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Vehicle System Dynamics: International Journal of

Vehicle Mechanics and Mobility
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Simulation of the Interaction between Vehicle Wheel

and the Unevenness of Road Surface
V. MISUN Faculty o f Mechanical Engineering
Technical University , Brno, Czechoslovakia
Published online: 27 Jul 2007.

To cite this article: V. MISUN Faculty o f Mechanical Engineering (1990) Simulation of the Interaction between Vehicle Wheel
and the Unevenness of Road Surface, Vehicle System Dynamics: International Journal of Vehicle Mechanics and Mobility, 19:4,
237-253, DOI: 10.1080/00423119008968943

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Vehicle System Dynamics. 19 (1990). pp. 237-253

Simulation of the Interaction between Vehicle Wheel

and the Unevenness of Road Surface



A model of the relationship between a vehicle wheel and the unevenness of the road surface is defined.
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The wheel is considered to be of circular shape. For a given form of unevenness, the excitation functions
are evaluated for the individual subsystems of the dynamic vehicle model having 5 degrees of freedom.
The vehicle model traverses the uneven surface at a variable velocity. The model provides for the study
of the complex dynamic phenomena which occur between the wheel and the unevenness. The response
of the model also includes the dynamic stress on the drive when the wheel passes over the unevenness of
the road surface.


A motor-car is a relatively complex dynamic system. When examining its dynamic

properties, it is necessary to employ a suitable discrete model, the structure of which
is decided by the character of problems to be solved.
When studying the dynamic properties of a vehicle, three main subsystems need
to be considered. The first of these comprises the system of sprung and unsprung
masses. The second constitutes the entire vehicle when it is moving in the driven
direction. The third subsystem is the torsional driving system. The second and third
subsystems combine when the vehicle travels over an even horizontal road surface.
All three dynamic subsystems interact when the wheel passes over uneven road
When the vehicle wheel encounters road unevenness, the vehicle begins to vibrate
vertically and the whole driving system starts to vibrate torsionally. In addition, the
vehicle changes its forward speed and the whole driving system comes under dyna-
mic stress. Such stressing of the drive, caused in this manner, is quite substantial and
must therefore be considered very carefully. It is obviously of particular concern
where vehicles are operating over rough terrains.
To date, it would appear that available literature has paid little attention to the
subject of stress in driving systems in vehicle used on uneven road surface. Most
authors have dealt only with the excitation of the subsystem of the sprung and
unsprung masses caused by traversing unevenness. In this case a simple model
suffices to relate the motion of the wheel to road unevenness a massless spring end
(representing the tyre stiffness in the radial direction). Such an approach, while it

* Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University Brno, Czechoslovakia

provides certain information on the dynamic properties of the vehicle, does not given
any information on the stresses imposed on the driving system.
The author has studied the stresses in driving system of lomes in different opera-
ting regimes including the problem of traversing road unevenness. Based on a tho-
rough analysis, he has constructed a model of the interaction between the wheel and
the unevenness. The properties of this model will be shown with a simplified dyna-
mic vehicle having 5 degrees of freedom.


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2.1. Wheel model

The dynamic model of the wheel, with fitted tyre, should be as simple as possible. It
should contain all the important parameters from the viewpoint of the particular
dynamic properties being investigated on the dynamic system of the whole vehicle.
Parameters and properties of the tyre, which have little or no influence on the dyna-
mic properties of the vehicle and the wheel, when passing over road unevenness. are
In fact, from the point of view of studying the running of the wheel and tyre over
the unevenness and their influence on the whole dynamic system of the vehicle, it is
sufficient to consider only the following parameters:

M, , J, - mass parameters of the wheel

R -wheel radius
k, , k, - stiffnesses of the tyre in radial and tangential direction
ks - slip stiffness of the tyre
Structural stiffness parameters are denoted by k, , k,and the corresponding damping
parameters by b, , bT. After solving the traversing of the wheel in the plane, further
tyre parameters may be taken into consideration in a spatial solution (side stiffness,
cornering stiffness etc.).
The wheel in the plane xy (Fig. 1) has three degrees of freedom. Its motion may be
expressed by the independent coordinates x, , y, ,q,.
The wheel is excited kinematically through the tyre by the unevenness. To the
individual independent coordinates of the wheel may be attached respective kinema-
tic excitations at point C, i.e. the vertical and horizontal excitations. It is necessary to
proceed from the fact that the excitation of the wheel actually takes place at point C
(the theoretical contact point of the non-deformed tyre with the uneven surface),
while the relevant contact area between the tyre and the unevenness should be taken
as a tyre response.
To derive the dynamic relations for the wheel crossing the road unevenness, the
linear characteristics of the elastic and damping members of the model are used,
although the introduction of non-linear characteristics does not cause any problem.
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Fig. 1. Wheel model with unevenness in plane xy.

