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Trigger Object Description

Write a trigger on Contact , when a contact insert an email should be sent to
contact email id with specified template. So first you need to create text
Contact template. Template Design is below.
Write a trigger on contact to prevent duplicate records based on Contact Email
Contact & Contact Phone.
Task Write a trigger, only system admin user should be able to delete the task.
Write a trigger on Account , when an account insert , automatically account
Account billing address should populate into the account shipping address.
Write a trigger on Opportunity, when an Opportunity will be insert an
Opportunity Line Item should be insert by default with any of the Product
Opportunity associated with Opportunity. Ask me if you need help ?
Lead Create a duplicate lead when a lead in insert.
Write a trigger on Account when Account is update check all opportunity
inside the account. Update all Opportunities Stage to close lost if an
opportunity created date is greater than 30 days from today and stage not
Account equal to close won.
OpportunityLineItem Create an asset when create an OpportunityLineItem with associated Account
Create a field on Account Named (Client Contact lookup to Contact)
Once an account insert a contact will create with the name of account and that
Account contact will be the client contact on Account
When an opportunity line item create an email should go to Opportunity
Client Contact -- Client Contact would be a fields on Account lookup to
Email Template:
Hi, Conact Name
Your Order has been proceed.
Order detail is below.
Product Name
Product Code
Unit Price
List Price

OpportunityLineItem User First Name User Last Name
Once an account an email should go to the admin user with specified text
Account An account has been created and name is "Account Name".
Once an opportunity line item will create update Opportunity's Account with
the total number of Product Quantities.
Opportunity Line Item Create a field first on Account "Total sales quantities".
Once an account will update then that Account will update with the total
amount from All Opportunities on Account level.
Account Account field name would be Total Opportunity Amount.
Upload any pdf file into Document first. Send an email as attachment to lead
email Id.
Email Subject : Welcome
Lead Please find the attached PDF.

Write a trigger on Account when an account is update when account type
change send email to all contacts that your account information has been
Subject: Account Update Info
Body : Your account information has been updated successfully. Account
Account Name : XYZ.
Write a trigger on Opportunity line item when a line item deletes delete an
Opportunity Line Item opportuntiy as well
Write a trigger on Opportunity when an account is update when Opportunity
Stage Change send email to Client contacts of Opportunity Account that your
Opportunity Stage has been change.
Subject: Account Update Info
Account Body : Your account information has been updated successfully.
Opportunity Line Item Once an Opportunity line item will create insert a quotation also
Create a fields on Account (Asset Minimum Expiration Date)
Check the UsageEndDate on Asset and populate on Account Level Field if
Account Asset minimum date are different
Collect All Line Item Quantities and Populate the total on Account Level
Opportunity (Total Quantity)
When Contact update collect all opportunity Amount And Update this amount
Contact on Account Level Field (Total Opportunity Amount)
Once a Account update, all Opportunities line item list should be copy is
Account account assets with the same products
OpportunityLineItem Create an asset when create an OpportunityLineItem with associated Account
When an account BillingCity is update , update all contacts MailingCity with
Account account BillingCity
Create a fields on Opportunity Client Contact, Once an Opportunity client
Contact update then update Account client contact with same on Opportunity
Opportunity Client Contact
Create a field on Opportunity Line item(Serial No (Text)) and populate
increment values once an Opportunity Line Item Add
Let say if we add 3 product then sequence would be 1,2 ,3 , Now if we delete 2
and again add one more product this msut be 4 irrespective of deleted
Opportunity Line Item seqeunce number
Create a field on Quote Line item(Serial No (Text)) and populate increment
values once an Quote Line Item.
Let say if we add 3 product then sequence would be 1,2 ,3 , Now if we delete 2
and again add one more product that would be 4, It does not matter middle
Quote Line Item product delete or not
Do account private by default first, Once create an account that account
should be share with another user also,
Contact Refer any user to share the newly created account.
Once Opportunity Line Line Item is added to Opportunity with the specified
product,Then Product Total Quantities must be deduct from the Product
e.g. If we have Total Quantity 100 on Product object and we have added 50 in
line items , then product must be update 100-50 = 50
Opportunity Line Item Create Total Quantity, Available Quantity Fields on Product2 object.
Create a custom object Student, and do Private OWD, Once A student record
create, automatically should be share with another user which belong to
Student profile Salesforce User

Write a trigger on Asset Once An asset is insert in to Account an Opportunity
Asset and one Opportunity line item also create with respect to Account
Once an user is update an email should go to his Manager email Id,
with the total number of Account Owned by him,
You have assigned number of account and Account Contains Number of
Total Account 3
A - 10
B - 10
User C - 10
Create a field on User Object "Count", On Account update Increment 1 in
Account update count field and on delete of account decrement count 1
Write a trigger on Opportunity line item , Add two picklist values in Product
Family field
Electronic and Books And a picklist Product type on Opportunity with same
picklist values
Now once you add a line item into Opportunity, check if Opportunity Product
Type is same as opli Product Family let it be insert or add error The Product
Product2 family does not match.
Create a field on Account and Opportunity -- Minimum And Max Date ,
Once an Opportunity is delete insert update Update Account Min And Max
Opportunity Date from the All Opportunity
Add a filed Multi select Pick list on Account And Opportunity as well and add
values A,B,C,D,F
Now if we update an Opportunity with this multi select value Account should
Opportunity also update with same picklist values

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