratne co-dfiient Pon VOR, sieftgoant mali, ote 1G the eye 4 gana eae Inference: Viva Questions: a - 1. What is the effect of superheat a ind subcooling on COP with reference to a reftigerat system? 2 How does the choice of refrigerant impact the design and performance of a vapy compression refiigeration system? 3. What is the need fora multi-stage vapor compression refrig. Leon Tubes Bye bete lene — ©. LEEMPo. Pe (At kgf = tsemps k= lesley, ee Aor ORE tion system? u= SLT, | fu eoumyooyy so weeds | ' Le egw 'gunssae Aw 4op oy yd f & Vapor rigeration Lab ralcncine Ensinserine Thermodynamics! Four Stroke petrol engine . [ 9. Maiti rance test with Heat Balance Shey, Perform test and Pe . Marse rest and ob formance charactristies of Mult exlinde ay est and obtain the perfo To conduct Morse test balance sheet wnt loading and draw heat ba engine with eddy eure Jicator, Manometer, Rotameter, ture indicator, jaital speed indicator, Temper App: e already discussed in detaiy 4-8 SI engines The theory pertaining to the Meme Se are reduced manufac ace 1 Jinder engine, the important factor to be kept ip ‘ming costs, reduced dynan and uniform load on the eranag which leads to higher life. For a mul th ‘on the number of cylinders, power requirements, number ® This depends on the number of cylinders, p is the “firing order’. This depend: i : e manufactures. The proper firing order oft ‘crankshaft and camshaft present and on respective manufac he prop zh life to the engine and prevent te engine provides maximum power, smooth running and high life to the engine and prevent from unwanted vibrations. Out of the all 4-strokes (suction, compression, power and exhaust) required to complete an engine's eycle, power stroke is the strongest and genes arious stresses (mechanical or thermal both) that can cause engine failure like knocking, so is essential for a multi linder engine that the power strokes in any 2 adjacent cylinders mus nf occu atthe same time due to which an engine must have a pre-defined and proper fi Onde, The improper fring order can affect the engine and crankshaft balanc 1@ due to te Benetton of unconivlled stresses due to which harsh running, unwanted sound and unwanted ‘vibration can be obtained from the engine which can suddenly break any component of te bs engine and is quite dangerous for the operator or the People nea Improper firing onder of sngine dtetly affets the fuel economy of the engine due to d by the improper firing order. In most firing order is configured as 1-3-4. plug ignition according to the 1 stroke then cylinder 4 is at sue Gompression stroke. can be j the improper combustion cass! of the passenger cars, whi having 4-cylinders (In-line), be ich means all the cyl 3-4-2 sequence, means that tion stroke, cylinder 2 lustifi 720 degrees of the crankshan rotati inders will have firing or the sist When cylinder 1 is having pow S at exhaust stroke and cylinder 3 td that in a 4-cylinder engine a complete firing order gi Sn which means each power st crankshaft roke by the individual pis? lcated Power of a Multi-eyli @ dynamome ter at a particular speed, eu g of each eylinder in gine firing y tum and no in Thermo w ing the fay hermodynamics lab constant, When one cylinder is ey i BP each time w a act Hoff, power hile main develope ining the | ordingly, the load on the is red js According he dynamometer ig duced and spec | > adjusted engine | tro 5 maintain FP constant, which is ind “10 restore the en | 1 40° ] dependent of the toag wine speed. This qhe observed difference in BP between ai nd Proportional to i)» ae all eytinders fing ang aaa she P of the eut off eylinder. Summation oF 1P of at the gen nM Miner ew off seihe engine under test AN he cylinders would then | The procedure: | Namie check forthe uel i the fue tank and eonnet the water sour | shah jcket through a rotameter at desired rate © he inet of he engine a mind 4 ne with the help of starter switch, Moe gine to stabilize to rated speed