The position of the contact point C, at the wheel periphery, changes with the form
of the unevenness. The elasticity parameters of the tyre at point C, for different direc-
tions in the plane xy, form an ellipse of elasticity. The main axes of elasticity are in
the direction of the wheel radius and in the perpendicular direction, i.e. tangentially
to the wheel periphery at point C. The main axes of elasticity form the angle a with
the direction of coordinate axes x, y. For this reason a transformation of the stiffness
parameters of the tyre is now made into the directions of axes x, y according to the
following relations:

The problem becomes non-linear, as a = a (x) and subsequently kx = kx (a),

ky= ky(a).The relations (1) are used later.

2.2. Simulation of excitation functions at a given unevenness

The wheel moves with a speed v over the unevenness y(x), expressed as a function of
road distance x (Fig. 1). The position of the contact point C is given by the form of
the unevenness and by the wheel radius, R = const. As the wheel is excited at point C,
the simulation of the required excitation functions must take account of both compo-
nents simultaneously, i.e. the wheel and the unevenness. For wheels with different
radii it is necessary to evaluate the excitation functions individually. The geometric
parameters of the wheel and of the unevenness are thus in a mutual relation.
Naturally the unevenness y(x) is the original excitation function. A sufficiently
reliable algorithm showing how properly to use this original function y(x) to simula-
te the vehicle wheel excitation, including the drive, has not been established. There-
fore it is necessary to create suitable model excitation functions x, , y, that would
imitate the excitation of the model wheel according to the function y(x), as far as
possible. In this article the variant is given for which the motion of point C is divided
into the motion in axis x and in axis y.

2.2.1. Excitation function in vertical direction

The wheel excitation, at distance x along the road, is given by the ordinate y, (x) at a
distance Ry (x) h m the vertical line passing through the centre of the wheel. It is
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therefore evident that the original unevenness y(x) must be transformed to the excita-
tion function y, (x) and Ry(x). For the "contact arm" Ry(x) applies: -R I Ry (x) I+
The wheel is thus excited at the given position x (the position of the wheel centre
with a non-deformed tyre) by:
- the ordinate y, (x) at a distance Ry (x) or
- the ordinate y, (x) at a distance Ry (x)
For the wheel, being circular, both variants are identical. The second variant is more
convenient to use as it leads to equidistance for the unevenness y(x):

With the first variant it would be necessary to make a correction with regard to the
circular shape of the wheel. The ordinate of the contact point C of the non-deformed
tyre with an unevenness is (Fig. 1)

The difference between the vertical ordinate of point C on the wheel circumference
and the ordinate of point A varies in the range 0 I A y,, I R. In all cases, the wheel,
with the non-deformed tyre, is moved in the vertical direction from the basic position
(on the x axis) by the value y, , but at the distance Ry, i.e. at point C. Therefore the y,
ordinate is determined by the y, ordinate, the shape of unevenness and by the wheel
radius R. Hence, the ordinates of points C and A differ by the increment A y,, that is
given by the circular shape of the wheel and which it is more convenient to disregard
in the solution for the sake of more simple calculations.
For a given unevenness y(x) it is necessary to derive:

- the equidistant ye (x) and then y, (x) = ye (x) - R

- the contact arm Ry (x) and RR= 1

The functions y, (x) = y, (x), Ry(x) will be used as the excitation functions of the
wheel in the vertical direction. The simulation and derivation of curves ye(x), y, (x),
Ry(x) for the given wheel and unevenness y(x) is possible to carry out by means of
the algorithm prepared by the author in [3].

