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Communicating & Reflecting: Annotated Bibliography

Create an annotated bibliography consisting of four sources.

Use all of the skills from this unit, at each stage of the Inquiry Process, to assist you in
completing this assignment effectively.

1. Select a topic in the social sciences that interests you. You can use one of the same topic
you've already used in this unit or you can pick something new. Some additional topics to
consider include: birth order, single parent families, anti-vaccine movement, or adoption.
2. Use search engines and databases to find many different kinds of sources related to this topic.
Choose 4 to complete this assignment. At least one must be a journal article from a
database. You can refer back to Unit 1: Activity 2 for a reminder how to access databases.
3. Document the sources accurately using the APA style of citation. Make sure your sources are
in alphabetical order.
4. Provide an annotation for each source, using the following checklist to ensure you have
included all the necessary parts:
Ms. Edwards
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Checklist Items
*You can place a checkmark beside the item once you have completed it. Your Paragraph
should be ONLY 8-10 Sentences! It should NOT BE more than 10 sentences!

*You can complete your annotated bibliography on page 3 of this document using the
template I have provided.

1 Double spaced: Citation of the source in APA format.

2 2-3 sentences about what was written (topic/research) and why (purpose).

3 2-3 sentences that describes the main argument/idea.

4 2-4 sentences or two describing the methods used by the author:

1. Is this an overview?
2. Is it a review of a resource or study?
3. Is it a research study? Is it a case study?
4. Is it an interview?

5 3-4 sentences that identify the supporting evidence or findings.

*Think About: How does this sentence connect back to the main idea/argument?

6 1-3 sentences explaining how this would be useful for social scientists studying the topic
*This will likely NOT be in the source BUT will be based on YOUR assessment of the
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Communicating & Reflecting: Annotated Bibliography

Name: Cerna, L.
Topic: Immigration policies and the global competition for talent. International
Migration, 57(3), 245-259.
Source #1:
1 A statement about what was written (topic/research) This article examines
and why (purpose): immigration policies across
various countries and their
impact on attracting and
retaining highly skilled
immigrants. The purpose is to
understand how different
policy frameworks affect global
talent competition.

2 A sentence that describes the main argument/idea: The main argument is that
immigration policies
significantly influence a
country's ability to attract
skilled workers, with more
open and supportive policies
yielding better outcomes.

3 A sentence or two describing the methods used by the Cerna uses a comparative
author: analysis method, reviewing
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1. Is this an overview? policies from several countries

2. Is it a review of a resource or study? and assessing their
3. Is it a research study? Is it a case study? effectiveness. This is a research
4. Is it an interview? study.

4 Two or three sentences that identify the supporting

evidence or findings: The study finds that countries
*Think About: How does this sentence connect back to the with flexible and inclusive
main idea/argument? immigration policies are more
successful in attracting top
talent, which in turn boosts
their economic performance.
The evidence connects back to
the main argument by
demonstrating that proactive
immigration policies are
essential for remaining
competitive in the global

5 One sentence how this would be useful for social scientists This resource is useful for social
studying the topic: scientists studying
*This will likely NOT be in the source BUT will be based on YOU immigration policies as it
assessment of the information. provides a comparative
perspective and highlights the
economic implications of
different policy approaches.
Ms. Edwards
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Name: Government Report
Date: Date modified: 2024-02-05
Topic: Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada. (2022). Annual Report to
Parliament on Immigration 2022. Government of Canada.
Source #2:

1 A statement about what was written (topic/research)

and why (purpose): This report offers a detailed
overview of Canada’s
immigration system, outlining
policy updates, statistical data,
and strategic priorities for the
year 2022. The purpose is to
inform Parliament and the
public about the state of
immigration in Canada.

2 A sentence that describes the main argument/idea:

The main idea is that Canada
continues to adapt its
immigration policies to meet
economic and societal needs,
Ms. Edwards
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with a focus on attracting

skilled workers and supporting

3 A sentence or two describing the methods used by the

author: The report is comprehensive,
5. Is this an overview? combining statistical analysis
6. Is it a review of a resource or study? with policy review and strategic
7. Is it a research study? Is it a case study? planning. This is an overview.
8. Is it an interview?

