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Discover a world of kinetic action, primordial horror,
& mystic awe in this preview of the prehistoric campaign
setting for Fifth Edition roleplaying adventures

the howling peaks and roaring oceans that ring the Great

Valley—from the cold, bony fingers of the Nightmare
World to the terrifying jaws of the jungle known by as the
Venom Abyss—every step of the journey is plagued with

danger and death.


Planegea is primal fantasy roleplaying. Whatever you want
The oozing jungle shakes with the thunder and roar of the barbarian atop
to explore in Fifth Edition—slaying monstrous creatures,
the awakened mammoth. He whirls his enchanted bone axe, signaling
navigating political intrigue, exploring ancient ruins,
the sorceress soaring above. She folds her wings and dives, ablaze
crafting enchanted weapons, infiltrating evil cults, battling,
with magic. Tonight, her spells and his rage will at last lay waste to
building, casting, carousing—it’s all here. Planegea rises
the slimy lair of the tentacled tyrant-lizard and its corrupted brood!
out of our earliest ancestral memory, a world we can barely
Still vibrating with star-magic, the translucent elf scavenger—her recognize, which holds all the adventure we can imag-
edges dreamlike and indistinct—holds her breath. She carries her ine. You won’t find limitations on class or race in these
flint dagger in one hand and her offering of blood in the other as she pages; rather, they are filled with ideas and inspiration for
descends, trailed noiselessly by her ever-silent halfling companion, running a long and glorious game set before written words,
into the cave of the bear-god. hammered ore, and plowed fields.
Drawn from the traditions of sword & sorcery pulp
His stony beard glittering with gemstones, the dwarvish fighter and
adventures, infused with the blood-pounding thrills of the
saurian spellskin bow their heads to receive the clan blessing as they
Fury Road, and caught in the jaws of primordial dreams,
prepare to track the fire-giant slave-raiders. The great clanfire claws
Planegea has adventures for everyone who ever felt the cold
at the night sky and the shaman sings of rescue and dawn, but the
wind raise a chill of hunt and hope on their raw skin.
rocky heart of the dwarf beats only with the drum-song of revenge.

campaign setting for Fifth Edition, where a Life begins and—if you’re lucky—ends at the clanfire.
dungeon means the curse-painted caves of a Every clan keeps a fire burning as hot and high as they
cannibal clan, and a mindless, monstrous dragon can; the bigger the fire, the greater the strength of the clan.
is as likely to eat you as look at you. Gone are the Neighboring clans compete to build the greatest fire, and
safe hearths of taverns and libraries, kingdoms and cathe- daring young hunters make dousing raids on the fire of
drals. Planegea is a place of utter wildness, where survival their enemies.
is the only law and it must be carved from the world by For wanderers, the clanfire has even more significance—
force of might and magic. the light acts as a signal-fire, a place to gather and rest. It is
Here, you must eat or be eaten. Fashion your own armor a great tradition that strangers are welcome without ques-
from fur, feathers, bone, and stone. Shatter your hand- tion at the clanfire between sunrise and sunset, as long as
carved blades on the backs of your enemies in savage they leave their weapons outside the firelight.
combat. Hunt primordial beasts, hold your breath as you The clanfire is the heart of clan life; food, strong drink,
hide from massive predators, and seek safety in numbers as stories, songs, ceremonies, disputes, judgments, dreams,
you journey through an epic world before myth—a land of and more are all shared around it.
smoke, song, blades, dreams, blood, and magic. The clanfire replaces the tavern. When looking for a
place to rest and spend the night, seek out the nearest clan-
fire. You’ll have to leave your weapons behind, but strong
UNFAMILIAR EVERYTHING tradition will keep you safe until morning... probably. It’s
Nothing is as you expect in Planegea. Elves are shimmer-
also a great place for rumors, advice about the landscape
ing dream-walkers, dwarves are half stone, humans are
and local gods, and to barter goods and favors.
beast-tamers, halflings are silent stalkers, gnomes are filthy
scavengers, and dragonborn are just a heartbeat away from
their draconic ancestors. EVERY PLACE HAS ITS GOD
There are no great, universal gods—only a patchwork Planegea exists in an age of proto-gods, where divine
quilt of local deities, often appearing in the shapes you least beings are only beginning to gather their power and under-
expect, with powers that are bought with offerings and stand what it is to ascend to rule the cosmos. There are no
strange favors. great universal gods with dominion over entire aspects of
In Planegea, the planes of existence have not yet sepa- reality. Instead, Planegea is an animistic place, with power-
rated, and a great warrior can travel by foot from the Sea ful spirits reigning as gods over local environments.
of Stars to the infinite, volcanic peak of Blood Mountain; Many powerful spirits can become gods, in a mysterious
but along the way, that warrior must battle everything— process that is unknown even to the wisest of shamans.
from cold alien intelligences to the genie caravans—from Creatures, plants, rivers, places—even objects and weather
the four empires of the giants to the monsters that hunt

patterns—all of them can develop into divine spirits over STONEPUNK
time. But a few principles unite these proto-gods:
Gods are tied to a place. Once a spirit becomes a god, it Let your imagination run wild within the limits of the
is restricted in its movement to its sacred place—a forest taboos. Build cities on the backs of mammoths, hang
glade, a cave, a bend in the river, and so on. They cannot wooden temples from giant trees, craft great hang-glid-
leave this place, which is called a hallow, so they call on ers that soar on volcanic heat—whatever can be made
mortal agents to enact their will in the world. with skill and simple tools, bring into your vibrant Stone
Gods barter with power. Since they are limited to Age world.
their hallows and hungry for glory, gods are more than
willing to help mortals—even strangers—in exchange
for offerings and favors. The hallows of gods can take the
place of a magic shop, blessing food and drink, crafting
totems, and even enchanting weapons, armor, and other In These Pages
wondrous items... for the right offering.
Gods consume gods. Some gods are content to remain in The material before you is not a stand-alone game—it is
their hallows and commune with their followers, but many meant to be played with other resources in Fifth Edition
desire to grow their power and influence. Gods will often roleplaying games. But it does contain hints of a Stone
incite those within their influence to conquer neighbor- Age world ready to be discovered, saved, or conquered...
ing areas, destroying what is sacred to them (damming depending on what you bring to the table.
rivers, cutting trees, hunting animals, etc) in an attempt to Clanfire & Wilderness. The next section introduces you
weaken them so that the conquering god can extend their to the wandering world of Planegea, with glowing clan-
range to the defeated god’s hallow and devour their essence. fires and dangers in the ever-shifting land. Discover the
themes of Planegea, explore clan life, with its patterns and
rhythms, its full days, magic nights. And step beyond the
THE BLACK TABOOS edge of the firelight to find a world on the move, and learn
The people of Planegea are no fools. They are intelligent,
the basics of wilderness survival.
curious, and possessed of a strong will to survive. Yet they
Prehistoric Characters. What is it like to grow up in a
are locked in the Stone Age by powers beyond the reckon-
primordial land? Sharpen your senses so that you can step
ing of gods or mortals. Still, the mighty minds and spirits
into the world of Planegea with open eyes—because what’s
of Planegea fight against these bonds, being as clever and
lurking out of sight is already watching you.
inventive as possible under the constraints they face.
Races. In Planegea, the familiar races of Fifth Edition are
There is a force in the cosmos known as the Hounds of
strange and primal. Dwarves are half-stone, elves are half-
the Blind Heaven. Nobody knows where they come from,
dream, and monsters are mixed in strange and unpredict-
or the origin of their curse... but one thing is certain:
able combinations to frighten and bewilder even the most
breaking the so-called Black Taboos rouses their wrath,
seasoned of adventurers.
and means certain death. The Black Taboos are these:
Classes. The traditions that will someday become classes
Writing is death. The dark magic known as “writing”
all begin in Planegea, from the divine shaman making
summons the unthinkably horrible and merciless Hounds.
offerings to local gods to the arcane spellskin drawing
Anyone who forms a written word will instantly be
her tattoos with magic to the martial fighter shattering
pursued until dead by awful beings, which seem to know
a bone sword on the back of a monster. Though the roles
the moment a glyph is shaped anywhere in the world.
are familiar, they are also altered by countless epochs, and
Pictures and patterns do not seem to rouse the Hounds’ ire,
have strange and unexpected aspects in prehistory.
but any abstract symbology that can be used to communi-
Equipment & Trade. Planegea is a world without metal—
cate meaning over distance is a breaking of the First Taboo.
it simply does not exist. And since coin is forbidden by the
No number after nine. Holding up both hands and count-
Black Taboos, all is barter and swap. Yet even with such
ing the fingers there ends in “many.” Every number above
limited means, the brilliant crafters and builders of Plane-
nine is many. A family of more than nine is many. An
gea create items of stunning grace and utility; and they’re
endless sea of herd animals that stretches from horizon to
willing to trade it to you, for the right deal.
horizon is many. A journey of countless miles is many.
Spells. Magic is new and raw in Planegea. Races guard
For mechanical purposes of movement, range, combat,
their arcane secrets, and the gods and Death itself punish
etc., numbers still have meaning. But in roleplay and
those who encroach on their domains.
conversation, anything numbering above nine is ambig-
Locations. Here at the beginning, all the planes exist in
uous and mysterious, and doing any calculation of high
a single world, where a wanderer can travel by foot from
numbers is fraught with peril from the Hounds.
Blood Mountain at the center to the outermost Sea of Stars.
No wheels, crops, or money. Writing is not the only
This chapter describes the cosmology of the world and its
taboo that summons the Hounds. So too do wheels on axles,
wide and strange landscapes.
agriculture, and creation or exchange of currency of any
Factions & threats. For those wandering souls who dare
kind. Whatever the Blind Heaven is, wherever the Hounds
to tread on ancient ruins or forbidden places, they will
come from, they seem utterly committed to keeping Plane-
find no palaces of elven lords or ancient dwarven king-
gea in its most primitive form.

doms. The desolate places of the world hold dungeons, but a world without any idea of metal whatsoever. Medieval
not made by mortal hands. Great powers move and shake fantasy talks about “a time before memory” and “the dawn
the world, and this chapter suggests their outlines DM, to of the world.” That’s exactly where Planegea exists.
shape an adventure perfect for your party. When you enter a world of prehistoric fantasy, you bring
some things with you and leave others behind:
Answer the Howl What you bring. Bring your sense of possibility, your
appetite for adventure, your ingenuity and wit. Bring
For those who rise to the call, for those heroes who can your curiosity, your daring, your thirst for a good story
hear clan-drums and star-song, Planegea offers endless and a good battle. Bring your instincts for friendship and
adventure. Will you escape the slave-pits of the giant mistrust of too-friendly strangers, and bring above all
empires and lead the Great Valley to revolt? Will you your sense of discovery—there’s far more in Planegea than
survive the Venom Abyss to find the heart of the world in meets the eye, for those willing to encounter it.
Blood Mountain? Will you reach into the Sea of Stars and What you leave behind. Leave behind your ideas of stabil-
slay the Hounds of the Blind Heaven who hunt those who ity and predictability, confidence in the established order
dare to rise above their destiny? of things and a hierarchy of kings and nobles. Leave behind
If you dare—if you’re strong enough, hungry enough, images of dusty temples and ancient religions—all is new
wild enough—Planegea is calling you with an echoing, here at the start of the world. Leave behind scholars of
untamed, fire-blackened howl. ancient histories... you are living the first stories, the ones
that will be told in stars and tomes in the eras to come—if
you are brave enough to change the world by your will.

CLANFIRE & What you find again. There are many elements of classical
fantasy that still exist in prehistoric fantasy, slightly altered
to fit a world without writing and ore. Us the prehistoric

WILDERNESS fantasy table below to suggest how you might encounter

familiar tropes in a new way in the world of Planegea.

enter a wilderness world. This is a place of Planegea is no drab place of brown furs and dull grunts—
darkness and light, beauty and terror, death it’s a sensory world, alive with color and noise, scent and
and the raw will to push back death to survive feeling. In Planegea, you might...
just one more day. Planegea is a world without • See brightly-painted tents adorned with dyed fur and
famed heroes—to live is heroic enough. Yet never has a patterned feathers, swirling stars overhead in infinite
land been in more need of those with heroes’ hearts: those dancing patterns, or a herd of towering beasts on the
ready to fight the powerful to defend the weak, risk impos- move in the mist, each the size of a fortress.
sible odds to stave off darkness for one more night—these • Hear drums and the music of pipes and harps, songs
qualities are essential when entering a primal world of and stories, wind and rain, choruses of birds, whispers
prehistoric fantasy. of stars, and howls of hunger from the echoing wild.
And what a world it is! Filled with strange monsters, • Smell the intoxicating scent of giant flowers, the
secret mysteries, untouched landscapes, swirling stars, comforting smoke of the clanfire, the tang of magic, and
living forests, magical volanoes, writhing seas, giant the purest of fresh air, mingled with the musk of beasts
empires, doors to dream and nightmare—Planegea is a on the prowl and rot on the wind.
world that crackles with possibility for adventure. • Taste smoked meat fresh off the bone, salt on the lips,
This section will serve as an introduction to basic blood running from a fresh wound, sweet and tart fruits
survival in the world, focusing on the center of mortal life, growing in abundance, and bitter herbs ground between
the clanfire, as well as the wilderness that lies just beyond teeth in divine ceremony.
its light. Use it as a guide to begin getting acquainted with • Feel worked leather and knapped stone blades, warm
life in a magical Stone Age, to spark ideas for adventure, furs and icy winds, shimmering heat rising from volca-
and orient you for all that lies ahead. noes and geysers, dizzying magic both arcane and divine,
the pounding of your pulse as you hunt and are hunted.
Prehistoric Fantasy
For many of us, our first voyages into fantasy were set in THE SIX ABILITIES
a medieval world, full of knights and castles, royalty and Every ability comes into play in prehistoric fantasy, not just
wizards. Those fairytale lands gave way to stranger stories the physical ones. You’ll need all your cunning, intuition,
as we grew, but our grounding was always in that middle- and charm to survive. In Planegea, you’ll use...
time of iron swords and besieged battlements.
• Strength to grapple monstrous beasts, outrun volcanoes,
Planegea falls backwards through history to a much
scale cliffs, plunge into dark depths, wrench bone from
earlier era, before the bronze age of sword and sandal into
bone, and carry the clan on your back.