2.2.2. Excitation functions in the horizontal direction

The main problem is to find the excitation function x, = x, (x) in the horizontal
direction. Some difficulty lies in the fact that the wheel moves in the horizontal
direction with a speed v and rotates, simultaneously. with the angular speed 9,.The
excitation function x, for a real situation must fulfil the two basic conditions:
PI: The wheel is not excited in the horizontal direction when driven along an even,
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horizontal road. The wheel rolls on the road surface while the point C has the
same kinematic motion quantities as the wheel centre S.
P2: When the wheel runs onto the perpendicular obstacle x, must be constant.
The simulation of the excitation function x, and the solution of the wheel response
may be carried out in several ways. The following indicate three possibilities:
A. The wheel moves with an initial horizontal speed v, over a fixed unevenness (real
B. The wheel is, initially, non-moving in the horizontal direction while the road
moves in opposite direction with a speed v,. The wheel is initially rotating with an
angular speed 6, = v,/R. When riding over an obstacle, the wheel is horizontally
oscillating around its "static" position. It is then, of course, necessary to correct
the wheel response to the real situation.
C.The wheel is non-moving while the road moves in opposite direction with a
suitably transformed speed v,.

Any of these approaches has its advantages and disadvantages. The author of this
article carried out computation with all these variants. It must be noted that in each
case it is necessary to derive the respective excitation function x, . The variant B
seems to be the most advantageous and is used in further discussion.
According to the applied variant B, consider that the wheel is initially stationary
and the unevenness is moved in the opposite direction, with a starting wheel speed of
v, = const. The excitation function is then very simple

where: x,, - starting value of the excitation function (usually,x = 0), t - time
The excitation function x, = x, (t) according to the relation (5) in connection with the
variable Rx(x) - see Fig. 1 - is the cause of the wheel speed change also the change
in angular speed when passing over the unevenness of the road surface.
The change of these kinematic values is caused, however, due to the work of the
forces of gravity of the model (positive or negative work).

The wheel model is used in the simplified vehicle model with 5 degrees of freedom
excited by unevenness defined in section 2. This model includes all three basic
subsystems of the vehicle as stated in the introduction of this article. The scheme of
this model is shown in Fig. 2a, after its reduction to the wheel axle in Fig. 2b.
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Fig. 2. Vehicle model having 5 degrees of freedom

a) original model
b) model after transforming to the wheel shaft

The subsystem of the sprung and unsprung masses of the model is represented by the

Mo M~ 9
- mass parameters of the body and wheel
R -wheel radius
ko bo9
- stiffness and damping parameters
k, , k,, b, , b, - stiffnesses and damping parameters of the tyre (see Fig. 1)

The torsional driving system of the model is represented by the following parame-
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km * k s ~ -torsional stiffnesses of the half-axle and of the clutch shaft

-mass moment of inertia of the engine component of the drive
P - gearbox ratio
- gear ratio (in the gearbox, final drive etc.)

The structure of damping parameters with coefficients b, , b,, corresponds to the

structure of stiffness parameters k, and k,, . The tyre rolling resistance may be
expressed by the moment M, . After the reduction to the wheel axle, the whole model
has parameters as shown in Fig. 2b.
The independent motions of individual members of this model are in the direc-
tions of independent coordinates: yo, y, , cp, , cp, , x, . The independent coordinate
x, is introduced in the motion direction of the model, so that the model will not pass
the unevenness at a constant speed. The model strikes the unevenness with the initial
speed v, .

3.1. Equation of motion. Model MIS-2

The equations of motion of the model will be derived by means of Lagrange equa-
tions of the second order. The independent coordinates are selected on the basis of
the previously defined three variants of solving the model motion. Variant B was
prefered - see part 2.2.2. The author designated the model which is defined in
sections 2 and 3, as model MIS-2.
After introducing the required independent coordinates of the model we determine
the following relations:
- for the kinetic energy

- for the potential energy

where the deformations of the tyre are in the x and y directions (Fig. 1)

Difference (cp, - cpKo) in the relation for Ay shows the very important condition that
the model does not initially move in the vertical direction.
- for the dissipative function
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- for the virtual work

Furthermore, if Lagrange equations of the second order are used, equations of motion
are obtained which can be expressed in the following mamx form:

where M, B, K are the mass mamx (diagonal), damping mamx and stiffness mamx
(both symmetric). All three matrices are of the square type (5.5). The column mamx
f represents the excitation vector.
The column vector of independent coordinates takes the form

3.2. Solution of model response

When the model passes over the unevenness of the road surface, the position of the
contact point C, between the wheel and the unevenness, changes. As a result, the
matrices B = B (x), K = K (x) in (1 2) are dependent on x.

