(Dasha,Nadin,Tara ). 1Lab_ Reactions of Hydrocarbons 2023-24

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Lab 1: Reactions of Hydrocarbons and Aqueous Bromine

1. Add 5 drops of cyclohexane into test tubes
2. Add 7 to 10 drops of aqueous bromine, drop by drop, to the test tube.
3. Gently shake while observing the contents (ask your instructor a technique to share with you). Note
any changes in the colors of the two layers. Note the relative volume and color of each layer.
4. Test for the presence of hydrogen bromide by holding a piece of moist blue litmus at the mouth of
each tube.
4. Repeat the procedure with 5 drops of cyclohexene
5. Dispose contents of the test tubes in the container marked “Organic Waste (yellow jerry can in the
fume hood)”.
For lab #1

color changes:

The Initial color of cyclohexane was Colorless by adding aqueous bromine Formation of a reddish-brown
color during the reaction Final color of the organic layer is Reddish-brown.

To extend this:Alkane(Alkanes, which are saturated hydrocarbons, have only single bonds between carbon atoms)
by having a single bond which can be considered as weak and breakable which allows it to react with
bromine water easily.

alkanes have weaker and breakable single bonds that make them reactive, especially in certain substitution reactions
like halogenation.

Note:The hydrocarbon layer floats on top of the aqueous bromine .

Lab 2: Reactions of Hydrocarbons and Aqueous Potassium Permanganate (Baeyer's Test)

1. Add 7-10 drops of potassium permanganate solution in two separate test tubes.
2. Add 5 drops of cyclohexane to one tube and 5 drops of cyclohexene to the other test tube.
3. Shake the tubes well for 1 -2 minutes, and note the results.
Potassium permanganate solution- magenta
Cyclohexane- clear
Cyclohexene- clear

After adding potassium permanganate to

cyclohexane the color changed to the magenta (
color of potassium permanganate). No further
changes were observed. This means that the
cyclohexane does not have a double bond.

After adding potassium permanganate to

cyclohexene we can observe the color change
from magenta to yellow/brown, and the appearance
of clear layer on top. The change in color implies
that cyclohexene has a double bond.

Lab 3: Preparation and Reactions of Acetylene (ethyne)

1. Label four test tubes as #1,2,3, and 4. Fill test #1 to the rim with water. Half fill test #2 with
water. For test #3 fill one-twelfth of the volume of the test tube with water. And fill test #4 to the
rim with water
2. Half fill a 500 mL beaker with water, and into it, invert and place the four test-tube filled with
water. See teacher demo.
3. Drop a small lump of calcium carbide into the water of the beaker, and immediately cover it with
the four test tubes one at a time. This process should allow you to collect the gas released for the
four test tubes.
4. After all the water in the test tubes is released topper the tube.
5. Hold test-tubes #1, 2,and 3, one at a time, and bring a lighted splint to the mouth of the tube.
Record all observations carefully.

After filling test #1 to the rim with water. Half fill test #2 with water, test #3 one-twelfth of the volume
of the test tube with water, and test #4 fill to the rim with water and filling them with gas we started the

Test #1: After burning the gas in the first test tube we can observe the incomplete combustion ( the
formation of black thick smoke and soot is formed inside the tube). That happens because in order for full
combustion to occur the oxygen should be present in the test tube, but in this case the tube was filled
completely with gas therefore the combustion is incomplete.
Test #2 After burning the gas in the second test tube we can hear a loud and fast popping/whistling sound
and small particles of soot flying in the air. That indicates the complete combustion reaction,because this
time the test tube had some oxygen in it. (the reaction was rather slow)

Test #3 After burning the gas in the third test tube we can hear a loud and fast popping/whistling sound
and very little particles of soot flying in the air. That indicates the complete combustion reaction,because
this time the test tube had more oxygen in it. ( the reaction happen faster)
Test #4 After burning the gas in the fourth test tube we can hear a loud and fast popping/whistling sound
and no particles of soot flying in the air. That indicates the complete combustion reaction,because this
time the test tube was almost completely filled with oxygen. ( the reaction happened extremely fast)

All in all,

"In this set of tests, we investigated the interactions between aqueous bromine and potassium
permanganate and hydrocarbons, most especially cyclohexane and cyclohexene. We also
looked into the acetylene preparation and responses. Important safety measures were
observed, taking into account that organic compounds can catch fire. Emphasis was placed on
using the fume hood and properly disposing of waste in the appropriate containers.

The bromination of cyclohexane and cyclohexene was the main topic of Lab 1. Drop by drop
addition of aqueous bromine produced noticeable color shifts and layer development. Using
moist blue litmus, the presence of hydrogen bromide was determined. In Lab 2, the Baeyer's
test was conducted to investigate the reactions between cyclohexane and cyclohexene using
potassium permanganate.

In Lab 3, acetylene preparation and reactions were examined, with a focus on regulated
circumstances for the gathering of gas. The characteristics of combustion were exhibited,
showing full combustion without the production of partial byproducts. Strict adherence to safety
procedures guaranteed a safe laboratory setting.

All things considered, these investigations added significantly to our understanding of the
fundamentals of organic chemistry and the safety of laboratory work by shedding light on the
reactivity of hydrocarbons and the controlled production of acetylene."

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