• Dexterity to leap from height to height, dance out of with parts that can be used in all manner of surprising
harm’s way, hide from hungry predators, stalk unsus- combinations, from the simplest knife to elaborate flying
pecting prey, and scavenge what you need to survive. constructs built from driftstone, leathery wings, scav-
• Constitution to withstand bitter winter wind and enged ribcages, and arcane gems. It’s a make-do land,
volcanic heat, poisonous plants and stinging megafauna, where cunning and ingenuity are as valuable as brawn and
endless days, deadly nights, and potent venomwine. stamina, and every hunt is an opportunity for invention.
• Intelligence to read the secrets of the stars, remember Make friends & enemies. Only a fool dwells trustingly
the shape of an ever-moving land, rediscover forgotten with the enemy. With powerful clans, dangerous raiders,
songs and stories, recognize the familiar in the bewil- unstable gods, ravaging monsters, and the ever-present
dering, and study the ways of gods and monsters. threat of the Giant Empires looming on all sides, it’s essen-
• Wisdom to read a stranger’s intent, harvest kills and tial to make allies you can trust—and to know who your
heal wounds, scout the land ahead, smell danger on the enemies are. Many forces move through the world, some
wind, track your quarry, intuit the elements, and find unmissable, some unseen. Keeping a watchful eye on the
food and water to stave off starvation for one more day. secrets in a stranger’s eyes in the firelight may mean the
• Charisma to talk your way out of trouble, intimidate difference between life and death—or worse.
mortals and monsters alike, dance and sing the rites
and rituals of gods old and new, and forge friendships to Wilderness
stand between you and death.
Out there, beyond the light cast by the clanfire, is a world
of fear and hope, danger and promise, deadly monsters and
Clanfire divine miracles. The wilderness is all around you, full of
secrets, silence, beasts, wonders, screeches, roars, things
Wherever you go in Planegea, you find adventure. But
forgotten and things that have never been glimpsed by
it isn’t always the snarling teeth of a saber-toothed cat.
mortal eyes. The wilderness defines the world, it is every-
Sometimes it’s the false smile of a lying advisor, their eyes
thing, and the clanfires are small sparks in its infinite,
glittering with subtle malice. Sometimes it’s in a tense
untamed, unforgiving sprawl.
negotiation between clans on the brink of all-out war.
And yet survival requires mortals to grit their teeth, grip
And sometimes—rarely, but every now and then—life in
their blades, and set out into the wilderness with squared
Planegea is good, peaceful, and worth fighting to protect.
shoulders and flint in their eyes. As you step into the
As you take your seat around the clanfire, you’ll discover
unknown, here’s a taste of what you’ll need to do to survive
these key aspects of life in Planegea:
in the wilds of Planegea:
Protect the clan. Mortals in Planegea—humans, elves,
Read the world. The spoor of prey. The signs of predators.
dwarves, orcs, and other folk—live in nomadic hunt-
The movement of the stars and land. The safety or danger
er-gatherer groups called clans. These clans roam the land
of a pool of water. The hint of magic—all of this and more
in search of food, water, fuel for their fires, and a safe place
is what a mortal needs to take into account when traveling
to lay their heads at night. A clan is the closest family a
into the wilderness. Planegea is constantly changing, and
mortal can have, and survival depends on knowing that the
the skilled wanderer understands how to interpret those
others in your clan would die for you, and you for them.
changes to predict what lies ahead.
Honor the clanfire. The clanfire is the heart of clan
Hunt food & magic. Hunters venture into the wild to
life—a symbol of vitality and survival. This large fire is
pursue prey, so that they can feed themselves and their
usually found at the center of a mortal camp. It burns low
clans. Shamans venture into the wild to encounter gods
and hot during the day, used for crafting and cooking, but
and wrestle blessings from their selfish whims. And those
as night falls, it is raised to a roaring bonfire around which
with an eye towards the arcane venture into the wild to
the clan gathers to eat, talk, perform rituals and magic, and
find strange new magics and undiscovered spells which—if
tell stories. To extinguish a clanfire is an act of war, a death
tamed—might mean the difference between life and death.
threat against every member of the clan. The fire is kept
Gather resources. Gatherers fan out from the clanfire,
burning above all, and honored by those who keep it.
creating patterns of exploration as they seek nuts, berries,
Appease the gods. Gods in Planegea are not distant
roots, grasses, bark, edible insects, fish, and all other good
abstractions—they are the great bear in the cave, the lion
things to eat. They also search for the goods and materials
on the hill, the whisper in the dark in the dead tree you
that will sustain and prosper the camp. But they’re not
dare not approach. Gods are powerful, but local, bound to
alone in the wilderness, and must remain vigilant; for raid-
their divine lair, called their hallow. As clans travel, they
ers and monsters, mortals are mere goods to be gathered.
move between divine domains, and seek to curry favor
Find safety. Mortals travel through the wilderness in
with the local gods, relying on their shamans (and those
search of shelter: an unoccupied cave, a grove of sleeping
the shamans recruit) to do all it takes to earn the favor of
trees, a defensible hilltop. Often, the only escape from
the nearest, most powerful god.
danger is through other dangers, and unlucky clans lose
Craft what you need. In this primal world, mortals make
their weakest members as they travel through the wilder-
what they need from a hunt’s harvest or what they can
ness in search of a newer, safer encampment.
gather from the land. The land and its monsters bristle

Encounter others. Beasts and monsters aren’t the only Outcroppings. Almost all dwarves have some visible
creatures in the wild. Out there, a mortal is as likely to run element of stone or crystal in their skin or hair, growing
into others of their kind as not—lone wanderers, scouts, naturally from their bodies. This might be as subtle as a
traders, or even an entire clan on the move. Or one might patches of pebbly scales, or nearly cover the body in rocky
fall in with even stranger company, such as a forbidden shards and spines.
druid’s grove, secretive spellskins, scavengers, or other Stone quirk. Thanks to their mineral roots, Dwarves
strangers whose ways stir up trouble at the clanfire, and are unlike all other races—although they share a distant
find it easier to remain in the sharp-toothed wilderness kinship with the waste-children of earth. Use this table to
than smile where they are unwelcome. inspire how your stony background manifests.

d6 Quirk

1 Once you’ve made up your mind, no force in Planegea
can change it
2 You love showing off your stony nature, challenging

other hunters to break their weapons on your skin
found in Planegea, though they may not look or 3 You are very slow to make any promise, for a promise
act the way you know them from their distant once made is utterly binding
descendants. Here they are primordial, less alike 4 You sleep sitting up, motionless as a stone, and have
than ever yet unburdened by millennia of tradi- been mistaken for a rock on many occasions
tion and legacies of xenophobia. 5 Change confuses you, and you have a hard time
Survivors, not legacies. Beings band together to stay recognizing even close friends if they change their
alive in Planegea. The world is hostile and hungry, and clothes or appearance
the mortal races have not been in the world long enough 6 You are embarrassed by your rocky outcroppings, and
to create hard divisions between the races. Many clans do all you can to conceal them, preferring to pass as a
welcome any able body who is willing to work. Some keep human when possible
to their own kind, but this is usually due not to racial prej-
udice but rather a shared ethos for the methods of survival.
Stories, not histories. The world is new, and races have Ruin builders If you see an abandoned cliff-fortress or
not yet written their great histories of ancestors and menhirs set high on a hill, you can be almost certain it was
bloodlines. Kingdoms have yet to be built, mortal empires once dwarvish. Obsessive builders and carvers of stone,
are unformed. Ask an elf the history of her people, and dwarves have been known to build a fortress for genera-
she’ll tell you the tale of her parents or her clan. The stories tions, only to abandon it overnight when the last stone is
people know and tell about where they came from are mortared, ready to start anew. Their industry is ferocious,
personal, not shrouded in the depths of the past. their dedication to craftsmanship eternal. Many a wander-
Life in all its forms. In later eras, humans, elves, dwarves, ing dwarf can be tracked by an unconscious habit of piling
and other warm-blooded creatures will fill the land, but pebbles into little cairns wherever they go.
Planegea is still new, and other, non-mammalian races Industrious & competitive. A losing endeavor is called
compete alongside everyone else. Humanoid plants, oozes, a “dwarvish bet,” because those who live beside dwarves
dinosaurs, and even elemental beings of pure energy all know that once they set their mind to a task or challenge,
live and breathe and eke out their corners of survival. nothing can stop them. Their tirelessness and dedication is
Primordial races. These are the earliest forms of races respected by those around them, yet with every generation,
that walk the world in later eras. Here are dwarves, elves, dwarvish elders grow a little more suspicious of a growing
men, and others that are familiar from 5E, but each is love for ale and the ease of life on the banks of the Three
altered by the span of uncountable years, distinct from Brothers.
their tavern-drinking, castle-dwelling descendants. Use Friends of giants. It is known that the giants greatly
these pages to inspire your primordial character, and admire the dwarves for their natural cunning with
remember how much of history is yet unwritten. stone, and that dwarves are often invited into their high-
walled cities as guests, counted as friends and advisors in
Dwarf construction, building, and crafting projects of all kinds.
Some, however, believe the giants are a little too welcom-
Still half-stone, dwarves were born of rock, and only
ing, and worry that there might be some larger, darker plan
recently carved their way out of the deep places of the
that the empires have for their stone-working allies.
world. Their skin and hair glitters with minerals and
gemstones. Dwarves consider other races—softskins, as
they call them—strange and mercurial, full of whimsy HEWN DWARF (HILL DWARF)
and change. To be a dwarf is to live with crystal clarity and Not all dwarves are born—some are carved from rock and
stony certainty. given life with secret magic only known to the dwarves.
These hewn dwarves are more rock than skin, and often

look at the softskin world with a mixture of confusion, in feathers, beads, colorful paint, and weaving, and their
contempt, and curiosity. textiles are highly sought, especially for feasts and festivals.
The call of Nod. Elves don’t sleep, and don’t dream—the
world of dreams and nightmares is real to them, and they
BORN DWARVES must travel through doorways or by magic to go there....
Dwarves that are a few generations removed from the and it never stops calling to them. Whether born in Nod or
mines and quarries of their kind quickly develop their own Planegea, an elf always feels the draw of the dream world,
ways of adapting to a soft-skinned world. These dwarves— and rare is the elf who does not at some point in their long
born rather than carved—represent the other forms that life seek a way to at least gaze into their former home.
dwarves take throughout Fifth Edition.


Elf Many lifetimes ago, by mortal measure, a great crime or sin
Semi-translucent, elves have indistinct edges, with some- was committed by a clan of elves from the world of dreams.
thing not-quite-real about them. You can see the sun rise These elves were cast out, banished forever from Nod, and
through an elf, as through the end of a dream. Originating have dwelt in Planegea ever since. Exiles of Nod are less
in Nod, the world of dreams and nightmares, elves never translucent than their kin, and have spent their outcast
quite sleep, always seeming only partly attached to Plane- generations learning how to survive. Because of this, they
gea, their thoughts ever wandering far away... tend towards more practicality and skill with both magic
Graceful translucence. You can see moonlight through and weaponry than others of their kind.
an elf’s hand. They have a quality of not-quite-there-ness, No human—and few elves—know why they were
born of their origin in the mists of Nod. They are a slender banished, but the oldest of the exile elves know, and some
people and are known to move with a dancer’s step, their say they are still working towards some larger plan for
eyes seemingly focused on something just out of reach. return or revenge.
Wandering minds. Elves are known for being in a state
of distraction. They usually seem either a step behind or
two steps ahead of the conversation, as if their thoughts
Those who cross from the World of Dreams or Nightmares
are wandering on quite a different path than that of other
have other forms, more insubstantial, more curious. Some
mortals. Yet when they arrive at their destination and
are formed of darkness or the wilderness or the sea. Their
choose a course of action, they are both brilliant and intu-
ways are varied and strange, and represent the diversity of
itive. Use this table to inspire how your wandering mind
elves across Fifth Edition.

d6 Wandering Halfling
1 You lose focus quickly, distracted by the next Called silentfolk or quietkin, halflings are unseen until
interesting thing you see it’s too late. A secretive people who hunt by ambush, they
2 You have a habit of interrupting the conversation with are eerie and unsettling, yet highly valued as hunters and
an unrelated observation or question allies, if other races are able to befriend them.
Small and deadly. Halflings are known by their small
3 You reject the binaries of black and white, yes and no,
life and death—there’s always a third option stature and quiet step. Because of their size, they are
natural prey for many hungry beasts, and so halflings have
4 You don’t like walking in a straight line, and create your learned the art of hiding, and striking first from the shad-
own detours
ows. They tend to wear dark natural colors, and are known
5 There are always two or three problems or mysteries for elaborate striped face painting or tattoos as an art of
you’re working on solving in the back of your mind camouflage.
6 Wherever you go, you trace, draw, and paint swirling, Not seen, not heard. Halflings are capable of speech, but
abstract patterns that reflect your inner state their culture is built around silence, and their clan tongue
is an elaborate sign language created for stalking large
Eternal beauty. Elves remain in the prime of their life an
prey. It’s hard to get a halfling to open up, but it’s said that
unthinkably long time... in a world with no number over
on the rare occasions when they feel safe and secure, they
nine, they are believed to simply be immortal. Although
are clever and bright companions, full of all the jokes and
many elves enjoy the company of other races and find their
insights they’ve been holding back until it was time to
perspectives interesting, they can be aloof in distracted
speak. Use this table for inspiration on how this tradition
immortality. Some elves prefer to live with their own kind,
of silence affects your character.
to avoid the pain of getting attached to such short-lived
companions. Such elvish clans are almost never permanent
encampments, preferring to wander in search of places
of great natural beauty. Elves are known for their work