around 1500 rpm, r of the 4, tno load condition, note down the engine speed, fuel con ‘i = sumption, manometer readings ents the and temperatures. wer and 5, Now load the engine through hydraulic dynamometer. Load is indeated on a dal ype eneraics balance in terms of kg and record the above readings ng, 50 it 6, Conduct the morse test as per the usual procedure, where the spark plug is exoff during ers must cach trial for individual cylinders in an order by which the fall in BP can be noted down. er firing ye to the Typerimental Setup: (line diagram of the setup) unwanted int of the rder of on caused ine), - the spat Svsiications suroke 4 ‘Bore: 71 mt 01 Nem @ 3000 rp Capacity: 1196 ¢€ Compression rat "ower: 73. BE @ 6000 xpm, Max torque: ! heh. 75 5 mm, Working range: Up to 2000 1p™ fc 25 mm Bengaluru “of Mechanical Engineering, RVCE, Engineering Thermodynamic: Tabular column: (MOR! i BP (kW) | IP (KW) | pp Cylinder SINo| description (heme ' d agin rat, |] eee 9865 | tag All eylinders Fir \ nae [ons | T0355 Gjlinder I cutoft ie) wee, }saod | tuae Tem Cylinder 2 cut-off mot Hyd | +t bay ereset 15.295 | C30. by Slo - axe te5_ | 1160 Prag Glinder cut-off | Qowo a Cylinder Feutoff | ooo [eee Baye sw 2rrfaves) (13) (9:2) (03) _ +. gee ko €0x1000 Speinee S255 _ kW (Similarly caleulate BP2 cava BPS att BP cecot) ‘60x009, Fs = Att favos) (g.u) (4.81) (0.39) oe 5. 59- kw GOLEO =— Pea oe) 0) 60,000 Play = 2rulteo0) (6.6) Ge) (049) te hs 60000 TP BPat-BPiseot - 7.982 — 5. O55 = NentS IPe=BPat~BProwot = “4.9e¢—6599 = ah TPs= BP BPs anait = TWRE-Sa95= 2-569 kw Department of Mechanical Engineering, RY hy) . = BPat BPsowon = “Legg — iri BPat fo Sciere ait Engineering Thermodynamics Sey pa iPrt P24 Ps IPA = 3.895 4 9 ace cra p=IP-BPa = F-865~ "7. pee _ Lette mY, ates thy TR = Fees. Uy, = 4805— 2.26627. Fotgy FEEB— 2.266 = 7-499 ki 0-833 = 7.039 ki 7 utp = Q.865- 2.50% = EDL 2, IRE 2.103 = 11 62H “ati ical Engineering, RVCE, Bengalura i / —{__/ In3y69,40 syynp Ap}oUMLIOTeD 19yB omne19 ysmeyxg = 5] Jo}OUITIOpeD azoJoq aun 1 SUB ysneyx — Fy aunyesadiat ipino s9,em soouts0;e> = cy aimyesodwiay jajino sorem aur — zy suneaodu} 121u s91eM Ja}ouNO|e pue outs = 11 OG) Gb ogi os) Gh ag oe D, 2anpeasduay, aya Ta aueyoy, 4 3H jo wu sppououey 2950) uoydumnsuos pay oy uty Hwummjo> awnquy, | Fob. | be | tak | © | spsphh | bab LivG *Jo19° 99) 4tb-S Shot *fSb bY bhb& hel ‘ea (A) (a) dB oe somog pareatpur | J2M0d OXEIET Teuopernsqua so 214 paved “AS ANDES eae ere Formulae used 1. Brake Power: BP der (deco) (a¥0-39) x81 _ : ‘Eo0e0 Wy, Ba = 3e4NEKO, BR = Where T= Torque = W *R Wetoulinke | rm length = 0.32 m = RPM of the engine, N 2, Mass of Fuel Consumed: | = Foot my, > 5.055 000 y= lOxorte xA600 bood x FL-O3 ele fle yy 4, lon, Me N= Dd tlegho Where X=burette reading ince Qe ASA6 gramiee Density of fuel for (Per) t= time taken in séeorids 3. Brake Specific Fuel Consumption: BSFC zm kg/kW-hr rer, = te. Lowe ks) —— ot ay, ae esis, My, BAEC O.WUdKg[btola, Meg= Barc, = 0. 9a kylktoa ol der: Ve=AeVaie = Ay q+ fT bo * Veir bo *V2gH x 36! chee: Voy = heey oO api igh ea = wage a Uy, a SKW8 ko ‘eafarne (owes R08, 4. Actual Volume of Air Sucked into the Cylin a) pero =a Vay =aautsont lh Where H=—" oy al of air, 2 . > As of orifice =" — w (0.035) yy = we: H : « = 4. A410 00 Nu 10.1 Z Fx txd x60) 4 where mris the mass flow raté of fuel in ky’s = CV is the calopific value of petrol=_WN000 ike 8. Indicated Thermal Efficiency Na sa eee Wy, ‘ye, = IU, 9. Mechanical Efficien Meck, Ny, Nuaky= £6 cul, WIndicated Power, IP = BP + FP (FP by Morse test) PEP = LAID LAT = 2.94ckW Tt 9.0ct kw Engineering Thermod ris lance Sheet (in puny le = 00015 kw ii 1. Heat input=Quai=mf + CV = LE | | at Kw 2. Heat equivalent to BP= Qi =__- 172 __ | away by cooling water (engine Jacket) = (us-au) } | 3.Heat carries Be oy | Q0= Wg X Cyy (Fz —Ta) KW = tOKID XU Where myj=mass of water ‘olume of water flow into engine jacket through Rotameter, R heat of water 4.187 kWkg K itt Vou ip