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60 Basic Interview Questions and Answers

Why did you leave the last position?

The point to remember while answering: avoid bad-mouthing
your previous company as it puts you in a negative light.
Instead, cite aspects like better money, more opportunities,
career growth, etc. Here is how you can choose to answer the

“It was really fun working in XYZ because of various reasons,

encouraging boss and cooperative colleagues being a few.
But I am looking for a switch as I think the position you are offering
has a better growth scope and can provide me with newer
You can read How to Answer "Why Do You Want to Leave Your
Current Job?" to know more.

I am concerned that you do not have sufficient

experience required for this role.
One of the most basic interview questions and answers, it can
easily demotivate any candidate.

Instead of going hard on yourself, try and answer such basic

interview questions in this manner:

"I understand that I may not have the experience you require in terms
of the number of years in service.
However, I believe that I do possess the qualities required for this
And I strongly believe that these qualities can help me bridge the gap
caused by the number of years' experience."
And in case you forget to point out any other factor, highlight
your fast grasping power and back it up with an example.

Also Read: 10 Stress Interview Questions and Answers

How would you compensate for it?

This is the most common follow-up question to the above
mentioned basic interview question.

So,as discussed you can state your quick grasping power and
how you are a fast learner to address it.

Possible answer:

"I am a fast learner and have a curious mind. I am sure my knowledge

will compensate for that."

Tell me something that you regret doing and are now

a little ashamed of it.
You might come across such interview questions amongst the
basic interview questions and answers, which throws you off the

Do not get flustered.

Instead, take some time to recollect yourself and the best way to
answer such tricky questions is to avoid giving in.

You could answer this HR interview question in the following

“I can’t really recall having any regrets. I would like to add that the
best way to avoid regrets is to not cause them in the very first place.
So, as a practice I take time out at the end of each day and recall the
day’s events and reflect.
I look at every conversation I had with the people I work with. This
helps me to get a clear perspective and avoid regrets.”

Aren’t you over qualified for the role?

This HR interview question can be seen as another trick
question from the employer’s end.

Hence, it is very important to sound humble yet firm. Based on

your judgement, there are two ways to address this question.

“I see the job market running similar to any other marketplace,

running on the laws of supply and demand.
Given the tight condition of the same, I understand the relativity of the
term ‘over qualified.’
But, given the experience I have gained over the years, I think I can
bring better positive changes within the team/organization as
compared to someone who is yet to acquire the same level of

“I honestly believe that you can never stop learning.

You might feel that I possess a lot many degrees, but honestly, I think
a person grows everyday with every conversation he/she has with
number of people.
I believe there is something or the other that I can always learn which
not only can help me grow but also bring up better ideas for the

You seem to have been out of work for long.

This is one of the basic interview questions often asked to
candidates who had taken a few months or a year’s break from

Make sure to answer this honestly. But remember, your answer

must not sound or project you as an escapist or one who is just

Possible Answer:
“I had taken a break from work to relax and spend time with my
family for a while as working non-stop for ‘x’ years has been
exhausting. I must add I am feeling much refreshed post the break.”

How do you feel about reporting to a younger person?

Although it is an HR interview question seldom asked, if not
answered carefully and level-headedly can disqualify you as a

Here's how you can answer this HR interview question.

"I understand your concern.

However, I would like to acknowledge how much as an employee I
find it worth admiring when the company recognises extraordinary
talents and promotes them.
Also, working for such an amazing company and under such talents
will indeed be a great opportunity for me."
Would you lie for the company?
Unlike other basic interview questions and answers, this HR
interview question is a trick question to test a candidate’s choice
between loyalty and integrity.

So, be extra cautious when answering the question must be

answered very carefully.

Here's how you can answer this HR interview question.

" I understand that every company has their own privacy policies and
I will totally abide by it as long as it does not affect my personal

Looking back at your life, what would you do

By now you know that not all basic interview questions and
answers are pleasant. Some are asked to try the confidence of
the candidates, just like this one.

Here's a possible answer to this HR interview question.

“I believe every experience is enriched in learning, helping one to

grow both personally and professionally.
I would not want to change a single thing about my journey till date.”