d6 Silence Human
1 You sneak up on people without meaning to, often
Known for their remarkable adaptability, humans are
startling your companions by appearing behind them
without warning unparalleled as beast-tamers. They can be found every-
where in Planegea, both as servant and master of mighty
2 You don’t speak until spoken to, but once you start beasts of all kinds, equally likely to have tamed a creature
talking, you can’t stop
as to have been subjugated by it.
3 You bottle up grudges—literally. Your belt has skins and A dazzling array. Humans in Planegea come in all shapes
jars that hold objects that remind you of who you’re and sizes, every shade and color—including tints of blue,
going to get back at purple, and green from elvish or orcish ancestry. Humans
4 You consider flamboyance of all kinds a great sin and are known for their diverse tastes and ability to alter their
personal offense, and instinctively distrust anyone appearance and culture to whatever landscape they find
who attracts attention themselves to a degree considered remarkable by others.
5 You love a good jump scare, and will go out of your way Infinite adaptability. Humans thrive in nearly every
to startle your companions for a laugh environment across Planegea, from the stormy plains
of Thunderverge to the soaring pinewood pillars of the
6 You often forget that other races don’t know halfling
sign language, and slip in and out of your native dialect Towering Weald, from the mold-huts of Ghostmire to the
without realizing it dinosaur-back villages of Lastwater Wilds. Use the follow-
ing table to inspire your diverse origin.
Kill or be killed. Somewhere in the halfling people’s
past, they realized that, thanks to their size, they could d6 Origin
be easy prey or become predators, and decided on the 1 You grew up on the houseboats of Fishgather,
latter. Halflings keep to their own kind more than most watching traders come in from across the Raiding
other races, largely because they find others too noisy and Plains and down from the Skyfang Mountains.
clumsy to survive in the halfling way. Their clans tend to
2 You lived in the tree-villages of the Slumbering Forest,
camp in hidden places and live their days in total silence, gathering nuts and fruits from the sleeping trees and
considering it a great offense to make more noise than learning at the feet of the Shamans of Seerfall.
absolutely necessary.
3 You were trained as a young hunter by the mighty clans of
But when halflings feel safe—when sentries are posted,
The Brothers river valleys, where game was plentiful and
the tents are well-hidden, and the land and sky are empty
you camped wherever the prey wandered.
of threats or intruders–it’s said that there isn’t a sound
in all of Planegea to match the joyful uproar of halflings 4 You built mosshouses as a child in the Cult Riverland,
letting loose. with a sharp stone dagger your first possession and an
oath to never let a godless neck go unsliced.
The three favors. There is an old story about a halfling
who wandered through the jungle so silently that it snuck 5 You lived in a dinosaur-back village that roamed across the
up on Death, who was trapped under a fallen tree. Twice, Dire Grazelands, running along the bridges from platform
Death asked the halfling for help, and twice the halfling to platform as your beasts wandered wide.
refused. On the third request, the halfling agreed, but only 6 You started life as a proud citizen of Free Citadel, in
in exchange for three favors from Death in days to come. the vast stone palaces of giants built by mortal hands,
Death agreed, and ever since, halflings have been a people breathing icy mountain air that was clear and wild.
touched by preternatural luck, which they rely on and
count as their well-deserved birthright. Consummate survivors. It seems that humans will do
anything to survive. Humans can be found worshiping
anything, partaking in strange and bewildering rituals and
Most halflings are from clans that have long kept quiet and
traditions, adapting their dwellings, their clothing, all aspects
kept to themselves. Some leave their clans because curios-
of their life simply to eke out a few more years of breath.
ity draws them into the world, others are sent out as long-
Natural allies. Of all races, humans find it easiest to
range hunters or scouts and then—through misfortune or
cooperate with other kinds of beings—for good or for
curiosity—never find their way home.
ill. Human encampments are remarkable for the range
of other races and beasts they mingle into their societies.
Sometimes, of course, it is the humans who are mingled in,
There are those who refuse the way of silence and make
and many a powerful monster has its share of human pets.
homes among the other clans. These halflings—called
walkaways by the quietkin—are represented by many of
the other types of halflings found in 5E.
Arising from the Venom Abyss, soaring up the Unfalls in
great bamboo rafts, these draconic mortals are the newest
race to appear in the Great Valley. They are a gregarious

people, known for their showmanship, insane fearlessness,
and overwhelming pride, declaring with fierce joy their
None of the dragonborn in Planegea are metallic, as it is
rightful place as the hatchlings of the Worldheart Dragon’s
a world without metal. The chromatic colors—black, blue,
own brood and the harbingers of the will of Blood Mountain.
green, red, and white—are present. Although the people of
Powerful predators. The dragonborn are a towering,
the Great Valley don’t know it, the inherent alignment of
dominating people, full of hunter’s pride and conquering
chromatic dragons towards selfishness and violence runs
strength. They laugh easily and loudly, kill for sport, and
deep in the scales.
are unafraid to speak their mind. They vary in hue from
white to black, and all chromatic shades in between. The
metallic scales of dragonborn that will someday walk the
Godspawn (Tiefling)
world are nowhere to be found among them. There are those whose stories are tangled even more fully
Heirs of the world. According to the dragonborn, they with the gods than most. Godspawn is the common name
are the direct descendants of the Worldheart Dragon, for those with divine ancestors or whose ancestors were
hatched of her eggs on Blood Mountain. They say they forever altered in form by an interaction with a divine
cut down mighty trees of the Venom Abyss, lashed them encounter. Whether a blessing or a curse, their appearance
together with poisonous vines, and sailed up the Unfalls to marks the godspawn as other, and their stories are eagerly
bring the Worldheart’s will to Planegea. This confidence or coveted around clanfires, if they’re willing to tell.
pride is a hallmark of their people. Use the table below to Marked by the gods. Godspawn appearance varies widely,
inspire how that plays out in your dragonborn character. depending on the nature of the god who affected their
ancestry. Some touched by animal gods have hooves or
d6 Confidence tails. Most have skin of an unusual hue, such as the blue
1 You are always certain you will succeed, no matter child of a river god or the bright red skin of one touched
what the odds or your skill level by divine fire. Almost all, however are touched with some
2 You believe fear is a weakness, and look down on those sort of mark on the temples or forehead—most commonly
who express it horns or antlers—which mark them unmistakably.
Forever other. There’s no hiding your nature as a
3 You love a good laugh, even at another’s expense
godspawn, although some have tried. Whether intended
4 You have a habit of giving counsel and advice when it’s as a blessing or a curse, or simply an unintended conse-
not asked for or wanted quence of a union between god and mortal, a godspawn’s
5 You’re the first to volunteer for any task, especially the appearance makes them an outsider, set apart from the rest
dangerous ones of the clan. Some godspawn use their difference to their
6 You always eat last and take care of others first, advantage, leaning into the attention their appearance calls
convinced that you don’t need help to gain favor and power. Others attempt to conceal their
origin as much as possible, proving their value lies outside
Boastful athletes. When the dragonborn sailed up the
whatever their forebears may have done to please or anger
Unfalls in their catamarans, they announced that they had
the gods. Use this table to inspire your godspawn’s origins,
arrived to enact the will of the Worldheart. However, it
and then consider whether that’s something they try to
became clear in time that they had no fixed purpose or
hide or leverage.
clear way forward, nor any way to return to their birth-
place on Blood Mountain. In the years that have passed d6 Origin
since they arrived, some dragonborn have joined with 1 Your ancestor was guilty of such an awful offense
other clans as hunters or makers, while most have kept to against a god that death wasn’t enough—he and all his
their own kind and live in a state of perpetual hunting, offspring were marked for his crime
feasting, and challenging each other to feats of strength or
2 Your mother’s tribe crossed a winter god’s domain
courage. Dragonborn camps are raucous, dangerous places,
without an offering, and the spiteful deity lashed out
which most other mortals take great pains to avoid. and struck your mother at random with a curse
A dubious birthright. Dragonborn are not long-lived, and
several new generations have been born in the Great Valley 3 It was so long ago that nobody in your family even
remembers what god you crossed, or how... only that it
since their arrival. The oldest of their kind are passing away,
was all a misunderstanding
and none have ever told the full story of their origin, keeping
to the same vague generalities. Some of the young drag- 4 Your grandparents were on the verge of death when
onborn raised among other clans have started to wonder they stumbled into a hallow for shelter, where the god
whether their old ones are telling the truth... if they were the preserved their lives and marked them as blessed
children of the Worldheart, wouldn’t she have told them their 5 A distant ancestor was a legendary hunter, and
purpose? Wouldn’t they know what to do? provided such a great offering to your clan’s god that
she was marked as a blessing and reward
6 Your mother was the chosen high shaman of a kind god,
and you were raised by both your parents in the hallow
of your father

Stories to tell. It’s said that a godspawn is welcome at Their huts tend to be made of unwanted bones covered
every clanfire but its own. Though often rejected by those in gnomequilt—pieces of hide too small for others to use,
who knew the family before their stories intertwined with stitched together in strange patchwork patterns. They
the gods, these marked ones obviously have stories to tell. arrange their huts in a tight circle, and in front of each
Other clans are eager to hear them, to learn how to please they place found or fashioned trinkets and tools for sale;
or avoid angering the gods, and to understand a little more each gnomish camp is as much a marketplace as a dwell-
about the world around them. Many godspawn become ing-place. The inside of their huts—too small for tallfolk
chanters or traveling performers, their appearance suffi- to enter—are covered in wonders of invention, art, and
cient to draw a crowd of eager listeners. beauty... tiny oases of craftsmanship and light in a dark and
Unfinished business. It’s said that those who are marked by violent world.
the gods are forever bound to them in fate and fortune. Most Star whisperers. The gnomish people have a deep affin-
godspawn know exactly which god is responsible for their ity for the stars—something about their small brilliance,
appearance through family lore, and those who don’t—or their clever dances across the sky—there is a kinship.
whose god is long since dead—are still entangled in the busi- Gnomish star-shamans are known for their remark-
ness of those whose power far exceeds their own. able understanding of the rumors of the heavens. And
some even say that the darkest of the gnomes have secret
Gnome communication with the unfathomable, ancient minds that
lurk and spiral in the dark Sea of Stars...
Every race hates these little scavengers. Gathering like rats
after a kill, beggar-gnomes fashion clever trinkets, which
they attempt to trade for food, but would as soon cut a
These gnomes are those commonly seen in the Great Valley,
throat as make a deal. They are dishonorable, tricky, too
living in bone-and-gnomequilt huts encircled by crafted
small to hunt, and always seem to have something up their
goods for trade, fashioned from the cast-off waste of other
sleeves. Little do those who reject them know of gnomish
cunning, courage, or the beauty that’s to be found just out
Mender’s Lore (Artificer’s Lore). Whenever you make an
of sight in their scavenged society.
Intelligence (Story) check related to magic items, alchem-
Small and quick. Gnomes stand at about half the height
ical objects, or stars, you can add twice your proficiency
of most other mortals, taller only than the quietkin. Their
bonus, instead of any proficiency bonus you normally apply.
fingers are long and clever, their eyes large and luminous,
Crafter. You have proficiency with artisan’s tools. Using
their hair drifts as if defying gravity around their pointed
these tools, you can spend 1 hour and 10 ps worth of
faces. Gnomes move with the air of prey, habitually check-
materials to craft a Tiny magical device (AC 5, 1 hp). The
ing around, above, and over their shoulder for danger.
device ceases to function after 24 hours (unless you spend
Despised cunning. The tallfolk, as gnomes call them,
1 hour repairing it to keep the device functioning), or when
reject and despise the gnomish people for their willing-
you use your action to dismantle it; at that time, you can
ness to pick over kills, scavenge in trash piles, and steal
reclaim the materials used to create it. You can have up to
what they need to get by. Gnomes, however, know better.
three such devices active at a time.
They are survivors in their own right, more clever than
When you create a device, choose one of the following
the brutish races that must use brawn to get by. Gnomes
are clever, inventive, and find—or make—a way through
• Kinetic Toy. This toy is a moving animal, monster, or
the world where none exists. Use this table to inspire your
person, such as a frog, mouse, bird, dragon, or hunter.
gnome character’s cunning scavenger nature.
When placed on the ground, the toy moves 5 feet across
d6 Cunning the ground on each o f your turns in a random direc-
tion. It makes noises as appropriate to the creature it
1 You’re always absentmindedly gathering materials and
making things without realizing it
• Fire Starter. The device produces a miniature flame,
2 You hate to leave anything behind, preferring to gather which you can use to light a candle, torch, or campfire.
everything in case it someday might be useful
Using the device requires your action.
3 You are unwilling to accept things at surface value, • Song Jar. When opened, this jar plays a single song at a
always seeking a deeper meaning or significance moderate volume. The jar stops playing when it reaches
4 You ask “why” a lot... too much, according to your the song’s end or when it is closed.
5 Curiosity will always get the better of you FAVORED GNOMES
6 You study other creatures in order to be able to Rarely, gnomes are able to escape the stigma of their
perfectly mimic them scavenging ways and are elevated into favored status with
a clan. These are usually the sorts represented by other
Hidden treasures. Gnomish scavenger-camps can be
gnomish subraces in Fifth Edition, their peculiarities seen
found at the fringes of larger hunter-gatherer societies.
as advantages by the clans that adopt them.

to live two lives, being accepted by both kinds without
Half-Elf suspicion—as long as their ruse goes undiscovered.
Often called Twilight or Dawn Children, these descendants To play a blood dancer half-elf, replace the Skill Versatil-
of humans and elves share traits from both bloodlines, yet ity feature with the ability to use an bonus action to change
are fully understood by neither, often forming their own between your elf aspect, your human aspect, or your
caravans or raiding parties and keeping to their own half- mixed aspect. You are recognizably yourself in each aspect,
kind. Still, their natural grace and understanding of two retaining similar features such as eye color, face shape, and
perspectives makes them skilled performers and negotia- so forth. However, while in your elvish or human aspect,
tors, when they can find a listening ear. a stranger meeting you is unable to discern from your
An uneasy mix. Elvish and human blood doesn’t mix appearance that you are of two worlds.
evenly, and the children of these unions are often a mottled
mixture—translucent and blue in some patches of skin, Orc (Half-Orc)
sometimes with one pointed ear and one rounded, or
Orcs are among the mightiest, feared, and honored races in
differently-colored eyes. These combinations often settle
Planegea, hailed as conquerors and warlords. Their people
into graceful patterns, like the stripes or spots of a hunting
often lead clans and win great glory as hunters. Few doubt
cat or swirls and loops that remind one of clouds, water, or
the future of the race as the rightful rulers of the land,
leaves. Regardless, they stand out no matter where they go,
although some resent it and will do all they can to oppose
unmistakable as a people of strange blood.
orcish might for as long as they can.
Oil and water upbringing. This union of two backgrounds
Majestic might. An orc is awe-inspiring—taller than a
can make for curious outlooks on the world. Some half-
man, green skin that blends with grass and trees, mighty
elves turn violent and cruel as they’re rejected by both
tusks that can gore with no need for a knife. They are
lineages. Others enjoy the best of both worlds, literally.
considered a beautiful and blessed people, and much
Whatever your upbringing, use the table below to inspire
admired throughout the world of Planegea.
how it shaped your half-elf character.
Spiritual unrest. The orcs have long been a reverent
d6 Upbringing people, with deep roots in the worship of the gods of the
land. Yet something has changed in the last few genera-
1 I was abandoned as an infant, left to die by parents who
tions. Their power has grown, and some have started to
rejected me outright. I’ve hated both humans and elves
ever since doubt whether their fate is always to bend the knee to the
gods. They are mighty, and some believe that the way of
2 My human parent raised me, and never spoke of elves
survival is one led not by spirits in their hallows, but by
or allowed me to go near their encampments
the hand of the hunters who risk their lives at spearpoint.
3 My elvish parent raised me and would spin endless This tension with the divine can play out in many ways—
tales of Nod, while attempting to ground my feet firmly use this table to inspire how it affects your orcish character.
in the practicalities of life in Planegea
4 I was born to half-elven parents, who had already found d6 Unrest
each other in a performing caravan ... I never thought of 1 You see worship as suffocating, and desire to have as
myself as strange, and still don’t little to do with the gods as you can
5 My elvish parent was from the World of Nightmares, 2 You respect the old traditions, and believe that the
and I have been told since I was young that my destiny gods have their uses, but see them as a means to an
is to one day find them there and bring them back end—and the end is orcish power in Planegea
6 As the child of a shaman and a lord of Nod, I traveled 3 You believe balance is necessary, and think that
fluidly between the two worlds, learning all that each the interests of the gods and the orcs can co-exist
had to offer—the beloved heir of magic and power peacefully... if only your clan could see that too
Raiders and performers. When half-elves separate from 4 You fear the wrath of the gods, and have chosen to
other clans—by choice or rejection—they usually either serve them, though some of your brethren brand you a
form vicious raiding parties or colorful caravans of enter- coward for your worship
tainment. There is great unease when a band of half-elves 5 You are on the hunt for a god worthy of worship—one
is sighted, for sometimes raiders pretend to perform or who awes you more than the natural might and glory of
performers put on mock raids to gather a crowd. Either the orcs ... and so far, you haven’t found one
way, the striped half-folk certainly have a flair for dramat- 6 As far as you can see, the only good god is a dead god ...
ics and showmanship. makes room for more unclaimed land for the orcs
Proud hunters. The orcs live as nobility in Planegea. Their
Blood Dancers numbers are not great—orcish life is hard, and many do not
It is said that some half-elves have a unique ability to survive the brutal upbringing of a clan hunter. But those
suppress either of their ancestries, appearing as fully who reach adulthood are hunt-scarred, the strongest of the
human or fully elvish at will. Such beings have the power strong, warrior-poets who have been groomed to lead.