Cowo™ Spe 4 4. Heat carried away by exhaust gas = Qs, Heat gained by water in calorimeter = Heat lost by the e: xhaust gases in the calorimeter Me * Cpw * (Ty =T ) = mg * Cg * (Ty — Ts) m= Thro eWtet (36-98) =O. 01) a IxGea-ane) Os = my Cyy + (T5—7, ©9Ux 1x (a8 -94) 1a5S of water —Ww2* Pw * 107 _ 60 = 1586 gig = 2815 ~ (WtI24 C09-43.9(l) mR ROY Ty Department of Mechanical Enginceri ing, RVCE, Bengatura de tot a OS AI HO Go 66.79 9) AG. eos oo efile icine in nngincering 1 namics la Meat balance sheet (for Trail no, a) Heat Input (Qe) Heat coomhd ousay Ly eeltng water (@,) LO-O75 Ly 6-AOPLLD Heat coarse orn by evlout gares (Qs, Lata kw 2d kU 8-984 ud Unaccountid Heal (Q) a Engineering, Thermodynamics Lab Result: Typical graphs to be drawn, BP v/s SEC BP v/s Brake thermal efficiency BP v/s Mechanical efficiency BP v/s Volumetric efficiency Inference: This helps ba psith the porfesnance ch posiocteuichtes IC Rho engine qt facludes detdirinin Mike RP, TP, FP heat pub, ete d Vostiows, p Viva Questions: 1. What is the firing order of a four-cylinder engine? How does it impact th © engin performance? 2. What are the advantages of using a mult-cylinder configuration over a single-cylinder ensie How does the power distribution work in a multi-cylinder engine? Explain the purpose af crankshaft and the role of connecting rods, Ai ens AP The The ofp Engineering Thermodynamics lab Stroke Diesel te gine (Morse test and Performance t Balance Sheet) 9 conduet Morse test and obtain ihe aim: To = btn the performance charscterstice of multi eylinder di 7 under constant lo ngine with eddy current loading Digital speed indicator, Ty Apparatus: Digit 1 indicator, Temp ‘ature indicator, Manometer, Rotamete The concept behind this syster like multieylinder petrol engine already expla ined, but instead of petrol diesel is the Fuel use to produce seful mechanical work Procedure: Similar to multi cylinder petrol en Experimental Setup: Specifications: ( ical Engi Department of Mechanical PM# yc, Bengslurt ineerings mamics Lab Engineering Thermody Tabular column: (MORSE TE: i Torque Cylinder aes arew) | eae description (wm) (ky Aileyinder’s Ting mt) 7793 [toatl |g 616 | R364 Grinder Feutoi® | 1500 Glinder2eutoit | [500 Cylinders eut-of? | (500 Glinder4eutoff | (500 103 3132 [8.42 3.338 [%.0726 Calculations: BPa=2 6.08% _ kw os aulieo)(he) 93 LD GO xlooO 2annr FEE 3.616 _kew (Similarly calculate BP2 cata, BP3 cat, BP4 con) = sa (t6e0) CEH) 4g risuro ED KL000, a = alice) (03) 4 ast 60 X10 BPI caton= BP, Treaty 1P)=BPat~BPiewon = 6.082, 3.676 = 2-601 kW a= BPu-BPrewot = 6.08 %~ 3.415 — BCR kW Bs BPaBPickot = 6.9P%— 3.13) - 9.55) kw ‘of Mechanical Engineering, RVCp, Bengaluru p=IPrt IP2+IP3+1Py = 7. COT+ 2868 40.5514 2945 = 10-911 pr=IP-BPa = (OA ~6.9P9 = be ege LO rr ELE FE | | sal add ~ IP = lo. @tl-o-Got= B-RcH ku) t | ay . | “ BI ; £ TE, wtett = (oM-a.eee= e- eS Sedelh W.4tl-a.g6e= IOS KW = NOS aS5 = ENED ony 4p = Yo.Gtt-a-945 = &- OAH hostel Sti PORCH sonny Jo qn 1 80d (ht HER LS (wa) di, mog ayRIg, “ON IS sSuORINI]ED Jo 91qHL EL AOA Re ydouyTas weawwayoay jo Waunsndag Engineering Thermodynamics Lab Formulae used: 1. Brake Power Ax(1500) (vo) 1 GoxOoD a UUs, BR= Rthkto, § — BR= 4 two, BP = 628k Where T = Torque = Nem N=RPM of the engine. 2. Mass of fuel consumed: = kg/s = 2a exo ‘Wyl, my shire yl, Mo kyr my = See = WOE Iglis, Uy, m= Luotiglls, My Whe were X ~ burette reading in ce = }Oce CUM balls Density of fie for (Diese) = 0-8 gramlec = [84 [he ‘t= time taken in seconds 3. Brake Specific Fuel Consumption < kg/kW-he eo Me ta | 4 . BSEC, BP, teste 7 Ont kg /kio-Lo itt = li, asec, ~ ONE fto-la, BFC, = OR igfbo-ls, Bsee,= Oat lai 4. Actual Volume of Air Sucked into the Cylinder. * Va= Mo" Vair = Ay «Ca + l2gh, ee Y= Btuxioxo.o5y fave = hanno nls ; " teeoy tl, =— os Saas Ye HBtoci6 gh, Vy, = Den 7 eens Os) aie soe ite = Sete0 Ee ite ree SA aS Ao™ Area of orifice = 242 — wl. e1) 7 + h= manometer reading in mm Pa=1.193 kgm? (density of