The initial motion conditions of the model are:

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The solution of the traversing and response of the model has been obtained with a
type EC 1045 computer using the integration Newmark method. Adaptation of ma-
trices B, K, according to the position x of the non-deformed tyre on the unevenness,
was carried out in any integration step. After the evaluation of the model response
with independent coordinates and respective speeds, it is possible to calculate the
next required variables.
The following functions were evaluated:
- position of the model on the road

-position of the wheel with the non-deformed tyre

where Ay' is the deformation of the tyre in the radial direction. It is necessary to
differentiate between the position x of the wheel centre with a non-deformed tyre and
the actual wheel position xo .
- horizontal speed of the model

- torque loading of the clutch shaft

- horizontal and vertical forces between the wheel and road at point C

A. CDLIRSES OF Y e Y O e Y K e T e V
no= oob o fig
HK= 2 4 8 . b IP= 20.50
YO- 10.000 KM/H
@ST: :k#? E
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Fig. 3. Response of the model when running against the inclined plane: P = 3, v, = 10 km/h.

- reaction torque to the wheel axis

Responses of the model when passing the unevenness of selected forms are shown in
Fig. 3 and later ones. Courses of the previously defined y (x), yo (x), y, (x), v (x),
t (x), eventually y (x), F, (x), FRY(x), MS (x), MC(x) are indicated.
The model parameters are denved from the parameters of an empty heavy duty
truck of the 4x2 type. For the further analysis of the drive stress it is supposed that the
static moment of the engine M, = 1000 Nm.
The basic parameters of the model: M, = 448 kg, J, = 44 kgm2, k, = 141 500 N/m, k,
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= 1 200 000 N/m, k,= 180 000 Nlm, J, = 2.87 kgm2, k,, = 32 165 Nmjrad, k,= lo6
Ndrad, R = 0.5 m.
Optional model parameters are
M, - mass of the sprung part of the model (M, = 5000 kg)
P - gearbox ratio (first, second etc.) expressed by means of the overall gear ratio
i, (P = 3, P = 5)
V, - initial speed of the model (v, = 10 km/h, v, = 20 km/h)
3.3. Analysis of results
The model changes its speed when passing over the unevenness according to whe-
ther it strikes the unevenness or follows it downwards. When the wheel model runs
against road unevenness, the entire model starts to vibrate in the vertical direction,
the driving system also starts to vibrate and the model also changes its horizontal
speed. It is therefore necessary to have a clear knowledge of the position x,, x of the
model on the road during computation in order to apply, in each integration step, the
correct values of variables ye (x), y, (x), Ry(x), Rx(x).
If the model did not comprise elastic elements, then, when running against the
inclined plane, its speed would decrease in a linear way. Due to the resilience of
some elements, mainly the drive and its mass parameters, the speed characteristics
have a wavy form (Fig. 3). This change of the model speed is due to the vibration of
the drive subsystem and its reverse influence on the forward model motion.
The torsional drive system is highly stressed when the wheel runs onto an uneven-
ness - see Fig. 3b to Fig. 7b. The magnitudes of the components of reactions F, , FRY
at point C change thus changing their moment M, towards the wheel centre S . The
reaction F, acts through the wheel centre if the moment M, = 0.
The influence of the initial model speed v, follows from Fig. 4 and Fig. 5. For the
higher traversing speeds, the components of reactions F, , FRYare greater, the
moment M, stressing on the drive system, however, need not increase. The drive
stress depends on the shape of the road unevenness.
The maximum moment M, loading on the clutch shaft is at the distance x = 1.4 m
of the road and its value is M, = 350 Nm -Fig. 4b. In this case it reaches 35 % of the
value of the engine static moment. The moment M, actually increases at the distance
x 2 1.8 m of the road. It is an exceptional stress of the drive from the side of the
A * COURSES OF Y r Y O r Y K . T r V
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IF:^, ^^
0 5 0
KS= 300.0 KN/RAD p m 3

FGO-FGK- 53545 N

-7q?0 FRY -15

- 1 / \

MS - 500 ~ 4 0

Fig. 4. Response of the model when traversing the unevenness having a form of step: P = 3, v, = 10 kmth.