Enemy-makers. The powerful make powerful enemies. (with minor adjustments assumed for the starting equip-
Through their pride and conquest, the orcs—though feared ment and any features having to do with any of the taboos).
and admired by most—have more than their share of Some DMs might choose to add or remove classes based
opposition. There are gods who conspire for their down- on their preference and the story they’re telling in their
fall, clans dedicated to their destruction, even some giant own Planegea. But as written, each of these has its place.
empires who think the green mortals would do better if These are the earliest forms of what will become the
they learned a lesson in humility. The orcish elders laugh archetypal 5E classes in the future. Many of them have
at warnings of such dangers, however, daring all to come different names, to fit a world without monasteries, ancient
from any direction. religions, or magical universities. In your game, you can
use the traditional class names or the Planegean equivalent
PLANEGEAN ORCS as you prefer. For most classes, their role in the world is
Orcs in Planegea use the racial features of the Half-Orc in also quite different from their later heirs—take a moment
Fifth Edition. But they are no half-orcs, they are the orig- to read the descriptions of the classes to discover what
inal race: a proud and noble people much closer to their martial power and arcane or divine magic look like in a
human and elven peers than brutish orcs of later eras. primordial world.
There does exist in Planegea a race known as The
Doomed, or monsterblood orcs. These clans once lived Ascetic (Monk)
alongside other races—but in their pride and thirst
In a land of primal survival, most live at the edge of star-
for power, they devoured beings they should not have
vation, eating whenever they can, which is rarely enough.
consumed. In doing so, they gained great physical power,
Some harness this scarcity, turning struggle into discipline.
but had their minds darkened with murderous rage.
Ascetics challenge themselves beyond the limits of most
They are half-orc, half-monster, and though they still
mortals, straining their bodies through extreme rigors in
retain vestiges of their former nobility, the pounding
order to unlock great physical, mental, and spiritual power.
of war-drums never ceases beating in their ears. These
Anyone can become an ascetic, and many young hunters
monsterblood orcs use the racial features of Fifth Edition
boldly claim they’ll follow the path of self-discipline and
orcs, both as a monsters and as a playable race.
self-abnegation, but it is a long and difficult road to truly
rise above hungers of any kind.
Self-denial. The way of the ascetic is through denying
Time and pages do not allow us to tell of all the won- what you want in order to find what you need. This may
drous races of Planegea. We cannot speak of the birdfolk, take the form of denying yourself unnecessary food and
catfolk, lizardfolk, fishfolk, turtlefolk, the half-giants water, romantic relationships, or performing an act of
gentle or warlike, or the reincarnated spirits of the dead dedication such as wearing a blindfold or a year or sleeping
that dwell in stone bodies. We will have to leave aside outside, on your feet. What did you deny yourself and why?
the elemental wastewalkers, the blessed children of How did that shape you?
greater gods, the half-beasts, the goblinfolk in all their Honored mystics. Ascetics are rare, but when one arises
many shapes, and the scaled ones who revere or defy within a clan, they are usually revered for their discipline
the dragons of Blood Mountain. If only the clanfire could and focus. Chieftains, elders, and shamans will take coun-
burn all night, we could speak of every bloodline under sel with even a young ascetic who truly shows dedication
the stars—but since our time is short, remember that to the path. How did your clan treat you? Were you ready
every race in Fifth Edition has a place in Planegea, if you for that place of honor, or was it confusing? Why do you
only know where to look. now adventure instead of living a celebrated life as a spiri-
tual leader of a clan?
Vows and pilgrimages. Not all ascetics commit to life-
long pursuit of self-denial. Some take ascetic vows until
some task is complete, such as revenge, redemption, or a
quest they have set for themselves. Others deny themselves

CLASSES until they complete a journey of repentance, enlighten-

ment, or other spiritual significance. How long will your
commitment to asceticism last? Is there a vow you made or

a journey you need to complete? If so, to what do you hope
to return when your self-discipline ends?
roots of future adventurer classes. Though the
niche they occupy in the world may be differ-
ent, the martial, divine, and arcane powers that
these archetypes wield is a common thread from Fear is a constant when the land is filled with giant pred-
the prehistory of Planegea to their distant descendants. ators, and finding ways to rise above fear is a key part of
Mechanically, the classes are the same as in Fifth Edition survival. Some do so through honor or moral codes, others
keep out fear by their cleverness. Barbarians survive

through sheer rage. A barbarian feels a burning anger deep you reconcile your ability to bend the world to your will? Do
within them, simmering just below the surface. When that you hold to a strict code of honesty? Do you avoid speaking
anger is unleashed, they are capable of great and terrible at all lest you say the wrong thing? Or are you glib, believ-
things. Barbarians are a familiar archetype in this primor- ing that the world should be whatever you speak?
dial world, and canny travelers cautiously search the eyes Deadly honor. Chanters are revered by their clans—as
of those they encounter for the spark of primordial fury. long as they keep to the exact truth and speak only in
Uncaged anger. The world is brutal and unjust, and there accordance with the will of the shaman. If they behave in
is much to be angry about. Barbarians funnel that rage into such a way, they are given lives of ease and places of honor
violence—usually directed towards the quarry of a hunt. at the clanfire. But those who break faith and are caught
But there are times when the hunting is lean that the anger twisting minds, hearts, or memories are outcast, and often
still simmers over. How do you deal with the anger outside branded for their misdeeds. Did you leave your clan by
the hunt? Do you bury it, soothe it, or express it through choice or by force? Are you scarred for a lie you chanted
other forms of activity? Do you lose yourself in the rage, or into truth, physically or emotionally? Do you hide your
do you feel most yourself when you’re most furious? power, trying to conceal your identity as a chanter until
Leaders or outcasts. Barbarians are typically lead hunt- it’s absolutely necessary to reveal it? Or are you a chanter
ers, head raiders, or in other positions of power because still revered by your clan on an honorable journey for some
of their martial ability. Young hunters aspire to unleash greater good?
the kind of fearless fury that characterizes a barbarian. Chanter traditions. In Planegea, Fifth Edition’s Bardic
But once unleashed, that fury is hard to tame, and many Colleges are called Chanter Traditions. These traditions—
barbarians have tragic tales of the times they went too far. such as the Tradition of Lore—are expressions of how a
Some wander the world as pariahs, having turned in their chanter channels their arcane will through an instrument
rage on their own kind. Have you been able to keep your or performance. When practitioners of the same tradition
rage within the boundaries of the hunt? Are there times meet, they eagerly exchange knowledge and techniques...
you lost yourself that you regret? If so, how far would you and some whisper to each other of the existence of a
go to make it up to those who got in your way during your greater body of chanters, the Worldsingers, who travel
black rage? under secret identities and work to reshape the world into
A river of rage. Some say of barbarians that they are in a better form. Did you learn your chanter tradition from
an endless current of anger, a river of rage. In a river, you someone, or stumble into it through raw talent? Have you
must swim with the current or against it. Most swim with heard of the Worldsingers? Do you welcome a chance to
the current, hurtling towards the rocks of violence. Some, meet other chanters or, knowing their power, do you seek
however, swim against the current, seeking to quell the to avoid or silence any others you might encounter?
anger that never stops roaring through their veins. Are
you pursuing your anger, nurturing and cultivating it? Or Druid
are you seeking to find peace? What initially ignited your
If druids merely guarded and nurtured plants and beasts
anger, and is it something that can ever be set to rest?
and soil, they would be a welcome part of any clan. All
of Planegea lives in close relationship with nature, and
Chanter (Bard) one who can understand and enhance the power of life
When stories cannot be written down, songs have great should be welcome at any clanfire. But not so; druids
power to shape culture—and reality. Those who find their are hunted, feared, hated, and driven off, utterly outcast
identity in the telling of stories and singing of songs are and reviled. The reason for this rejection is that druidic
upheld by the clan, their long memories and powerful power saps the strength of the gods, drawing from the
words seen as vital to the continuation of the clan’s iden- same magical essence of nature that powers the hallows
tity. But some, called chanters, go beyond the role of mere the gods themselves. To be a druid is to set oneself up in
storyteller. They reshape the world through their songs opposition to the gods, to claim their very magic as your
and stories, focusing power through their instruments and own. And for the clans who follow shamans and look to
performances to sing not only of what is, but what could be. gods for their survival, there can be no greater betrayal or
And in the primordial dawn of Planegea, singing of what threat than a druid, a god-leech, a parasite of divine life
could be has a great and terrible power. True chanters are and strength. Because of this, druids live in hiding, build-
both feared and loved, for the ability to remake the world ing secret groves and sanctuaries on the fringes of domains
with your voice is not to be taken lightly. unclaimed by powerful gods. Here they can practice their
Truth-sayers. Those who have access to a chanter’s rites and tend to the earth in safety... at least until the
arcane force of will are held to a higher standard than shamans discover them and send their guardians with fire
most, expected to sing the exact truth, lest they casually and blade.
reshape the world with a misplaced note. The pressure of Divine power. The gift to draw magic directly from
this power is enormous, and causes many chanters to flee nature is sacred, given mysteriously by nature itself. But
their clans or even go mad. Some, however, are less scru- it is a great struggle to live in opposition to the gods, who
pulous and believe reality is whatever they say is. How do jealously covet every pulse of power that goes through the

world. How did you discover your druidic powers? How Weapon masters. Fighters uniquely understand the
long were you able to hide them before a god or shaman value and balance of weapons and armor, and choose their
discovered you? equipment with great care, seeking out more powerful
God-leeches. There is nothing the clans hate more than arms where they can be found. There are tales of fighters
a druid. If discovered, they are put to death, brought to who have embarked on great hunts or journeys to find
the god for judgment, or cast out to die in the wild. Many legendary weapons or armor, or to hunt and harvest the
outcast druids have started their long and lonely lives monsters to fashion such equipment. What legendary
drawing strength and comfort from the very wilderness weaponry do you dream of wielding, and how far would
that was meant to kill them. How do you see the gods? Are you go to get it?
you bitter towards them? Dismissive of them? Or do you
see them as misguided peers or elders—greater druids who Guardian (Paladin)
have forgotten their origins?
Secretive sanctuaries. Hidden in groves and glades and Sometimes, in an act of sober commitment or a moment
caves throughout Planegea, just out of sight of the clanfires of desperation, a mortal will make an oath that changes
and hallows, circles of druids thrive and cultivate nature. everything. They will swear, witnessed by a god, to uphold
And there, in hushed places, they nurture a great secret: an ideal, accomplish a goal, or defend what they value
the ability to hide ideas in nature itself. They have worked most. And sometimes the force of will, the pure intent of
out the unimaginable; a way of speaking while one is not such a mortal unlocks the favor of the gods and creates
present by leaving behind certain signs such as a bent an outpouring of divine power. These are the guardians—
branch or pattern of leaves or circle of stones. They call those who are so strong in their beliefs and commitment
these signs Druidic, and those who have the gift of nature’s that the gods themselves have no choice but to grant them
power can interpret these symbols and divine their mean- gifts. Guardians act as the leaders of smaller clans, and
ing intuitively. Have you ever encountered a sanctuary in larger clans, stand at the right hand of the shaman as
or a hidden Druidic symbol? Or do you travel the world, their sword and shield. Some guardians feel the call to
following signs in search of such a place that you might journey outwards to range far from their clanfire to keep
someday be able to call home? their oaths, and woe to the mortal or monster who stands
between a guardian and the object of their will... a will so
strong that they wrestled the very gods themselves into
Fighter opening up their vaults of power.
The way of a fighter is pure—Planegea understands the Sacred oath. A guardian’s oath defines them. Although
fight, the fundamental struggle of strength versus strength they have had some inkling of divine blessing in the days
to survive. The hunter or warrior, who pits their knowl- leading up to their oath, the moment they take the oath
edge of body, armor, weapon against their enemy or quarry, defines them. The oath is taken at third level. If you’re
is an essential role. Whether they bend bows or swing starting at first level, do you realize you stand on the verge
swords, whether they hunt animals or enemies of the clan, of such a moment? Or have you been building up to this
fighters are central figures in any clan. Happy is the clan commitment your whole life? What is your oath, and why
with a fighter whose abilities exceeds that of most mortals, is it worth dying for?
with honed senses and greater gifts of strength and speed, Shaman’s sword. In many clans, guardians are culti-
who understands weapons and armor better than they vated from a young age, with devout, athletic children
understand their own souls. Such fighters live in harm’s being raised as acolytes by the shaman. A great clan might
way, sent out constantly on dangerous hunts, raids, and have many guardians who have been focusing on nothing
battles. This is the way of the fighter. but the day of their oath from infancy. The guardian is
The way. Gifted with extraordinary strength or grace, usually the keeper of the clan’s magic weapon and acts as
fighters are shaped by their ability to challenge the world the shaman’s bodyguard and, when necessary, executioner.
to single combat and come out on top. Have you honed Was there a shaman who shaped your life, for good or for
your physical prowess through years of discipline, or does ill? Since you took your oath, how has your relationship to
your body simply do whatever you ask of it? Are you proud clans and shamans changed?
of your prowess, or has confronting so many life and death Wild oaths. Not all guardians make oaths that keep them
situations granted you humility and wisdom? close to home. There have been guardians who stumbled
Hunters and warriors. Most fighters serve the clan as unwittingly into the hallow of a god and bargained for
hunters, warriors, or both—those who fight beasts, those the power to survive. Some make oaths to hunt down and
who fight mortals, or those who simply fight. If you were destroy the enemies of a god, or to defend innocence every-
raised in a clan, were they warlike or did they avoid battle? where. Once committed to their path, a guardian is fueled
Do you seek out violence and see it as giving you reason and driven by what they have sworn, going to any lengths
and purpose, or are you a peaceful soul who fights only to uphold their word. What lines have you crossed in honor
when necessary? What reminders of past conflicts do you of your oath? What enemies have you made to pursue it?
carry with you, and why? What would it take to get you to break your oath, and lose
everything that you have become?