Why aren’t you earning more at this stage of your

Such an HR interview question can often throw a candidate off
his/her chair.
Remember, you do not want to show that money is not
important. Yet you need to defend the dip in your salary as per
industry standards.

Here's a possible answer to this HR interview question.

“Making money is important to me and one of the reason why I am

here is because I want to make more of it.
However, money is not the sole reason for which I work. Throughout
my career I have enjoyed my work in companies I have liked and
Tip: Follow up with specific examples to seal your answer.

What do you see as the proper role or mission of a

good manager in a leading company in the industry?
This is one of the basic interview questions and answers often
asked in the HR rounds.

Here's how you can answer this HR interview question.

" I believe that a manager is one who is looked up to by all the team
I understand the huge responsibilty that rests on a manager's
shoulders, and to handle it with ease he/she must be calm, level-
headed, unbiased, polite and knowledgable.
As a junior, I would like to learn the most from him/her, so going by it
he/she must be a good trainer."

What would you say to your boss if he’s crazy about an

idea, but you think it is not really up to the mark?
You will find many such tricky HR interview questions amongst
the basic interview questions and answers asked.

Always remember, whenever pitted against loyalty and honesty

go for integrity.

Here's a possible answer to this HR interview question.

“Well before anything else I would like to look at the positive aspects
of the ideas and give him/her an honest opinion because that is what
my boss will be looking for.
Then if permitted we can discuss the changes to make the idea better
than before. But in case not, then I would follow what my boss tells
me to do.”

Do you think you could have improved your career

This is one of the basic interview questions and answers asked
to understand whether the candidate is confident of his/her
own self..

A possible answer to this HR interview question can be framed

like this.

" As I have already said, I do not regret the way my career has shaped
up as it has enriched my years with optimum learning opportunities.
And I have truly cherished my journey till date."

What would you do if an executive of your same level

wasn’t pulling his/her weight, which in return was
hurting the department?
Before answering such basic interview questions and answers,
try to understand the firm’s political style and fall back on it.

Another option is to rely on the universal policies of human

relations, communicate the problem the way you would want
the same thing to be communicated to you.

Here's a possible answer to this HR interview question.

"Relying on my good human relations with my colleague I would try

to communicate the problem and try to find his constructive
However, in case I feel a resistance from the opposite side, I would
rely on my persuasive nature and cite the issues affecting the team's
performance and in turn the organization."

You have been with your firm for a very long time
now, wouldn’t it be hard to switch to a new company
This is one of the most common basic interview questions and
answers asked.

It can come in various forms like "Why do want to leave your

current job?", etc.
Although a simple question, you still need bto be careful while
answering this HR interview question.

Possible answer:

“True I have been working with my previous organization for a long

while now.
But I have been learning throughout the journey, handling tasks more
challenging than the last one.
So, I don’t think there will be any difficulty in switching to a new
company as I am willing to learn more.”

Where could you use some improvement?

Similar to all otherbasic interview questions and answers, keep
this one positive as well.

Try to identify a branch (one which your interviewer would not

require) as an area of your curiosity, which you would like to
explore in the upcoming few months.

Here's a possible answer to this HR interview question.

"I believe in upgrading my skill as per the technological

However, I would like to work on my time management skills as I
scramble to balance time."

What is the most difficult part of XYZ position?

Discuss the most challenging aspect in your experience and
follow it up with how you tackle the problem.

Here's a possible answer to such basic interview questions and


"I don't think there is anything difficult about the position. But the
most challenging aspect for me was maintaining a perfect work-life
What do you think was the toughest part of your last
This is one basic interview question and answer which is
difficult to turn to something positive.

The interviewer will naturally assume that whatever you found

difficult might be a hurdle in the job you are interviewing for.

So, you can answer this HR interview question in this manner.

"I did not find anything that was overly tough. Rather I actually
enjoyed tackling the challenges that had come my way.
I believe that challenges are a great way to implement your learnings
as well as gain experience from. "

What makes you a worthy candidate for this position?

One of the most popular basic interview questions and answers
askeed in an interview, it's other alternative is "Why should I hire
This is your best chance at selling yourself as the perfect

However, make it a point to add unique aspects to your


You can answer this HR interview question like this.