R. COURSES OF Y , Y O r Y K r T r V
FEZ 298!21° E
t p=3
IP= 20.50
e. 0
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Fig. 5. Response of the model when traversing the unevennesshaving a form of step: P = 3, v, = 20 kmh.
A. COURSES OF Y , Y O , Y K , T , V
no= 5 0 0 0 . o G P=S
HK= 4 4 8 . 0 !G
VO- 4 0 . 0 0 0 KM/H
1P= 5.50

t2SI: 4: 22: #
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so ', .

Fig. 6. Response of the model when traversing the unevenness having a [om of step: P = 5, v, = 10 kmh.

unevenness being traversed. Therefore it seems that this particular form of uneven-
ness has an important effect on the stress of vehicle drives and their particular nodes
and examination of them is very relevant.
The influence of the gearbox ratio P follows from Fig. 4 and Fig. 6 . The influence
of the drive mass and stiffness parameters are more distinctive for the lower gearbox
ratio P.
The running of the model down an inclined plane is very interesting - see Fig. 7.
In this case the speed of the model increases (at the same time the drive system acts as
a braking element), the drive system starts to vibrate and affects the forward motion
of the model. As its speed further decreases, the model may stop or reverse but
immediately afterwards the speed again increases. Only after the suppression of the
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model torsional motion does the model speed become steady and faster than the
initial speed v,. The model wheel motion relates to the road unevenness.
The model reacts in a natural way to any form of unevenness, to initial speed of
the model, also to changes of other parameters. The model response verifies the fact
that the vehicle model is excited by road unevenness before the wheel centre rises
above the beginning of the unevenness.
The dynamic responses of the model correspond to the real responses of the
vehicle systems as they respect:
- the circular wheel shape
- all basic parameters of the wheel and the tyre
- the gravity forces of individual members of the model
- the speed change of passing over the unevenness
- the couplings between the individual subsystems of the model


The presented model defining the interaction between the vehicle wheel and the
unevenness of the road surface facilitates the study of the dynamic properties of
vehicles including their drives, when passing over the unevenness of the road, in a
more accurate and more reliable way. The model verifies the fact that when passing
over the road unevenness the torsional drive system of the vehicle is also stressed
The speed change of the vehicle is caused both by the excitation of the wheels in
the horizontal direction and the effect of gravitational forces on sprung and unspiung
masses when passing over the unevenness. This concept is also very important for
the study of responses when the vehicle traverses random unevennesses.
By means of the dynamic model, having 5 degrees of freedom, it is possible to
examine the influence of various parameters on the dynamic properties of the model.
It is therefore possible e.g. to examine the motion of its individual members, the
dynamic stress of different model points, the stress of the torsional system of the
drive etc. The responses and the dynamic properties of the model verify the correct-
ness of the model and its suitability for further application to models of real vehicles.
A. COURSES OF Y r Y O , Y K , T , V
no= 000.0
MK= 2 4 8 . 0
EC p=3
Ip= 20.50
V 0 - 5.000 KM/H
TRZT: :S: $2: R
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l ~ ~ : ~ ~ ~
[ M I 150

0 Boo
0.0 G
0 . 0 KN/RRD

F G O * F G K = 531,45 N
P= 3

Fig. 7. Response of the model when leaving the inclined plane: P = 3, v, = 5 km/h.

The work and research in connection with the model, as presented, is the result of
a many years' cooperation by the author with TATRA, C.E. Koprivnice. The author
studied the stress of the drives when traversing individual and random unevenness.
He identified and solved three possibilities of exciting the torsional system of drives
when traversing unevenness. One of them is given in this article.
It should be mentioned that when using the wheel model and unevenness, also the
vehicle model, as presented, more accurate responses may be obtained if only the
vertical motion of sprung and unsprung masses is considered, i.e. if the drive subsys-
tem is neglected.
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