gather or create and slipping back into the shadows. In the
Ranger wilderness they watch and wait for the moment when a
Above all, rangers are gifted survivors. These prodigies powerful hunter is fatigued after a kill, slipping unseen to
of the wilderness have mastered the ability to thrive in strike and steal.
untamed lands, drawing together magic and might with Shadowy survivors. To become a scavenger, one must be
cunning to not only stay alive, but protect others. What desperate or selfish enough to throw off all hope of being
sets apart a ranger is their power to give the gifts of accepted at the clanfire, choosing instead a life of scorn and
survival to those they choose—be it an animal companion, secrets. But scavengers know that the line between a sneak
a band of trusted friends, or an entire clan. A ranger who attack and a noble hunt is much thinner than the line
walks alone does good to no one, selfishly hoarding their between starvation and survival, and once you cross that
life-giving skills. But such loners are rare... rangers are line, it’s hard to go back. What tipped you over the edge
usually found in the company of others who rely on them. into taking the shadowed way? Do you hide your scaveng-
To trust a ranger for survival, however, is to run the risk ing nature, trying to pass as a clan member in good stand-
of angering gods and their followers; rangers draw their ing, or have you thrown off any attempt to conceal your
uncanny abilities by skimming off divine magic coveted by chosen path? If you were caught scavenging, do you bear a
deities. Most operate at a low enough level that the gods do brand or scar to mark you for your crime?
not deign to notice them, but the greatest of rangers have Reviled vermin. There’s nothing a clan despises more
been hated and hunted by the gods as much any druid. than a scavenger. In the face of such rejection, those who
Natural connection. Rangers are naturally gifted with steal often band together, forming nocturnal raiding
a bond to natural magic. For most, it is an instinctive parties and shadow clans of their own. Some clans even
connection felt since birth, enabling them to thrive where have shamans in the service of gods who care little for
others struggle. Did you always sense the magic in the honor. Over the years, there has come to be a kind of code,
world, or did a particular event awaken you to it? Is draw- passed down from one thief to another... certain scratches
ing up on that magic as natural as breathing to you, or does or arrangements of bones or phrases that indicate a ripe
it require focus and attention? To what do you attribute mark for ambush or theft. Who taught you this code—
your gift—fate, chance, blessing, or something grander? called Thieves Cant? Do you use it to seek out other scaven-
Divine thieves. The divine magic used by rangers is gers or to avoid them?
the same magic that empowers the gods. When rangers The king’s tithe. The mark for the Tithe is throughout
cast their spells, the gods see them as stealing from their Planegea, hidden in plain sight. Wherever the Tithe appears,
resources, robbing from the powerful to give to the power- it signals a place where a certain portion of stolen goods is
less. Some gods treat rangers with a grudging respect, to be left for the Rat King, the High Lord of a hidden league
while others send out their faithful to wipe them out with of thieves known as Scavengers Vow. Such Tithe marks are
the same hatred directed at druids. How do you view the not to be ignored, for the Rat King’s cutthroats come quietly
gods? Do you revel in stealing their power, or simply see it for scavengers who don’t pay homage to the Vow. Have you
as an accident of circumstance? Do any gods have a partic- ever run afoul of the Rat King, or do you aspire to meet
ular grudge against you for your thieving ways? him? How closely connected are you with Scavengers Vow,
Guides of the godless. For those clans without a strong and is that by choice or by force?
connection to a god—by choice or by accident—a ranger
can be a lifesaving force. Orcish clans, which are more Shaman (Cleric)
likely to scorn the gods, are often led by rangers, as are
In a time before temples and religious hierarchy, shamans
clans that scrape by in the lonely wildernesses where there
serve as intermediaries between mortals and gods.
isn’t enough worship to sustain deities. Have you ever been
Shamans are leaders of clans, and hear personally from
in a position of leadership? Are you allied with any godless
local deities. They are vital to the clans for their ability to
clans or groups who see you as a protector? Or do you turn
channel divine magic, interpret dreams, lead ceremonies
away those who seek your aid, focused on a higher call-
crucial to clan life. Most shamans have a foremost deity
ing—or perhaps just yourself?
they revere, and it is not uncommon for a clan to be given
over to the worship of one god or goddess above others
Scavenger (Rogue) thanks to the influence of their shaman. However, the
Not all who hunt do so by force of might. Some keep quiet, migratory nature of many clans means that shaman must
staying to the shadows, waiting and watching for their be fluid in their reverence, able to act as a go-between to
moment to strike and take what they desire. These are the the many gods whose lands the clan may traverse.
scavengers—the lowest of the low, hated by mortals and Canny reverence. Shamans derive their power from
monsters alike. A scavenger preys the weakest moments of the gods and lead their tribe in acts of worship and cere-
others, coming along after the kill to claim their bounty, or mony. But the gods are fickle and limited, and the best
ambushing unsuspecting prey with a sneak attack that has shamans are those who understand how to work with the
no honor or hunter’s glory. Every society has scavengers. In gods without losing themselves in an overabundance of
large clans, they walk unseen, taking what others work to awe. Some elder shamans, forced to travel each year and

interact with an array of gods, have secret insight into
the small-mindedness of divine beings confined to their Sorcerer
hallows, and work with the gods as a kind of advisor as Planegea bristles with primordial magic, and it is the most
much as a servant. What is your relationship to the gods? natural thing in the world for that magic to slip into the
Do you hold them all in high regard? Or has your proxim- blood of mortals. Sorcerers are everywhere in Planegea, by
ity to divinity left you jaded to their ways? Do you have a far the most common arcane spellcasters. Untaught, unre-
favorite god? strained, operating by instinct and natural gifts, a sorcerer
Divine ambassadors. Shamans are essential to clan life, is magic in its simplest, most primal, most elemental form.
and are generally the most respected and senior members Even a clan of modest size might have one or two sorcer-
of any clan. They often work with a chieftain in a partner- ers, and they are woven into the fabric of society without
ship—the chieftain takes care of the mortal side of survival, distinction. Sorcerers make excellent members of a hunting
the shaman focuses on the gods and their gifts. Most small or gathering party, even though their magical abilities tend
clans have one shaman, but larger clans may have a hier- to sap their physical strength, their talents for bringing
archy of acolytes and lesser shamans led by a high shaman. down prey or finding bounty from a distance are regarded
Of course, there are those who revere the gods as shamans as highly useful to a clan. To be a sorcerer in Planegea typi-
yet choose to walk alone, having found their divine cally means to be well-liked but not especially respected on
connection in secret or been separated from their clan. the merits of your magical abilities. A sorcerer must earn
How did you discover your divine connection? Are you a their reputation not by the mere existence of their magic,
clan shaman or a lone wanderer? If you were the shaman but rather how they use it.
of a clan, why have you left them to pursue adventure? Primal magic. Sorcerers have magic at their fingertips,
Local deities. When shamans travel, they sense and and can feel the pulse of power that goes through the
can connect with the gods of their new location, paying world. A sorcerer is given no guidance by a god, no ethos
homage and forging connections. Many shamans prefer to from the land—they simply have access to magic and must
follow certain types of gods, seeking out deities of a similar decide what to do with it. How do you ply your magic? Do
domain. A shaman must draw their power from a nearby you use it to impress and charm, or as armor and weap-
god or divine force, as there are no universal gods supply- onry? Does your magic define you, or do you think little
ing power equally throughout the world. Do you pursue a about it, finding your role in the world through another
single domain, or do you prefer to revere the most power- aspect of your identity?
ful god in a new area? The ways of the gods are strange and Useful talents. In the life of a clan, sorcerers have no
sometimes frightening—how far would you go in pursuit place of particular honor because of their magic. Rather,
of the favor of a new god? they are integrated into the work of various work parties
such as the hunters, gatherers, crafters, or builders. A
REGIONAL DOMAINS person’s talent as a sorcerer might be the third or fourth
thing mentioned about them, almost as an aside, unless
The power of a god is limited by its location. When ad-
they are particularly powerful or have earned a reputation
venturing shamans travel outside of their god’s domain
through their individual use of magic. Do you make your
there are a few options to explore:
magic power known as soon as you meet someone, or do
you prefer to interact with others as a person first and a
• Different god, same domain: Regions can have more
sorcerer second? Have you ever wished that others would
than one god (although one is usually dominant), so
respect you for your talents more? Have you ever been
the new region might have a god with similar values
tempted to do something ill-advised to demonstrate the
and blessings, although pursuing the favor of a lesser
extent of your abilities?
god might displease the more powerful one.
Unmeasured potential. Most sorcerers in Planegea have
• Divine alliance: Gods are able to communicate with
modest power, casting only cantrips, 1st-level, or 2nd-level
each other within a certain distance, and a god who
spells. When a more powerful sorcerer does arise, it is
favors a shaman might reach out to a neighboring god
cause for comment and—sometimes—alarm. Without
and ask that their power be allowed to flow through
the governance of gods or the discipline of spellskins, an
them into their region.
unchecked sorcerer represents a possible threat to anyone
• New god, new domain: Sometimes there is no
they encounter. As your talent expands, how will you use
alliance or similar god to be forged, and instead the
it? Without limitations or mentors, will you pursue selfish
shaman must source their power from a different
ends and reshape the world in your image, or will you find
type of god altogether. In this case, the shaman may
others who will help keep you from losing yourself in your
change their subclass and divine domain, setting aside
growing power?
all features from their old domain and adopting all
features from their new domain at their current level.
Work with your DM to decide if this is a good fit for your
character and campaign.

Spellskin (Wizard) PATTERN TATTOOS

Rather than carrying a book, spellskins tattoo the shapes

In deep caves, thickets, or hide shelters, spellskins mutter
of magic onto their skins. These shapes are not writing—
and trace the shapes of magic. Creating patterns and
rather, they are a symbolic set of shapes, particular to
designs that echo the mana of living things, spellskins use
every spellskin, which defines the shape of magic as the
natural dyes and clays to paint powerful creatures, real or
spellskin comprehends it. This tattoo is a kind of short-
imagined. Then, once the shape of a creature and its magic
hand for the larger symbols the spellskin has painted
is fully understood, the spellskin copies its form onto their
or carved into a wall or flat surface requiring 10’ square
own bodies. Powerful spellskins are covered in tattoos, and
for each spell level. (Thus a 4th level spell requires a 40’
can call forth the magic they have wrestled into their skin
square surface.)
at will. To pursue the way of the spellskin takes an uncom-
In order to learn a new spell (either their own spell or
monly brilliant mind, able to hold and remember many
a spell copied from another spellskin’s wall), a spellskin
incredibly complex concepts at the same time. However,
must create the spell on a space equal to 10’ square
here is great danger in the spellskin way. The paintings
or more per spell level. Thus, high-level spellskins are
created by the practitioners of these arts hew ever closer
known for their huge walls covered in intricate paintings
to writing, putting them always only one small slip away
or carvings. A spellskin must only create the spell on the
from being pursued by the Hounds of the Blind Heaven.
wall when first learning it. After they have created their
Planegea is littered with empty caves and canyons with
mana tattoo, they can prepare their spells by studying
unfinished paintings where a spellskin crossed the line and
their tattoos, envisioning the wall, repeating incanta-
brought the Hounds upon themselves.
tions made while creating the wall, and so on.
Hunted genius. To be a spellskin is to court disaster with
One spellskin who encounters another cannot copy a
brilliance. Spellskins are often obsessive, unable to pry
mana tattoo from their body, as it is a mere shorthand
themselves away with searching deeper into the underly-
for the spell’s full shape. If a spellskin discovers anoth-
ing magic of the world, even if it means their paintings and
er’s painting or carving, they may copy one spell from
tattoos grow in complexity and meaning to a dangerous
it in a process that takes 2 hours and causes 1/2 level of
degree. Why do you continue to investigate magic, know-
exhaustion per each level of the spell. If the process of
ing that with every brush stroke, every tap of the tattoo
copying it is interrupted, the copying fails, and the spell-
mallet, you could slip into disfavor with the hounds? Why
skin must begin again.
don’t you walk away?
Sanctums and conclaves. Because of the danger inherent
in spellskin work, most clans avoid such spellcasters. They
are not rejected outright, but it is forbidden by most chief-
tains and shamans to create the paintings required to work
out a spell within sight of the clanfire. For this reason,
many spellskins have their own hidden sanctums where The gods are not the only powerful beings in Planegea.
they reason out spells in secret. Some, who have found There are many things in shadowy corners and secret
it simpler to leave clan life behind, seek out other spell- places that resonate with magic and the ability to empower
skins and form conclaves where they share sanctums and those that they choose. The warlock is the emissary sent by
knowledge, using their magic to provide for their physical a clan to strike a deal with such a being. They are marked
needs so that they can remain in one place and continue by their otherness—such powers might be a dreamlike
the work of developing their arcane insights. What was the archfey of Nod, a bloody idol from the Cult Riverlands, or a
first place you painted a spell, and what tattoos do you have mind-numbing presence from beyond the stars. Unlike the
to call that spell to mind? Are you in good standing with a gods and their followers, whose power arises from Plane-
clan, or have you chosen to leave all that behind, in pursuit gea, warlocks and their patrons are fueled by strange and
of your own research or in search of a conclave where you alien abilities that fall outside the natural order. Warlocks
could learn more? enter into bargains with such beings, gaining the favor of
Spellgraves. There are empty, echoing places in the the being on behalf of the clan in exchange for strange and
world where great spells were cast in the past—until some particular services.
spellskin went too far and the Hounds came. Such places, Sacrificial pacts. Warlocks are chosen by their clans as
called spellgraves, may be the sanctums of lone casters or sacrificial emissaries, giving up their freedom to secure the
entire conclaves. They are regarded by spellskins as great good of the clan. How did you come across your patron?
caches of knowledge. There are those who spend their Why did your clan decide it was necessary to strike a
whole lives wandering, seeking spellgraves to expand their bargain with it? What are the exact terms of your pact? Are
knowledge and power. What whispers have you heard of you trying to undermine your patron, or curry its favor?
spellgraves? Do you have a clue to the location of a hidden Chosen ones. The pacts of a warlock are public cere-
cache of wondrous lore? What would you do to find it? monies, known to all the clan and carefully negotiated by
the clan leaders. Often, warlocks are groomed from birth
as emissaries and ambassadors, taught the ways of diplo-

macy to serve as the link between a clan and a non-divine Things have histories. There’s no such thing as “a shield”
power. Shamans and warlocks live in mutual respect, as in Planegea. One adventurer might use a giant shell, green
the intermediaries between the clan and their divine and from scum where its old turtle lay for seven years at the
arcane overlords. Who were you before the pact? Were you bottom of a pond. Another might take a stone-studded
groomed to act as an emissary or stumbling into it? How wood lattice, its wood gathered from a haunted forest
did your life change when you met your patron? Do you and the stones from the side of a yeti-infested mountain
have regrets, or are you eager to go further? gathered at great peril. Know the stories of the gear you
Pactbound. The warlock’s bargains are never a gift with- carry—it may save your life, or open up strange new roads
out terms and conditions, and patrons are rarely forthcom- that you had never considered before.
ing or reasonable. By forging a pact with something other
than a god, a warlock reaches into something larger than Languages
themselves, and possibly hostile to their very existence.
What does your patron want you to do? How much do you Planegea uses the languages commonly found in 5E with-
know of its greater agenda—or even its true nature? out their written aspect. If a feature, ability, or spell allows
you to read or write a language, disregard that aspect.