“You naturally want to strengthen the department to the optimum, for

which you want a strong candidate.
I believe I fit the bill because (mention your strongest qualifications,
which match up to the interviewer’s demands).”
Looking back on your last position have you done your
To strike the perfect note while answering such basic interview
questions and answers, state that you always try to do your best
and that you are hitting your career strides due to several

Recap those factors, followed up with your strongest


Possible answer:

"I have always tried to do my best in every task and believe that I am
only getting better with every passing day."

Tell me something negative that you have heard about

our company.
Although not one the popular basic interview questions and
answers, it is usually asked to get the gossip on what the outside
world is talking about the company.

Trust me you do not want to be bearer of not-so flattering news.

Here's how you can tackle this HR interview question.

"There is always something or the other being said about every

organization in the market.
Honestly, I can't recall hearing anything negative about the

Rate me as an interviewer
There are two things to consider while answering this basic
interview question and answer.

First, avoid numerical to rate, as it can lead to a double sided

trouble for you.

Second, avoid negative answers and just praise the interviewer

on his/her methodology.

Here's a sample answer to this HR interview question.

" I appreciate how you kept the interview thoroughly professional and
how methodically you conducted it."

You seem to be drawing a good salary. Will you be

alright with a salary cut?
A possible answer to such an HR interview question can be
framed like this.

“I think after a certain point in your career, job satisfaction takes a

front row seat than salary.
However, while taking up any job I prioritize work culture and
chances to contribute and grow are at par with the salary paid.
Also, I believe good companies which care about its employees
ensures that they are paid well.”

Did you ever have a problem with a peer in your last

This HR interview question is asked to check your people's skill.
It can also be asked like "Are you a teamplayer?
Here's a possible answer to the question.
No, I never had any problem with my peers in my last organizations."

What do you do to improve your knowledge?

Recruiters want employees who have clarity about what they are
doing and is always on the lookout for improving their

Here's how you can address this basic interview question and

" I believe it is very important to keep oneself updated as changes are

taking place very fast.
So, in order to keep myself abreast I try to read as much as possible
on the subject and also subscribed to the online course on the same."

Why do you think communication plays a pivotal role

in your job profile?
Here's a possible answer to this basic interview question and

I understand that my profile requires me to have good communication

skills, which I have developed over the years.
I believe I can communicate very clearly across the teams in a
thorough professional manner."

If you were hiring for this position what would be the

qualities that you would be looking at?
Closely look at the qualities required for the position and match
them with yours.
Establish it with a confident body language and you should be
good to go.

Possible answer to such basic interview questions and answers

can be formed like this.

"If I were hiring for a Senior Sub-Editor, I would be looking at her

knowledge on the subject, his/her grammar sense and also how level-
headedly he/she can handle multiple tasks and yet submit quality

Have you ever committed a mistake in your last job?

Although it is only human to commit mistakes, what needs to be
remembered is the magnitude of it and the damage it caused the

So, mention the mistake but keep the major focus on the
measure you took to fix it.

Here's a possible answer to this HR interview question.

"Mistakes are an inevident part of human nature.

However, none of my mistakes have ever been of the magnitude that
my team or organization ever faced a severe brunt."

Discuss the most stressful situation you came across in

your last organization.
Keeping a positive tone, discuss the stressful situation that you
had faced.

Do not mention of a situation which you never overcame.

Possible answer to this basic interview question and answer can
be stated like this.

"Having worked in a print media organization, we have always been

bound by time.
A single delay in any department would automatically lead to a delay
in production.
Although this was initially an issue in my initial days, I have over time
learned to tackle the situation and get the work done on time."

Can you work independently without supervision?

You would not want to sound like a person who is not a team

So, mention a project which was given to you only to complete

with a lot of trust.

This basic interview question and answer can be formed like


"Given my previous experience in covering events, my boss had

entrusted me with the responsibility of covering my company's annual
event without any supervision, since others had to be engaged in
different tasks."

What is more important to you, money or success?

Possible answer to this basic interview question and answer can
be like this.

"Money and success both are equally important. But for me success is
more important as it will ensure money automatically."
What kind of projects interest you?
Good employers know that a happy employee will always do a
good job.

Possible answer to this basic interview question and answer can

stated in the following manner.

"I like projects where the whole team can work together, where
everyone has a part in completing it.
Also, a project which provides a good challenge at the team."

