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Armenia’s constitution emphasizes fundamental freedoms such as the right to strike,

prohibition of discrimination, and freedom of expression, reflecting a strong commitment

to individual liberties. However, the country struggles to fully live up to these

constitutional ideals, as evidenced by various human rights and legal issues. While

Article 58 guarantees people the right to strike, broader labor rights are often

compromised by economic and social pressures, which can prevent workers from

exercising this right without fear of retaliation. Article 29 prohibition of discrimination is a

crucial declaration of equality, but LGBTQ+ individuals in Armenia still continue to face

significant discrimination and violence, indicating a gap between constitutional principles

and societal realities. Despite recommendations for legal protections, the government

has been slow to carry out effective anti-discrimination measures. Freedom of

expression, which is described in Article 42, faces significant challenges as well. The

media, while diverse, is deeply polarized, and journalists often experience harassment

and violence, sometimes instigated by government supporters. Although the

government has decriminalized insulting officials, persistent threats to journalists and

attempts to restrict online expression highlight ongoing tensions between constitutional

freedoms and governmental practices. Also, the excessive use of force by police and

security forces during protests strongly contrasts with the constitutional commitment to

protect public order and individual freedoms. Such actions reduce public trust and

reveal deficiencies in upholding the rule of law. In conclusion, while Armenia’s

constitution lays out a strong framework for freedom and equality, the present human

rights issues and legal challenges indicate that the country struggles to meet these high

standards in practice.

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