In Planaegea, Pact of the Tome becomes Pact of the Scar,
You may speak a dialect belonging to a larger family of
with patterned scarring in place of the Book of Shadows.
languages. Creatures that speak different dialects of the
If other scars or wounds hide your pact scars or magic
same language can communicate with one another.
heals them, you can create new scars to replace the old
Divine. This new language encompasses the tongues of
ones in 1 hour. The Book of Ancient Secrets becomes
both good and evil-aligned gods. It has three dialects: Abys-
Scars of Ancient Secrets, and is mechanically identical,
sal (spoken by the winter gods), Celestial (spoken by most
except that instead of 50 gp worth of rare inks, you re-
good-aligned or neutral gods), and Infernal (spoken by the
quire a ceremonial knife with 50 hp of blood spilled on it
idols of the Cult Riverland).
or worth an equivalent of 50 sp in the Great Valley.
Common. Common is divided into four regional dialects:
Stonespeech, Airspeech, Firespeech, and Stormspeech.
Each dialect is spoken in the region surrounding its corre-
sponding giant empire as a shared trade language, and each
dialect has similarities with its corresponding dialect in


Planegea is a world without coin, and barter is the most
common form of exchange. However, if you don’t want to
haggle over every purchase, salt is commonly accepted as a
standard form of trade, since it’s useful for preserving and

VERY ITEM IN PLANEGEA IS MADE BY HAND OR flavoring all kinds of food. A useful rule of thumb is that 1
by magic. There is no mass production here—every coin-sized portion of salt is equal in value to 1gp in other
knife, bowl, water skin, and rope is the result of 5E materials. This coin-sized portion of salt is written as
careful and individual attention by craftspeople, or 1ps (portion salt). That said, in regions where salt is plenti-
else summoned into existence by powerful magic. ful or extremely scarce, salt loses almost all value and other
As a result, even common objects tend to have names, exchanges are more common.
histories, and quirks unique to them. When you barter for Names & scars. Some rely not on their goods alone to gain
a sword, its maker might tell you about the monster whose advantage in bartering, but also on their reputation or appear-
teeth line the edge. When you are given a talisman, the ance. Work with your DM to determine what names and scars
spellcaster who prepared it may introduce you to it as to an you have earned, which may act as a passive modifier to your
old friend. amount of wealth with some trading partners.
Name what matters. Every sword, shield, and cloak can
be named—but most especially weapons and armor that
save your life. Take time when making trades or during
rests to become familiar with the quirks of your gear, and
call them by names that are true to their nature.


Armor Cost Armor Class (AC) Strength Stealth Weight

Light armor
Padded 5ps 11 + Dex modifier — Disadvantage 8 lb.
Leather 10ps 11 + Dex modifier — — 10 lb.
Stone-studded leather 45ps 12 + Dex modifier — — 13 lb.
Medium armor
Beasthide 10ps 12 + Dex modifier (max 2) — — 12 lb.
Heavy fur 50ps 13 + Dex modifier (max 2) — — 20 lb.
Bone or shell 50ps 14 + Dex modifier (max 2) — Disadvantage 45 lb.
Wooden chestpiece 400ps 14 + Dex modifier (max 2) — — 20 lb.
Wood 750ps 15 + Dex modifier (max 2) — Disadvantage 40 lb.
Heavy armor
Monsterhide 30ps 14 — Disadvantage 40 lb.
Stone & leather 75ps 16 Str 13 Disadvantage 55 lb.
Stone & wood 200ps 17 Str 15 Disadvantage 60 lb.
Stone 1,500ps 18 Str 15 Disadvantage 65 lb.
Shield 10ps +2 — 6 lb.


To protect combat balance, Planegea does not alter the
Armor is handmade and can vary greatly in appearance and
bonuses or penalties of armor or weapons in any way.
construction. Still, the basic materials used in the armor’s
Mechanically, they are identical to published weapons.
construction offer a common amount of protection, as
Thematically, the assumption is that combat is relative,
shown on the Armor in Planegea table.
and that as most creatures are using natural materials
for both attack and defense, the overall scale of damage
should be similar.
If you want to alter these numbers, to advantage The weapons list is identical to the list in Fifth Edition, but
natural armor and weapons, be aware that this will make the weapons are handmade with stone tools. Knives are
almost all monsters deadlier and harder to kill. To imple- made of knapped stone, axes are stone knives affixed to
ment this option, make the following changes: wooden shafts, and swords are usually poles, bats, or clubs
with sharpened objects lining the edges, such as knapped
• On all edged or bladed weapons, decrease the damage stone, obsidian, or the teeth of monsters.
by 1 die size (d6 becomes d4 etc), to a minimum of 1
point of damage
• On all armor that was made of metal in Fifth Edition
Adventuring Gear
(chain shirt, scale mail, breastplate, half plate, ring mail, Most items in Fifth Edition can be used as they are by
chain mail, splint, plate), decrease AC by 2. simply describing them as made of bone, wood, stone, hide,
rope, etc. A few particular items are a bit more specifically
modern, and are converted to Planegea in the Gear Conver-
sion table. Where metal is called for in equipment, armor,
weapons, or spells, use the Metal Conversion table.


Medieval Stone Age Metal Equivalent

Abacus Counting sticks Metal (any) Stone, bone, antler, or wood
Ball bearings Smooth pebbles
Adamantine Divine ivory*
Bottle, flask, tankard, Skin or jar (made of clay, wood, stone,
or vial bone, etc.) Copper Wood
Caltrops Knuckle-bones or vertebrae Gold Glass
Chain Knotted rope studded with wood, Iron Granite
stone, or bone
Lead Black clay*
Crowbar Lever
Mercury Oil
Hourglass Notched, slow-burning stick
Mithral Gemweave*
Ink Paint
Platinum Dragon tooth*
Ink pen Paintbrush
Silver Polished wood
Lantern Skull
Zinc Clay
Lock Knot, specialized, with stone needles
or other complications worked in *See notes below.

Magnifying glass Crafting hoop* Divine ivory. The bones of a god are the hardest substance
Paper Smooth hide known in all of Planegea and are exceedingly rare and diffi-
Parchment Rough hide cult to obtain. They can only be cut or shaped by magic.
Black clay. Whether naturally obtained or created
Pot, iron Pot, stone
through the infusion of dyes and darkening agents, black
Spellbook Spellskin’s sanctum* clay has the rare property of blocking magical percep-
Spikes, iron Tusks tion. In order for this to work, though, the clay must be
pure and profoundly black, which generally requires a
Spyglass Scouting hoop*
rare natural source or else a skilled and patient crafter to
*See notes below. prepare.
Gemweave. A fine mesh of cord and tiny gemstones,
Crafting and scouting hoops. Glass is rare and crude knotted intricately after the dwarven fashion. Gemweave is
throughout most of Planegea, usually only formed by light, yet offers great protection and beauty.
volcanic or elemental forces. Magnifying glasses and Dragon tooth. Dragons are rare in the Great Valley,
spyglasses, while theoretically possible to create given but their teeth can be found where they have roosted or
proper time and tools, are much easier obtained as attacked, as they have many and some are lost in attacks
common magic items, usually in the form of wood or bone or grooming. They are extremely precious and usually
hoops enchanted by spellcasters or gods to aid in crafting reserved as the personal talisman of chieftains or shamans.
or scouting.
Spellskin’s sanctum. Spellskins use large areas to design
their spells, then transfer those spells as tattoos onto their
Many of the artisan’s tools from 5E need adjustments in
bodies. The only way for another spellcaster to learn a
order to make sense in prehistoric fantasy. Use the table
spellskin’s spell is to locate the place where their spells are
below to convert them into the following more common
painted, which is usually secret and often guarded.
tool sets. It’s also still possible that the original tool sets
could exist in the world, although with primitive materi-
als. If your character concept requires one of the original
artisan’s tool sets, talk to your DM about converting it to fit
the world of Planegea.
Most tool sets are made of specialized implements, typi-
cally made from wood, antler, or ivory, into which stone

blades can be fitted in various specialized assortments, as

well as stones or containers of particular shapes or quali-
ties and ingredients such as powders, spices, salts, liquids,
scales, or other consumable materials.

Alchemist’s supplies Ceremonial supplies* unknown, with magical essences unleashed
across the land, sea, and air. But just as animals
Brewer’s supplies Winemaker’s supplies
can be tamed, so can spells, and many of the intel-
— Butcher’s tools* ligent races of Planegea have coaxed one kind of
Calligrapher’s supplies Artist’s supplies magic or another into a more or less predictable pattern.

Carpenter’s tools Woodcrafter’s tools

Altered Spells
Cartographer’s tools Mapmaker’s tools
Some spells in Fifth Edition refer to metal specifically. In
Cobbler’s tools Bootmaker’s tools a world without metal, use the Metal Conversion table
Cook’s utensils — for alternate components. Additionally, use the follow-
— Gatherer’s supplies* ing guidelines for other spells that may be altered by the
Jeweler’s tools —
Heat Metal. Since there is no metal in Planegea, this spell
Leatherworker’s tools — can be substituted with a heat stone spell, which works in
Mason’s tools Stonecrafter’s tools exactly the same way, but targets stone instead.
Commune and other divine spells. Spells that call upon
Painter’s supplies —
the power of gods may have one of two effects outside the
Potter’s tools — range of your primary god: they can extend the range of
Smith’s tools Bonecrafter’s tools your primary god to your current location, or they can
compel a local god to respond. Work with your DM to
Tinker’s tools Mender’s’s tools
determine which effect comes into play for your spells.
Weaver’s tools — Planeshift and other planar spells. The planes of this
world are all geographically linked, but they’re still sepa-
*See notes below.
rate realms. You can use planeshift to travel from the mortal
realm (the Great Valley and Giant Empires) to the Elemen-
Ceremonial supplies. These are sets of implements
tal Wastes, the Sea of Stars, Nod, the Kingdom of the Dead,
commonly used by practitioners of divine magic to prepare
or other locations at your DM’s discretion, including the
and enact various rites and rituals. The contents of the
hallows of some gods.
toolkit can vary depend on the worship practices, but they
Resurrect and other necromancy. Spells that bring the
often include such materials as blindfolds, candles, paint,
dead back to life are considered a personal affront by Nazh-
glass or ceramic chimes, incense, and feathers.
Agaa, and should only be undertaken with extreme caution.
Butcher’s tools. A butcher’s toolkit is used to harvest
There are no mechanical limitations or alterations to these
a kill, preserving every part of the animal for use later.
spells, but be warned that the King of the Dead is not to be
This includes specialized hooks, knives, and shears, salt,
trifled with.
small bowls and bags, a water skin, a wooden slab, a small
Goodberry and Create Food and Water. Certain spells,
hammer, and clean, broad leaves.
invented by druids and rangers, are considered heretical
Gatherer’s supplies. The supplies used by a gatherer
by most gods and shamans, since they circumvent the
include a large satchel with many sections, a knife, a
need for mortals to seek divine provision and protection.
digging blade, hand-wraps, dried leaves and berries, a
Spells such as goodberry and create food and water are liable to
grinding bowl and stone, and a scraper.
attract the anger of the gods, who may send their agents—
both mortal and spiritual—to punish those who cast them.
Transformation and the god tag. Gods have a new crea-
ture tag: “god.” You cannot use polymorph, wildshape or
any other transformation spell (including wish) to trans-
form into a creature with the god tag, even temporarily.

encouraged to make it your own. Every group explores
Blood Magic their own Planegea, and no two Planegeas are identical.
Not every hunt in Planegea is for food. Shamans often Use what’s here as a starting place, and change it as you
send seasoned hunters into the wild to bring back certain see fit to be the most fun for you and your players. As the
components that have been spilled with the blood of prey, DM, you are the maker of your own Planegea. Don’t worry
which the shamans use for the magic power inherent in about whether changing elements will change the setting—
the blood of living things. it’s your setting to do what you want with! So get in there,
Many higher-level spells in Fifth Edition have a material get messy, and have fun.
cost listed in gold pieces (gp). Since gold doesn’t exist in
Planegea, when a spell calls for gp as part of a material cost, Break the World
you can instead use blood. Where the object lists a worth in
Adventures in Planegea are best served raw, cracked at the
gp—e.g., “10 gems worth 100 gp each”—substitute spilled
edges, blood-caked and sunburned. This is not a world for
with hp—e.g., “10 gems spilled with 100 hp each.” This means
timid plot-lines and careful balance—when developing a
that the objects have been spilled in the blood of one or more
campaign for Planegea, be bold and aggressive. Smash the
creatures equivalent to 100 hp of damage. This might be the
land with a tidal wave, overrun it with dinosaurs, blot out
blood of 1 creature with 100 hp, or 100 creatures with 1 hp
the sun, kill all the humans—do whatever it takes to set
each, or any other combination totaling 100 hp.
yourself free to explore a wild and dangerous world full
Such magic requires spilling liquid blood, and there-
of unexpected twists and turns, where nothing feels safe,
fore cannot be fulfilled with constructs, oozes, elementals,
sacred, or guaranteed.
spectral undead, or other non-bleeding creatures. It is not
required that the caster be the one to have spilled the blood,
or that the blood be spilled at the same time, only that the
object in question has been touched with the requisite Every table is different, and whether your group likes
amount of hp’s worth of blood. An object can be reused for big laughs, heartbreaking drama, intense scares, or your
such magic as long as it is not consumed by the spell. particular combination of all three, Planegea is designed to
be a great place for all kinds of campaigns.
NAMED SPELLS This section offers guidance for some themes that work
well in Planegea, to get the most out of the primordial,
In Fifth Edition, some spells are named for their so-called
pulp-inspired setting. But remember: You’re discovering
inventors. Little do the wizards of the great cities of the
your own Planegea. So if your group is exclusively interested
future know that their most famous works were not
in the small politics and personal intrigues of village life in
invented at all—merely rediscovered. You can cast acid
a quiet corner of the Great Valley, as long as you’re having
arrow or hideous laughter or tiny hut without reference
fun, that’s perfect.
to other wizards. There’s time enough for them to redis-
That said, here’s our advice for how to have big, primal
cover and name such spells in the far future.
fantasy adventures:

Planegea is full of opportunities for wild, extreme, over-
the-top combat and action. When fighting, Planegeans

don’t simply fight a dinosaur. They fight a pack of dinosaurs
during a wildfire, leaping from back to back on a herd of
thundering mammoths headed for a bottomless cliff. And
then the meteors start falling. Villains in Planegea don’t