How good are you at sticking to your deadlines?

Time plays a crucial role in today’s fast paced life. Employers
not only want quality job, but they also need it on time as a lot is
at stake for the company based on it.

Possible answer to this basic interview question and answer can

be formed in the following manner.

“I always submit my work on time because I understand that the

company is liable to its clients.
Any delay in submission can lead to face loss in front of our clients,
resulting in loss or fall in business.”

Are you willing to work long hours if the project

This is possibly the most basic interview question asked the
maximum number of times.

Here's how you can answer it.

"I understand the importance of matching up to deadlines as a lot is
at stake for the company.
So, I would not mind working long hours if the project demands."

Do you have plans to opt for further studies?

Be transparent with your answers.

If you are planning to opt for further studies be clear as to why

the course is important for you.

If you are taking any distance course, you need to keep them
interviewed as leaves will be required for exams.

Possible answer to this basic interview question and answer is.

"No, I do not have any plans for further studies in the next few years."

"Yes, I am currently enrolled in a distance course for the subject as I

think it is an important part of my career."

What will you do if you don’t bag this job?

Possible answer to this basic interview question and answer can
be stated in the following manner.

"If I don't bag the job today, I will continue looking for jobs and take
a learning from this interview."

What do you think is the best part of working in a

Possible answer to this HR interview question can be:
"For me the best part about working in team is producing a better
result faster.
With everyone putting forward their best ideas and bringing in their
expert talents, it is bound to produce better results than working solo.
Also, working in a team means better encouragement at any given

What is the worst part of working in a team?

Possible answer to this HR interview question can be like this.

"There are pros and cons to everything.But I prefer looking at the

positive aspects of working in a team as they are greater in number
than any drawbacks."

Describe ‘work ethics’ and how would you define

Possible answer to this basic interview question and answer is,

"I am a very dedicated and loyal employee.

I read on your website that you work with honesty, transparency and
go the extra mile for your clients.
My work ethic is also similar and I like to work hard for better

Have you ever been assigned a project without any

Possible answer to this basic interview question and answer can
be thus framed.
"Yes, in my last organization, my boss had entrusted me to cover the
annual budget without any assistance."

If you could have done anything differently during

your college career, what would it have been?
Possible answer to this basic interview question and answer can
be thus framed.

"I have thoroughly enjoyed my college days as it gave me a lot of

opportunities to learn and put those learnings to use.
So, no I would not have changed anything."

How do you handle constructive criticism?

Possible answer to this basic interview question and answer can
be stated like this.

“I have weekly meetings with my team lead and discuss my work.

Critical criticism helps me to learn and improve in areas which I am
probably weak in.”

Describe yourself in one word.

Make a note of the important qualities required and back it up
with reasons.

Take for example you are interviewing for a marketing profile,

your possible answer could be,

"I think the word that would go with my personality the best is
focussed as I always succeed in completing my targets."
Also Read: How to Answer "Describe Yourself in One Word".
What was the organizational structure like in the
previous organization?
Here you basically need to explain the hierarchy which was
prevalent in your last organization and where you were situated
I fit in it.

Take for example, you were a Senior Sub Editor in a media

organization, you can mention your Skip level boss (Editor)
followed by Senior Associate Editor(s), your team lead and
subordinates if any.

How is your absentee record?

Possible answer to this basic interview question and answer can
be framed like this.

"I understand the importance of discipline and lead my life on the

same principle.
Hence, I do not skip work until and unless there is an absolute

What makes you feel demotivated?

This can easily be considered a trick question to which you can
answer by turning the attention from demotivation to what
motivates you at work.

Possible answer to this basic interview question and answer can

be thus framed.

"I do not get demotivated as such. But I strongly believe in

encouraging healthy communication in order to avoid unnecessary
If you are allowed to change one thing in your last
organization. What would it be?
Once again, try and avoid any negative comment and opt for a
diplomatic answer.

Here's how you can answer this basic interview question and

“I believe every organization has its own characteristics which makes

it different from the other.
Therefore, I would not want to change anything about my last

How good are you at maintaining time punctuality?

Possible answer to this basic interview question and answer can
be thus framed.

"I have always believed in living a disciplined life, and practice the
same in my work life. Therefore, I always maintain punctuality."

