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Subject Topic Practice Paper Date

Units and Measurement, Motion in a Straight

Physics JEE-NEET&CET – 11
line up to PU-L6

Useful Data
At. Wt.:
N = 14; O = 16; H = 1; S = 32; Cl = 35.5; Mn = 55; Na = 23; C = 12; Ag = 108; K = 39; Fe = 56; Pb = 207
Physical Constants:
h = 6.626  10−34 Js , N a = 6.022  1023 mol-1 , c = 2.998  108 m s-1 , me = 9.110−31 kg , R = 8.314 J mol-1 K -1

Duration: 1 Hour

Answer all the questions.

1. An athlete completes one round of a circular track of radius 50 m in 40 s. What is the distance
travelled in 80 s?
(a) 314 m (b) 628 m (c) 200 m (d) 400 m

2. The variation of velocity of a particle with time moving along a straight line is illustrated in the
following figure. The distance travelled by the particle in four seconds is
Velocity (m/s)


O 1 2 3 4
Time ( in second )

(a) 60m (b) 55m (c) 25m (d) 30m

3. The displacement-time graph of moving particle is shown below. The instantaneous velocity of the
particle is negative at the point
(a) D
(b) F Displacement
(c) C C E

(d) E t

4. To reach home, from school, Raju walks 250 m east of school, then 1 km north and then 250 m west.
His displacement is
(a) 1500 m (b) 1250 m (c) 1000 m (d) 500 m

5. The motion of a particle along a straight line is as shown. The average speed of the particle is


t=0 4m
2s 2m
4s 0
6s −2 m
8s −4 m
−6 m
−8 m


(a) zero (b) 1ms −1 (c) 2ms −1 (d) 8ms −1

6. A cyclist rides 5 km straight eastwards, 4 km straight northwards and then 2km straight westwards,

in a total time of hr. Find his average velocity.

(a) 13.75 km hr −1 (b) 6.25 km hr −1 (c) zero (d) 7.5 km hr −1

7. A car covers the first half distance of a journey at a constant speed of 70 km hr −1 and the next half at a

constant speed of 30 km hr −1 . Find its average speed.

(a) 42 km hr −1 (b) 50 km hr −1 (c) 60 km hr −1 (d) 48 km hr −1

8. A car covers first 10 km at a constant speed of 40 km hr −1 and the next 40 km at a constant speed of

60 km hr −1. Its average speed is, about

(a) 40 km hr −1 (b) 60 km hr −1 (c) 50 km hr −1 (d) 55 km hr −1

9. A train moving along a straight track, at 60 km hr −1, slows down to 40 km hr −1 in 10 minutes. Find its


(a) 240 km hr −2 (b) 120 km hr −2 (c) −240 km hr −2 (d) −120 km hr −2

10. The displacement-time graph for two particles A and B are straight lines inclined at angles of 30

and 60 with the time axis. The ratio of velocities of v A : vB is

(a) 1: 2 (b) 1: 3 (c) 3 :1 (d) 1: 3

11. The v − t graph of a moving object is given in the figure. The maximum acceleration is


Velocity (cm/sec)
O 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Time (sec.)

(a) 1cm/ s 2 (b) 2cm/ s 2 (c) 3 cm/ s 2 (d) 6 cm/ s 2

12. A car travelling at 9 m s −1 accelerates and attains a speed of 27 m s −1 in 5 s . The distance travelled by

the body in 5th second is

(a) 25.2 m (b) 16.2 m (c) 26.2 m (d) 18.2 m

13. An alpha particle enters a hollow tube of 4m length with an initial speed of 1kms −1 . It is accelerated

in the tube and comes out of it with a speed of 9kms −1 . The time for which it remains inside the tube


(a) 8  10−3 s (b) 80  10−3 s (c) 800  10−3 s (d) 8  10−4 s

14. The ratio of the distances travelled by a freely falling body in first, second and third second of its fall
(a) 1: 2 : 3 (b) 1: 3 : 5 (c) 5 : 3 :1 (d) 3: 2 :1

15. A ball is thrown upwards with a velocity of 29.4 ms −1 in the absence of air resistance. Find the time

taken by the ball to reach the ground. Take g = 9.8 ms −2

(a) 3 s (b) 4 s (c) 6 s (d) 5 s

16. Which of the following systems of units is not based on units of mass, length and time alone?
(a) SI (b) MKS (c) CGS (d) FPS
17. Luminance intensity is measured in

(a) Lumen (b) Candela (c) lux (d) lux m −2

18. What is the correct number of significant figure in 0.0003026?

(a) Four (b) Seven (c) Eight (d) Six

4.327 g
19. Number of significant figures in expression is

(a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 3 (d) 5

20. The dimensions of force are

(a)  ML2T −1  (b)  M 2L3T −2  (c)  MLT −2  (d) None of these

     

21. Which is dimensionless?
(a) Force/acceleration (b) Velocity/acceleration
(c) Volume/area (d) Energy/work
22. Which of the following statements is/are correct?
I. Change of units does not change the number of significant digits
II. All the non-zero digits are significant
III. All the zero between two non-zero digits are significant
(a) I only (b) II only (c) II and III (d) I, II and III
23. If unit of length and force are increased 4 times. The unit of energy
(a) Is increased by 4 times (b) Is increased by 16 times
(c) Is increased by 8 times (d) Remains unchanged

24. A force is given by F = at + bt 2 , where t is time, the dimensions of a and b are

(a)  M LT −4  and  M LT −1  (b)  M LT −1  and  M LT 0 

       

(c)  M LT −3  and  M LT −4  (d)  M LT −3  and  M LT 0 

       

n T
25. The frequency of vibration of a string is given by f = , where T is tension in the string, L is
2L M

the length, n is number of harmonics. The dimensional formula for m is

(a)  M 0 LT  (b)  M 1 L−1 T −1  (c)  M 1 L−1 T 0  (d)  M 0 LT −1 

       

26. The division of energy by time is X . The dimensional formula of X is same as that of
(a) Momentum (b) Power (c) Torque (d) Electric field
27. Dimensions of specific heat are

(a)  ML2T −2 K  (b)  ML2T −2 K −1  (c)  ML2T 2 K −1  (d)  L2T −2 K −1 

       

28. The density of a material in CGS system is 8 g / cm3 . In a system of a unit in which unit of length in

5cm and unit of mass is 20g . The density of material is

(a) 8 (b) 20 (c) 50 (d) 80

29. Which of the following is a dimensional constant?
(a) Refractive index (b) Dielectric constant
(c) Relative density (d) Gravitational constant
30. The dimensions of torque are

(a)  MLT −2  (b)  ML2T −2  (c)  ML2T −1  (d)  M 2 L2T −2 

       

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