ELCOME, DUNGEON MASTER. THIS IS organize tidy coups—they consume minds, they shatter
your section, filled with tools, ideas, and clans, they swoop on their armies of undead pterodactyls
resources to make running 5E in Planegea fun, and unleash the tendrils of the star-horrors to grapple their
exciting, and easy. In this chapter, you’ll find prey from above. Environments in Planegea aren’t simply
guidance on how to prep and run Planegea caves or forests—they are the gullets of great stone beasts
adventures. The rest of this book covers locations, factions, or swarmed by hallucinatory spirits, they are filled with
threats, treasures, monsters, and NPCs... everything you’ll bone cages from which celestial birds sing or streaked with
need to develop an unforgettable campaign in the setting. the blood of primordial things that glows different colors
according to the deeds of those who walk by.
Your Own Planegea The best way to plan adventures in Planegea is to come
up with an idea and then ask, “How can I make this one
Everything that follows in this chapter and the rest of the
level more extreme? And then two more levels after that?”
book is designed to enhance your experience at the table.
That’s usually a pretty good start to unleash your inner
Planegea is a living, breathing world with an unwritten
wildness and discover primordial fantasy.
history, and although this book lays out a wide array of
people, places, and things you might find there, you are

What follows are brief introductions to the landmarks,
PRIMORDIAL HORROR regions, and people of Planegea. This chapter isn’t intended
Balancing the bright colors and ferocity of wild combat to be all-encompassing. What’s written here is just the edge
is the shadowed eeriness of a world without edges or of all that wanders and skulks, tunnels and soars through
certainty, a land which owes and offers no explanation for the world. There are a great many places unexplored, broad
its strangeness and violence. Planegea is a perfect setting horizons unwritten. You never know what you’ll find in
for campaigns with horror elements, weaving in unsettling Planegea. A sudden drop in the land may reveal an ancient
themes of menacing spirits, dark omens, hungering meta- stone temple, a cave might offer passage to a hidden king-
morphosis, and other horror themes. Great horror doesn’t dom, or a mysterious encampment could lead to untold
answer every question, and as the DM, you don’t need to wonders of discovery.
either. Sometimes the things that touch your ankle in the Each Planegea is different. Make the land your own, fill it
darkness recede into the night unseen and unexplained, with adventures, monsters, and locations that breathe your
and the slime that’s left behind is a threat that does not life into it.
cease to linger.
If you are playing with horrific themes, be sure that
everyone at your table is on board before you begin. Horror,
when enjoyed by everyone, is a fantastic genre that can At a high level, Planegea is one world. A wanderer can walk
be cathartic and unforgettable. Just make sure that it’s from the heart of the world through various planes to its
contributing to the fun for each player, even as you bring outer edge, crossing by foot over the borders between lands
the scares. There are a lot of great tools in the RPG commu- that will someday shatter into separate realities.
nity for making sure that games don’t veer into troubling Worldheart. All the world has a single origin—the
territory. We recommend having a conversation to set Worldheart Dragon, who sleeps in the molten rock at of
expectations before the first session, as well as frequent Blood Mountain, at the center of creation. It is by her power
open communication between the DMs and players. And that the world expands, and each explosion or magma flow
always be willing to stop a session and adjust plans if it from the mountain expands reality further out into the
becomes clear that any player is uncomfortable. darkness beyond.
Unified planes. The land and seas that the Worldheart
caused to be is one. Four great elemental wastes—fire,
MYSTIC WONDER water, earth, and air—hem in the Great Valley, bordered by
Planegea is a world without fixed boundaries, where planes
giant empires that sit halfway between mortals and genies.
blend into each other and one can stumble into the hallow
All the world is unified, but even now, the lands seem to
of a god or a world of dreams by simply crossing a stream.
strain against each other, pulling reality ever farther apart.
It’s a natural world, filled with vibrant wildlife, unspoilt
Nod. Hidden just out of sight, throughout the world, lie
vistas, and primordial promise. Here gods deal directly
doorways and passageways into the twin worlds of Nod:
with their mortal followers, giants construct ziggurats that
the World of Dreams and the World of Nightmares. These
scrape the skies, and beauty and death coexist side by side
doorways allow fey and mortals to pass back and forth
in equal measure. A thunderstorm, a swarm of spirits, or a
between realms—as well as other, more fearsome beings.
herd of dinosaurs can all be equally miraculous.
The Sea of Stars. Encircling the world is the drifting,
To infuse your Planegea with wonder, use descriptions
gleaming Sea of Stars. This infinite reach of light was the
that involve all five senses, and play with scale and time.
first creation of the Worldheart. There is no ground in the
When the characters enter a cave, think about how it
Sea of Stars, and few mortals, if any, have ever drifted in
smells, sounds, and how the air feels. Describe towering,
its singing spaces. The Sea is where the stars rest at night,
gargantuan ferns and tiny volcanoes, no bigger than ankle
and where things that have no name lurk and whisper in
high. And when the party talks with a god, describe days
slowly-expanding pockets of shadow.
passing while they converse, or no time at all. These vivid
The Kingdom of the Dead. There are only two ways into
and disorienting descriptions create an environment where
the Kingdom of the Dead—the Dark Door and the Long
anything is possible, and the mysterious is everywhere.
Way. The Dark Door is only seen by those who have passed
beyond life, and the location of the Long Way is a secret
known only to the most powerful and most ancient beings

PLACES who live. The Kingdom of the Dead is a lightless place of

inevitability, where souls build an endless necropolis until
they fade, forgotten in the living lands.

from its fires spewed forth the world of Planegea.
The Sky
The land continues to stretch outward, pushing There is no single sun in Planegea. Rather, at the end of
creation’s sprawl further and further. The edges of each night, as they complete their constellation dance, the
the world are old, alien and cruel, and its center is stars begin to swirl overhead, swooping and streaking
new, burgeoning with life and chaos. towards each other in an attempt to knock the others out of

the sky. As they battle, victorious stars grow brighter until moons are being formed roughly once every thirty days,
only three or four heavy stars glow like lanterns above. born of a violent eruption of ash and smoke at the mouth
Then the winner of the duel rams its opponents from the of Blood Mountain. Each moon begins small and dark, then
heavens, taking on the full brilliance of the Day-Star, and grows as it waxes until it is full. Afterwards it begins to die,
parading from east to west in its full glory all day. waning until its husk turns to dust and disappears into the
The defeated stars spend the day recovering their Sea of Stars. This entire process takes thirty days. Because
strength, siphoning light from the Day-Star until it is weak of this cycle, there are never the same number of moons in
enough for them to rise in shining fountains from the the sky at any given time—sometimes there are many, and
horizon, to begin again their constellation dance and the sometimes none at all. Rarely, a twin moon will be born of
endless cycle of night and day. the ash, an event which is heralded joyfully as a good omen
Between the stars and above the land drift a scattering for all who dwell below.
of moons, traversing a life-cycle from birth to death. New

every year, they linger as long as they can and seasonally
Blood Mountain fight to reclaim what they have built with proud fury.
At the center of Planegea, visible for countless miles in all Wintersouth. In the southern arc of the Great Valley lie
directions, an impossibly tall spire of rock, fire, and smoke wide, sparse grazing lands with hearty grass, uneven hills,
rises from the tangled mass of a primordial jungle. All of and little forests and pools of water. This land, drier and
Planegea wheels around this central axis, which equally tougher than the nothern arc, is the seasonal refuge of
creates and destroys life with primal power. herd animals and the clans that depend on them for food.
This infinitely high volcano crawls with dragons both This land is unwelcoming, and its little hills and valleys are
cunning and feral. It is said that in the center of its fire claimed by countless minor deities known collectively as
lives the being that made all things: the Worldheart Dragon, the Winter Gods, whose spitefulness, petty aggression, and
an incredibly massive, ancient, and powerful creature who limited power makes them an object of reluctant worship
is dreaming reality into existence, and her five consorts, for the shamans forced to make camp in their lands.
the legendary Sacred Dragons, whose scales glitter with The Eel. The Eel River is the only major river of Planegea
colorful sheens of an impossibly smooth, strong material, that does not have it source at Blood Mountain, running
like nothing else seen in the world. instead southwards from the Skyfang Mountains to the
Fang of Salt & Slime. Many consider it an accursed river,
The Venom Abyss but that has more to do with the wild and fearful lands of
its course than the actual waters themselves, which are
Blood Mountain sits in an enormous chasm, roughly remarkably cool and fresh, even in the swamps.
circular in shape, and filled with a writhing jungle full of The Undershore. Far from the smoking center of Blood
dinosaurs, apes, and gigantic poisonous crawling beasts of Mountain, at the edge of the great dark oceans of Plane-
all kinds. gea, a distant coastline is home to a world all of its own.
Everything about the Venom Abyss is alive and growing. This place of waves and storms, fishing villages and sea
Twisted poison vines, enormous carnivorous plants, things monsters is cut off from the rest of the Great Valley by the
that are half-plant, half-monster... the jungle crawls with great War-Way of the Sea Empire.
danger, most of it mindless and instinctual. The Cult Riverlands. Elders and elves tell of a time within
Canopy. There is an entire world in the treetops of the memory when the Cult Riverlands was known as the Eagle
Venom Abyss, creatures who live and die without ever River, a grand and glorious land known for its excellent
touching the jungle floor. Arboreal villages gather fruits fruit and flowers. But smoke and fire took the land after
and nuts, hunt birds, monkeys, lizards, and other small a terrible eruption in the Fang of Rock and Flame, and
prey (and avoid their prey’s larger, predatory cousins). darkness spread downriver, drying its waters. As the land
The Below. In the emerald darkness below the treetops fell to thirst, wicked gods sprang up, preying on the people
is an entirely different world, untouched by wind or sun. to establish their power. Now, the gulches and gullies are
Here, the air is thick and wet, full of mists and insects and carved into a warren of battling cults, each sharpening
plants that curl their tendrils to sting and devour. Only the its knives for the blood of the other, while an even darker
fierce and ferocious survive here—and even then, it seems power lurks just out of sight in the ash and smoke of the
that more creatures die than live. worldfang’s edge.
The Unfalls. Five great rivers flow in reverse from the
Venom Abyss, surging upwards in great eternal fountains
that pulse as if pumped by the great heart of the world
The World-Fangs
itself. Terrible monsters often wash up these fountains Shamans say that Planegea is a wide mouth opened in a
and—finding themselves in the Great Valley—fall to roar with four great teeth at its corners—the World-Fangs.
devouring the beasts and clans of that fertile land. These regions of devastation are the meeting places of the
Elemental Wastes, and are too inhospitable for any mortal
The Great Valley to make permanent residence—or any giant for that matter.
The Fang of Rock & Flame. A volcanic land, hotter than
Most of the mortals in Planegea make their home in the
many clanfires, the air full of choking ash and smoke. The
Great Valley—a wide and well-watered land, rich in rivers,
peaks and crags of this sulfurous oven are inhabited by
good hunting, and plentiful plant life. Existing in a band
all creatures who love flame and despise anything that is
between the violence of the Venom Abyss and the tyranny
consumed by burning.
of the giant empires, the clans of the Great Valley live in
The Fang of Sand & Wind. A searing desert, where
a world of constant change, always only a few steps away
constant sandstorms choke and bite and rip the flesh off
from death.
of mortals or giants foolish enough to wander into them.
The Brothers. Three fertile slopes of three rivers in the
If a storm is not blowing, the sun can reduce a traveler to
north of the Great Valley—the Bear, the Ape, and the Lion—
dizzy weakness in a matter of hours—after that, it’s the
are jealously guarded in the warm seasons by three power-
skull-scarabs that will finish them off when they fall.
ful, warring clans. Each seeks to destroy the other two
The Fang of Shadow & Thunder. Darkness and towering
and rule as the preeminent power in the valley. Although
cliffs, illuminated only by the blinding flashes of lighting,
weather and migrations force the clans to leave their rivers
where the constant roar of thunder reverberates off every

cliffside, triggering endless avalanches and rockslides into STONE AGE SLAVERY
the bottomless pits and dark waters of the rainwater lakes
of that unlivable land. Modern enslavement and resulting social injustice is a
Saltfang & Slimefang. A coastal nightmare where great human rights tragedy. We recognize that certain groups
tentacled things from the sea and great oozing things from may wish to exclude themes of enslavement from their
the swamps wrestle in the mucky silt and sand where black game. Our intent is not to offend, but to explore historic
waves devour black shores with endless, mindless, gnawing and mythic archetypes. The enslavement depicted here
hunger. is intended as economic and political captivity explicitly
depicted as evil, and is not based on race or heredity.

The Giant Empires However, if you do not wish to include enslavement as

a theme in your game in any way, we completely support
Woe to those captured by a giant raiding party. The great your world-building. Perhaps in your Planegea, the giants
giant empires, with their mighty ziggurats and dark have no need of enslaved mortals, building their empires
rituals, are merciless in their worship and brutal in their with magic and their own hands. Perhaps giant raiding
sport. The Sea Empire, Fire Empire, Air Empire, and Stone parties are simply for sport, to capture prisoners for in-
Empire are set between the four world-fangs, and they are formation or entertainment. Perhaps the giants keep to
at all costs to be avoided by mortals. themselves and actively bar smaller races from entering
The Stone Empire. The mountain region known as their empires. It’s your Planegea, make the choices that
Skyfang is home to two types of giants: the crafting stone will lead to the most fun at your table.
giants and the raiding frost giants. These two clans live in
peace by dividing the Skyfangs into “above” and “below.”
The caves and caverns and hollow places below the moun-
tains belong to the stone giants, who carve their endless
symbols, chant, and dream, while the peaks, crags, and
icy slopes belong to the frost giants. It is the latter who go
forth and raid the Great Valley for captives to enslave, who
Farther Reaches
terrorize the mortals, but it is the stone giants who gaze Beyond all these lands lie even stranger places, which defy
into the secret oracle-pools deep in the roots of Skyfang the logic and magic of mortals.
and lead the Empire with their powerful portents of days The Elemental Wastes. These desolations of earth, air, fire,
to come. and water are the first lands spewed by Blood Mountain, the
The Fire Empire. The highly organized and regimented domain of the cruel and corrupt caravans of genies, the final
Fire Empire looks down on all other empires as weak, edges of the world—the last place a mortal can set foot before
decadent, or barbaric. In the minds of the fire giants, only falling into the endless Sea of Stars. The border of each waste
they possess the strength, discipline, and passion to rule is guarded by the empire it touches, its giant guards deter-
as it should be. As such, they frequently send messengers— mined to ensure nothing travels in... or out.
wanted or not—to other empires, which are usually seen as The Sea of Stars. It’s said that when Blood Mountain first
meddling at best and declarations of war at worst. But the erupted, it didn’t spew forth flame, but stars. Those stars
Fire Empire welcomes such conflict, eager to show their surround the world, and if you walk to the very edge of the
prowess and might against any enemy, not least of all their elemental wastes, you can fall into the stars’ infinity. Yet
giant cousins. even the bravest hunter would be wise to stay away... for
The Air Empire. The Air Empire is the least violent of the there are things among the stars that mortals have long
four giant empires, but perhaps the most manipulative and forgotten—and that we can only hope have forgotten us.
corrupt. Clothed in refinement borrowed from the elegant Nod. Nod is not one place but two, and these twin worlds
and powerful djinn, the Air Empire prefers to watch the drift in and out of existence, their underground thresholds
world from the towers of its soaring cities, only acting in places of great beauty or terror. Elves and other, stranger
when the occasion suits and the Empire cannot lose. beings travel between Planegea and their worlds, but they
The Sea Empire. Mighty are the storm giants, and mighty carry with them some aspects of that shimmering, translu-
is their burden. For they alone among the empires must cent place.
contend not only with upholding their own civilization and The Kingdom of the Dead. In the cold grip of the dirt,
pacifying the genies of the wastes—the Sea Empire never beyond mortal sight, the terrible skull-king Nazh-Agaa
ceases to struggle with the kraken, aboleths, and the other rules the invisible world of those whose death broke
gods of Saltfang, ever summoned forth by their foolish taboo—the murdered, the lost, the unmourned. It is said
worshipers from the Cult Riverlands. The Sea Empire has that there are secret ways for the living into Nazh-Agaa’s
attempted to stamp out these cults time and again, but they kingdom, but that once you find your way in, you can
rise and rise tirelessly, ever calling out to the great alien never again depart.
things beneath the waves.