air) re a am 00 ke/m? (density of water) © Coefficient of disch, is ee : latBe Of orifice meter = 0,65 : -partm nical Engineering, Ry . Bengaluru _ swept Volume a(S, N 4 “hs5*60)4 STARTER Figure: Block Diagram of Wiper Motor Procedure Troubleshooting a non-working ‘per moor in &car using a multimeter involves cheng Components to identify the fault. They are, 1. Check the Fuse and Relay: * Locate the fuse box in your ca. © Useithe cars manual to identify the wiper motor fuse and relay * Remove the fuse and inspect i Fhe fuse is blown, replace it with a new anata amperage. Use the multimeter toch likely blown, e Meck for continuity in the fuse and relay. If there's no costa 2 Inspect Wiring ang Connections; Visually i : of sae Ming co msted to the wiper motor, Look foe loses Sortoded Wires, 7 ig, RVC u use om t rest Wi switch. Test Wit Engineers \ for continuity along the wiring. Th _ multimeter to che _ fuse tothe Wiper motor _hat all connestions are SECUTE con the ignition. Use the multimeter to check f sea Wiper site: TU switch |, Test Wiper Motor: wiper motor from the wiring hamess. pisconnect the set the multimeter to resistance (ohms) mode ¢ multimeter leads to the positive and ne Should show continuity (ow resistance) Ifthe gative terminals anect the + A good motor high resistance, the motor may be faulty miss La en ' oo ‘Horn System neck sw a verifi on work check § rooting 4% ‘i = HORN RELAY Procedure PP ]) 1. Locate the horn: | * Identify the location of the horn. Remove any covers or panels ne Check the horn fuse: ary to reach the horn. I fl * Use the car manual to find the fuse box Check the manual or fuse box co: er for the location of the hom fuse, | * Set the multime esol ero measure DC voltage and touch the probes to both sid 8e isnot reading, the fuse. Ifthe volta fuse may be blown, % Check for power atthe horn: Disconnect the wiring from the horn, Ensure the car is tumed on, Toiich the multimeter Probes to the i PeWith the Wiring or the Wiring terminals. If then hom relay tion and Power Supply raz Ensure that the wiper motor has a pood ground connection. RVCE, Bengal ‘Mechanical Engineesin&s Lab emostynamic jncrinw-The . king Head Light ina mock lay oUt of car body ee roubleshooting a non-working Head Light Figure: Block Diagram of Head Light Fi Procedure Troubleshooting non-working Head Light in acar using a multimeter involves checking vases ‘components to identify the fault. They are: 1, Check the Fuse and Relay: * Hecate the fuse and relay of high beam and low beam of headlight in your car. Use the cars manual to identify the headlight fuse . s and relays, Remove the fuse and inspect it. Ifthe Fuse is blown, replace it wit amperage. th a newone of these * Usethe multimeter to check for continuity inthe fuses it likely blown, 2. Check the Bulb: and relays. If there's no coil Sian by visually inspecting Stage Sue 25.8 broken filament oa darken the bulb may need tobe replace, 3. Test the Bulb Contacts: € g the headlight bulb. Look for any sat ed appearance. If you see any visible dam cy Tovch the multimeter probes tothe metal contacts onthe sel Department of Mechanical Engineers, RVCE, Bengatury 4 peck the Combi chee cheek the Socket «Wiring spec eck the G power Supply Ch gine combination Switch «and Connections eo eckihe Ground ¢ fonnection, “supply Checks Cheek the VOIES connectivity of b Fog Lamp im 2 mock lay out of car body eiern = ing 2 noe-workine eee ‘Aim: Troubleshooting HBS cat ietiton and the fog Lamp. : Be 7c forvohage atthe fog lamp 4 mechatrories system. Provide an example of an ¢ an actuator in applications. low do they contribute t0 modern vehicles. H cols used in automotive 5 common communication Pros y_ explain we electric vehicles vate to the maint conics in hybrid am tenance of vehic! ) systems contrib .n the automotive « applications # Board Dias! al Intellige How is Artifict snce (Al) utilized in mechatronic adustey?

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