4 Two or three sentences that identify the supporting

evidence or findings: The report presents data on
*Think About: How does this sentence connect back to the immigration levels, economic
main idea/argument? contributions of immigrants,
and program outcomes. The
findings show that Canada’s
immigration policies have
successfully attracted a diverse
group of immigrants,
contributing to economic
growth and cultural diversity.
This evidence supports the
main idea by illustrating the
positive outcomes of Canada's
immigration strategies.
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5 One sentence how this would be useful for social scientists This resource is valuable for
studying the topic: social scientists as it provides
*This will likely NOT be in the source BUT will be based on YOU authoritative data and insights
assessment of the information. into how immigration policies
are developed and
implemented in Canada.

Date: ​2023, April 31
Topic: Changes to Canada’s immigration policies aim to attract skilled workers.
Source #3:

1 A statement about what was written (topic/research) This article discusses recent
and why (purpose): modifications to Canada’s
immigration policies intended
to attract skilled workers. The
purpose is to inform readers
about policy changes and their
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potential impacts.

2 A sentence that describes the main argument/idea: The main idea is that Canada is
actively adjusting its
immigration strategies to
remain competitive in
attracting global talent.

3 A sentence or two describing the methods used by the This article provides an
author: overview of the policy changes
9. Is this an overview? and includes expert opinions
10.Is it a review of a resource or study? and reactions from various
11. Is it a research study? Is it a case study? stakeholders. This is a review of
12. Is it an interview? policy changes and their

4 Two or three sentences that identify the supporting

evidence or findings: The article highlights specific
*Think About: How does this sentence connect back to the adjustments, such as
main idea/argument? streamlined application
processes and targeted
programs for high-demand
sectors. The findings indicate
that these changes are
expected to improve Canada's
ability to attract skilled
immigrants, benefiting the
economy. This evidence
supports the main idea by
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showing how policy

adjustments can enhance
Canada's competitive edge.

5 One sentence how this would be useful for social scientists This article is useful for social
studying the topic: scientists as it offers current,
*This will likely NOT be in the source BUT will be based on YOU real-world examples of policy
assessment of the information. adjustments and their
anticipated effects, providing
context and relevance to
ongoing immigration policy

Name: Hou, F., & Picot, G

Date: June 22, 2022
Topic: New immigrant selection system and earnings growth of immigrants in
Source #4:

1 A statement about what was written (topic/research)

and why (purpose): This research article
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investigates the effects of

Canada’s new immigrant
selection system on the
earnings growth of
immigrants. The purpose is to
understand how changes in
selection criteria impact
economic outcomes for

2 A sentence that describes the main argument/idea: The main argument is that the
new selection system
significantly influences
immigrants' earnings
trajectories, with those selected
under the new system
experiencing better economic

3 A sentence or two describing the methods used by the The authors use a longitudinal
author: data analysis method,
13. Is this an overview? examining earnings data of
14.Is it a review of a resource or study? immigrants before and after
15. Is it a research study? Is it a case study? the policy changes. This is a
16.Is it an interview? research study.
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4 Two or three sentences that identify the supporting

evidence or findings: The study finds that
*Think About: How does this sentence connect back to the immigrants selected under the
main idea/argument? new system have higher
earnings growth compared to
those selected under the old
system. This evidence supports
the argument by
demonstrating that updated
selection criteria enhance
economic outcomes for

5 One sentence how this would be useful for social scientists This resource is valuable for
studying the topic: social scientists studying
*This will likely NOT be in the source BUT will be based on YOU immigration policies as it
assessment of the information. provides empirical evidence on
the effectiveness of policy
changes, highlighting the link
between selection criteria and
economic integration.

The Last Step!

Now, please put all the information you have gathered above for each source into paragraphs.