the top of a great cliff, with its western wall formed by

the mountain itself, deep chambers tunneled into the rock
below, and soaring towers that look out over the valleys
below. Everyone has heard of the slave uprising that slew

the giant overlords of a Stone Empire city and claimed it as
their own domain. Free Citadel is a place, but it’s also an
idea—that tyranny can be shattered, cages can be broken,

and empires can fall.
HEREVER THERE IS THE WILL TO SURVIVE, Kraia’s Children. Kraia’s Children are a menace, a
there are leaders who bring others into their promise, a creed, a cult, a rumor, or an inspiration—it all
calling. Whether for good or evil, chaos or depends on who you ask. They are the scattered faithful
order, the strong gather those willing to follow, of a shared ethos: That power is a threat, and those who
organizing them into factions. From the mortal gather it should be undermined.
clans of the Great Valley, banded together in the worship Scavengers Vow. Wherever scavengers cogregate to
of one or more gods, to secretive and far-ranging groups scheme of theft, whispers of Scavenger’s Vow arise. The
like Scavenger’s Vow or the Council of Day, Planegea is full Vow is an alliance of the desperate, a confederation of
of complex, proactive factions who care little for the will survival and greed ruled by a single figure—the myste-
of any adventuring party, and are ready to act as allies or rious and covetous Rat King, who rules and exacts tithes
antagonists in your campaign. from the safety of his secret lair. Savvy scavengers know
Less ambiguous but equally diverse are the threats— that good things come to those who pay the tithe, and as
those world-spanning terrors that lurk under and lour over for those who don’t... well. They’re likely to meet an unfor-
the land, posing a challenge that can drive a single encoun- tunate end, one way or another.
ter, an adventure arc, or a full campaign. Seerfall. Deep in the Slumbering Forest, where the
Use this section to inform the world of Planegea as your Bull River tumbles through dwarvish ruins in a series of
party experiences it. A note of caution, however: There are breathtaking cascades, dwells the community of Seerfall.
too many forces in the world to include all of these equally This sanctuary of shamans, ascetics, philosophers, and
in a single campaign. It’s best instead to choose a handful sorcerers is held in great regard throughout Planegea as the
with whom your players will interact. greatest gathering of the wise.
The Sign of the Hare. Almost nobody knows that the sign

Factions of the Hare exists. They are a secret society of spellskins

dedicated to the idea of developing and sharing magic.
There are many forces at work in the world, trying to shape Their influence is subtly felt across Planegea, but they
at least a corner of it into the way they wish it to be. These depend upon remaining undiscovered to stay alive. The
factions can represent allies or enemies, opportunities or Hounds of the Blind Heaven hunt those who break the
hazards, depending your party’s point of view. Black Taboos, and the spellskins of the Sign of the Hare
The Brother Clans. Three clans lead the Great Valley in (called Hares) study, teach, bend the taboos—and run from
times of peace and strife. The strong Bear Clan, shrewd Ape the Hounds.
Clan, and fearless Lion Clan worship powerful gods, and Venomguard. Based in the clifftop city of Edgegather,
their influence casts a long shadow over neighboring gods where the venomwine flows and the music never stops, the
and clans. Together, they are called the Brother Clans, and Venomguard are an elite force of monster hunters dedi-
although each maintains its own values, rites, and secrets, cated to keeping vulnerable people of the Great Valley safe
more unites than divides them. from its worst and most monstrous predators.
The Council of Day. Wherever leaders seek to establish The Whale Clan. Far from the winter winds and dusty
peace, carve out stability, or promote order, the Council of hunting grounds of the Great Valley, in the azure water
Day is there to help, advise, and defend. The Council is a and emerald islands of the Scattersea, dwell water-faring
secretive network of accomplished elders and spellcasters folk. Lyrical, daring, and restless, the Whale Clan roams
who seek to shore up legitimate authority and strengthen from island to island, an archipelago of families spread
centralized power throughout the Great Valley. throughout the region, all under a single shared devotion—
Direstaves. Born under the open sky, riding on the the worship of the whale god, Mala Long-Song, eldest and
towering backs of great beasts, the Direstaves are the wisest.
masters of mighty creatures. Hailing from the Dire The Worldsingers. Chanters are feared and admired
Grazelands, these herders of titans are bold, independent, across Planegea—their ability to remake the world with
and bow the knee to no clan or empire, trusting only in the song or story is seen as a powerful, dangerous gift. Many
wide lands and massive hearts of their livestock, as well as with such abilities are kept under close scrutiny by their
the heft of a trusty spear, to keep body and soul together. clans, held to impossible standards of scrupulous honesty
Free Citadel. Carved from the very mountainside near or silence unless they are performing. But not all chanters
the mouth of the Eel River, a city built by the Stone Empire are content to dwell under such bindings. Some wander
gleams like a beacon of freedom. Free Citadel is built at the world, seeing all they can, and using their magic to do

good. Such are the Worldsingers, and although they oper- performs the sacrifice steals part of its victim’s physical
ate in secret, they are dedicated to the end of misery and form, transforming itself and becoming more powerful in
the creation of joy wherever they go. the process. A Kelodhrosian in its natural state is slender,
pale, and fragile. But by the rite of the Embrace, they take
many forms—great snake-people, apish monstrosities,
Threats half-dinosaurs, and more—and with the power stolen from
their sacrifices they are strong, deadly, and relentlessly
Great powers and primal forces are at work in Planegea, dedicated to the growth of their empire.
trying to shape it into the world they envision it to be. Fiendish Gods. Despair. Desperation. Desire. These are
These forces are ominous and powerful, and can represent the favorite tools of the fiendish gods known collectively
a threat to your party from 1st-level all the way up to their as the Winter Gods and the idols of the Cult Riverlands.
final session. Wherever food and water are scarce, these powerful beings
To use these threats, choose one or two to build a are waiting to take advantage of those in need. Like all gods
campaign around. It’s unlikely any single narrative can of Planegea, these beings began life as mortal creatures,
explore all these dangers in a satisfying way, and to do so mundane elements, or inert places. Yet over time, as they
might leave players feeling overwhelmed and defeated, grew in significance and influence, they took on greater
rather than heroic and triumphant. and greater power until they achieved divine status. Some
The Giant Empires. Giants! The very word, said rightly, were originally scavengers, predators, cursed objects or
makes the hearer tremble through ancestral memory, blighted places. Whatever their origin, there is something
passed down from the time when we knew how small we dark and twisted about them, and they are all fiends now.
are and how might so rarely comes with mercy or restraint. Their methods, motivations, and influence may vary, but
The four giant empires of Planegea—Stone, Fire, Air, and it may be said of all Winter Gods and Cult Riverland idols
Storm­­—are natural threats for parties of adventurers. that they are universally evil, and eager to expand their
Each has their own environmental region full of obstacles, influence just a little bit farther... no matter how many
dangers, treasures, and monsters. The empires are cruel mortals perish in the process.
and callous, built by mortals but not designed for them. In Vyrkha the Shepherd. Other threats rely on magic,
those echoing halls one can witness all the decadence and ancient knowledge, or immortal lifespans to shape Plane-
barbarous pageantry of mighty powers given over to vanity gea to their will. Not Vyrkha the Shepherd. This conquer-
and selfish ambition. (With the possible exception of the ing warlord was born a mortal, and looks forward eagerly
Sea Empire, whose cruelty is driven by a nobler, yet more to a mortal death, covered in as much glory and power
terrible design.) as he can get in his short lifespan. Vyrkha is only a man...
The Brood. Blood Mountan, the birthplace of the world, but he is a brilliant tactician, a master of diplomacy, battle,
writhes with the scaled bodies of countless dragons. The rhetoric, and espionage. Other threats lurk in the dark-
greatest of these, and the worst, are the Worldheart’s ness, plotting their eternal schemes. Vyrkha the Shepherd
brightly-colored children, the shining terrors known as marches into the light at the head of an army and takes
the Brood. These five ancient dragons, each awful in their what he wants—which is everything.
power and magic, have survived countless eras by leeching Duru. Before any mortal creature walked Planegea, there
off the Worldheart’s life-giving power, yet each desires was Duru. This ancient tree-spirit is one of the oldest and
nothing more than to devour her, thereby consuming her mightiest things in all Planegea, and his hatred for the
power and—presumably—taking her place. Not even the animal kingdom is total. Duru sees all creatures with blood
Brood knows for sure what would happen if the World- as his enemies, and works slowly but steadily to destroy
heart were to be eaten by another dragon, but in their pride them. Duru is the epitome of patience and determination,
and ambition, the Brood believes that it is better to destroy and his plans creep to fruition while little mortals are busy
the world than to sit in the shadow of their mother for about their plans of conquest and glory. Duru has all the
eternity. To that end, the Brood is amassing power, seeking time in the world—and Duru does not forget or change his
agents who will deliver them aid in their quest to grow mind.
strong enough to challenge their mother, or even attack her The Recusance. High in the Starstep Cliffs, where the sky
directly to test her defenses. They are masters of intimida- is so close it can almost be touched, a sanctum of spell-
tion and manipulation, and the ripples of their plots extend skins devoted to the destruction of the Hounds of the Blind
to the furthest reaches of the world. Heaven plan and conduct terrible arcane experiments. Led
Kelodhros Ascendant. Something terrible is spawning in by brilliant leatherwing spellcasters, this cabal, called
the Venom Abyss. The Kelodhros people, new to creation, the Recusance, works tirelessly to manipulate reality and
arose from somewhere deep in the jungle only in the last break the bindings of the Black Taboos. The ripple effects
few generations. But in that time, they have begun to build of their experiments are felt throughout the world. They
a powerful and spreading empire, its influence gripping care nothing for the value of life, safety, or justice; they are
the jungle and pushing outwards and upwards into the single-mindedly devoted to their goal and nothing—not
rest of Planegea. Kelodhros Ascendant is an empire built on the Hounds or clans or gods or heroes or the pleas of their
ritual sacrifice. The Kelodhrosians have a mystical process innocent victims—nothing will dissuade them from their
which they call the Embrace—an elaborate ceremony research.
ending in the slaughter of a victim. The Kelodhrosian who

The Gift of Thirst. Life is short and dangerous, and the SILENCE REGARDING THE BLIND HEAVEN
people of Planegea must fight every day to survive. Some
see death as an escape, some as a natural cycle, but for most, You may be surprised to reach the end of the threats
it is a thing to be feared and to fight against. To the stron- section and find no description of the Blind Heaven.
gest, most cunning, and wisest of those who fear death, However, on some subjects, even this book dare not
the Gift of Thirst comes in the darkness with whispers speak. If you seek to integrate the Hounds of the Blind
of immortality. The Gift of Thirst is a secret aristocracy Heaven into your campaign, you must do so on your own.
of vampires and their thralls. Their numbers are small by It would be better, however, to leave the Blind Heaven
choice—only the truly worthy are given the prize jewel alone, for inquiring into the Hounds is the work of fools
of endless life—and few ever learn of them and live. Yet and the obsessed.
their influence stretches from the fiery halls of Stoneblood If you refuse to heed this warning, you are encouraged
Shrine to the foam-flecked waves of Scattersea, and their to find the most terrible monster your imagination and
dark ambitions extend to the very crown of death itself. research can conjure, and express it as the Hounds in
Craven of the Kraken Coast. Deep is the sea, and dark your campaign. If you use some other creature for their
its secretes. On the Kraken Coast, where the waves of the stats and abilities, perhaps the Hounds will pass you by
Saltfang endlessly lick the shore, mortals whose minds are and not chase you down.
not their own serve the will of aberrations—the lords of Enough. Even now, the sound of howling prickles the
the deep called aboleths. The aboleths, however, are ancient nape of the neck. No more will be said on this.
and cunning, and do not reveal their presence even to their
slaves. Instead, they have erected false cults of kraken-wor-
shipers called the Craven of the Kraken Coast, who enact
dread rituals to summon the weather-shaping titans of
the Brinewaste. The aboleths lurk in the deep, allowing
mortals and monsters to act for them, shaping their patient
plot to subjugate all life and extend their watery dominion
across the world. —
Throne of Nightmares. When you close your eyes tight,
you can see shapes swirling in the blackness. The Throne of Thank you for checking out this free introduction
Nightmares is the reality behind those shapes—amorphous to the upcoming Planegea setting for Fifth Edition.
forms of terror with the power to speak, curse, maim, and If you liked what you read, keep an eye out for
kill. The Throne of Nightmares, based in the Nod’s dark
world, is built on the fear of mortals, and grows stronger THE STAR-SHAMAN’S SONG OF PLANEGEA
through their dread. The Throne is unpredictable, illogical,
and ever-changing. Yet its power is real, and only grows A full setting book with original class options,
stronger as the shadows lengthen. backgrounds, spells, magic items, monsters, and
The Crawling Awful. The fishers of Bitewater have many tons of lore and DM guidance for running any
tales to explain the green-gray lights that glow dimly in the Planegea game, coming later this year!
depths of their troubled lake. But none of their legends is as
terrible as the truth. For deep below Bitewater—and many In the meantime, please join us at
other unnoticed places in Planegea—lurk the alien beings where we’ll be ready to greet you with a seat
known collectively as the Crawling Awful. These aberra- at the fire and stories to share of the wonders
tions are cold, hostile to life, and wait in the darkness for a and perils we’ve faced together. (As well as a lot
sign, a signal, a call that will bring them out of their torpor more free material!)
and back into the full mantle of their horrible power.
Deepthought. Between Howlgrove and Sorrows Edge, —David Somerville, author
in a wide, grassy plain, the solitary monument known as
the Eyestone sputters and burns. This towering monolith —
of unknown construction has a great hole in its center,
where a suspended light glows endlessly. The Eyestone is a
great mystery to spellcasters across Planegea. Little do they
imagine that it conceals the strange and powerful artifact
that calls itself Deepthought, and which is utterly deter-
mined to know all that can be known.
Nazh-Agaa, the King of the Dead. Inevitability. Entomb-
ment. The Utter End. Nazh-Agaa, the King of the Dead, is
the final terminus of all life, all hope, all light. The great
titan of death is neither god nor lich nor elemental. He is
Death itself, a fundamental law, the collective embodiment
of entropy, decay, and this single, simple fact: In the end,
everyone is forgotten.

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