According to you what is the vision of our company?

To answer this HR interview question you must have a good
research about the company.

So, research well about the company before appearing for the

If you are hired, do you think you will be able to work

in cross-functional teams?
If you have had experience in handling cross-functional teams
then the answer will be in the affirmative.
But in case not, then you could state that it can be taken care of
with your excellent communication skill and teamwork.

Possible answer to this basic interview question and answer can

be framed like this.

"In my last organization also I was required to work in cross-

functional teams. So, it will not be a problem for me."

While handling multiple projects, how do you keep

yourself organized and on track?
It is common for employers to want to know how you stay on
top of your game.

So, explain your way of handling the multiple tasks in detail,

whether you make a calendar or a to-do list to keep track or any
other way.

Possible answer to this basic interview question and answer can

be framed like this.

"Since my last job role required me to multitask, I used to mark down

the tasks completed throughout the day and put up a list of tasks that
needed to be addressed.
This helped me to keep track of the amount of work done and what
needs to be done."

What kind of work environment do you like the best?

Research about the company’s environment, be honest and
relate your answer accordingly.
Avoid criticisms as it leaves a negative impact about yourself on
the interviewer.

Possible answer to this basic interview question and answer can

be framed like this.

"I think the best work environment is where there is encouragement to

come up with fresh ideas and freedom to work on a project and also
take responsibility of the same."

Sell me this pen…

This is a pertinent question in interviews for marketing-driven

You already know, the best way to sell a product is by knowing

what your audience wants and then showing them the way to
achieve it.

Read How to Answer "Sell Me this Pen" to know more.

What really drives results in this job?

Take some time and make a mental note of the factors you think
are important in fetching results.

Possible answer to this basic interview question and answer can

be stated like this.

"I believe that the best way to drive results is to be disciplined and
doing smart work."

What is the biggest accomplishment you have

achieved in your previous organization?
Make sure you can pinpoint on a specific accomplishment which
you can explain with proper anecdotes.

Possible answer to this basic interview question and answer can

be framed like this.

"In my previous organization I successfully managed to pitch a digital

marketing idea which fetched approximately 75% revenue for their
annual event."

Can you predict the changes in the next 3 years your

current category of job will witness?
This basic interview question and answer is asked to get an
insight in your far-sightedness regarding your own.

So, do put in some research into what are the target areas which
are expected to rise in the upcoming 3 years and answer them
with proper explanation.

Possible answer to this HR interview question can be thus


"Given that our work is heavily based on technology, in my opinion in

the next 3 years we will witness the advent of AI. Our roles will
change from creators to moderators."

If you were to rank them, what are the three traits your
top performers have in common?
Once again, consider all the relevant qualities required for the
role, tally it with yours and answer the question.

Possible answer to this basic interview question and answer can

be framed like this.
"According to me the three common traits in my top performers are
honesty, hard work and diligency.
I believe these qualities are very important to reach the top."
However, be ready for a follow up question where you might be
asked to justify the importance of the qualities.

How did you learn about the job opening?

You could simply state the source through which you found out
about the opening such as job portals when asked this basic
interview question and answer.

Will you be comfortable to travel for work?

Possible answer to this basic interview question and answer can
be framed like this.

"I understand that my job role requires me to travel quite extensively

and I have no issues with it."

What book are you reading currently?

Although this question might seem unnecessary to you, but
looking from an interviewer’s point of view it holds relevance.

An interviewer would want to know that you are intellectually


So, even if you are not reading a book currently, talk about the
book you last read.

Possible answer to this basic interview question and answer can

be framed like this.
"I have been currently reading a thriller titled 'God Is A Gamer' by
Ravi Subramanian.
The reason I really like his work is the way he builds up suspense, his
lucid way of writing and how he pays attention to intricate details.
So, in a way his books can keep a reader hooked through out."

Interview tips
Apart from these basic interview questions and answers, follow
these 8 interview tips for a lasting first impression.

 Research about the company

 Practice your answers to common interview questions
 Prepare questions to ask them
 Carry copies of your resume, a notebook and a pen
 Prepare your attire for the interview the night before
 Ensure you are properly groomed
 Arrive 15 minutes before the scheduled time
 Treat everyone you encounter with respect

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