Please make sure that each source is listed on its own page.
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I have divided the pages below for you:
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Source #1: Cerna, L. (2019). Immigration policies and the global competition for
talent. International Migration, 57(3), 245-259

This journal examines immigration policies across various countries and their impact on attracting and

retaining highly skilled immigrants. Cerna aims to understand how different policy frameworks affect global

talent competition. The main argument is that immigration policies significantly influence a country's

ability to attract skilled workers with more open and supportive policies yielding better outcomes. Cerna

uses a comparative analysis method, reviewing policies from several countries and assessing their

effectiveness. The study finds that countries with flexible and inclusive immigration policies are more

successful in attracting top talent, which in turn boosts their economic performance. This evidence

supports the argument that proactive immigration policies are essential for remaining competitive in the

global market. This resource is useful for social scientists studying immigration policies as it provides a

comparative perspective and highlights the economic implications of different policy approaches.
Ms. Edwards
Page 14
Source #2: Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada. (2022). Annual Report
to Parliament on Immigration 2022. Government of Canada.2024-02-05

This govеrnmеnt rеport offers a detailed overview of Canada’s immigration system, outlining policy

updatеs, statistical data, and stratеgic priorities for the year 2022. The purpose is to inform Parliament and

the public about the state of immigration in Canada. The report's main idea is that Canada continues to

adapt its immigration policies to meet economic and societal nееds, with a focus on attracting skillеd

workers and supporting refugees. The report is comprehensive, combining statistical analysis with policy

review and stratееgic planning. It presents data on immigration lеvels, economic contributions of

immigrants, and program outcomеs. The findings show that Canada’s immigration policiеs have

successfully attracted a diverse group of immigrants, contributing to ееconomic growth and cultural

diversity. This resource is valuable for social scientists as it providеs authoritative data and insights into how

immigration policies are developed and implemented in Canada.

Ms. Edwards
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Ms. Edwards
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Source #3: (2023, April 31). Changes to Canada’s immigration policies aim to
attract skilled

This article discusses recent modifications to Canada’s immigration policies intended to attract skilled

workers. The purpose is to inform readers about policy changes and their potential impacts. The main idea

is that Canada is actively adjusting its immigration strategies to remain competitive in attracting global

talent. Article provides an overview of the policy changes and includes expert opinions and reactions from

various stakeholders. The article highlights specific adjustments, such as streamlined application processes

and targeted programs for high-demand sectors. The findings indicate that these changes are expected to

improve Canada's ability to attract skilled immigrants, benefiting the economy. This article is useful for

social scientists as it offers current, real-world examples of policy adjustments and their anticipated effects,

providing context and relevance to ongoing immigration policy discussions.

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Ms. Edwards
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Source #4: Hou, F., & Picot, G. (2014). New immigrant selection system and
earnings growth of immigrants in Canada.June 22, 2022

this research article investigates the effects of Canada’s new immigrant selection system on the earnings

growth of immigrants. Hou and Picot aim to understand how changes in selection criteria impact economic

outcomes for immigrants. The main argument is that the new selection system significantly influences

immigrants' earnings trajectories, with those selected under the new system experiencing better economic

integration. The authors use a longitudinal data analysis method, examining earnings data of immigrants

before and after the policy changes. The study finds that immigrants selected under the new system have

higher earnings growth compared to those selected under the old system. This evidence supports the

argument that updated selection criteria enhance economic outcomes for immigrants. This resource is

valuable for social scientists studying immigration policies as it provides empirical evidence on the

effectiveness of policy changes, highlighting the link between selection criteria and economic integration.
Ms. Edwards
Page 19
Work cited:

Cerna, L. (2016). High-skilled immigration policies and coalitions. Immigration Policies and the Global Competition for Talent,

Immigration, R. and C. C. (2024, February 5). Government of Canada.

Immigration, R. and C. C. (2023, May 31). Canada launches new process to welcome skilled newcomers with work experience
in priority jobs as permanent residents.

Government of Canada, S. C. (2022, June 22). Immigration selection factors and the earnings of economic principal

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